Tuesday, July 8, 1919 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE SEVEN 1 4 A LOVE PROBLEM By MONA DORR. PETITION As the train drew into Medfield, Lll Iir.ii Thornton glanced appreciatively around the quiet little station. Its r'ranliness Intd Impressed her when entering the town. . -11 .1- - trm ll J-iavmg come an no? i'"1" j In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow. .11 the matt jr of the organization " j.hn 1) '.y Irrigation D'strlct in !:.: .v.', r.iilhim and Umatilla ccmi ".ii, i.i tan S'lte of Oregon. ' t'ce Honorable County Court of "rvow County, Oregon: The undersigned petitioners re rixttu'lv show: southerly direction along the west line of said Section 21; to the south west corner of said Sec. 21; thence running in a westerly direction along the north lines of Sections 29 and 30 T. 4 N. R. 23 E. W. M., to the north west coiner of said Section 30; thence running in a southerly direc tion along the west line of Section? GO and 31 T. 4 N. R. 23 E. W. M., to the southwest corner of said Section 31; thence running in a westerly di rection along the north line of Sec tions 1, 2, 3, 4. and 5, all in T. 3 N. That petitioner!) are more than fif- c'.ty Of Jamestown to teach at the am- jy 0f the owners of land irrigated or, r, 22 E. W. M., to the northwest school, the rural scenery gave ner :nlrCept;bIe to irrigation within the I corner of said Section 5; thence run- i'riii.. rr rwntamm nr I , -1 .1 :i 1 .. .i . ....... I oun'-iaried nereiuai lei uesi i iut u auu j ulug in a southerly airection along desire to provide for the construction i the west line of Sections' 5, 8, 17, 20 .-'Vllng of contentment. Jliancing out through the window in the tiny waiting room she saw a small runabout stop and a tall man spring out. He came Into the station, and step ping up to her, hat In hand, asked : "Is this Miss Thornton?" As the girl nodded, he continued: "I'm Douglas Ramsey, superintend ent of schools. Mrs. Gray asked me to meet you. You know the roads are so muddy." He threw her a reassuring smile as he picked up her bags and led the way to the car. On the ride to Mrs. Gray's she learned that her companion was Mrs. Gray's near neighbor, living with hl parents. The beautiful sciery and lovely fields Impressed Lillian, who had been used to city life, and the ride had not seemed a two-mile run when the car . , .1 . ,.Y. I .... jirew up Derore a low, urn-maimmc ,5'i'ttage. Though it was the month of j TJbteraber, the grass was still a lovely a, and the dahlias,, gladioli and ,TiTier late foliage, in their mingled glory of yellow, pink and red, seemed to nod a bright welcome to the girl. As they started up the graveled path the front door was opened and plump, pleasant-faced woman smiled a welcome to Lillian. "We'll not require an Introduction,1 said Mrs. Gray as she pressed the girl's hand. After a few words, Superintendent Ramsey departed with the promise to call for Lillian the next day to intro duce her to the new duties at Kelsey school. Mrs. Gray's family consisted of her husband, a genial, hard-working farm er, and her six-year-old son Richard, who would sturt Into -school with the new teacher. Lillian retired happy that night with he assurance of a pleasant home, one good scholar and the anticipation of several others. Tuesday morning found Lillian and small Richard starting out for the school, which stood down the road a short distance. On the way Douglas Joined them, and as they reached the sclioolhou.se they saw a group of eager little figures patiently waiting. "Hello, Johnny! Well, how goes It, Ted?" and so on as the mnn greeted each smiling face. When thr.v had nil assembled In the schoolroMii the superintendent arose :ind said: "Roys and girls, this Is our new teacher, Miss Thornton. How many are going to do their