PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, June 24, 1919 BETTY'S DINNER By LOIS EMERY. JUNIOR MARINES CLEAN WASHINGTON "Iietty," said Mrs. Thurlow, ns she put the last touches on the cream pie she was preparing for the Sunday din ner, "why don't you ak Mr. Burners 1o dinner some time? He must think It ruther funny for you not to. where you go out together so much." "I know, mninina. but I don't helleve I wiint to, yet awhile. "Ym know how terrible the hoy net, and they are so refined ut his house. The night I was there to dinner every thing was served In courses. I don't know what he would think of us everything on the table ut once and the boys yelling like wild Indians. Hetty stooped and kissed her mother lightly, "It's awful sweet of you to think of it, hut let's not bother about It yet awhile." Then minutes later, as she was going flown the old creek road with Jack Somei-s, her heart began to sing a little tune of happiness. They had gone fully a mile from home before they noticed that the breeze had stilled, that the sun was hidden behind black clouds, and that the air had grown very oppressive. "Why," said Hetty, as she looked up at the sky, "what's that thunder?" She jumped up from where they had heeu sitting on the grass as a drop of rain spattered her new hi:1. "Why, Jack, It's raining." Jack Jumped up and looked about with worried eyes. "(iraeioun, Hetty, I'm afraid you'll get wet. Wish I'd taken mi umbrella." "There are no houses around here und we can't possibly get home with out getting wet," said Hetty, resign edly. The thunder drew nearer now, the wind was rising, and It was getting very dark overhead. "I'm awfully sorry, Hetty I should liuve " Whow! The elements nrw seemed nt war with one another. Rain fell In torrents and the thunder boomed, crashed and rumbled, Tilling the air with one continuous, deafening roar. Half an hour later the two streaming figures were met on the piazza by the whole Thnrlow family. "(food land, Hetty, we were most worried to death," said her mother as she bustled forward anxiously. "You Ku right up to your room and change those wet clothes. Your futher will take cure of Mr. Somers. As Hetty was removing her wet garments she sighed anxiously, "No telling what father and the hoys will do." Presently Jack's rich laugh and the boys' shrill yelps began to come from her father's room. Hetty could not keep from dimpling as she visloned Juck's slender figure In her father's clothes. "Hurry up. Hetty," whispered her mother up the back stairs. "Mr. Sein ers is going to stay, to dinner and it's most time to take It up." "Oh, dear." Hetty hurriedly threw her dress over her head and hurried down the stairs. "I wonder what that tiible looks like, anyway I" "What are you going to have for dia ller, mainuiiiT" "Macaroni, with tomato sauce, dear," answered her mother soberly. "Oh, mother," said Hefty, with hor ror in her voice. "I didn't ask him. Hefty. I would have known belter. It was your father. He acted as If he was awful pleased because pa asked him. Now don't worry, dear. There' that nice cream pie I made this morning, and I've got a chocolate cuke, too. Here they come now. You alt right down here, Mr. Sninera." The young mini gave her a pleasant ruille and snt down helde Hetty. It aeemed to her that the liovs never acted worse. She wondered If this horrible meiil Would ever conn1 to n.i end. Duly Ihliiis flue was already m an end. Mie thinghl miserably. .Mirk Somu rs v.ou'mI neer luio any use fur her with a f::illy thai 10 I I'd like this. They eie nil beLlnnlng on Lie mm excepting Jink, and he was having n ecollil helping ef lillli'liroltl. At lal dinner was oer, ami Hetty iiinl Jack w nt out on the phia. It vhs Ju-t growing dusk and the air u full of that di ll 'tons uet rooliio w lib h fiillnw summer rain. Jack mined nearer fn IVtty, sln iililer grined hers lightly. "Hetty." lie Inst, ")ou'e i"t the liloeM family I ever u Kverythlng here at dinner tonight u hmoelike and Jolly. You know It doeou'l neenl much like home nt our home. I don't know when I've en.loyed a Until a nun b as 1 have tonight " He put hi arm nrour.t her and gent ly drew her tirward hlni "Hetty, I cnn'l put If off any longer. I'o ou love me ell enough In nmrry met" Hetty drew her hrentli III tremulous ly nml (In n dropped her bend on Ins boulder ami begun to cry. " hut's the nuttier, Hetty? Ivut you hue uie well enough!" Hetty nod. hi hy!y. Her anus lli up arniiiid his lie" k Tin all right." he nmnfrnl. "Jut .