PAGE SIX BRANDING MARY By IME3 MACDONALD. "Culinary Mary, don't be scarey, Guiird your garden wall. Bare little Cupe, snoopy fairy Flually gets them all. And In your breast he'll shaft his dart; I swear this unto you And pierce your now rebellious heart, For he's contrary, too." Mary Raybiirn knelt In her canoe nd clung breathlessly to the low Imaging branches overhead that creened ber as she watched the sing er lift his paddle and suddenly with one long sweeping stroke drive his own canoe Into the hiding place be lde hers. "A n," he smiled, "at last 1" Mary was startled and only stared. "After all this time," he went on, Tve found you." "Why have you been looking for met" she at last found her tongue. "Don't you remember?" he chlded her. "Don't you remember that day I aw you on the beach at Coronado? You wore a blue bathing suit and a yellow cap." She shook her head. "I've never been there." "I guess you're mistaken," she said as he hummed the air of his song umillngly, "and and I think I'd bet ter be going." She half arose to disentangle a dead branch that hud caught over the bow of her canoe It tilled and with a little gasp of chilled surprise she found herself, In the water. Almost Instantly he was beside her. Then he took hold of her and held her high in his arms. "You you needn't hold me .so long," she protested Indignantly. "Long," he chuckled. "I'm only lu ting you drain before I put you back In the canoe, lielleve me, you're one wet woman." And dually he hunched over and But her down In her canoe. "Here," he ordered. "Drag my canoe along behind and I'll tow us up around the bend where there's u sand bar we can land on." He procured u bathing suit and a rain coat. "(So back up there somewhere," he directed, "und put on these dry things. Then bring your things back here and spread them out on that bush. This sun'll dry 'em In a eoupl 'Of hours." She studied hi in silently for a mo 'inent and then silently took the things lie offered and went back towurd the thickly wooded shore, And a few mo ments later she returned with the raincoat wrapped ubout her and her hair tumbled down her back. "Cold?" he asked. Shu shook her head. He got out a eoffee pot and a frying pun, talking In his droll way entirely unconscious of her shy reserve. After they bail ealen they sat there while ('liniment smoked. She studied tilm covertly ut every opportunity lis they chatted and talked, but she had persistently refused to give him ac knowledge of herself oilier than the llisl inline of Mmy, which he Inn! guessed. She wutcluil him curiously as he took a charred slick anil iiiiirkid a mystic kIuii on (lie sinnnili skin or lier arm. "What Is It?" she asked looking down on the circle he hail nude. "I've put my briiiid on you," he mulled Into her eyes. "I'm. a ranch in CiiIHoi iiIu, tin. rircle -and Hull's tuy briinil." "Oh!" lie murmured, riibMng the mark off with her hand, at the same time realizing regretfully that it was time for her to go. So she gathered Up her clothes and went back Into the trees to put Ilium on. "Sadly wrltiklcd, but nice and dry," he lauiilied, as she climbed Into her tains a few inoiiieiits later. "Am I going lo see jou ugiilii, MaryJ" lie nki'tl cuinestly. "IVrhiipH I'll come this miiv iiain." she xiiillcd, us she svtcpt on iluwn II,,. rhi r ami out of slht. Thai night tlbalineri took (lie plIlli ller'H milllt that liling us u tleru ration on the wall of In, slunk niil tlrexs.-d liiniM-if (,,r the ciisinioe bull Unit iih in l.c In M si icial iinlvs I , low ill the Unions iinl. imi i ,. hhi, oih- of lit, iiiunI Ihicn'siir,- rt".,,ii i, tin' .M.ilne ttt-n In' ti 1 1 v til the hull mii In (nil .Mini;, v III I In- r.-lilrr of nlie group sloi il a ili'lul.lful S . it 1 1 1 It t . 1 1 ' i li. i liiitii il Kill) lo spi-jllt lo sou In- passion am! retcnlvil lo I'IimIiiuti H round Imre nhotililcr, oil ulinh hud I., i n pilot, il Willi a blin k c.'l.r,i -i,nl the I'liiii.l of the circle liar. Iiitiiiilly lie !.sm .i f, .1,. tie noitp and , p hu high . ,, wlilill bore Hie knine 1 1 1 . j. M I o . a doi i Kpanlsli bo, In- t. tl. dun, ar Inili.l "He hi mii.I In into. ," h,- explained BH,l,.t. i, 1 1 y to the rest ,,f , r Kroup. Iinlii niiin; ti e iwul, on 1,,-r r, "Ulnl Hlit 1 1. 1 i r Dm! brills ll,e lilMlnl of the I'll. I. : .1- Is mine nl," .inl lu ll . I her to it. the term,, U "I Hoinh r. d If toil . I l e herr ,, llle,hl," she tt hi 11 tint reft- lo-d I lie hti'h'H "Mtf biiiiil l on ton. Mm ihnr." he Hid. "and I'll r lit y go." -1 I don't mini In i,.," he thl- t i . Vlld It U npoHei) licit nocii ho tt sonnhoilt Hint i hi !'