very best to make this a model si liool this year," Twenty-five ready ti:ntl.s -shot Into the air in acquiescence, and Lillian Thornton knew her lirst battle was of works for the irrigation of die same and to provide for the 'recon struction, betterment, extension.mr- enasc, operation or maintenance oi works already constructed and for the assumption as principal or guar antor of indebtedness on account of district lands to the United States under the Federal Reclamation laws, and petitioners do now propose the organization of an irrigation district to be known as the John Day Irriga tlon District,, within said counties and State under the provisions of Chapter 357 of the General Laws of Oregon for 1917. That the lands of your petitioners are Included within the boundaries as 'hereinafter described and are sus- j ceptible of Irrigation from the waters of the John Day river as- a common source and the major portion of said lands are included within the boun daries of Morrow county and a small portion thereof is included within the boundaries of Gilliam and Uma tilla counties, in the state of Oregon. That the boundaries of the pro posed Irrigation district are describ ed as follows: . Beginning at the southwest corner of Section 30, T. 1 N. R. 22 E. W.M.; thence running in an easterly direc tion along the south line of said Sections 30, 29 and 28 to the south east corner of Section 28, T. 1 N. R. 22 E. W. M., thence running in a northerly direction on the east line of said Section 28 and continuing In a northerly direction along the ast line of Sections 21 and 16 of T. 1 N. R. 22 E. W. M. to the northeast cor ner of said Section 16; thence runn ing In an easterly direction along the south line of Sections 10, 11 and 12, to the southwest corner of Section 12; thence running in a northerly direction along fhe east line of T. 1 N. R. 22 E. W. M to the northeast corner of said towns-hip; thence run ning in an easterly direction on the south line of T. 2 N. R. 23, 24 and 25 E. V. M. to the southeast corner of slid township 2 N. R. 2 5 E. W. M ; thence running in a northerly direc tion on the east line ol said township 2 N. 1!. 2 5 E. V. M. to the southwest corner of section 18, T. 2 N. R 2 E-. I W. M., thence running in an easterly j direction on the south line of Sec tions 18, 17, 16, 15, 14. and 13, all and 2D all in T. 3 N. R. 22 E. W. M., to the southwest corner of said Sec tion 29; Whence running in a wester ly direction along the north line of Section 31 T. 3 N. R. 22 E. W. M., and Sections 36, 35, 34 and 33 all in T. 3 N. R. 21 E. W. M., to the north west corner of said Section 33; thence running in a southerly direc tion along the west line ofSection 33 T. 3 N. R. 21 E. W. M., and Sec tions 4, 9, 16, 21 and 28 all in T. 2 N. R. 21 E. W. M.,to the southwest corner of said Section 28; thence running In a westerly direction along the north line of Sections 32 and 31 in T. 2 N. R. 21 E. W. M., to the northwest corner of said Section, 31; thence running in a southerly direc tion along the west line of Section 31 T. 2 N. R. 21 E. W. M., and Sec tions 6, 7, 18, 19, 30 and 31 all in T. 1 N. R. 21 E.W. M tothesouthwest corner of said Section 31, thence running in an easterly direction Henry Gorger, lone, Oregon. Phil Doherty, lone, Oregon: Bill Doherty, lone, Oregon. Geo. Gorger, lone, Oregon. J. O. Agee, lone, Oregon. M. C. Marchal, Boardman Oregon. W. H, Gould, Lexington, Oregon. M. C. Sepanek, Echo, Oregon. H. J. Tafel, Echo, Oregon. David C. Divall, Echo, Oregon. C. C. Clark, Arlington, Oregon. J. F. Costello, Arlington, Oregon. Gordon Hall, Arlington, Oregon. G. E. Reeves, Arlington, Oregon. W. R. Gregg (G. E. R.) Arlington, Oregon. Asher Montague, Arlington, Oreg. T. L. McFadden, Cecil, Oregon. T. V. Way, Cecil, Oregon. S. M. Burnett, Arlington, Oregon. George