THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, July 8, 1919 PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD S. A. PATTISON, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER An Independent Newspaper Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postoffiee as second-class Matter t::ums ok si'usr p.iptio.v One Year ....J2.00 Six Months Si .00 Three Montlis $ .50 MARRIED GRASS FIRE BRINGS ALARM MOMMKNT MAN l.'HGKS GOOD KOAl) TO IIKI'I'XFIt KROVTIKU IAYS AT AVAIiLA AVAM.A Oscar Sclia I'l'er, a pioneer rancher and stockman of the Monument country, was a busiinws visitor in ileppner yesterday. Mr . Schaffer has been coming to Heppner almost ever since the town was started and has been a depositor and customer of the First National Hank since that institution first entered the field in Heppner as a private bank some 3 3 years aso. Mr. Schaffer says things f.-enerally are in wood shape in his section but that the crying need over there is a f;uod road from his part of the conn try to Ileppner, and v.h:n thr.t is furnished practically all the business out that way will come hore. "You Ileppner people cannot iiiia'r'iin what s'i"h a road will moan to your town until it is built and yen :,ee (Vie busi ness rollinc this v.vy," lie remarked to a Herald represent;:!! Monday. ;o()I itOAIM MKKT!M OIATIW.A AT M.'ellni; called to order by temporary chairman BrovneH. Alter wovrttt of Hie object of Hie mectinsi v and the Chairman culled upon 1 Condor of I1' ' ner, Oi V n. ' nl 10:30 Cyril G. K'Wtlnp as state:! .1. I'ei stat County I in behali i section of lb; proposed lii : ponded in a v ords ol staled his Id' the proposed had lie but h: 1 b-e'.i dove in ..!'w ,! t.i ;!- i.i,;.- : ti!'K-t tio:::v i !i (.: '( ; f roi i iliai !iy, ti'l-p''' I'Y f. Conder re ,y manner to the hi- and welcome and ef Hie Importance- of load and siiKlfsted done in Morrow inii;iit not lie the jed to the road a.-. I'Uli 1:; n CounW inilit- or ii,i i iii ml' a-; ai'l ,l Ktated racier num wouhl i .tlli"r answer , . 1 . . .1 ,.,,snons as to tacts as m. ....... :, ...ivone in the audience 11 -n Ol 'in-, ii tti-s in'er WAIXA WALLA, WASH.--Arrangements are being made by the W.i'la Walla Commercial Club and the Fair Association of this city to hold a gigantic Frontier Dnys cele bration here on September 11, 12 and 13. The celebration will consist of a three-day program of wild west events and contests which will be the feature' of the Walla Walla Agricul tural and Stock Fair being held Sep tember .10 to 13. Frontier Day con tests will be participated in by local contestants for championship and by ! fell 'known tile hoders of the west. Hacking bronco riding contests for C.'C hampiohship, steer bull dogging lie-lay and pony express riding cow- boys' and cowgirls' saddle races, In- !! pony pi ess, relay and saddle rices, stafjo coach races, steer roping conic. ;ls, roping exhibitions and j fa pry and trick riding displays will j be embodied in the huge pro:;aiii be in;.' p'-oscnted. Purses in the amount i of JCOOU will be awarded to winners j of the Frontier Days' contest . Cavil. Fred Murray, recently dis charged after two years setvien in tin) U. S. army is managing Frontier I Slays' this year. Prior to the war ; mi" id -ni ified. v i t n v.Pd ai t . :.te i. ;, anion:; thrill bein.' lie1 M.r, miVt . iri'iiiiii" which "tr.-: !! e'.ec, -full v stai'd at Mi.