Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, June 03, 1919, Image 1

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The regular annual eighth grade
examinations will be held in the sev
eral districts of the county Thurs
day and Friday, June 12th and 13th.
It is the duty of the president of the
TO- itAJSE COUNTY'S SALVATION school board of each district to pre-
ARMY QUOTA side at this examination and also to
employ some competent person to
Popular Order to Show Appreciation conduct the examination.
For Services Rendered Doughboys
By Salvation Lassies
Are you an old timer?
If you are it will warm the cockles
of your heart to go down to the fair
pavilion next Saturday evening and
take part in ths "Forty-nine" Carni
val. Are you a native-born kid or a
newly arrived tenderfoot?
If you are either it will be a liberal
education to you to attend this joy
fest and see for yourself Just how e,'c
your dad and his pards trod the
primrose path in the good, old days
when this old town was new.
he carnival will give a picture of
,ld Heppner or
Blocks With Winding
Driveways Would Offe i-Attract-
tlve Locations for Builders
Here's Your Hat
J. W. Morrow, former pioneer resi-
nther frontier dent of Heppner but for several
j j
Rumors circulating yesterday in
real estate circles were to the effect
that a deal is on whereby C. A. Minor
and R. A. Thompson are to become
the owners of the Stanfield Bros, big
?tock ranch on upper Rhea creek.
The deal involves some 5800 acres,
mostly fine grazing land and (the
price is said to range around the
$50,000 mark.
Mccarty resigns; m. d. clark
appointed to kill vacancy
in the palmy days, and all
''Vv timers will guarantee there will
not be a dull moment.
There will be a regulation bar
with every known beverage on sale
at early day prices and the advertis
ing matter announces that the drinks
will be as harmless as the German
navy and a w'hole lot easier to te.ke.
There will be faro and roulette, and
all the different varieties of poker
and for a consideration, the manage
years a resident of Portland where
he is connected with the tax depart
ment of the O. W. R. & N. Co., has
been in the city for aweeklooking
over 'his acreage on the east side and
making arrangements for having sur
veys made with a view to having the
property platted and placed on the
market for residence purposes.
Mr. Morrow owns about 40 acre?
on the hillside above the milling
company's ditch and realizing the
Judge Ben Lindsay Writes Of
Salvation Army Work in Prance
mnt tn mmolv vou with scads or u..c
,,. . nlav the blue sky aence ,ots t0 be nad at reasonable
- the limit and for once in your life -h. has decided to investigate
turn yourself loose for a hiyu time.
There will be six-guns and lariats,
and chaps and spurs and broad
brimmed hats and real cowboys and
maybe some Indians. There will
probably be some gun fights as
harmless as the drinks and a lot of
other frontier stuff that will be well
wordh while.
the Salvation Army in
lights of
"And when I came to British head
quarters I heard of a thousand won
derful things the Salvation Army
has done and is doing for the 'Tom
mies' and I think of the thousands
other good things t!hey are doing for
our boys, too,
"When I left France just a few
days ago asi that actual few weeks
now seems I went over to call on
Captain Archie Roosevelt, one of the
Judge Ben Lindsay of Denver
came home from France with some
direct information as to the spirit of
the soldiers towards the Salvation
Army. He wrote at length but here
are a few pertinent paragraphs:
"Listen to some of the stories
the possibilities of his property for they tell me: 'You see, Judge, the
that purpose. With that end in view S0(1 old Salvation Army is tine real
he has employed Loy Turner to thing! They don't put on no airs,
make surveys and plats of the prop- There ain't no flub-dub about 'em
erty and when that is done he will anrt you don't see their mugs in the
definitely decide ATI flit live rtintoH- I fancy magazines much.
ure. "Why, you would never see one ; tour Diuve boub ui mc nmu mc .n-
The present plan so far as worked f them in Paris around the hotels, j erican soldiers asked me most about,
out is to develop a terraced addition Good Lord, you'd never know they j And Archie looked so fine and yet
on the hillside immediately above existed, Judge, unless you came up ; so pale from the long weeks of sruf-
The people responsible for all this the aitcn Btarting a winding drive- here as close to the front :as the fering in the hospital I felt I might
orgie of wickedness are the members way near the oId 8(.nooI ,louge pr()p. colonel will let you!' , be wearing on his strength to talk
of Heppner Lode No. 358 Benevolent erty and gradually climbing the "hill "Why Judge,' said an enthusiastic ; too long, and when. I was about to
and Protective Order of Elks and the t0 his 6t)uth line back of the com.t urchin yes he seemed Just that, so leave a light came in his fine face
cause of their activity at this partic- houBe wnere the gtreet wlu Bw)ng boyish in his enthusiasm 'after tho and he fairly shouted to me, 'You
""ulartime is that a, drive is on to around m a broad curve aod ogft4a battle yesterday we counld't get ( tell Dnd,when.ou see him that the
raise a fund with which to finance gradually climbing to the school those women out of the village until first chance he gets to be sure and
the 3alvation Army for the coming house property when another swing they'd seen every fellow had at least ray a good word for the Salvation
year and Morrow county has been and easy climb will bring the drive
called upon to put up $1200 to this way to the summit. From there back
worthy fund. The Elks got wise to tne ground lies well and the lois can
what the Salvation Army lassies De laid out in (I'.ie ordinary manner.
