Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, June 10, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Tuesday, June 10, 1919
An Independent Newspaper
Hnt.ered nt the Hepnn'-r. Oregon, T'nstoffife as second-class Matter
ti:k.us ok si ijs( miTiov
One Year ....$2.00 Six Months $1.00
Three Months $ .50
While (lie ote polled in this county last Tuesdav
was light, as it was in every other county in the state, the
result was one that will send a thrill of pride through the
veins of every progressive citizen in the county.
Not only did the county road bonding measure car
ry by a vote of almost five to one but every state measure
on the ballot, with the single exxecption of the lieutenant
governor bill, a purely political measure, receive the en
dorsement of a majoritv of the voters.
It is a record we may well be proud of for it places
Morrow county in line with the most progressive counties
in t lie state. It means that from this time on Morrow-
county is going ahead in the m attcr of good roads and oth
er modern improvements and that, ultimately, this county
will be known as one of the wealthiest counties east of the
Cascade range.
Good roads and irrigation will turn the trick but be
fore am thing could be realized along either line it was ncc
essary for the people to declare themselves as being in fa
vor of progress.
L,ast Tuesday was a red letter day in the history of
the country. It marked the parting of the ways between
the command of old General Apathy and young Lieutenant
Every fan in Hcppner from Mam- 1
ger Aiken down to the 6-year-olds,
was pleased with the game last Sun
day between the All Stars and the
Uoardman team, not so much be
cause Heppner won but because it
waa a rattling good game. Eveiy
body on both teams were on their
toes every minute and bonehead
plays were dispensed with.
Lapman pitc"ned a fine game for
the Stars and Wilson, behind the
mask stopped all comers and played
the game straight through. Reitman
on second earned the title of star of
the All Stars in that g'ame and gave
additional evidence that the Reii-
mans are a baseball family.
Boardman's battery was Keyes,
pitcher, and Rand, catcher, and any-
body who thinks they are not onto
their jobs has another guess com
ing. It was a good, clean game from
start to finish such as will, sooner or
later put the national game bac'k on
the map in Morrow county.
Harry Suitor, former big league
pitcher with the Chicago White Sox
umpired the game Sunday giving
splendid satisfaction to both teams.
The score was 6 to 2 in favor of
The Building 0
County Road liond majority 435.
Six per cent road indebtedness limitation majority
274- . ...
Koosevclt Highway majority 160.
Market Roads majority 296.
When Judge Campbell and other good road boost
ors from Morrow county again go before the State High
way Commission to urge immediate and hearty co-opera
lion beuvecn the coirmis: ion and the cuunty in building
highways they will have no reason to feel ashamed of their
county s record on the question of good roads at the recent
election. '1 hey will go to the commission with clean hands
on the road question and they will go with the assurance
they are backed up to the limit by the people whem they
The ote on county road bonds, six per cent limita
wam good roads and that they are willing to pay for them;
tnu and market roads proves that Morrow county people
trie vole on the Roosevelt Highway proves that they want
people in other ami remote sections of the state to have
good roads and that they siand for the development of Ore
gon a a whole.
And tin's spirit, as demonstrated by the voters last
TiKsd'i,- will tint be without its effect on the members of
the highway commission. 1 he members of the commis-j-iou
.lie big, broad minded nun, working for the best inler
(. ts of the entire state in the matter of good roads and I hey
are -ui have a Icllow tiding fur Hie people ol every
county, kg ur little lu .stand lor the same things they
.land lor.
Maud back geutU 1 1 n and ladies and watch tin-
Manager Ailten announces the
thriller of the yoason for next Sun
day when Umatilla and Heppner will
go to it op the local diamond.
The Umatilla Braves are unde
feated so far this year and it is
promised they will have on their war
paint next Sunday.
The game will be a hummer and
will be worth many times the price
of admission because Speck says, "by
hokey," his team is going to win it.
Morrow county wheat fields need
rain and for a week the indications
have been almost daily that Vie need
ed moisture would be supplied but
the clouds are still fickle and the
north wind drives them back. The
cool weather helps some, however,
and the needed rain may blow in any
A most pleasant social affair of
the past week was the bridge party
glvPn by Mesdanies McMurdo and
Sims sit the McMurdo home on Chase
street Thursday afternoon, About 45
Clients wore present and the after
noon was pleasantly spent at bridge.
Mrs. Roy Cochran, Mrs. C. Darboe
ami .l ln ' lie l.uliin UMUieU Willi I
musical numbers during the after
noon. Mrs. II. K. Butler was awarded I
the first prize and Mrs. Osnuin Ha
cer secured the sei-ond nrizp Oninlv
renes'liments were served arter the
begin t. move. It's a fine, bij
i ,i.ne, l.iii.i niHiliing after the tank order and it is just as
well nut tu gvl in i mnt .i it and go to sleep. 'I'ne result
miHil be serious.