.. I'llll. In t U i ' i t the S imi ilnluiT. tli.Mij.-tl if ...line II liilt( Hot list In ll tr ie, li ..'r,,l. - i ( Vl,lui. N.a,- t" '! I LATE FASHION FROM PARIS "-: -AVE r.n This it a straw hat entirely covered with fimbriated sstin ribbon, with black velvet ribbon around the crown, and la regarded as an exquisite crea tion. APRON IS A BECOMING AFFAIR Tricksy Thing of Pink Striped Qlng ham Donned by Many of the Happy Little Brides. An npron Is really a pretty and a charming thing when its artistic pos sibilities are considered, and It may be mude a becoming affair. Usually It Is the little bride who affects aprons that have charm ; her morning aprons are tricksy affairs of pink striped gingham, with a smart flare in the skirt part and a coquettish little bib above the waist line und very crisp strings that tie In a big bow behind. An elderly housekeeper would feel a bit foolish in such un npron even though when she goes to n matinee she wears a dainty blouse quite iir youth ful ns any the little bride would se lect. The house npron of the average good housekeeper Is made of checked gingham with a narrow belt bund that pins at the back. This unbeautlful but extremely practical affair Is donned when household labors demand protec tion of the gown but you never catch the housekeeper at the front door In It, ns sometimes you catch the little bride In her bewllderlngly becom ing pink print apron. There seems to he no good reason why every house apron should not have the qualities of grace and becnmlngness. Why wear checked brown gingham If pule blue chambrny matches one's eyes; or blue checked gingham If something In pink print will set off one's complexion? And why a straight, shapeless npron when a really smart one. with circu lar shaped skirt with n bib with ex tensions that button at the buck of the neck can be obtained at modest price or manufactured In an hour or two In the home sewing rooin? INDIAN DESIGNS IN RIBBON Colors Are Delicate and Suggest Beautiful Panama Hat; Deeper Tones for Outing Hats. Smart ribbons have been brought out In Indian designs for oullng hats for women. While the designs are In dian, the colors are delicate und sug gest it benutlliil I'linamii hut. In the deeper tones for outing huts there nre ribbons of Roiiuin effect. The polktt dot Is good for hut trimming, and In larger sizes, in the wider ribbons, each dot as big us un npple. There are biuutlful things In two tone rlbboiiM, one side one color und one the other. Some of these ure all In the pastel slimles and others tu deeper tones, contrasting colors brought together. Two colors lire also used In beaiillful quality grosgrnln ribbons, these huvlng Ihe body und edge different with rTch contrasts. Huudsouie broud luetulllc ribbons ur rich mid heavy, mude to wholesale at ?M u bolt of ten yards. A ribbon, not new this year, but deep und rich In color und design, the hit ler IVyptliin, Is the rhsipiitrii, und a ribbon suggesting cubist url In color und ile Ign ut well us the wnr is avlu lion. ltlbboim In delicate color ami noft briiciules In nil widths nre for the (muss, an. 3'jrFLES ARE MUCH IN USE Trimming Used to Edor Girdles, Col lars, Sah End, to Trim Tunics and Otlfrr Ways. The extensive use of Hue p!nltei ruf fles, by the way, mi Interesting feu. tnitt of the new Nciisnn. Till trimming Is from one luilf Inch wide to three Inches mid Is used to edge girdles. Helm cillnri, n-h ends nml U applied III endless un to trim uproti tunics nnd ovcrklrtn. An i'(Teetlti iin. extremely nev trimming Is colored organdy, which U mii. li iii d mi oil),. rge fUun .1 f rd In niitv bin,, mil white In, soft ..hint I is.'lnr of dark blue 01 ituly. find the Ibmi'ig cult nml uJi ure of I'. Nutt Mne org.niilv l ti I iiiHne. It It nil !ic! t.ier tt hit,. , r,.lH. le ihine In !g.iii In, h tl,e ro lit he hips nil. I ut the hol,, ,,f . ,Ur 111 I I" ll-eil for the ti s'. e I 'h. lnlet!. III tt hlte h.ill.l,., (.nil. I 1,1,-e tritiums!, i t.- ir, k,, -, , 1I1 nee 011 tiiCiiii, s.riii im.l f,ni,. . , , tr. k. I'or the 111 ..1 , ,n th,. i ! . i , '!. eo:hitle and I Vi,, Into 1 ., hot round ,.r otnl He. I, of th.. r. !. S.