PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, June 3, 19 19 THE HEPPNER HERALD S. A. PATTISON, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER An Independent Newspaper Kntfi-oil at the Urppn.-r. Of'ton, !'. t'.'ficp as yrron(l--!a?- M-:t:-r X BRAIN LEAKS t - One Year $2. On Six M-.ntliR tijims ok si nst kiition Thrpp Months . .', THE SALVATION ARMY .' Senatox Knox r.ays the new cove nant or the League of Nations is worse than the old one." An'l his-newc-st reasons for continuing his op pusiUcn are worse than his old ones. Republicans propose to enact a law rociuiripg Congress to convene annually on the fifth of March. Is this plan designed to enable each 1 succeeding session to pass bills that ii; been put down in Hotel Echo dining room this week, says the Echo News. What became of Jhe other one did the guests eat it? Speaking of cooties an eastern now why Napoleon always had his pictuie taken with his hands inside '.lis shirt. CECIL ITEMS TIMK was when the Salvation Armv was looked upon ! republican filibusters km in the In- trios.- of the "unwr rlnsW of V.rierv who had ! Prions Congress:.? . ." i c -, , , , if' . , ,,,, I A new floor has 1 fvfi ii'-Luo oi 1 1 , as a goou ueai oi a jowe. v nen even ine ministers of fashionable and near fashionable churches would no more think of fraternizing with .Salvation Army worker? in religious work, social improvement activities or charitable endeavor, than thev would consider going down ; Yank writes ll0me lhat he knov's mio I lie red light district to select their bosom friends or to :ind guests for social functions in their own homes. The times have changed, however, and today no re-1 ligio-charilable organization on the face of the earth holds . a higher place in the esteem of real people, be they rich or! poor, christian or mhdel, democratic, republican or social-, , " , T ! ist, than does the Salvation Army-that wonderful organi- j JZr'LT j xalion of consecrated men and women that for more than Mrs-, jack Hynd visited with Mrs. 50 years has been going down into the dark and loathsome Peter Nash Sunday, places of this earth intent on the religion of service feeding Vcl'-r Renson of ione was visiting the hungry, clothing the naked, ministering to the sick and ni"uls Cecil Tuesday, amicled, lighting the beacon of hope before the eyes of the ' ZXL' discouraged outcast; bearing a word of cheer to sonic dis-;' Mr. and Mrs. George a. Miller tressed SOlll that most needed it. j wore Arlington visilors Monday. . While in recent years the work of the Salvation' Mesdumos Petor and a. e. Nash Army has become recognized as one of the biggest factors Jf ' Deac aatocd t0 Ar,lngton ( in reclaiming the submerged strata of society and its motto J(; vitkers or Springfield, jio "'J he World for God," one under which all right-minded is visiting at the home of Mr. and people may in a way unite, it required the world war to Mrs. Ben Barnes. i bring out boldly the real heart and soul, the lofty purpose 1 Ce('u was onm'("i by a short visit in, I thr. unfit-inn- -,,.-A . f tU , l i r fmm J:lke Wells and J. A. Waters and the untning zeal of the men and women workers oi froni the CouBty Seat Fl.iday. i his army ol Salvationists. w. G. PaimateerFWY pfwy hr 1 n the early days of America's participation in the w. o. Paimateer and j. m. Melton war we heard but little about Salvation Army work over we''e Mora vlsitors 011 Friday- i ,t ,-. .i t 1 .1 ill ii! Mrs. Dell Ward and Miss Bisbee of ihere and had it not been that he big-hearted, red-blooded Hoppner came flown for R few days licncvolcnt and Protective Order of r.lks got wise to what visit with Mrs. Karl Farnsworth. the army was doing, what it wanted to do and what stupen- Carl Troedson, j. h. Miller and dous things needed to be done, we might have continued to 0Ilir Johnson were amopg the guests give all the glory to some of the larger, more popular and at tlie willow creek picnlc Sunday- i . , i ? i Misses Ssther Xogan and Ssther better advertised organizations. , ,,,, . , . ... V " 1 Winter were the guests of Miss Geor- However, when the Klks got wise they at once pro- ga Summers Saturday and Sunday. ( eeded to get busy and without pomp or ceremony, brass Willie George Wilson made a hur- bands or newspaper publicity, within