L. Newell, Arlington, Oreg. J. H. Botteiuiller, Rock Creek, Oregon. C. E. Bolds, Olex, Oregon. D. Swarth, Arlington, Oregon. John A. Wickland, Arlington, Oregon. Alwin Jones, Arlington, Oregon. Magnus Cedland, Arlington, Oreg E. E. Dent, Spokane, Washington John Troedson, lone, Oregon. . J. R. Ashinhust, Lexington, Oreg, Henry Stender, lone, Oregon G. A. Miller, Cecil, Oregon. U. E. Baker, Cecil, Oregon. J. E. Crabtree, Cecil, Oregon. Neil Doherty, lone, Oregon. Frank Deos, Willows, Oregon. W. H. Boardman, Lexington, Ore. C. M. Farnsworth, Heppner, Ore. Harry H. Farnsworth, Heppner, Oregon. Mrs. Emcline V. Bisbee, Heppner, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION' (Not Coal Land) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, May 15, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Will iam Cunningham, of Lena, Oregon, who on November 11, 1914, made Homestead Entry, No. 013954, for SWVi SEV4, Sec. 18, W NE'i and SE,i NE, Sec. 19, and on July 22, 1915, made Additional Homestead Entry No. 015079, for NW ,4 &E and SE SE of Sec. 18, and NE NE and NEVi SE, Sec. 19, all in Township 3 South, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, lias filed notice of intention to malse three-year proof to establish claim to the land above described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of County Court, at Heppner, Oregon on the 8th day of July, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Nels H. Justus, D. O. Justus, Paul Hlsler, all of Heppner, Oregon, and Levi Hiatt, of Lena, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register. along the south line of Sections 31, Oregon. jonn Peterson, Willows, Oregon. 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36 all in T. 1 N. 21 E. W. M to the southeast cor R. ner of said Section 36; thence run ning in a northerly direction along the east line of said Section 36 to the southwest corner of Section 30 T. 1 N. R. 22 E. W. M the place of bo- ginning. EXCEPTION'S Saving and excepting the following NOTICE In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County ofMorrow. In the matter of the organization of the John Day Irrigation District in Morrow, Gilliam and Umatilla Counties, State of Oregon. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: You are hereby notified that the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Not Coal Land) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office, at La Grande, Oregon, May 15, 1919. Notice Is hereby given that Waldo L. Vincent, of Lena, Oregon, who on August 3, 1915, made Homestead; Entry, No. 014467, for NE, E NWW, and E SE,4 Section 26, Township 1 South, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year proof to establish claim to the land above described before J; A. Waters, Clerk of County Court, at Heppner, Oregon on the 7th day of July, 1919. Claimant names as witneses: Ar thur P. Hughes, Lena, Oregon, Mich ael Curran, Lena, Oregon, Harve" G. Coxen, Lena, Oregon and Mack T. Gentry, of Heppner, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register described tracts of land in the coun- undersigned, petitioners in the above ties of Gilliam, Morrow and Uma- and, foregoing petition for the org- tllla, State of Oregon, within the de scribed boundaries to-wlt Township 2 North Range 21 Fast Willamette Meridian All of Sections 4, 9, 16 and 21; the W of Section 10 animation .of an irrigation district to be known and styled as John Day Irrigation District, under and pur suant to Chapter 357 of the General Laws of the State of Oregon for 1917, will present the above and Township 2. North liaise 22 Fast foregoing petition to the' Honorable uoumy uouri oi Morrow county in T. 2 N. R. 2G E. W. M to the vv""' ,,. Southeast corner of Mild Section 13; Day, flew by int.. weeks and, w h n & ,.,,,, ,y dIrM. me learner vny uhmuhk. . . , , .. , , , K model i u,i ch.