were doing for the doughboys over in Tne only drawback with this prop-
France many months ago and their Qrty at presenl 8 (mit lt ijPB toc
hacking to the army, while the war nlgh to De propt.rly 8erVed by the
was still on, meant countless millions present water system but Mr. .Mor-
of doughnuts and cans of coffee to rov js of tne ori n Ion that when (lit
our boys In the trenches. new gravity system Is brought In
In this case the Elks decided to from the mountains a higher reser
voir will furnish an abundance of
Will Inspect Mora Experiment Sta
tion and Look Over Sherman's
Marvelous Wheat Fields
The Sherman county farm bureau
has arranged to hold its annual pic
nic at the Moro experiment station
on June 14th. They have chosen sev
eral prominent, farmers of the coun
ty, who are recognized as successful
wheat growers to address the gather
ing upon the farm practices and soil
tillage that really gets results,
There will also be some good talks
on tractor farming by men who have
used the iron horse for a number of
At noon a regular farmers' picnic,
the kind that leaves a taste in your
mouth for the next month.
After noon Mr. Stephens, who has
had charge of the Moro county ex
periment station for the past seven
years will conduct the tour o fthe
experimental plats covering over 300
sponsor the Morow county quota and
they propose to raise the entire water for the property,
amount at Uhls '49 carnival next Sat-
urday evening. I
Are you going to be there? Surest j
thing you "know. If you are a live one ' Mrs. Lena Snell Shurte has cold
they couldn't keep you away from her residence property to Silat
that pavilion next Saturday night. Wright who In turn recently disposed
with a sixr-gun and a lour-year-oia or nis resiaenc to '. m. Lovgren, ol
Ko is a regular farmer's man with
a scientific training who talks good
farmer common sense and has ab
solute figures to prove what "he Bays.
Here will be seen growing side by
side fifteen hundred varieties of
wheat; think of lt. They will be at
their best at that time.
He Is conducting between three
and four thousand separate and dis
tinct experiments In soil culture and
a dozen fried cakes and all the choco-; Army. They are the real thing over jpiani varieties,
lute or colfeee he could pile in! We .here, Judge!' On the morning of June 13th the
just had to drag 'em out, for the j "And after hearing Archie relate tour will leave the county agent's of
boys love 'em too much to lose 'em the tales of tlheir heroism, as he had j f ice and passing through Gilliam
we weren't going to take no chances personally witnessed it with our dead county, will bo met at the Sherman
not much for our Salvation 1 and dying and wounded and hungry county line by their county agent. C.
Ladies!' boys, you couldn't help but to take ,C. Calkins, and conducted over sever.
"And, say Judge,' chirped a rud-! of f your hat and shout for the Sal- ,al typical farms,
dv-laced. stomach Joyed kid. 'these ' vation Army, and, what is more im- j We shall see at first hand how our
guys don't preach to us, neither, portant, go down in your purse and neighbors have achieved the success
They lust feed us up that's what ; dig up all you've got to spare for we, ourselves, covet.
uur sou, climatic conditions and
they do. And when you see what I them. The other war charities are
those ladies are doing, how the hell j all right, but the words of the boys
ran a kid keep trom oeing goon:
That's Just a faint glimpse of our
boys before the peaceful, lovely fire-
everywhere over there ring In my
ears over rnere: 'Whatever you do,
don't forget the Solvation Army."
C. C. Patterson also recently sold
his residence property to Mrs. Mary
Mary Perry, of Rock Creek, who will I yesterday making the trip In the In-
ra in full are so similar that with lit
tle qualification what they have done
we can do.
This is an opportunity no farmer
can afford to neglect. See the farms,
tho fumier "and the running Unit
really win.
I Hoar practical men give practical
1 City marshal Crowell and Jeff talks upon tho most vital questions
A party of good;road enthusiasts ; Jones were busy last week grading to the grain growing Mctlon of this
.I.,.,- nvr In IrrliFn. and f on rrt m a n 1 o iwl lovi.llna llenr.ner'a streets Mr COUnty.