-,. happy, I aue. Jack." (Crptnilit. Id bi It. M.i'lure N llr aritdk i ) fflff illy CT.'.u:m:iiM . . . ..L., . ' ,i and It grieves me to hear such lan guage from a girl getting a marriage license. If your heart hurts I'm sorry, but profanity Is wholly unnecessary." "What the future Mrs. Hulliday Is trying to tell you," Mid the young man. "is that her name Is H-e-l-m-a H-a-r-t II-u-r-t-z." Kennedy apologized. Cin cinnati Inquirer. A hundred American junior marines in Washington have volunteered to keep a part of the streets of Washington clean until congress appropriates some money for "white wings." attention than well-constructed sand clay topsoll roads. The time for drag ging gravel roads Is unquestionably while they are wet. In fact, the best results are sometimes obtained by do Inp the dragging after the road has be come thoroughly soaked and while It Is still raining. In general, it may be said that the best time to drag any type of road Is when the material composing the sur face contains sufficient moisture to compact readily after it has been moved by the drag and is not suffi ciently wet for the traffic following the drag to produce mud. Wireless vs. Wire. Will all the telegraph and telephone poles, wires and Instruments 'connect ed with' these methods of communica tion be simply so much "scrap" in a year or so? Representative Steener son of Minnesota, ranking Republican member of the house post office com mittee, predicted "Yes," If the progress now being made in wireless communi cation continues. Mr., Steenerson, as quoted In The Wireless Age, snys: "Radio communication Is the coming thing. It is making such rapid strides that before the end of the year the average American will not he bother ing much about the transmission of an ordinary message over an ordinary telegraph or telephone wire or as to whether the ordinary telephone or tel egraph wire Is owned or controlled by government or private Interests. DRAG ROADS AT PROPER TIME Fully as Important as It Is That High ways Should Be Done Right Keep Ruts From Forming. (Prepared by the United Slates Depart ment uf Agriculture.) It Is fully as Important that a road be dragged at the right time as it Is that the dragging be properly done. Furthermore, the difficulties Involved la prescribing definite rules for deter mining when dragging should he done art equally as great us those ul ready encountered lu attempting to define how It should bo done. Only very gen erul statements concerning this fea ture of the work can properly he made here, and much must be left to the ex perienced judgment of those wiio de cide when the dragging of any particu lar road Is to bo sturted nud when It Is to be stopped. The rule frequently cited that all earth roads , should be drugged Imme diately after every rain, is -In many eases entirely Impracticable and Is also Change in Road Sentiment. When we consider the fact that such a large proportion of our population nre owners of automobiles it Is not difficult to understand the change 'n sentiment In regard to road building that has recently developed. Big Saving in Hauling. If our main highways were Improved with permanent surface, we would certainly save 8 or 9 cents per ton mile In hauling the Immense Interstate commerce that each yeur originates from agriculture, mine and forest. Varitly af ttntimtnla. The flrl of May brtnj a artjf uf a atluii'iit. Hum