the confines of their ried f'p to Heppner accompanied by own lodge rooms the bilks raised a fund and turned it over 7 to the lassies for col fee. pie and doughnuts that must have ,ington Friday accompanied by Mrs. looked as good to the army as the crisp doughnuts and the Bennett and Miss Georgia Summers, sleamnt? coffee tasted to the doughbovs after a day in No Earl Lenervick of the Last Cam,p Man's I and. In the 1'nilcd War Work drive in which $170,500, iiim was called for and .S,s1(X).'),(xx) actually subscribed, the money was partitioned to seven authenticated war refiel nrganr atious as follows: was a visitor In the county seat Sat urday night returning Sunday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. Marion VanSeholch and children of Arlington spent Sun day with Mra. Bennett at the Last Y. M. C. A., $i I9,i4-',(xx.; Knights of Columbus, Ca'"p Ht Cecil Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Hobs and fam ily came in from Hoppner Tuesday and are visiting at the home of Mr. Sto.oi i.St; Y. W. C. A., $iS,77. ioo; War Camp Cotnimu- nilv Service. $iS77, ioo; Jewish Welfare, $4,'OV9'o; Am erican I ibrary Association 81.517,800; Salvation Army, ami Mrs. Pat Madiock. s .' l l.stX )t Thus, while it is apparent that the Salvation Army ret- .-ived but a fraction of this aid allotted to some of the other organizations it has never been claimed by any disin- Mlss Ellen McKadden of Eigtit- mlle and accompanied by Mrs. Iloyce of W.isco and W. Herd were business cah.TS In Cecil Friday. Ralph Winter and wile and child -.l.'d person familiar with the relief work done on the biidren lift by auto Wednesday to 1 .- . .1 . .1 ..1 I.I.I ..... I .- .. . Vi.tit uilll O-lnmtu III tYiei V.,trl..,n .Ho ..I'aieiront inai 111" service rendered and ine actual nee ic- - ....... il l alio. . led the Aniericai, doughbovs bv ths Salvation ,r",: 'n 0,,1'r '"' 1". " 1 II. ilrown, seer lei I. olnla. I I . I .!. I I .1 "' 1 .rmv workers were in any manner mimed o ine amount row ,.0linlv falr board WU8 ln aml !'o money received ! v that organization nor has this writer around Cecil on Tuesday on business ee- lie,iil one word of criticism from any returned soldier 1,1 ronnection with the John Day ir- or civilian directed at the administration" ol armv funds. , ,l:,"l"n proJ,rt 'l, J,!,. ,U- actual expense incurred in getting workers and "srfn,,,Kd Mr,'B 'lBd Jtat': ,. '. ... 1, it Knox ti-rt for Heppner Monday, Jack '!lvs to I-ranee and m.uiilainmg tlieiu there, every do- proceeding r,n Tuesday to the rkiah i '. lo'ialed ' allotted to the Salvation Army went much spending a short time with .iyhi to VV here it Wollld do some dollghbov Of other al- hlH 'thir Charley and returning . ..Idler the most und and il there was ec- a single 0,1 Tll",!"ly- "I .-ahation Arm- worker selling a penm .vo.ih o! ,Mr';- (S""n, S,u"to', ;o"n,.y ...... " I 1 Hchrxil Kiiner iiti'nilptit nn.l t A M,;'l v 10 ,ui .-..uti.ei ' ins not oeen 1 epoi iel in !Kp . !i!,n not be s;.i:l of 011 of tiu- other ben"iic!:'.ru c w ar campaign 0. Since the war closed the Salvation Army has aband t!ie old way ol raising moiu-v by the perpetual solici n plan ami have adopted the "drive" plan which was io" d in Imancipo the war. I'.v this change i'.u v e I.' m! ih''iuon ' in a week sutticient tocan v on their . lor a v ear theicbv coi.-er intr the time and eiu-t .,1' ca ol or la' 1 ' e i ' v 1!. 11 01 l.ers betel, lore expended in raising inom-v. a. u mi linn- lui ilo in- the real vv o L of the ai'mv . o w . 1 tin- Home Service l i:nd tlie armv i ;iku;g of lii pcoole 0! I he I 'nited Stales Si,."'.iih, and ol that si a'.'e aiuoiint Morrow countv is a-ked 10 contribute Sunn1 I u 1 d t to ii'.ike a -b.ill job oi ibi lleppner l.oogr. No I' IV . I'.li.i- mi. lei taken to g.ither in lie ii'itte ant iu st S.tir.'.i.n iviimigal the lair pavilion when in t.l Mi. a is onlv a baud ol l-.ik can i-ul on vvi'1 ,11 v lite. !. II mil. county agent, were the nursts of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar I.undell on Thursday. The following Coolllte were Ar HniMon visitors on Thursday: A. Hetitrknen. Oral and Clifford Henrlk s. n, Kriok Waldow. A. K. Nash. Ha f T. It. I.o,. unit Walter Pope. t". A M left the Samp S.ii 1. 