Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, July 08, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Tuesday, July 8, 1919
The following- described personal property will be sold at our place 1:
miles east of Condon, on the Heppner-Ccmdon road on,
Beginning at 1 0 A. M.
Three wagons, disk, feed mill, fanning mill, two gang plows, mower,
and hay rake, and other articles of farm equipment loo numerous to
20 Head Work rlorses
TERMS OK SALE: All sums under $10. cash; over $io, bankable note
at 8 per cent interest, with six months time.
Free Lunch at Noon
E. E. MILLER, Auctioneer
C If
Distinctively a Pacific Coast periodical. Constructed along the lines
best calculated to render service, impart information, and furnish en
tertainment to Westerners.
The department under the heading. "The Pulse of the Pacific" in
which is given each month several pages of editorial comment on
western affairs will arouse the interest of every reader.
Among the regular contributors to Sunset' are numbered many of
America'x foremost writers and so varied are the subjerts discussed
that each reader will find something of special intere.-t in each number
Sunset Fiction is clean, entertaining, .restful.
liy special arrangement with the publisher, of Sun-et ihe Herald is
able lor a limited time to. make thefollow jug remarkable subscription
SUNSET, 1 year $2.00
HEPPNER HERALD, 1 yr. $2.00
TOTAL $4.00
Special Mid-Summer Price $2.75
",et the P;i''i'''c (' -t n.:: n ; i. I (!,, !,'.( M..rrou Ci,t:My
m -pap-T ami in doing s s;m Sj
Attend to this matter today
Clarence Winters and family of
Shady Dell spent Saturday in lone.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Minor and Miss
Blanch Minor and Mr. and Mrs. Ship
le yspent Friday evening at the Last
Camp leavine; for their homes in
Portland Saturday morning.
Mns. Ben Barnes and daughter of
Poplar Grove returned from Heppner
Misses A. C. Lowe and A. C. Hynd
were Arlington visitors Sunday.
Leon Logan, Mrs. Boyd Logan and
families and Mrs. Peter Nash visited
with Mrs. John Pettyjohn Sunday.
Miss M. H. Lowe returned home on
Sunday from Portland where she has
been attending the Franklin High.
She was accompanied by Miss Nellie
Doney of Yamhill.
Miss Violet Hynd who Sias been
visiting friends in Portland and oth
er points for the past few weeks re
turned home Sunday.
. Dwight Misner has finished har
vest and reports nothing less than
1 8 bushels per acre. Mr. Misner left
for Portland Sunday returning home
David Hynd and Miss A. Hynd of
Roselnwn and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Hynd and family of "The Pines", at
Ukiah. spent the week-end in Cecil
visiting with friends.
Mr. and Mis. Oscar Lundell and
family spent Sunday at the home of
Mr .and Mrs. O. Lindstrom,
Miss Ada Nash of Ewing and Mis
Boinicfi Franklin of Khea visited at
Butterby Flats Sunday.
David Bradley of Butterby Flats
left for Sand Hollow where he will
work on Ihe Hynd brothers ranch for
a time.
illio George Wilson loft on the lo
cal lor Heppner Tuesday.
Miss Etta Barnes of Poplar Grove
visited with Mrs. Hynd Tuesday.
J. H. Franklin and Mr. Lewman of
Mosier were doing business in Four
mile Tuesday.
George and Henry Krebs of the
Last Camp were business visitors at
lone Wednesday.
.lames Farley of Heppner was a
Cecil caller Monday.
The Last Camp was the scene of a
the fourth. About thirty neighbors
gathered and participated in all kind
races and sports until a late hour. A
fine lunch and ice cream was served
during the day. Al report having a
good time.
Eric Wado and Cecil Phillips who
have been working around Cecil for
the past fw weeks. loft for Arlington
Jack Hynd lilt Cecil on Monday
for I'kiali icl'iining home I'riil;iy.
He was accompanied by Will Hynd
oT Uoselawn.
A. II urll;-en wilt' an Arlinglon
visitor Tuesday.
Mif Jaiiiiili Cribliee of Dot lie-;
bns Hill accimpaiii'-l) Key Slender1
l'i 1 one Wednesday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Ocoir. Miller i.iul i
Mr. and Mrs. . Hotiiikseii and son
Glii'loid spent the fourth at Paikeis
Mr. and Mrs. J. Mrlnthe accom
panied by Mrs. Tyler were Cecil rall
ers Friday.
Mrs. T. Dempsey of the Wllows
was called to Springfield during the
week owing to the Illness of her
C.eorgo It. Melton of the 1 ,00 Out
anil OHpar Nash of Kalrvlew were at
Arlington Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Lowe left on
the local Thursday for Portland and
ut her points.
The Value of
a Dollar
Your dollar today buys about forty cents
as much as in 189). But there is a bright
side to the dollar yau save TODAY. The
chasing power of a dollar will be far great
er than it is today.
Kvery dollar you save now will carry a
premium with it in the future. This is one
good reason why we do not hesitate to
recommend a SAVINGS. ACCOUNT for
every man and woman who wishes to im
prove future prospects.
First National Bank
Over One Million Dollars Deposits
Advertisement tinder
lliis heading one cent
a word for each inser
linii. No ad for less
t Inn 1 5 eclils.
Classified Ads" uro in
variably cash in ad
vance unless given by
persons wllll duly es
tablished credit
LOST Soirol ye'i'ling roll wlllt
" ' free, I'vosii v.irn cut
above kn," on right liL. Noilly M"l
illl Perry, Lone Hock Ore 1-1 On
I'ot Ml --Two small keys-on ring.
