Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, June 10, 1919, Image 1

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    VOLUME 6
Lite in Old Time Frontier Town
Depicted at Pavilion Saturday
It was a big- affair. It made the
old timers think of by gone days. It
made the new comers and the rising
generation wonder how much fun
they missed by arriving too late. It
was fun from start to finish, served
in the raw without pink tea trim
mings or floral decorations. It show
ed tlhe bunch grass town of 20 or 30
or 40 years ago and there was not
much left to the imagination except
that the fire .water and bug juice
served over the long bar with the
real brass rail had the "kick" delet-
ed, the ladies on the floor wore
leither Mother Hubbards or nert to
lothing and the profits from gamb
ling tables, without contribution .to
t'he ."kitty" went, to a penny, into
the Salvation Army sack.
We are writing about the "Days
of '49 Dance and Carnival" given
by Heppner Lodge of Elks last Sat
urday evening in the fair pavilion for
the purpose of raising Morrow coun
ty's quota of $1200 to the Salvation
army fund. They got the money.
There was no admission fee and af
ter you got well within the Palace
of Wickedness Uncle Sam's money
was absolutely no good exixept that
you were permitted as a special fa
vor, to exchange it, just inside the
door lor large fistfuta of special cur
rency bearing the picture of a Bull
Elk head and the inscription, "Good
for Ten Bucks." Some five thous
and of these 10-buck bills were soon
in gladsome circulation and real old
timers tell us tfhat on very few oc
casions in the good old days- of real
lir l . .
tow luwn or mining camn.
Mine lloDerts clidn t use to be a I
prohibitionist so you could notice it
but he seems to have finally joined
the dry forces. At leasthe is the it'rst
man in town to build a Simon pure
prohibition cement sidewalk. The
new structure is along the south side
of his stone building on Willow
street and is sin inches wide and
about two feet high. It takes a duly
sober man to negotiate tie contrap
tion but probably Mike thinks that
if everybody in Heppner is not in
that condition perpetually they I
ought to be. ,
In Sheep's Clothing
airpTt :77viTC rnrT v
I 1 t J t ; & -1 :f ; ;; v 3f & ? i
T. G. Dennesee, who has the con
tract for construction of t"ie new
Yeager building at northeast corner
of Main and Center streets, began
voile this morning clearing the
ground for the new structure. The
building will be 66 feet front on
on Center street and will be divide i Mousing Majorities lor Good Itoml
Main street with a depth of 60 feet
into three store rooms with a full
Irrigation Measures Itecon
sl ruction Mills AINi Turry
Old Channel Traced Across State, I
It.'scovered Johnson Creek Trib
utary of Mig Mutter
Frank C. Smith, mining- man and
prospector of many years experience
wno nas spent more than 20 years
prospecting in the country between
the old Nevada camps and the Col
umbia river, was In town Thursday
securing location blanks to post on
some claims he proposes to thorough
ly prospect on Johnson creek, a trib
utary of Big Butter creek well up
towards the summit.
Mr. Smith believes he has discov
ered the old channel which for
Farmers of Morrow County to
Picnic in Heppner June 21st.
Saturday afternoon a committee
representing the Morrow County
Farm Bureau met with another from
the Farmers' Union in the county
agricultural agent's office and com
pleted plans for holding a regular
old time Farmers' picnic on June 21.
This year the picnic will be held
in Heppner where the county fair
years has been known among mining grounds and buildings make an ideal
place even in bad weather.
men and prospectors to extend from
eastern Washington Into southern
Oregon. Many of the rich placers of
the early mining boom days in the
John Day section, were portions of
this old channel and Mr. Smith is of HEPPNER
the belief that there are many rich
Several of our progressive farmers
who are attending t'he Sherman
county tour and picnic will give their
impressions of the adaptability of
Sherman county methods to Morrow
county. Superintendent D. E. Steph
ens of the Moro experiment station
will speak upon dry farming methods
and President J. D. Brown of the
Farmers Union will speak in his
An enthusiastic meeting v;is held
in the I. O. 0- F. hall Sunday, June
8th. The meeting was called for the
purpose of giving all citizens of Mor
row county who believe in freedom,
for Ireland an opportunity to lend
their suppo.t. Father O'Hourke was
nominated as chairman of the meet
ing and F. A. McMenamin as secre
tary. Several musical numbers were
rendered by Miss Peggy O'Hourke.