It i:. a dk grace to the State of Oregon that the meas
ure pros idirg funds to build a new penitentiary was defcat
d. I in old prison is a disgrace to civilization but the
people of the state do not seem to be generally aware of the
iddeuii conditions there. The big mistake was that too
many measures were tied together on the ballot. One was
bound o (U le.it some other one and it required not much
of a pi t phct In foi si e the result. All legislative bodies are
not par.' on of wisdom when submitting measures to the
;enpk I be seem nut wise to the fact that more and
ni"ii people arc cumin iv to think beioi e i hc ote.
xHr..r HM H AMi:H
We li.nr liunU u.ililiim to buy
. 'id Ir.ule let lir. 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 f ynll
di'M'e In ilNp .se ef ynur plai'e pliMHi'
ut" u pi lie ttinl li'inm ur Mate
wh.it )tm will iteci'pt In (vhanK for
the xaaie.
1M2 N,m i Invent,.! n Hunk Building
I'm ll.in.l, Ore K"U.
Is paramount in the
country today. Dur
ing the war practical
ly all building opera
tions throughout the
United States were
stopped while the
demand for houses
and other buildings
went on increasing
day by day until it is
low one of the most
important questions
before us.
The need is greater
than ever today and
you can build cheaper now' than you can six months hence. Lumber and other
material will get no cheaper but will go much higher. We are doing every
thing possible to encourage building in Heppner and have a fine showing of
Plan Books, Blue Prints and Estimates
Which we pladly place at the disposal of our patrons. They cover a broad
field in the building line and include everything in the way of late ideas in res
idences from a neat little cottage to themost pretentious bungalow. On the far
m nothing adebs to the pleasure of life more than a correct solution of the hou
sing question. And we can solve it foryou whether it be a residence, a barn,
machinery shed, dairy house, chicken house, grainery, or whatever the need
may be.
We have everything you need in the way of High Grade Lumber and Building
Materials and will be glad to talk over your Building Problems with you.
A very pretty wedding occurred
Sunday. June 1, at high noon, when I
Mrs. Katlierlne Elizabeth Blahiii, and
Mr. John J. Brlckner were united In
marriage. The ceremony was per- j
formed by Rev. Mlnneman at the ,
residence of the bride's parents, Mr.
ami Mrs. Henry Blu'iim, 603 Pleasant
street. Thi! weddliiK march was play- I
ed by Miss Emma Bluhin n the wed- '
illnR party uHxtMiibled. Following the j
ceremony Miss Elizabeth Blahin mine '
"I Love You Truly." The room were
beautifully decorated with pink rosea
and Kieenery. l'lutes were laid for
forty at the prettily appointed table, j
Mr. and Mrs. Ilrlrkner left for'
I'm Hand, Seattle and other points on
u brief wedding tour. They will be
nt home to their friend after June
15 near College IMace Walla Walla
Read The Herald (or ull lln news.
s0tk. heppner !
fSB glSj jl MARTIN .REID 1
! 1111 III
UN t . 1 1 I I E I ft I t 1 III IB II I V I V V I ill I II H 1
At the Henry Scherzinger Ranch on Rhea Creek, 8 Miles South and , West
ednesday, June 11th
O. M. Whittington, having leased his ra nch, will sell his entire equipment of
stock, farm machinery and household goods to the highest bidder without
The sale will start at 1 1 o'clock, a. m.,
with a free lunch at noon
life- ' ir iri' , 4 mkm 1
5 work mares, wt. 1300 lbs
3 (foldings, work. Iu) lbs
3 4-ycar old mares
1 4-ycar old gelding
3-ycar old marcs
3-year old geldings
j-vcar old gelding
4 yearling cots
The si animals above
will bred of Belgian Mock
trm gnod mares.
1 Shorthnrn milk cows
vv:th calves.
I .' year old steer
. earling steers
I yearling heifer
1 vvr. ohl Shrtliorn bull
2 brood sows with 7 pigs
2 j bottom gangs with
sod bottom extra
I .spring tooth harrow
1 if-dise drill, practically
I 5-scftion steel harrow
3' i Haiti Haiti wagons
l 3'i Studebakcr wagon
l i'inncrat wagon
1 Hay rake 1 Mower.
s sets harness
1 vi dm ing harness
1 set single harness
10 collars
saddler 1 good range
1 took stove 1 dining table
I dresser 3 beds with spriri
1 dresser
3 beds with spring
1 complete blacksmith
1 complete trail outfit in
chiding chains, tongues
and trail brake
1 walking plow
Other articles too numer
ous to mention.
1 Clark's cutaway disc
l Chop mill
l Fanning mill
" v l.-sv ?f ', ' - 'Tit 'Hi t
. ... ... .. ,
All Minis of Jio.tx) ami under, casli; over that amount. (1 months time on ap
proved noies bearing per cent interest per annum.
This Sale Made Under the Direction of
Farmer's Exchange of the Inland Empire
F. A. McMcnamin. Auctioneer
Heppner. Oregon
i! u.ir !il
,, . H e .l.l.i ft
, . -i! .1 ..! ; t. ,
1". K. I'.rown. Clerk