Engineer's Report Filed Fire Men
ace to be Abated Streets to be.
Oiled or Sprinkled
Business was good at the regular
meeting of the city council Monday
evening. There was not a dull mo
ment and much business connected
with the common good of Heppner
was transacted.
The resignation of Councilman Mc-
Carty, who has been a member of the
body for a number of years, was ac
cepted, the cause of the resignation
being that Mr. McCurty expects to be
absent from the city for several
months during the summer.
Percy Garrigus, a heavy property
owner on Main street took up t"ie
matter of connecting his septic tank
with the city sewer the request be
ing granted. Mr. Garrigus also called
attention to he unsaniary condiion
and. fire menace in the rear of cer
tain property in the same block in
which his property is located and de
manded relief. Mayor Vaughn stat
ed that he had personally called at
tention of the owner to these condi
tions and had received assurance
tf.iat the same would be corrected and
he assured Mr. Gurrigus that there
would be no more delay.
Regular bills were audited and al
lowed. Marshal Crowell reported tnat the
basting of the roc'k bluff on upper
Main street was not satisfactory and
would probably require more shoot
ing. The report of Burns & McDonnell
engineers employed to make surveys
and estimates for the proposed
gravity water system was filed with
the exception of the Ditch creek fea
ture which has not yet been com
pleted. "Plie report is considered very
favorable. The favorite proposition is
to take the water from the left fork
of Willow1 creek, some ifteen miles
above town and carry it by pipe-line
to the city. The city attorney was In
structed to proceed at once to look
up he legal status of the city In re
gard to water rights and right at-.
way and to report at the earliest
possible moment. As soon as the
mayor and councllmen have had
time to thoroughly examine the en
gineer's report und also determine
the exact status of the- rHy form a
legal standpoint they propose thru
t lie press and by a public mass rmeet
Ing to take the people fully Into
their confidence regarding the- pro
ject, explain the situation from every
r.ngl and then unbuilt the entire
question to a ole of the pi-ople.
It wuh decided to ohluln oil, if pos
sible for the streets and If that Is un
obtainable to start he water sprinkler.
rlshmen from all over Oregon
,iet in convention in Portland last
iunday to enter vigorous protest
against the ratification of any league
of notions that falls to recognize
the Independence of Ireland from
English rule. Francis A. McMena
mln, of Heppner, who represented
Morrow county at the meeting, was
one of the principal speakers and
mad a strong appeal urging for the
cause of Erin. Resolutions were
adopted urging Senatott Chamber
lain and McNary to Insist on recog
nition of Ireland's claim In the
league program before Its ratifica
tion In the senate.
take immediate possession. Judge
Patterson and family have taken
apartments in the new Glllnian
building, on May street, where in ad
dition to setting up their family dom
icile the Judge will also have his In
surance and L". S. Commissioner's office.
teieyt of the Morrow county road
bonding measure und all other
:;ood road and progressive measures
on today's ballot. Those making
up the putty were: F. R. Brown, S.
E. Notson, L. A. Hunt, W. L. Mc
f'uleb mid Vuwter Crawford.
results were obtained.
;rn.n party pleasant affair
VXmorlal Day was fittingly ob-
jTkd In Heppner laat Friday when
a fair stied audience gathered at the
Federated rhurrh where appropriate
program was carried out. Francis
A. McMenamln was the principal
piakcr and his addrens til one that
pleased and dllghtd the audlenre.
Follnwlnc the erce at the
rhurrh a prorlon was formed and
the rnngreaatlon proceeded to the
rmUry where the grave of 21 he
mes of the civil war were deroratl
A lane number of eltiiena vlnlted
the cemetery earlier in the day,
For Flrt and Hall Inaurance fall
fll. I itl I i . i I . ,
Jones' Yul.a tractor and a big grad- wl" " "const s noi air.,
er were used for the woik und good but lne hard boll"d f th" "'n
wno nave absolutely mado good at
the same game that you play.
You cannot afford to miss It. Plan
to be one of the party and give m
your name If possible before June 10.
Flee transportation will he provided
for any whose car may for any r-us-on
be not working.
County Ag-nt.
The bridge party given by the la
dies of the Episcopal guild last
Thursday evening In the Odd Fellows
building was one of the pleasantest
social affairs of the season. A large
crowd was present and all report a
splendid time. An enjoyable music
al program was given during the
evening and excellent refreshment
were served. It Is understood the
ladles realUed a handsome sum
which will be used for painting the
School district No. 3!t Is a Joint
district between Morrow and Gilliam
counties the school house and all of
the pupils tit-longing In Gilliam
county. Despite that fact however,
reports Mrs. Lena Hnell Shurte,
county school superintendent, when
the children of the district learned
from her, something of the condition
In Armenia, they at once arranged
to donate $20 from the proceeds of a
basket social "held a short lime ago.
to the Armenian relief fund.
on C. C. Patterson.