1 tl.i v with dc.iiKe Kr.lihs, Tom k.'iHici! nn.l Marl l.t-n.t tck fur the !klnnff r k r.iti.h tor a few days ( stall, m; havlnu on the Cecil oiiii-h A li.t ki fin ii i-t- ji;i'iv w.m plvni Ml- II1I1111M nf the l..,t (l -n in u l. 1i.r hi.ii,)- tot-nils In 111.- ti"!i;h!iMrhi!.!i A mt-ri Ptne lin.f - ti t up In 1111 .-al It hour I tf 1 f.Ji fu..iit n,.,. ,i 11,,. ... Tlie Ekiikfing Q ne 11 in 1 .lie an oi.t timer this niiu s mil wmI pt- nt at muinUM .11 . V V oil b.. k to the ej'o.l, old d.lV s lien ev ct v thing VV nil l A. Minor nn.l V-,.,K KieM.s .,11 ! in. iu'V grew m : he s.i.-ln nsh , if Mm ;u e oi I Ik- oaiig '' t.t Cm p voday u-ceneiatioii vou wdl g t a glimpse -t' how vour father and ,'0""", '"""" ! M'-.MflPitlu-r, !Se.l. and lowd a.l nudo a "Make" or 1X1 oio.e as tltecase n-av have been I here w ill be mom v to t. ti.i-.i.-v r.-v. -,i u, ,t l.tok iin 11 I I1.1t night an-lpb iitv oi place . "burn it' and v.ui i'.-it- t..t.i,. t.. t,i, h jut v 1.: Hex el spend .1 ! II. 11 111 a better cause. ' o-imnr.i t 1 p (' 1. ki lt Kilk li,i ..l. til s l li. I, .l..prltjr ... Illptl I.) Ml I. Ill Mi I it. I l.iurf" lii Vl.itlin l."wnn t-i I 1 I Oulle. I III I K loll Ml l: I. hi l .i.kji.l lui. kin N.' I . 1. 1 1 .-n I MO. 1 ".r p.i On ul u W III 1 I I . 1 1 W 1 1 O ".V.- In, S ti-.t- t I , I.I till. n.'nis. t- t ! , In 1 ti- .... ..t. r l it.- !. t II IT Sil.pil IP I pM' 1 . Oi Itf ll. -i-n. t lli i I 1-.11 ::it 1 u ! 11 vv r s 1 1 ;i ; t s$m$mmmm mmm wmm m m yesooo Is paramount in the country today. Dur lg ihe'war practical, !v all building opera lions throughout the United States were stopped while the demand for houses and other buildings went on increasing day by day until it is row one of the most important questions before us. The need is greater than ever todav and you can build cheaper now than you can six months hence. Lumber and other maierial will get no cheaper but will go much higher. We are doing every thing possible to encourage building in Heppner and have a fine showing of Plan Books, Blue Prints and Estimates Which we placily place at the disposal of our patrons. They cover a broad field in the building line and include everything in the way of late ideas in res idences from a neat little cottage to themost pretentious bungalow. On t he, far m nothing adds to the pleasure of life more than a correct solution of the hou sing question. And ve can solve it for you whether it be a residence, a barn, machinery shed, dairy house, chicken house, grainery, or whatever the need may be. We have everything you need in the way of High Grade Lumber and Building Materials and' will be glad to talk over your Building Problems with you. 1 t In HEPPNER PLANING AND CHOP MILL 1 MARTIN .RE ID PROPRIETOR filfffiTi s9 At the Henry Scherzinger Ranch on Rhea Creek. 8 Miles South and West of Heppner Wednesday, June 1 1 th O. M. Whittington. having leased his ra nch. will sell his entire equipment of stock, farm machinery and household goods to the highest bidder without reserve The sale will start at 1 1 o'clock, a. m., with a free lunch at noon 5 work mares, wt. 1300 lbs 3 Geldings, work, 1300 lbs , 4-year old mares I 4 car old gelding year old mares j .Vyear old geldings I '- ear old gelding 4 v earling cot s i be si animals abov e vvi .1 l. red ol I'.clgian stock from good mares. Shorthorn milk cows vv 'ill c.l v es. I j v ear old Mccr j earling steers t earling heifer 1 ; v r. old Shorthorn bull 2 brood sows with 7 pigs each - jdiottom gangs with sod bottoms extra 1 spring tooth harrow l to-disc drill. practicaHv new 1 ;-s.Ttion steel harrow j1 j Haiti Bain wagons I V; 1 Studebakef wagon l IVuiocrat wagon t l!a rake 1 Mower 0 si, t . harness 1 set driving harness 1 set single harness to collar -' saddler 1 good range I cook stove I dining table 1 dresser 3 beds with sprin l dresser 3 beds with spring l complete blacksmith outfit l complete trail outfit in cluding chains, tongues and trail brake 1 walking plow Other articles too numer ous to mention. 1 Clark's cutaway disc l Chop mill 1 Fanning mill TERMS: AM suns of Sii'am and under, cash; over that amount, (.months time on :ip proved n tes bearing ' per cent interest per annum. This Sale Made Under the Direction of Farmer's Exchange of the Inland Empire A Mi !i ''!;. Ar.cti.-tuer Heppner, Oregon F. K. Brown. Clerk ... 'CLm