Tuesday,, July 8. 1919 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON PAGE THREE TIBET OPEN TO CHRISTIANS Officials Hav Invited Missionaries ta i Enter Freely Into ths "For. ; bidden Land." Those disciples of Christ who Inter est themselves in foreign missions are aroused over an invitation coming to American disciples from Tibet, accord ing to the Boston Evening Transcript. This land, occupying the "roof of the world," has heretofore been practical ly closed to all foreigners. That It has been so was due, so Tibet officials tell 'American disciples, to the influence of China. Now Tibet has thrown off Chinese control and one of Its first acts to Unocal for Christlnn mlssionnHea The disciples have a mission station at Batang, one of the farthest west cit- jle of China, nearly 3,000 miles urfthe iXangste river. A venturesome American doctor, sent out by the disciples, Journeyed ;18 days farther west, getting into Ti bet and into a city wherein disease in i its worst form, unattended and not un derstood, ravaged the people. The doctor set up an Impromptu clinic and dispensary. The relief was so great that one of the highest civic officials ,in all Tibet begged him to stay, or If he could not do so to return, build a hospital and official Tibet would help hiin. Now the disciples argue that here is ,a cull they are not at liberty to Ignore. their missionary society has acted to this effect. An appeal has been made I foi four families, two of them phy sician families, to go; It Is said there ;nv no Imunitule im nlm i.l,f,c, im jjyhwols, no Christian agencies of any 4J.ihj in that country of 4,000,000 peo ple. American manufactured goods are beginning to roach Tibet and Scotch whisky has been there for a decade or two. OLD BOXER DIES ON FIELD .Dick Burse, Once Well Known in This Country Met His Death Fight ing in France. Late Private Hie-hard Burge of the First Surrey rilles never was a quit ter, and, despite the fact that lie was at the half century mark, he enlisted ! and died the death of a soldier. He i was once the lightweight champion of England, and was born December i 10, 1S05. - I Dick Burge was a name well known to the fight fans on both sides of the Atlantic 20 years or -so ago, chiefly because of his remarkable battle with Kid Lavlgne for the lightweight cham pionship of the world. Dick was sev eral Inches taller than the Saginaw Kid, and be had a considerable ad vantage in weight, but, much to his surprise and that pt the English fans, he wus knocked out In the seventeenth round. He gave a good account of himself before he tell, however, and It Pays to Read the Advertisements Advertisements are news. , Good nws timely news helpful news News of the great world of business. ... News of the best places to buy. Heralds of the world's improvements builders of business makers of homes. News of the latest styles. News of comforts unknown when father was a boy. News that is handy to your eye. j' News that you can't afford to hurry by. News that will save you money. Don't miss the advertisements in ... The Herald fliere were times wlieu the Kid hud reason to fear Unit he had taken on too good a man. After Burge quit the ring he became a fight promoter. That was In 1000. Ho enlisted as a volun teer in tiie British army iu 1915 and served with the colors for three years. Detroit I'ree J'ress. Rulers With Business Instincts. At the outset of his Imperial career the grandfather of the former German Uaiser, Frederick William, owed his accumulation of money to his com mercial dealings. One of his commer cial undertakings was to start milk rounds, which did exceedingly well, in spite of being carried ou sub rosa, for the German courtiers found that the Imperial favor was dependent upon their patronizing the imperial dairy. In this way the old emperor created a huge milk monopoly in various cities, and reaped a correspondingly large profit. Kaiser Wilhelm himself had keen commercial Instincts, and had a linger In most of the big German un dertakings. In Germany it was cur rently reported that Ballin was mere ly the figure-head of the North Ger man Lloyd line of steamships, and that the kaiser was the real man ai the helm, and the same thing was said of many other money-making con cerns. Avery's Pride. Conservative By the way, Avery, I understand you want the universal franchise! Avery Tes ! Con. Why, man. do you want your wife to become a politician? Avery It Isn't that exactly. Fact is, she has always been a politician Con. Well, what is the reasou? Avery Pride, pride, my boy pure, brute, male pride! ton. How soy 1 don't see the cnnJ nection. Avery I don't like the idea of be ing married to a human being who Is classed with the idiots ! London Tit-Bits. I United States' Fliers. his recent annual report Ma.l i William L. Kenley. director of I In Gen. military aeronautics, slates that 4.S1S0 men had been graduated rs reserve military aviators, the fiast rating for pilots, by June !!0. last, with 110 bomb ers, 85 bombing pilots. 