Oilman building, on
cond floor of
Willow Street.
This one drifted up from Cecil the
other day on that north wind and If
theiWnr rather dry: The phone b-ll
i aim in the office of Tom liwe, mer
chant ptlnr of Cecil, and that gen
tleman took down the reerlver:
"Hllo," spoke a dulret, femininely
voire over the wire. "Madam," growl
ed Tom. In his sternest tone, "I do
not like the manner in which you ad
dress me over the telephone." "Why.
v.iat't the matter with the way I
address you." demanded the surpris
ed ladyT "Well madam." drawled
Tom, "most folks rail tat Tom Low,
roa persist In ratling ma IM Lo,"
and she hung up.
The election Is passing
very quietly In Heppner to
day and reports from other
section of the county Indi
cate a similar ronditlon at
most of th polling plar.
Present Indications arc (hat
a very light vote will be
polled In th eounty with
prospects for carrying the
road bonding measure and
oftier good road questions
Frank Roberts lias commenced
work on a new concrete building on
his Willow stiei-t property which will
be occupied by the Elkhorn restau
rant us sunn completed. The
building will be 24xt.O, one story und
of flrcpninf construction.
A meeting Is called for this after
noon at the fair pavilion for the pur
pute of dlM'usnlrnf the feasibility of
building a new and modern hospital
In Heppner. The meeting has been AH reformers, officials, public bene
advertlsed all oter the county and It laclors, moral uplirteis and return-
Is expected that a representative ed soldiers must go to doing some-
gathering will be prew-nt. "'lug 'hat will help the country. If
Morrow county undoubtedly needs e could all get to work at some,
modem Institution of this kind and thlM sfaj, w would have ju
It is to he hoped that something def- cent more lelaure than w now have
Inlte will com nut of today's meet- a"1"" u 'he rml life. Tha Idleness
Ik. of one man causes drudgery In an-
other There re ninny remedies
.!-!-!--!-!-!-!-!-Vl-I-M-!''. .'. ui,i.,e.ted for ! days of reenn-
One way to help things us the
Ohio Slate Journal siiKgests, Is for
evMhody to go to woik. This Is the
way the Journal puts It:
"We Iist got to get buck lo ntk.
Ho niil'li louring will have 10 stop.
cot nty historian
A P.
I I 1 1 1-1 I I I 1 1 I I ! H !h
Mrs. Annie Rpenear,
rhslrrrao of h Morrow
eounty RH Croes chapter
a'ks th Herald to announce
that Mrs. Arthur MrAte
has been appointed county
ilstorlan for the Morrow
county chapter.
siiuiM'in, but the only one that Is to
; ti c ommended heartily la to strip
j, ' loi.tinr. S'ii,iliMinif. proflteei trig,
t I ?etmg rlh and go to work at some.
,ing worth whlla."
1'hhwin tire ti 11.1 ith for
The D. M C. K. vulranlK-r
known as the Peterson Tire Welder,
for mending rasing and Inner lube.
Also mending gum and eemenL
I do all kinds of Urt mending.
D. i. IrONHOl'RF.R. 4-t
This Is commencement week at the
lone liiuh school, the interesting ere
errlses atutMlng lust Sunday evening
with a t ci-u In u rate senium preached
by Dr. II. P. Hales, of Forest Grove,
in the Oingicgulliiiiiil c'.iuicli.
Commencement exercises und tin
presentation of diplniiiUH Will be held
lit the lone link, toinoirow (Wed
nesday) evening with the following
Inteiestlrig progiurui
Music, lone Oirliesttu.
In vocation.
"My Head's In the Highland,"
High School Gill's Choius.
Music, lone Orchestra.
Male Tilo: "We Meet Again To
night, Hoys," Chnrles Cochran, El
died Coison, Joseph Lowell.
Address, "Progress and Prejudice"
S. II. Peterson, Oiegon Agrirultuiiil
Music, nnn Oirlicstra.
Presentation or Diplomas, If. M.
"Good Night, Beloved," Mlged
The '19 class- at I'irie Is somewhat
tinlqir smong the otiliiisry l.lh
school rlurne of the slate for Hie
reason that only hoy make up th
personnel of the rlaM. Usually there
are mors girls (baa boy cnmUt
tha high school work but with Intin
It la different
Edison Morgan, Kldred Corson,
('has. Cochran and Joseph Lowell an.
th four yortng men who romplcU
th avbuol work at Ion this )ar
Jeff Nee! and family bar taken
housekeeping apartments tn th nw
Oilman building