-m HUV ui .. ... ;R. 26 E. W. M., and continuing in a fast becoming a rhool wns class-room. In the meantime the superintendent bad become n frequent caller at the Gray homestead, mid Lilian looked forward with pleasure tu his evening calls. .northerly direction along the east line ol T. 3 N. R. 26 E. W. M., to thc southwest corner of Section 30. T. 3, N. R. 27 E. W. M-, thence running In im easterly direction ulong the south One afternoon In midwinter a knock i,ie of Sections 30. 29, 28, 27. 26 and was heard, and one of the scholars nd- 25 ii ln -p. 3 N. R. 27 I. W. M., to mltted Superintendent Ramsey. N I j!l0 n ,u t h r-ay t coiner of said Section less to say, bowks were laid aside mid J,.. Ul,,1Pe nl,injI11? H noithcrly attention was claimed. rtircetlon on rae enst line of T. 3 and "Now," said the teacher iinlllnuiy. we will h:ive recitation." And there ollo'.v. I quick sums In ariihinellc lt'!i .'r- readily answered by the ller pupils. I'iimllv the work was switched to the younger children. "Itl. lnird " this to the little Gray yotniKiiT "tell us tli' answer to one plus one Th ,oy llioiiv.ht tr a iii"iiieiit. then -f said Umatilla river a dl.tunc 4. N. H. 27 E. W. M., to the aouth weut corner of Section 19. T. 4 N. It. 28 E. W. M.. thence tunning In an V.isterly direction along the pouth line of said Section 19 a distance of jOiie half mile more or lens to th" west bank "f the I'nia'illa rUer; thence tunning In a northerly and easterly direction on the west bunk of Why. replied: "i The teacher I.Hil.cd !s!;nun Richard, i ne plus T' "One," he returned nualn. Then with qtitveriim Hps and tearful eyes. "I know, teacher, y.ni suld 'twas two; but mv niMlher said If-lf 'Smiley' ! mean Mr. ltiiiii-ey. kept coiiln' to - ,Voi, you two'd be one. so I l!i.ii:ht llint n nn euunple. You alwiijs say t clve an example." , There wa n lr:il I i!ct" for on- minute, when n tiller, lien n bun.! of Imiiiht.r was ln-'id from a "y.Hiin.ul f I'isl) young throats; and. jj-'Jt-t of all, rimie the lw ''h'lckle "f , Wi mail. Lillian' IkihI cimie up from the i!..k In double iii.k time. Hiel her tlil-do"! face Htid mu'iy eye. met tli b.iiiililnu ifime of 'Smiley' Ramsey. n !. lev lusty tunned by hi mny MHle friend". "My dwnr little S'rl." be Inuthlnsly uhi-l-rcd. "why Would ' niiirrr" Th nch, win adjourned one hour l,. for elo.ins time '' "'" "inny of the n,-r slrl" "I' ,"",fort jHMr tencher. T,,. follow iliS Utllllill there ,,r..t wedding In hl-h r little chil dren C iv U" li. nil I.U'lliSi to five miles more or less to the poulh line of Section 28, T. 6 N. R. 28 E. W. M, IVn.c lunnlnu In n westeily direction n the south lln" of t.ild Section 28 to the soufhwesl cm tier of H.ild S'-rtlun 2S; thence rurnltiff along the west line o!:ild Section ;s in a nmth'-rly dlieetinn 5.175.7 f-'t more or b ss to the komiIi boun dary of the llylit of way ( the main cnn.1 of I he West I'.x'enslon of lie 1'Mi.itilU I'ti'J'-ct an now peimnnent ly rmcyi-d und crin-lri!cti d by the t'. S .Re liiioation Service; the;irc itinnlns In a noitlieily nd wotdoily direction tm said boundaiy line i ef th" rlKht f mi) of f. nld iiuiln Ciinal P iltanre ol 26 IS tuilcn mori ' or b's to the west line of the E'-j of 1-ie. tion 23 in T. 4 N. I! 2 4 I. W. M.. at a point distant 2.R4rt feet moi or lem and In mulherly dinction ftruu It'r notthwefi romer (if tin VKS of said Stlon 23. tln-nre I'lti nins In a northetly direction nlotit I,e tt lino t, the f;l) of mild See tin 21. 2. MO feet more or ! to be no; tl ef.t coiner of llie M'.'i cd d Scctirin 23; tlonr tunning In w i .ictlr dir-vtion bnt Ui nntth I Ir Hiel Mr. I'iit Uu.-.-y; n'l J ef Kh ihou 21. 2! , body lo w b.oi.e ef-tcd neur . -U ill T. N It 2t '. ;0 nd i :!;. IS'tle . 