Short talks setting forth the justice
of Ireland's cause were made by
Father O'Hourke, F. A. McMena
niin, P. A. Mollahan, Jo'hn Byrne,
j Frank McCabe and Barney Ward.
j A subscription was taken up and
over $2000 was subscribed for the
purpose of assisting Ireland in her
fight for liberty.
In common wit'h all the other
counties in the state Morrow county
cast a light vote at Tuesday's elec
tion but unlike many of the other
counties' Morrow county voted right
on every measure. Progress seemed
to be the uppermost thought in the
minds of the voters and the result
should mean much to the early fu
ture development of the county and
Pine City precinct is entitled to an
honor flag as the only precinct in
tVn e county that cast a unanimous
vote for the road bonds while Goose
berry is the only precinct entitled to
the dubious distinction of voting
against the bonds although north
lone was a close second to Goose
berry coming in with a tie vote on
the bonding question.
In the state at large all road meas
ures and the irrigation measure car
ried, the reconstruction measures be
ing defeated.
well known way on those topics that HEPPXEIt
are of particular interest to the far
The rest of the program will be
highly interesting, altogether mak-
ing a day well worth any farmer's ; campalgn received n handsome llon
wiuiH. iou can i auoia lo miss u,
F. A. McMenamin, city chairman
in t'.i3 recent Victory Liberty Loan
At the wool sale held in this city
sections of the channel yet untouch-
have thev known n,o,,e M.,jatL ed y tne miner's pick and shovel
;o freely or games to be so lihernll Mo8t o thls weaIt ' probably cov- 'ast Tuesday buyers were plentiful
patronized. Evervbodv eamhled mn ered deeply beneath later formations but relatively only a few clips were
or less on the theory perhaps that JQt W''h the ftid of modern mining offered. But little of the interior
life is a gamble anvwnv methods Mr. Smith thinks much of it wools have arrived in tine local niar-
evervbodv tried to Hn can ue worked at a good profit. ket as yet and
ceeded. If MolTOW county could develop a
Mayor It. J. Vaughan laid aHide lonB1DW mln,ne '"dustry along
later sales will
doubt find more offerings
Ahnut un nnn rn..i i i
ItM ..ij. ,,"'"""- luimiis iuuuiry along iuuuuo tuuuseu
his official dienltv fnr , wi,n 'her stock and farming activities hands last Tuesday at prices ranging
and attired In big sombre'io, red ker- U WOuld soon rate M one - of the fro'" 4 5 to 52 the following grow-
nuiieBi counties m uregon propor
tionate to size and population
There is a general belief in this
country that a wind from t'he south
and west carries a large amount of
moigiuie greatly to the benefit of
plant life.
Acting on this general
or flag from, district headquarters
together witti a highly commenda
tory letter complimenting Heppner
and Morrow county on having gone
oved the top in the recent campaign.
chief and a six-gun, headed the gang
of pirates that short changed the
confiding populace at fiie long ma
hogony bar.
Old fellows who have experienced
the agony of taking their oil of Joy f
from thimble sized glasses at four f
bits a drop In some remote early day f
mining camp, say thf the old' time f
thug barkeek had nothing on the f
mayor and his crew when It came to Y
drawing two or three drinks of beer ! T
from the same space of keg Vhere ' Y
only one Kood drink wna an
grow but they held the trade and the
Salvation Army got the money in Jig
Postmaster Richardson also laid
aside the hlgh-brow-good-cltlzen-
offlclal-smlle expression so becoming
him when seen through the post j
J ,,ffce window and condescended to j ,
run the cards out of the little tin 'f
llOV Rt fllf tnm til-mil u-hm-n I 4'
- " " - nutriu LUOO ij
wcuiKe CTWHKgen nmriatua as bank-
County Judge Campbell,
County Commissioners Geo.