-m. 1 In.. the frock l s'.i-l,. , ml lie I,. In fr.,1,1 wher,. ! , ,, ette i'i. throti.h I'ntdro J. -, 1 gisirg. tte iin-l . r. , ! ihiue me uxt, n U let Lie ih. ui.v e. THE HEPPNER HERALD, .notice von PVBI JCATIOX Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon, March 2C, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Ellis R. Minor, whose post-office address is lone, Oregon, did on the 16th day of September, 1918, file in this office Sworn Statement and Application, No. 019348, to purchase the EVi NEU, section 7, Township 4 South, Itange 28 East, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the "timber and stone law," at such val ue as might be fixe by appraisement, an that, pursuant to such application the land and timber thereon have been appraised at $255.00 the timber estimated at 148,000 board feet at $0.75 & $1.25 per M, and the land $100.00; that said applicant will offer final proof In support of his application and Bworn statement on the 25th day of June, 1919, before C. C. Patterson, United States Com missioner, at Heppner, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protect this purchase before entry, or Initi ate a contest at any time before pat ent issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit in this office, alleging facts which woud defeat the entry. C. S. DUNN REGISTER NOTICE TO CKEPITOKS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, admin istratrix of the estate of O. E. Farns worth, deceased, and has duly quali fied as such administratrix. All per sons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to pre sent the same, with the proper vouchers as required by law, to said administratrix at the office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of this no tice. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this 27t"n day of May, 1919. C. M. FARNSWOIITH, Administratrix of the Estate of O. E. FarnBworth, deceased. NOTK 1 Or' l'KIVATE SAI,K OK REALTY In the Matter of the Estate of John F. Lentzy, deceased. Notice is hereby given that from and after the 7th day of July, 1919, the undersigned will offer for sale the following described property at the following described terms of sale: The southwest quarter (SV) of Section Thirty-three (33) all In Township One (1) South, Range Twenty-four (24) East, Willamette Meridian; also lots three (3) and four (4) otherwise described as the North half (NVfc) of the Northwet.t quarter (NW'4) and the south half (Mi) of the northwest quarter , (NW'4 ) of Section four (4) and lots jone (1) and two (2) otherwise flo ! scribed as the north hall' (NV4) of the northeast quarter (NE'i) and jlhe south half (S4) of the not th rust quarter (NE4) of Section five i (5) all in Township two (2) south, range twenty-four (24) east, Wil lamette Meridian, in Morrow county. Oregon; Ihe southeast quarter (SK'4) of Section thirty-one (31). ' the southeast quarter (SE14) of I Section thirty-two (32), both In jTownKhlp one (1) south, range twenty-four (24) east, Willamette Merl jdlan, also Id Morrow County, Oreg jon, und a contract of purchase en tered into with the Oregon Dakota Lund company containing one hun jdre.d sixty (160) acres, more or less, J described as follows: The southwest I '1'i'irtcr (S'i4) f Section thirty- l . I ! v t i'" Muni'v to Int-ire f- . . "sh i-f-.i ttii rir tn in p.:u'R, I : . . "V I r t'.i- nt of " -''.m t'cir fiiriifi.iij'uin ! ! l '-''-it j- rrc , - r rrr-irncy, ( :.U tia:t in p r hi i auv-vtn. j WEBSTER'S liiEW iilKRNATIONAL ' rtrrTtre-1 1 1- i. . ,. . . iiiw..iu. 1 1 nn nil-T-.ow-i'.ig t n lier, a I't.ivi -SI..1 (i'u!..n a Mivrvr, t;i:,,lt t ) m.vt, ur ii' -At. It m i 1 il .ilv u by liiin.lrc.U f thou.iii.U..'u. - M.t n.' ;i m,,l .,, , ., i .,. , , , ,,, r Knr.U. r1t fx. ' " ' I ' ' " I i" 1 11 hi, il I i- (I. .. J ."v''.,, III. J I Sut' r- I A, ti'XprT't. i t.l, ' ' ' ' . u h' -i . Ut t-i r.j:: i1'.;'; i 1 mijm. ' '. I . . I .:. C. E, : .k;.!mco, ni. :., ., . I . .s. v. HEPPNER, OREGON two (32) Township one (1) south, range twenty-four (24) east, Wil lamette Meridian, also in Morrow county, Oregon, and the west one half (W) of the southeast quar ter (SE'4) and the west one-half of the northeast quarter (NEi,4) of Section twelve (12) in Townffnip one (1) north of range twenty-one (21) east, Willamette Meridian, in Gilliam county, Oreg on, containing about . one hundred and sixty acres. That all of the above described land located in Morrow county, con taining nine hundred and sixty (960) acres more or less shall be sold for not less than twenty-four thousand eight hundred ($24,800. 