404 observers S89 observer pilots, and 131 pursuit pilots. " In the year ended last June 30 there were 1.12 fatalities In train ing, or an average of one death to 2,084 hours .ind 201.000 miles flown Stalled engines, usually due to an error of the pilot, caused 80 deaths: collisions, 30; and sideslips, 10. The report goes on further to state that 440 balloon officers also had gradu- ated, 155 of whom were fully qunlified observers during the year-Scientific American., TOO FEW USE THEiR BRAINS Result Truthfully May Be Said to Ce the Greatest Waste in the Worid. The recent Invention which rendes? '.ire'ess transmission independent of r.tiimspl'eiic conditions and the dis covery by which seven messages can be sent simultaneously over a tele phone wire nre striking Instances of Intent possibilities long unsuspected. For thousands of years we did not :von suspect the existence of elec tricity, and, being Ignorant, derived no advantage from it. If we hud never heard music, we would say it was merely the dream of a simpleton to expect the most beauti ful harmony of sounds from a combi nation of wood, intestines of a dead cat and hairs from the tnll of a horse. But the violin, plus the man who knows how, accomplishes the wonder ful result. Active talent is the source of both quantity njid quality of production, and that does not He in capital but In men, and it usually Is latent. Every man has power and courage, but not all of them know it. David had it, and knew It, and licked Goliath. Focli was not plucked from the "four hundred." And Lincoln came from a log cabin. Not only once In a while, but very often, nature takes a particularly "raw" hit of material and shows up what Is In it. It Is a suggestion for use to d( likewise with ourselves. ' The greatest waste In the world is 'In. I,,.., I,, a FISH FOR GULLS AND PETRELS Ths&c Birds aMi 3 the Albatross Are Frequently Taken With Rod and Line. Curious ihntigli it may seem. It Is a fn t that birds are cntr.rht with rod and luie in many parts of I lie won;. The p.txtimo Is declared to be almost fascinating ns fishing. Gulls In Newfoundland nre caught in lias way In large quantities. In New England fishing for culls and petrels is an Im portant Industry. The method of bird fishing Is prac tically the same ns that of ordinary fbhlng. Two men go out In a dory imkI llirow pieces of cod liver on the water. When large quantities of birds have been attracted to the spot more cod liver is thrown out on a hook. This the birds greedily swallow and thus fall easy victims. Albatross are fished for In the same way off the Cape of Good Hope. A piece of pork Is attached to n long line and thrown overboard. The bird will eve It for a long time, gradually and cautiously making toward It. Rudden llv he will seize It and hold It In his , I'enk. When he discovers that he Is caught he will sit on the wat and I vigorously flap his wings. However, ! he will be drawn Into the boat and , made a captive. j Albatross fishing Is good sport, since the bird requires careful handling. So loii'i as he pulls against the line It Is easy enough. The moment, how ever, lie swims forward the hook will drop from his beak unless It is skill- ; fully manipulated, and tho bird will i find himself free. MADE BY FRENCH SCULPTOR Intsretting to Recall That Houdon Crossed the Ocean to Model Butt of Washington. niKtorlcnl reminiscence, awakened hy prevent relation between France and the I'nlted Kiale, recalls that In the early d of the American re public French nrllsta made the first sculptural representation of Amer ican men a rd event. America had portrait painter, a wit new the ur vllne porimlt of Washington, hut no "ln!uarlcH," n sculptor were then culled, of eiual merit. The med al cnmmeiiuiri'tliitf the American devolution were struck chiefly In Krnnce. and llondop crossed tin an to lno.cl ibe tuiM of Wu -hlngton nee- r-ary for l.u -.1: im of the Aim-rli'iin geii' inl n i"t pi csidi M. It wn a crave Mriloii bi-i'icr ibe ..ilotor should cloihe lb.