-uvuta, .l ;h-i-iii-.i for seveiai e;rs. ",'tli milioads for a ri-ductioa in ni::;; to Walla Walla for Iho Funnier Fiaya events. The' coiiini it tees In charge of the big celebration ar. t planing a lively time for visitors (o Walla Walla and extends accitdial invitation to everyone to be in Walla Walla Sept. I U to 1 3. BROWX-CLEMENT A prett yweddlng occurred last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLean, 726 North Clinton street, when Miss Jewel Ella Clement and Mr. William Edward Brown were united in marriage. Rev. A. R. Liverett of the Central church- per formed the wedding, the beautiful ring ceremony being used. The bride was attended by Eleanor McLean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. McLean as flower girl and Kathleen Middle ten, a cousin of the bride as ring bearer. The bride was charmingly gowned in white vail trimmed in real lace and carried a shower boquet- of bride's roses. The rooms of the Mc Lean home were beautifully decorat ed in pink and white Shasta daisies and roses. The ceremony was per formed before a bower of ever greens. The bride was a graduate of the 1!)13 class of tjhe local high school. Mr. Brown 's a son of J. C. Brown of this city. The young couple left last evening for Portland and other coast points after which they will make their home in California. Witlia V.'ala Union. A fire alarm was sounded last Thursday afternoon when fire start ed in the dry grass in the rear of Mrs. Reid's lot in southwest Ilepp ner. The fire laddies got a move pronto and had the big triv k there in a jiffy. No damage was done but the flames quickly run over the hill side until stopped by the road lead ing to the cemetery. Mrs. Iteid was just moving into the house and had no fire in the yard and the cause of the blaze is a mystery. Jupiter Pluvis to tear loose and send the refreshing showers when needed. Flying machines, wireless phones and telegraph seemed impossible only a s'hort time ago. The fullness of time is at hand foi some genius to come orth as an official rain maker to send the showers down when we want "em and hold 'em up when we don't. HEIT.VER GIRLS TAKE liOXG WALK Miss Sybil Cason, of this city, and Miss Ocea Norris, former teacher here, are enjoying a hiking trip through California. The young ladies had started out from San Francisco and liad walked to San Diego when last heard from. They expected to continue their pilgrimage into old Mexico before returning to Oregon, which will be about the last of September. KiTZi'ATKH'K-McDKVITT In the presence of a fervent circle i) ITRRAX GROWS ("EST REMIXES- It must be pretty dry down around Vancouver, Washington, as veil as in eastern Oregon if we arc to jud.Te fi om the following from the Sun, of t.h:t city, whoso publisher, Ed. Cur- ran, vised to live at Condon in the i'lys when Slierm 'ji county prayed for rain and Gilliam county got the moisture. v.'c o'lrht to have an official rain n-rkor. I'p in c'lerman county, Or. r'---n. s-nip years rjro a chap by the ni. -r. f Hat'ioUl mad? a cent-act with the farmers to furnish a ce; t :in r mount of moisture or no pay. He opened h's negotiations with old June, on a hill near the John Day urn to Morrow county to make their ; river which is' the dividing line be io. niMlimt heme. St. l'atirck's con-I twern Sherman and Gilliam counties, rrogation and their many friends in) Owing to the prevailing west wind the Ileppner district wish them a whio'li blew from Sherman over Gil- of immediate relatives and personal friends, Michesl Fitzpatrick and Grace McDevii.t were united in holy maniare at. St. Patrick's church on Thursday n'oininR, July third. The cremony was performed by Father Marr who al'"i said Hie nuptial mass. John Kelly acted as best man and Casrie McUleviH, sister of the b' ide I was bridesmaid. A splendid v d- ; din:; breakfast, was served at. Cr; ! homo or Mr. ani'Mra. Ed. Bucknum, 1 i ftr r v.hicli tl.e happy couple v.-e;i by iiulo to .Arlington enroute to i Portland. M". and Mrs. EiizPatrick ; will spend a brief honeymoon in the Rose Ciiy alter which t'aey will re-' The Jo .rick McAtee & Aiken, Proprietors ICE CREAM AND CARD PARLORS Company- j (Successor to M. H. Houser) GRAIN AND GRAIN BAGS Local Agents: Carl Yount, lone; T, I,. Lowe, Cecil; Jos. Burgoyne. Lexxington; Roy V. Whiteis. Ileppner. w ii. le im: speech lie SIIEEP SHIPMENTS enough to ask lh''"- C. (ions. The lirsl qu i' , I. neld. us to liow far !,,.,, ,D the timber line ,,il,,ti of the io:id tn ,. I inn V iis lllivw The end lion was by il whs beyono . mid the con that p 'int. led iiiicl.l.V Thirl, v live carloads shipped from 'n'l'e hi:-KilUi-miy a n .1 ('lias, ilej.'piier. Tim stock l'hii;ig with grazing the : imi.'iier. of sheep were week b' John O'KourK-e, was billed stopover of to for long and happy wedded life. So f.'