00) dollars, and from this sum shall be deducted five per cent which shall be paid directly to the real estate man making the sale, and from this sum ahall be deducted all sums un paid and owing upon said property; that said one hunderd and sixty (160) acresr of land located in and near Arlington in Gilliam county be sold for not less than twelve dollars ($12.00) an acre and that such terms of payment shall be granted as will, upon presentation to this Court, seem advisable. MARY L. FAIRFIELD, Administratrix. Address, Heppner, Oregon, care of Woodson & Sweek. 5.9 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, M. D. Clark, has been duly appointed Administrator of the estate of William Barton, deceased, by the County Court of Morrow County. Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are noti fied to present the same to me at the office of my attorney, Sam E. Van Vactor, in Heppner, Oregon, within six monllhs from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and first published June third, 1919. M. D. CLARK, Administrator of the Estate of Wil liam Barton, deceased. 5-9 TYPilflsn "Skts 119 HfivfifeJ experience has (monstrated tbe almust miraculous effi cacy, and harmlessr), cf Antityphoid Vaccination. Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and your family. It is more vit-1 than house insurance. Ask your nhysiclm, druggist, or send foT "Have you had Typhoid?" telling of Typhoid Vaccine, result from use, and dan5i f lOiuYyuhoidCriers. THE CUTTEtt LA BOH ATOPY, BtrRltY. AU get it mu wife NO OTHER LIKI IT. NO OTHER AS GOOD. Pimha.e Ihe "NEW HOME" nj rou willh.T. ltl at"-! at the lrue v.m tay. Th. elimination pi repair M"a"' t-v tuprrior workmanthip .nd bcil ijuahtlr oi niatm.l in.ur liir-lon. .ervneat mint Bum coL I11.1M un bavmt the NEW HOME". WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. Kouwa the .r:j ovrr lortuperioff acwing )uatiliA N -t M.M unirr mar other unc The new home sewius machine co.,ornge,ma81 CASE FURNITURE CO. NEWH0ME Mr. Auto Owner do you realize that in your batteries lie half of your automo bile troubles? Do you realize that your ignition vstcm is the very heart of your car? Doesn't it stand to reason that if this all-important part of vour machine is not kept up to its proper .standard that results will not be satisfactory? Kiglit lure is where we come in. We've the onlv proprelv equipped battcrv station in Morrow County. We maintain a battery expe'rt who will alwav's inspect your batteries free of charge and vou inav deiund on ulmt I,,. t.1'1' fu. Our recharging service is efficient and prompt and the charge reasona ble. on sue the express charges to and from any outside point and have tin- use I our loan batteries while yours are being recharged object to you? Every other feature of our Genera! Repair Service is jvi t as !.it of Efficient. REPAIR DEPARTMENT HEPPNER GARAGE The Paint Season This is the time of the year when the spirit of cleaning- gets everybody and the first thing that should come into your mind is the value of painting up your premises. We are exculisive agents in Heppner for the famous Bass-Hcuter Paints these paints are recognized as the very best that can be bought and we offer you them in every tint and shade. We also carry a full line of KYANIZE in all shades. This varnish is made for the particular housekeeper who wishes to touch up the little places around the house that are not sufficiently large to call in a painter. And for retouching the furniture where it has become marred. Let us demonstrate them to you. We would be glad to talk over your ' paint needs with you. DEAD! ECUADHWADE 1 Liui LLdiimvisimiiL i COMPANY I ,,: Heppner Meat MarKet H. C. ASHBAUGH, Proprietor Now open for business in our New Shop on East Side Lower Main Street, with a complete stock of the finest quality of Beef, PorK, Mutton and Veal Call and give us a trial order. We will treat you right. HEPPNER The Si 11 McAtee & Aiken, Proprietors I ICE CREAM AND CARD PARLORS I PEOPLES CASH MARKET WATKINS & Oviatt, Proprietors Our looation Ig Btlll In the fbTiKround" but If you will fol low the "naw-duBt trail" you will find us prepared to cati r to your wants in the way of to nder, Juicy meats and frc. fish and shell fish as thou(?h w e were already in our low building. Our new building will be com pleted by and by. In the mean (line don't forget us. PEOPLE'S CASH MARKET pi attery Service Rivers & Ackley Tuesday, June 3, 19 19 I I I OREGON t Krick Isn t this an Satisfactory and PHONE 81 UII H K 8 .