Bleukman and Lee Pedberg
and District Attorney Not
son left Monday morning for
Portland to be present at
the State Highway Commis
sion's meeting in session to
day and tomorrow. It is ex
pected that representatives
from 18 counties In which
road bonds were voted last
Tuesday will be present at
this meeting and the corn-"
mlslouers will have a busy
er un.l look out This writer would
not pretend to intimate that Walter
gave the players anything but a j
square d-nl but from the way he kept '
busy raking in the proceeds it look
ed like the taklnn was mighty good. ;
I he writer u!ko recalls memories
from the dim and distant pant of oc
casions when iie was again reminded
that he was not a successful faro
bucker, of some of the boys
whispering In a consoling tort of
way rhat "the hand (of a faro deal
er) Is qnlcTcer than the eye (of the
boob player),
Dave McAtre was the guardian tn
,'le of the roulette wheel and he de
Vj.) lures without heMtiftlon that In
. many years experience In all kinds of
bunch grass towns he never saw a
roulette wheel so shamefully over
worked. tave's right arm was so
lame from flipping the marble, and
his finger nails so deeply worn Into
fh quick from raking in the liurk
bills that he had to ti fed with a
spoon at Ms noun tim brakfat
Sunday morning.
L-s Matlork wooed !h g'Mi at
the twenty-one table end the wsy the
Pillars of society, church and state
went rragy over that gam wm not
slow. They encircled that table at
least Dine deep and many n.aids and
matron declared alter they cashed
out of the scramble tfrat It was
mort fun than a bargalo day sale lo
t Portland department store I.e
MRE AMI hail INSl R.N( K
ors being represented:
E. L. Groshen, 9000 pounds crors-
bred 49 e; Kenny & Healy, 36,000
pounds, fine, 47 Pat Connell,
35;700 pounds, fine, 494c; J. G.
Barratt. 1B,!)00 pounds, fine, 46c;
W. B. Barratt, 17,800 pounds, 48c;
Hynd Bros. 15,900 pounds, fine 49
U. Z. Z. French, 8960, fine 52 11c;
Keller & Chamberlain, 13,500, 45c.
The excavation for the new GUI-
lam & Bisbee building is about com
pleted and lumber for the basement
forms Is on the ground. It is un
derstood work on the foundation and
basement will begin at an early
Will the party who took the four
foot saw out of the bath room Tf the
First National nank kindly return
same to the bank. '
l-or Hre and Hall Insurance call
on C. C. Patterson, second rii.nr i
on Willow street.
Oilman building.
A dramatic wonder play.
startling photographic effects.
Theatre, Veliieiln)-, 2.V and
Mr. Hanison Paifjou ' and
Nellie Paisley were married in this
on this general belief city Wednesday afternoon, June 4,
Sheriff Shutt and Deputy McDuffee 1919, Judge J. P. Williams per
plcked up a "Plant" from Long forming the ceremony. Mr. and All-s.
Creek last Friday evening from , Pearson left Thursday morning for
which they had no difficulty in ex- Montana where he will operate his
trading 24 quartB of ileal moisture shearing plant throughout the re-
the kind that brings on the m-ir'ket ; mainder of the season. Many friends
in these degenerately dry days some of the happy couple will join in best
Heppner Chapter No. 26, Royal
Arch Degree, Masonic fraternity,
held a work meeting last Thursday
evening which lasted well Into the
wee sma' hours of Friday moaning.