ara quern of kliy ad otheM ar Ootlfird thai they lll In ( mora rent or tuote. Wabiii(toa Star. Drag on a North Carolina Road. very misleading because of the conill lions which It falls to contemplate. It Is true that there are many road sur faces composed of earth or earthy tun t rial which do not become very muddy under traffic, even (luring long rainy seasons, and since such surfaces usu ally lend to tun den very rapidly as soon na the weather clears up, It may he desirable to drug roads of this kind Immediately after a rain. Httch roads. however, would not ordinarily need In be dragged after every ruin, because of the strong tendency that they nut loally (Misses of holding their chape. Oil the other Imnd. many varieties of cluy and soil tend to become very muddy under only light Irulllc after vi ry inoilei'iite ruins, nud, it Is evident Unit roads constructed of such mil terluls could led always be sueees fully dragged Inuneiliiitely after a nun Si'iiietliiU'S, In fuel. It may he neces sary In Walt until severni consecutive cluir days have elapsed lifter a long I ii In V spell before the road l snltleleiit ly dried nut to keep ruts from forming ilinoM ns rapidly u they can be fillet by drugging. Wcll-mintrueted nnd clay topsoll road should lint often become muddy after I hey are mice well compacted They may beiium serlmily rutted however, under heavy trslllc, during rainy weather, Mini are aluiot ure t need dragging wveral lime each yenr Huch romU shoiilil ordlimrlly I dmr gl a a-Hin after a mln as pnic tli aide a othi-rwle the mirfuce mmii heroine dry and bnrd. that II iini'sry In do coiiiilirnlily ninre disggiug In order ! (ill the ruti. Kur- thiruiore. the iimterhil which the drag iueM' mill not coinpH't rrndlly miles It rulitHtn a ronoldernble auiolinl of liiolslure. Urate! mad can le effivilvrly main tained with a ad drat only heti lh ravel rnisatnf the aurfuce I fine rained ami contain coiiideral iiiutlly of rlay earth, (irmel reed aurfarea In ahlih thl cenditleu ('re valla not Infrequently act Iwilly out of t,le durtnf wet weather, ami may a-'lnellilieo require roinidcml'ly mere Spoiled Sarah's Great Scene. During n performance of "Hamlet," In which Sarah Bernhardt was Imper sonating the melancholy Dane, the graveyard scene wns entirely ruined by the unfortunate appearance on the stage of a cat, which walked In froi" the wings and began to wash Its face. The Divine Sarah, somewhat disconcerted, sta'mped her foot, and the cat, taking fright, jumped Into the open grave, the resting place of "poor Yorlck !" Madame withdrew and the curtain descended. A cat can look at a king, but not at a queen of the drama 1 FIKE AXD HAIL INSURANCE SUNDAY CHICKEN DINNER I At Parkers Mill every Sund.ty. j Finest summer resort in the county. jTry our dinner next Sunday and you ' will be sure to come back. Make ! vour table reservations in advance by telephone thus insuring our best Read The Herald for all the news. : attention. 4-tf. For Fire and Hail Insurance call on C. C. Patterson, second Iloor of Gilman building, on Willow street. . 5-8 "See here," says the Good Judge I want to remind you about that small chew of this good tobacco. It tastes better because it's good tobacco. Its quality saves you part of your tobacco money. It goes further and lasts longer. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW Put up in two styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco TRUCK FOR SAIiE Three ton Packard truck in A No. 1 condition $1800. For particulars call on or address the Heppner Her ald, Heppner, Oregon. 