.r tills year there have been about 2-50 cars of sheep sent out from this station. Of this number i.he:e ivere nearly a hundred caiv, of rtock that came overland from !: -i-pner becaiie of superior shlppir . i i ciiiiies and better train service iioti, e. - iOciio News. Ham county the bitter county got most of the moisture and that year had an abundant crop. Hatfield claimed the honor. He had a stacl of recommendations from place-; where he had "mnde" the rain fall and lots of the people la 9h,erm:in had Implicit faith in him. It's n v.i-1; known fact that there Is lots of moisture In the atmosphere and f.-tr !y Willi our modern inventions some means ouclit to be had to cause o'd Wis 9 big In iOO-Acre Wheat 'and Alfalfa Ranch. Goo1 modern house, small family orchard, good barn. Right on the edge of town. Very low price if taken at once. See me for particulars RoyVo Whiteis HEPPNER, OREGON - Hi. I 'A a JL. -.1 b I' I Ill- lie!' .1 I ef I !: I v. ill man . ll i.. le . ''I . IV. Ile'l C 1.1 Of 1 . e -d i'l t POOil'j ; j I ij --' '- .1 ! V. irsSj.Q h :--.vM $ ,ub , w'V.-n) sy i k .i 1 5'3 n r. pi m K i'l o if -.,v. . . -i3ix ) " ',' . , - ' ho le .d '"'"' . .. , I ' I. ' - '-" ' ' ,M . . " 1 nr , ',. , Mil ' V " : I '-' "'' 1 1 " , ) B p,.,, ,. i.t .ii i; 2 .nn,.', , aid i.po" " n( i';1 ' -, ill' !" 'I' ' 'I ' 1 '' .1 1 II, .. I 1 I'l ' i "' , ,... . ,,d !lo:ad e; lUnct , f ( V , tii.n!.' a I'd .il.l.'.l t' - i" ..,: ... -a ',.,'...' ' : ' ; M VI M IM'I HI i A VI t'l ' ,,(' Paint Scs son I-. t!i-.- lr, 10 Ol i fill ! ci!! Mito ;i'! r.; .iir in v". w t. e..:ui's.c vc v.ovs I. :)l ' the v .'in' when i'ie -i;t ami I lu- !; t I.i .li '.I' NOW I'he one great need in People waul IlOMKS Mi the need of homes. clamoring f(,r homes . mif mind h th i', ts in Ileppner for t' lie I"" in i;.i I', .! ' Ii ill' mil y i I i It ' I' ' ."! I I t ill of I II. ! " : t- . I! Biiss-HnuSer Paints i ii i 1 1" in II , Hllet.1 .!' I. . I v I I .11' 1.1 ,11 the llivv i;niil at'' i v i'n"!ii? I'll a the w i. t t an !e IimukIiI an i w t f i i y u i t lint atnl hade. in : .1 ,,llu ill.' In m ,' r '. t. i ,(. i 1 ,.i Tv 1"i'. I ..I ml 1.4 M 1 .1 Mill: I i' I 1 1 i. t, 1'. . .. I I li.'i . hl,. ,.. .. f.' : i " i ."ii j 1. 1 1 hi dtit f.i We aVo carry a Mill line of KYANIZI! in .id : 1 1 at in :i inuiic tor ii hado. '1! i i notwM'ci'cr u no v t I'l.u'c at t'tind t lu- 1 t t lo rali in a i . i : 1 1 1 : Lit 111. mi in; in c ! ti -l! .1 W e ',"i; - ' .11 1 I- c II :l 1 t'i loiu it that an- t . A: ! i, .i 1 1 1'. I-ii- ";'.. tl'.e ,. n ; i . I t ti I i ular !:lt! . t.:h t . :.ii to i.i: COMPANY ' 1 lon ow con !'! 1'ifiav is it . i ev iut'I i fine.-., inev are t who live in routed homes should huil.i homes, and von who have money to iinest .hould huild homes and get the benefits of the rent. Kent are higher today than ever Ik fore in the history of this country. If oti are a renter you want to escape ihN rhnnrmal condition. i f mi are a landlord you should take advantage of theo conditions and build more lmu-cs to rent, in either cac the answer is to build. be lower until some fu- Am li. nil ic ag'ee that building cos.s cannot lure tiii'e a. ct iU'l"i'ei 'i'. In building M'ur own lunno ;mi car u ih. N mi can build ta-U of ourelf and fatnilv buibl where and how von according to Your own iirefiri'iu-i-s .m,l nii ill.. r..iililing otir own home i ii"t only a .oimhI buint: iinestnu nt. but i' ,crc a-an excellent i 'an for.-i ing ni'inev. Let us Itclp you plan it Tum-A-Lum Lumber" Co. nr.iTNr.R LCXINGTON lOMn 0) I 1 i ft I