Three candidates, Albert E. Black
burn e and Wesley K. Sego, of Arling
ton, and Perry Lawrence, of Eugene,
were initiated Into the mysteries of
the chapter and all four degrees were
conferred during the evening.
Following the work refreshments
were served and while some of the
Mm. i boys were yawning slightly Friday
forenoon none of them looked hung
ry. Frank T. Hiirlbiirt. D. S. Brown,
Charlie Bui-roughs and Thomas Still
of Condon, were over taking In the
$15 to $20 per quart. Plant, it la
said, blew In on a south wind front
Long Creek with a quantity of mois
ture in his car and began putting it
on Cae market but growing nervous
from a tip he received as to how the
wind was blowing, (started south
again. The sheriff's party overtook
him a few miles out of town and
brought him back and Saturday
morning Judge Cornett planted a
$250 fine right between his eyes, af
ter the Bherlff had confiscated the
The contraband, with Biie excep
tion of one bottle was emptied Into
Willow creek Saturday and It Is said
the IfKhes have been having a high
old time since.
Heal girls dive out of a real botib
Into a glass of real cliaiupiii'ne.
1 hrnl I e, W i-iliii-sihi) , ,-( mill :("
Heppner Lodge No. 358,
Benevolent and Protective
Order of Elks, will observe
National Flag Day with ap
propriate ceremonies on
Sunday, June 15th, In their
lodge roon; In the Odd Fel
lows building. This Is one of
the national occasions that
is observed by every lodge
of Elks in the I'nlted Slali-H
and an Inleri Ming program
Ih bring pii-puri'd lor the in
cision. A coidliil Invitation
is ixli mleil to the public lo
litti-lld (hi 4 sei vice.
Fire destroyed a horse and hay
barn on the Guy Itoyer ranch on
I lint fin creek last Thursday after
noon the cause being unknown un
less from spontaneous combustion.
Mr. Itoyer was in town when the fire
started In the mi' mi re heap behind
Kite barn and nothing could he done
to stop It. There was no Insurance.
MAKES (.)l) Wool, SALE
i : i
M IVMiF.ll AR-
played In rather bad lurk during the '-
evening but he has a neat aoolocv U
tixea up to offer to any lady or aen.
tleman whom by any Inadvertence he
allowed to get away with a handful
or saw-bucks.
The dance was operated on the lit
ney plan and while the music was
good It was difficult to pry enigh
ladl.g away from the twenty-one,
faro and roulette game to fill ttie
floor comfortably.
Taken by and large It was one of
the doggondest time Heppner has
known for many years and while
there may be some organizations
rattling around In niches similar to
the one so admirably filled by the
Salvation Arifiy who would spurn
money soured in mich an old-fashioned
wsy. the Salvation lassies
whom all Elkdom delights lo honor
is Its tspeelal protege, will be bub
bling over with Joy and good will
when they think of the good work
they ran carry on with that money
within the next year.
Curran & McMenamin nold t!n-ir
W-H-K-H-H-H-I-J-H-H'' ! wool clip yesterday through the f.'nl-
KI M Ell ROAIt..
Printing that pi
Tne H-ra.d
County Judge Campbell,
County Itoadmaster McCal
eb, O. W. Mllholland and W.
O Minor went over to Illtted
Friday returning Sunday.
The purpose of the trip was
to look over the road be
tween Heppner and the
Grant' county line with a
view to having It changed
so aa to make ordinary trav
el practicable.
Information gleaned at
the rourt house Monday was
to the effect that the gen
tlemen were all well pleas
ed with the prospect of be
ing able to open a good road
down Ditch creek at moder
ate erpenee that will bring
much travel this way. Most
of the way, It l understood
a grade of around three per
cent can be secured.
H--H I I H H-I-l-i-l-I-K-l-l-
umbla Uasln Warehouse at 47 r.-nlH.
The i lip amounted to 27,hmi pounds.