1in.1!imiim-; ion iw "i.n-s i ml U p-r. lit-. . ibl l-nte ti"H , 1 1 null sr n a M . Ibetire Willainette Meridian All of Sections 1, 2 and 3 and the NW of Section 10. Township :l, North Range 22 Fast Willamette Meridian All of Sections 1, 5, 12, 20, 29, 34, 35 and 36 and the NW14 of Section 13; the E'fe of Section 14 and the SW of Section 17; the SWA of Section 21; the W-14 of Section 23; the SEU or Section 27; the S',4 of Se:tion 25; all or Section 26. Township 2 North Range '; I'.usi Willamette Meridian All of Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, 20, 21. 29 and 33. and the S',4 and NW U or Section 9; all or Section 16. Township 2 North RaUce 2(1 Fust Willamette Meridian All of Sections 15 and 16. Township 4 North Range S7 Fust Willamette Meridian All of Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 8. 9, 10, 11. 15, 16 nnd 17. Township 3 North Range 27 Fast Willamette Meridian All of thnt part or Sertlons 23 and 24 lying soulh of the north boundary of the district as hereinbefore de scribed. All or Sections 25, 26, 27, 23, 34, 35 and 36. Township n North Range 2H Fa'st W illamette .Meridian All that part or Sections 19 and 29 lying within the boundaries or raid district as- hereinbefore de scribed and all or Sections 30, 31 and 32. The boundary description or mild propoed district, excluding the ex ceptions mentioned above rover an area i,f 345,260 acies. That II In the Intention of the pe- tltioner to elect the llrsl board or llrectois rioiu the district at lane. That duplicate copied of this peil- tion are to be i -Imitated for th" pur- pone Of lecllllng the reqlli'ile num ber t iKmitureK by bind oin is and th" sa!d duplicate, m . att.n hi-d oB-tl.,.r and tie.iied n ore peti tion f it lh pqipose of piesciiliitlon to toe llbote l-ntiUed colli t Wlli:i;KKUI-:, Your peiiiLmers luy that all of said lands Included ilhln the limits of Hie ptopotH boundiitles id deprrlbeil afoiesiiid ard -rliidinr th fircplifin mm ttoni-d herein. In- oiiilzd Into nn Itrliration dlntilrt to be known as the John liiy Itrleation District, und-t the provl.lonn or th" CtViplnr 2i7 of me iiinoii !. or On-k'on :or J17. Jame, Tarfy, I.cjit.etoti. On lion John M Ilevltl.' lot.e, O r. on Fdw. iMimnnn. lone. firr.,n. Jm k llvnd, ('i-. fnef-'in. .MIH,4'I K'-nny. II. ppr-T, ( t r"n It A. TlKiiiipWin, l ppi, i, Oreifoti John Kllliefinv, 1 1 ; f. n i , fi iron Italph Finbr, l.f-vlnrion. Otrioti SUMIONS Oregon, at the chambers of said Court in the court house of said County, at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, the twelfth, day-of July, 1919, at the hour of 10 oVlock of said day, that being a special meet ing of said Court called for the purpose of hearing and considering the said petition; and you are fur ther notified that the above and fore going petition together with a plat showing generally the proposed boundary of the Irrigation District proposed to be formed in Raid peti tion and the land incliiiled within said boundary will be filed with the County Clerk of Morrow County, al Heppner. Oregon, on and alter the twellth dav of July, 1919. James ("arty, Lexington, Oregon John MrDevItt, lone, Oregon. IMw. Heltman, lone, Oregon. Jack Hynd, Cecil, Oregon. Michael Kenny, Heppner, Oregon It. A. Thompson, Heppner, Oregon John Kilkenny, Heppner, Oregon Ralph Finley, Lexington, Oregon. It. .McKevItt, lone, Oregon. Ed. McDald, Lexington, Oregon. G. Frrv.ald, lone, Oregon. I). Kh'inan, Lexington, Oregon. Dan McPevltl, lone, Oiegon. William Gorger, lone, Oregon. Henry Gorger, lone, Oiegon. Phil Doherty, lone, Oregon. Hill Doherty, lone, Oiegon. Geo. Cursor, lone, Op-gnu. J. O. A gee, lone. Oiegon. M. C. Marshall, Roardiuan Ore-son W. II. Could, l.e'dnston. Oiegon M. C. Sepanek, Echo, Oregon. H. J. Tafel, Echo. Oregon. David ('. Divall. Echo, Oregon. ('. ('. rimTt. Aillnston, On gon J. V. Coso,i4 ,i lii.glnii. Oi ' t-on. Cioidon Hall, Arlington, On-iron C. '.. He-is, Arlington, Oregon W. R OregK (,. v.. II.) ilmrlon OtOgKH. A her Montagu", Aillnirlon, Dux T. V. MrFaddcn. Cecil, Ongnn. T. W. Wy. f ei II, On. gon S. M. Burnett, Atlinrlon, fiieson. Cienis" L. Newell. Arlington, 'lug J. II lloltemill,.,. t,k Creek riregon. ('. L. Holds, fib . fin-son. I. Swartli, Arlington, fmron John A. Wlrkland. A i H i i-1 fin-son. Alvrin Jones, Ail ritioii. Oregon Mskiiu Cedlund. Arlington. On S E. Y. I lent. Spokane, Wa-hinston John Troedon. lone, Oieson J. It Anlilnliust, .-liigton, '" )enr Stender. Ion", fm eon r, A Miller, C"T, fliegoll V. Y. Ilikr. Cil. Orer-n J, I-, Crjbtne, f'rrll, o- f.n S : lloherty. Ion", Oregon. J'mr.'it Deo. Wllbma, Onron. V II liomdiimn, I. int-t"'i. " In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County. C. It. White, Plaintiff, vs Rose White, Defendant. To Rose White, the above-named defendant: In the name of the- State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you ln the above entitled suit on or before six weeks from the 20th day of May, 1919, to-wlt: On or before July 2nd, 1919, and it you fall so to answer, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In his complaint herein to-wit: For a decree of tho Court forever dissolving tho bonds of mat rlninny now existing between your self and the plaintiff, and for such other and furt'her relict as may In equity be meet and just. This summons Is served upon you by publication hereof once a week for six consecutive weeks In the Heppner Herald, a weekly newspaper or general circulation in Morrow County, Oregon, published at Hepp ner, by virtue of an order made and entered herein on the 19lh day or May, ,1,919, by the Honorable Gil bert W. Phelps, Circuit Judge of the Slate of Oregon, for Morrow County, and the date of the first publication of (hit Summons Is May 20, 1919, and the date of the last publication hereof will bo July 1st, 1919. SAM E. VAN VACTOH. Attorney for Plaintiff. Postofflce, Heppner, Oregon. 2 8 scribed as the north half (N) of the northeast quarter (NE14) and the south half (SH) of the north east quarter (NE) of Section five (5) all in Township two (2) south, range twenty-four (24) east, Wil lamette Meridian, in Morrow county, Oregon; the southeast quarter (SE) of Section thirty-one (31), the southeast quarter (SE) of Section thirty-two (32), both in Township one (1) south, range twenty-four (24) east, Willamette Meri dian, also in Morrow County, Oreg on, and a contract of purchase en tered into with the Oregon Dakota Land company containing one hun dred sixty (160) acres, more or less. described as tollows: The southwest quarter (SV of Section thirty two (32) Township one (1) south. range twenty-four (24) east, Wil lamette Meridian, also ln Morrow county, Oregon, and the west one- half (W) of the southeast quar ter (SE'Vi) and the west one-half (W) of the northeast quarter (NEi) of Section twelve (12) in Townsfhip one (1) north of range twenty-one (21) east, Willamette Meridian, In Gilliam county, Oreg on, containing about one hundred and sixty acres. That all of the above described land located ln Morrow county, con taining nine hundred and sixty (960) acres more or les-s shall be sold for not less than twenty-four thousand eight hundred ($24,800.- 00) dollars, and from this sum shall be deducted five per cent which shall be paid directly to the real estate man making the sale, and from this sum siliall be deducted all sums un paid and owing upon said property; that said one hunderd and sixty (160) acres of land located in and near Arlington in Gilliam county be ' sold for not. less than twelve dollars ($12.00) an acre and that such terms of payment shall be granted as will, upon presentation to this Court, s-eem advisable. MARY L. FAIRFIELD, Administratrix. Address, Heppner, Oregon, care of Woodson & Sweek. 