52tf DID SEEM LIKE PROFANITY But Really, Prospective Bride Was Merely Tryinfl to Tell Marriage License Clerk Her Name. C. M. Kennedy, who Issues mar riage licenses In Seattle, Wash., is an exceedingly polite and wlthul n proper young man. When a prospective bride and groom approached his desk re cently here's what happened that shocked Kennedy : "Name, please?" said Kennedy to the sweet-faced young thing before him. Ilelmaheart Hurts," cauie the unex pected reply. " I'.r I'm sorry," aald Kennedy with frown. Turning to the prospective groom, Kennedy asked his name, think lug to give the coming bride an oppor tunity (t i-'cover from her evident ut- tack of heart trouble. "George T. Hulliday," said the man. "And now your name?" said Ken nedy to the apparently recovered bride- to-be. "Ilelmaheart Hurts," she repeated. "Young lady," said Kennedy severe ly, "I am a married man and a father. "rre is your opportunity to insure I ejidin:,t embarrassing errors in spelling, prLmur.ciation cmd poor choice of wor;'.3, Ilaow themenning of puzzling v - terms. Increase your efficiency, V. ii-cb result in power and success. WEBSTER'S 557 SrtfTERTC!GNAL DICTIONARY 5i an all-knowing teacher, a universal question answerer, mado to meet your needs. It is jn daily uso by hundreds of thousands of suc ecuful men and womi.a tho wurld aver. 400.000 Words. 2700 Pa".es. 6000 1 1 l:.htra:loi . 12,000 r.iof.r.iph(cal En tries. 20,000 Geographical Subject. CHS"J FRIZZ, (ilij'hmt Award) i'uuum-X'aciuc Lx.noKiUon. BFC'TAR nr.d LVOlA-rAI'LU EJillonf. WRITE tor Fwimrs Pan. F.1EB 1'ucket Mapt; u j ti tume thU r-ijr. c. Si c, numbtn co., Kprlr.sHeJu', Mjbl., L. S. A. ill I racoaK ' ' 'Hi H.C The Paint Season This is the time of the year when the spirit of cleaning gtts everybody and the first thing that should come into your mind is the value of painting up your premises. We are exculisive agents in Heppner for the famous Bass-Heuter Paints these paints are recognized as the very best that can be bought and we offer you them in every tint and shade. We also carry a full line of KYANIZE in ail shades. This varnish is made for the particular housekeeper who wishes to touch up the little places around the house that are not sufficiently large to call in a painter. And for retouching the furniture where it has become marred. Let us demonstrate them to you. We would be glad to talk over your paint needs with you. PEOPLES HARDWARE COMPANY mer Meat MarKet ASHBAUGH, Proprietor 1 1 Spring Time is Paint Time Say Mr. House iiwner Isn't thia rut her pettlnK Into your system and mnkiiiK you long to see the old home shine again like It Sul when It w.ia new? Don't you realize that a new coat of palnl would hilnu back all Its freshness that It would agnln have that new appearance of which you were so proud when you first built II? Thl I the time of the year to start nit woik- and you know how badly It need It. We wish merely to call your attention to the fart that we have full line of standard palnta every color or tint that you poaalbly coud think of. Ileatdea every tblnit needed for Ike Interior deroiatlon of your bom. Of Interest to the Ladies We have a roibplete line of Chlnamel for tombing up and rrflnlaSilna; those old pierea of furniture that you prlte eo hlKhly- and thl wmk will come right alone with the spring house rleunltia The arnlhrt are prepared ao that they do not reunite the n'tilni of a painter and you're 00 id1 the amount of oo. ),.u ran do In one room with a few of tbeae colon We've etery one yu fo"M want. Gilliam & Bisbee TO VUV I BaHfCTMHtanB3 Now open for business in our New Shop on East Side Lower Main Street, with a complete stock of the finest quality of 0 Beef, Porh, Mutton and Veal 1 u n Call and give us a trial order. Wc will treat you right. HEPPNER OREGON r : ICR The nck McAtee & Aiken. Proprietors CREAM AND CARD PARLORS IVMK IX AHU UTT V TALK rU5T ' PEOPLES CASH MARKET WATKINS & Oviatt, Proprietors Our loration la atlll In the "bv aground" but If you will fo low th "aw-dut trail" you will find ut prepared to et r to your wanta la the way of te nder, Juicy meatt and froal. fih and shell flab, aa though w e wera already la our Lew building. Our new building will be onrpleted by and by. In the mean time don't forget as. ' PEOPLE'S CASH MARKET id i I 1 I n I I 1 n 1 i fi y K o t i I