- K'-ncral Pi modern n.iunie i . Iiiui. kiiit the art f iblon of the llni". III Ibe f'hllr :llll of n Itoliinn. iiihI. m the Kloiy coin... down. It took th combined opinion i,f Vnh Ingloii. JeftVrn ami franklin to rare a t m of the Father of hi Country In hi own proper Kiinociii, (Unity ubUrfuat. Fomiii( an ample pur of hn , alao a Puritan coirlnri. Wan Ity'a mother discourses the accept, oca by Mm of fratnltlea from adult frlM)4a. How ha e1l the spirit If Reduce Expenses By !tiyin now. I.ook at these prices; r,nlv while stork lasts. fla Tumbler, .ct $ ,2e Flour Sifters 2Q run Pre 20 Dishes less than cost. Knamclware belf,w nor mal price. 12 foot Linoleum less than s-holcsalc A Tew of Our Many Specials. Caic Furniture Company r i not the letter of the law "is fold by William II. Dimock. "Sure. I knew the kid's ma doesn't like folks to slip money to him, but I also know thanks to n good memory the sweet sense of pence and pros perity a nickel yields to a boy," he says. "I almost stepped on the youngster while steering for a 10 n. m. break fast and shot him to the little place on the corner for the latest peace congress headlines. When ho returned with the paper I noticed his little hand looked awfully empty ; also it had not been withdrawn. So I slipped a coin Into It. "Stanley's mother later reminded him he had been admonished never, never to ask for money for any little service rendered. " 'But I didn't, mother,' answered that valiant I'ttle George Washington. f Just held 'ut my hand.' "Brockton Enterprise Gird Builds Several Nests. Some birds get very, nervous and be come much excited It you approach their nesfs and among them Is the black-throated green warbler, says the American Forestry association of Washington, which is conducting the national bird-house building contest for school children. Another thing about this bird is that it frequently builds several nests. Whether this is because it changed ils mind after building the first one and decided to select a heller location or with the deliberate purpose of deceiving any Intruders who might come along is not known. The bird Is very beau tifully colored, the top of its henJ and the region marly down to the shoul ders being a yellow green, the back olive green, the throat and breast .let Hack ami the under parts white with some ,vi iw in them at times. AsKYourBealer Rzmjflitor Grand PlrizcMato hrcarms u Ammunition Wite for Catalogue S luUi -- I rnoi'Essio.vAL cakds t : DR. HAROLD C. BEAN THYSICIAX and SVIMiK.ON Heppnei', Oregon, Office riione 7(12 Kesidence 44 VAUGHAN & BUTLER lK.TIST Permanently located In Oddfellow' Dun'.ding Hcppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON .TTOi:KY-AT-l,.V Office in ( unit llou'e lieppner Oregon DR A. D. McMURDO rilVSK lAX K M it,i:o Teleplone 122 Office l'ai t n on b Drug Store Heppner Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTOItKVH.AT-l,AV lieppner ' Orgon SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTUIIM.V- VI'-f.AW . Heppner - Ongou F. A. McMENAMIN LAW VI II Ruben nidg. Heppner, Or. Office Mione Main 643 Konldenre I'l.one Muln 85 ROYV.WHITEIS INMIUVri: hkai, i:sr ai r. M)As. ilepi nor Oregon - - - - . ... DR. J. L. CALLOWAY OSTI-OPATIIIC I IIVSK IAV Gradual American Hrhonl nf n.in. puthy. Klrkli:, Mo., under fouiM or of th Science, fcr. A. T. Still. Offlra at O. W. Bwarrert realdancv. Hotira 10 to J J J to 5. I'hona it it mm Hi U II ll i ll So 1 in T Ji. t 5 iis 1211; "And remember it, too." The better the quality of your chew, the more you'll enjoy it. You'll get more out of your to bacco money, too you'll save part of it for something else. A 6mall chew of this quality tobacco tastes good and it lasts and lasts. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW Put up in two styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco Give the Youngsters a Start Helping the Boys and Girls of Heppncr get the habit of making frequent trips to the Saving Department of the Farmers' & Stockgrowcrs National Bank is better than bequeathing them a fortune. With the thrift habit once establish ed they will be prepared to make their own way. The Bank for all ages and sizes of People and Concerns Farmers (EX StocKgrowers National BanK Home Products WE MANUFACTURE White Star Flour, Whole Wheat, Graham, Cream Middlings, Roll parley and all Mill Feeds GENERAL STORAGE AND FORWARDING HEPPNER FARMERS ELEVATOR CO. Everything that is good to EA1 1 1 'J ' Ji J , 1 1 1 1 ft i" t I GROCERY Co HERALD WANT ADS says the Good Judge I I i i I n i n 1 for Home People! K at GI - T THE BEST RESULTS PS 1 1 i ,.' i