PAGE TWO S! THE HP.PPMRP WCD AT n TJT7"nrXTT?T rvnT?rAXT .9 'CSC I b'A b't f , w p." f I. UN t . r f7 1 hIM fq LJ L , ? , j ( ? a ? . 0 l a fa, tc k 34 V 7i 6 01 tT. ST IB"" yv e i m mi man wy N f Y f A 2 1 U O A! tig of iotous Entertainment Given to Raise Conoiy's Qoota for the 3i ivanon Army Ai'..ll'.MI!!',K i.ur KciH-rosity will lc an expression of Mir r;itiiu.k- lor tvh;it tin- Sal at ion Armv did for the I ys ;.i Mu.-row C'ounl viii l-'ranco so hriiiir alon-f ;l W i-.iiik rill and cil as land a- ou w ant lo. .See the Roulette Wheel and Faro P.ank running "wide cpeii I-.xpert K'anie keepers will he in charge of all games rind they promise to relieve you of any tronhlesotne or sur plus ein in a very gentlemanlv manner. Everybody Wdcoane l:UCK Till: TIGKR AGAIN ! I. "V- Hililc il wo:dd 1. 1- t(, r .; . 1 t" taU.' iH'!i a-i arl'iirarv ;.. ; i, "i !i.u 1. 1 u I ' Yoi! dou'l iiave to be an :1k to spend your liiooey at this show I 5 , , v. , .,t - t t i V-x . r- i mr.i . ujm you .i i.cui to v; ni out u, boy, waiclt you try to in out. 1' Tuesday, June 3, 1919 MM $1 i' if I Hi! t'll