This Isconsldered an excellent sale
for wool grown in the sunt! country,
Good furnished room, rinse In.
modern conveniences, by day, wn-k
or Inonlli. Knqttre at this office oi
of Mrs. 8. A. Pattison, flint door
south from May street on Chase. 6tf
Mr It. E. Cn-go lias nr lived fiom
The ImiIIi h and taken the poKiiion of
iiiiifiHger and wile chief for the 1'n
cltlc Telephone und Telegraph (jo. In
this rlty.
Mr. Ciegn was In Ihit employ of
the sumo company befoie the war
and wits stationed at The lallcs. II"-
In response to the numerous com
plaints coming Into tills office about
the violations of the motor vehicle
laws In Morrow ronnty, the attention
of all automobile owners Is hereby
called to the rolbiwlng:
Oregon Session Laws CJuiptcr 3'i!l,
Section 2, division 2: No pet son un
der (lie uge of sixteen ( 1 ti ( yearn nl
ago, unless Hcciiiiipiinli-d by siiiiie
oilier pei sun competent to operate it
inoior vehicle und who Is over the
nr- o t-lxiei ii (Hi) years, shall be
P-i ml! li -d In operate a motor vehli le
on the public highways o this sl.ile.
Seiilon J of same i-hnplei, iiii,-
loil ?,: Molol Vehicles, whetl opela-
at nluhl, upon I Hiik an up
pioai-hlliK motor vi lilcle, fi,.. driver
i hall dim his headlights; ,iovli. .,
liowivei. thai i,liy inoior veiii.
which Is not iquipiieil ii miy dim
ming service, shsll maintain aa a
part of the equipment a spotlight, so
aujuMeil hh to hi. rup.ible of being
Til K t ItWIM.
A rtartling sne.-n ineloilrinna I Mi
niHgli- photography. Nothing like II
has i er been shown on tlie screen.
The, lire, Weilnrsda) . XV mid ;i.V
tlllOWn t'l the 1 1 gilt I, .III, I Hl.lu nl II,..
Ing an r.pe.t wire man lie . nil highway downward, and whll,, uu.
In rhe signal corps and was eight pn.ai hlng and passing sin I, motor
months at the front, with tl,., Amerl- vehicle; a,,d piovld.-.i fu, ,,,,. ,nat
ran l.pe,i,lly (,.-. , , w..sfcnv v, nill ,.,,,,1 ,,,,,, w.
thtougt, the entl.e Inlxup at Argonno , ,. lights, shall ,,..t h ,1Mi ,
liuve a tpotlight boi dim la p
pioa. fiing or paxfltiE.
li running with-
At Parliers Mill every Sundiy.
Flnei summer rewott in the county.
Try our dinner next Sunday and you
will be sure to rome bark. Make
your table reservations In advance
by telephone thus Insuring our beet
attent'nn. 4 tf.
foii-st fm Innately escaping without a
srmlih. Whllu he is glad to have
been of seivlm In upholding the
cause of freedom and democracy and
would not ixehsn-, his i-tperlenres
st t!m front for any consideration Mr.
""iiy i, us an
OIII til I tlse t.lK, It.
Vlolatom 1,1 l),i,
is stall
alio m
rulijiit lo it fine n, ,t i,, i .. ,.
C.ego Is f.ana :b saying that b Is , r a a,l ....., f t , r,,.,J
not looking for a tl..ne, (o stir tip ,,,. r ,,, ,
another sin h w rap snd he alw seeing piiM.nineM
to think that If the question of a
teal, Hiinon puie league of nations
that would forever end alt war would
receive, the hearty support of practi
cally every American soldier who
went errosa and got bark.
fleraid only 2 00 a year.
To avoid teth ft, lrridnts
silling Is ...i.t,y rlvei, that In ttl,.
future romplamta ,,f thia n.tuie will
b followed l, vlso.ous p,owl..
Hons. ' u
l:. M. IICTT. Hherlff.
H'rald only 09 year.