6-9 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, M. D. Clark, has been duly appointed Administrator of the estate of William Barton, deceased, by the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are noti fied to present the same to me at the office of my attorney, Sam E. Van Vactor, In Heppner, Oregon, within six montlhs from the' date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and first published June third, 1919. M. D. CLARK, Administrator of the Entitle of Wil liam Barton, deceased. 5-9 V' Ix tltr. ., M- '. ' 1 ' ' ! On r MITII I-; T CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the un- ricndsned has b' en duly appointed by the County Court of the Slate or Oregon fur Morrow County, admin istratrix Ot the estate of O. K. l'ains- woith, deceased, and has duly quali fled as such (idniinhilriitrU. All per ms having claims against the said entate me hereby rcqulrou lo pie ent the SHiii", with the piop.-r voucl M'll'lllll'l I. Nys. at II' pl-io-r, On-run, within ix iiionlhii lioin the dale ot '!kl no tice. Dated Kt lop,!iel, Oiog.,11, this 27tii !. -f Mv, 9li. I'. M trWHNSAVOirril. Adiiiliil'.tiuliiX o( the KMa!" ol ). I.. Farnsniiith, ib-r ased. NOTICE FOR I'l lil.K ATIOV (Not Coal Land) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, Juno 5, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Cliff O. Dewey, or Pendleton, Oregon, who on April 20, J915, niiido Home stead Entry, No. 014596, ror Lots 1 and 2. H NE , SEU. Section 4, Township l smith, range 29 east. Willamette Meridian, has riled no tice or Intention to make threo-year proof, to establls'li claim to tho land above described before It. T. Brown, Clerk of County Court, at Pendloton, Oregon, on the 12th day of August, 1919. Claimant names as wltni-sse: Guy French, Paul KokkIoi-, Clara Card, George parrot, all of Pendle ton, Oregon. C. S. DUNN. Register. NOTK F I lilt I'l III.K l lo (Vol Coal Land) Department of the Intel Ion, U. S. Land Oft Ice at I.a Ciand", Oregon, June 5. I!H9. H is hs lequtied hy law, in mii I Nod,,, )M i,.r,.,y riven that Fran lllfllHtllX Ml th" III I lo" Ol JH. ,,, (;illl mii H r "i I'RIVA u: Rl UTV HW.C Id' It th- M ill- i of the l.t.ile of John f. I.i 1,1y. d'-re., I. V' tc Is " r. I t t int) that fioio M l. I l e 7!l .laV of Jul), 111. i be iiid. igmd -UI oiler for sal" lie fol'.i li.K i!- iib'-l pioporly at the fol! iv "if i. l lie d telil " of .ale- The ), lU ' ' rii'ii. '.' out) ' ,r Toriliii ' (I) riiy four (51 I llllland, of Pilot Rock ,Ore- nn, who on July fi, 1914, madn llomoHlcud Entry, No. 0nr,.",i, fur "Mi SK'i Sec, 1; W'4 NE ',. Sec. 12, Township 3 soiitt!, inngn 2 "iisf Willaio.-lle meridian. h,, filed notice nf intention ( utnk tlinw ear pioof In enliilili-h claim to the land iihov" dexci h. ., bi (ore I. M. Srlumriei. I'. S. Commissioner, at Pilot Hock. Oiegon, on the 4th day of Angus. 1919, Claimant mime as Hti.-st,e: Geoige W. Ilmon, Pendleton, Or- iioU, Jllle W. Iloweia, Poitland, Olegoll (l. ori K. Jole, Pliot Rock, Oregon, and David Winoie, Curd ri", Oiegon S DI SX. I!egier l )V i oi 1 1, it r . I.f.t ef ' i. , -i lot a Ci , i , ry !., ii r ( nv ., ) ol (-,1) ad In eilll, :.,ln-- I, V. .!' I i ) : ip I .nb. .1 a i lb" ) l,f l'i" Norll.n. 1 I I ni:i r 1 1 1 : . id n h t m u I' I. K I'.l'.e), li, th" fllleil aef. h. mi looking for nun Saturday to et,, to lt,ti clei-k to help fight ......i in., iM.hil)- nuited In Hint .ii.'.ri Mr K'lllih-y baa i,ie i.uir i II.. r. i ml he ln-ing aHlid I' V 1 for,, f,.or' rnmp Ineder v 'i i . In r fomlh r i . . t I,. '(, ,! ..... ,,., t I o i r"-' o o coh-ii.-- ..,,,.. r je ir. i i l Vt ",urt i '-' ' n. . fit)