Recover at Ihe Herald office by
vrirtvi.it iti- si'ol I V t.v,.iii 1 ' "i ' " "" ' """ .ur
Claud Ocvine's pasture, 7 miles
from Lexington, bay mare, 6 years
old past, wire cut on front of left
hind leg. weight about !HlO. Triangle
biand under iiuarler circle on right
hip. $5.00 reward for return or In-
IOI million leiiuiug lo nei imivri J I.. I l ru..i li.iwl ..l, ..,l.l ,
ll M,.L'il..ir I, inn On.i'i.li '1.11 I..
' ; 'ire between Heppner and Lena. A.
- - suitable reward for return to Frank
l A. CASK, Passengers to and McOaho, Lena, Ore. 9-11)
from trains. Your trunks and bug-; .
gage transferred. General moving I
and hauling. Phone 73. Ml!, 1 'N rp uom"b"
; tank. Owner may navo same by pay
ing for thin ad. Heppner Herald Dtf
Hill Aycrs, who keeps th" home
i fit -h burning lit Ihe cum I house
when nrtiririal heat Is needed mill
; nil dh custodian of coiittahiiii'l w ln-n
there Is anything to "riistoillnn," but
,wJ.io finds lime himcltiR heavy IIh'hc
j hot. dry days, has taken a to w y 't
jtlilt of weathi-r prophet. Ills liil
l.iclirtlon was made ymti-iduy wb'-n
j h" Stilted that lie' ailce the tVv '
! ab-olutely cloildlew titul th" ataioo
j ,ti.-r uhnolulely clear that we would
hf lain num. Illll MiK'ici fn.il ut
I the pP'Wnl Mlllllll"! llllH pi'. Veil 1 1 .1 1
) clouds do not Ib) loei n ta n h
jk 'h do not n!n im;n di w ath
,er lly wy or tliiMiiiiin PHI poiiit
: "I nut that h" imro knew n tnmi wl"
I ' pt U bottle Of rd ve In hi" h'i'l'
' tn v 'h Ntnl never took a dunk Mi
il'iiit hi' hlfw not!ier i ll ho
ill ! til !et lull I'VI) few Jail 1 i
jt.i'T tniirhl ft dlltik. " '"
lute We Kintl wlint '-..ll '
;V',t 1 1 1 imu I 1, .
CI.M'I.I MN Ml. I ' 1"H
I ,.. . , r of f.m ..!' ' ' "
n siid W.''if'ii'i'.n oO'i
! '. , Ms 'to. k. . f V e ! e ". ..
1 , ! . . I t " , V . '
1 i ' w ' t 00 j ' ; '' ; . t,
ri ii t -i i f "
, w I i t ' t , . ,, !,. I ., . .
1 .'. :! 1 ,e "1 ill.' .
The newly I leiled boaiil of direr-! FOR SALE
tors of the Wed Liih tisloii Irriga-'
, I TltCCK l Olt HAI.K
linn llMilct, the iiieinbets of which
aie A. I'",. MeKailiind of rinatillii, J. I
In tin ton Packard truck In A No.
C ( amp or In,, .,,, and Col. K. Cal- j , ,, J1H00 yr pi rtr.lHrs
lahan of lloiiid.nati, held Iheh hid ' ra on or address Ihe llnppnor Her-
inieiinK In this elly Monday. TIiIs.hIiI, Heppner, Oregon. 62tf
wan In the iiiil irn of s piellinitiiiiy -' - -
... -Hlon. no on!alil.atlon of the boaid : , 0" l.est Weno-r edl-
, ,, , a ... ,,. j linn of llin Kncyelopiilin llrlltanl.a;
liking pliice . The iii.-i'Mnir was liel.l '
; .2 voliiniei; one tnor.' volunm will
at th"1 H '! . Hill I i.itl oflf'CK "lid PlO- , , , ... ... , ,,
' I luing II down to ptiK. nl dato. (lood
). . t in n.iri r S'l illniir tui nlhhe.l nil j t.ln.llng. A harraln at I. bii limn one-
the d.ila teiioli'd A d jou rn m enl
,i Ilk i, HOI il the lit si of AllgHd,
wl M- iii i ,iln.iti"ii will take place
end a ilii il.'l winking ptiigtam
forin ilai"! In melt the pitipiiMS
'nnd ih)e.l for hl.h the boa id
- etl"llon ll'llll'l
ii:ii i. i n ii: sot. on its
j to,.',.!.'
i II . 1. I ll.l
of Me
of '
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, , i , a I, 'I I- ;
I i.l..:.le. Hi I!
fit-' . I IO;t'' f!
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I,..!, I ..i ." d hi
f.,i I',,- ill!!. I' l,. e
I II . v ii . i li ,
. I, I'.. f'.l t. '
Iii I. ... Ii ri. II," i
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half first cost Julie. :nnuli.i at IhN
office. r, tr.
WIMKh-Man and wiMor farm
and Iioiik) wotk or wniuan or jlrl to
cook and do housework on rsnrh. No
! i lilng. Not a hard plnro to work
nnd elosa to town.
II. prmer, Oregon. 7-tf.
lll.l f I.INM IV.IVII II
'.Vi lisv lletil4 wauling to Im
. tid Ir.nln tor whe.U land If you
! re to iljpne of youi pl.ns plmis
wi ! us t" I" " sod terms or nfK
hm "i will arr.pt In H'liune lor
I ho sum.
-'ii: i hwi rr land timpkii . .
110.' N'.ittliwestiirn Hunk tl'tlHtm
" i' ' Oi.'on