Tuesday, May 27, 1919 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE SEVEN 3 , , fi f IT9 U & T g V I spring 1 sme is roods' !i; ' Rnv Mr. Hrnsp Owner isn't this weather eettine into Vour v: 1'KTITIOX 1 fi y Say Mr. House Owner isn't tliis weather getting into your system and malting you long to see the old home shine again like it did when it was new? Don't you realize that a new coat of paint would bring back all its freshness that it would again have that new appearance of which you were so proud when you first built it? This is the time of the year to start lat work and you know howbadly it needs it. , We wish merely to call your attention to the fact that we have a full line of standard paints every color or tint that you possibly coud think of. Besides every thing needed for the interior decoration of your home. Of Interest to the Ladies We have a complete line of Chinamel for touching up and reftnlslhing those old pieces of furniture that you prize so highly and this work will come right along with the spring house cleaning. These varnishes are prepared so that they do not require the services of a painter and you've no idea the amount of good you can do in one room with a few of these colors. We've every one you could want. Side Ditches Should Be Amply Large to Carry Off Water at Rapidly As It Enters. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) The only reason for crowning a road surface is to enable it to shed water, and unless effective means are provided for disposing of the water after it Is drained off the surface crowning will be or very little, if any, advantage. The ditches should be amply large a.HI atould hnve suf ficient fall to ca:TT tfie water away as rapidly as It enters them, and they should have outlets at all con- venient points. Cross drains or cul verts should be constructed wherever GiHiam & Bisbce COME IX AM) LET US TALK TAINT TO YOU I I h I -1, ... I ' 1 - W--':t I I I I ft PEOPLES CASH MARKET W ATKINS & Oviatt, Proprietors Our location is still in the "bc Ttground" but if you will fol low the "saw-dust trail" you will find us prepared to cater to your wants In the way of te nder, juicy meats and fresr. fish and shell fish as though w e were already In our uew building. Our new building will be com pleted by and by. In the mean time don't forget us. PEOPLE'S CASH MARKET Good Road Middle Is Kept High and Water Drains to Sides, It Is desirable to transfer drainage water across the road, and they should usually be provided with end or wing walls for protecting the slopes of the embankment. When the material composing the roadbed Is likely to be springy, a system of longitudinal un-der-dralnage may be found necessary to secure proper drainage. In con structing a road, of any type what ever, It should be constantly borne In mind that adequate and continu ally effective drainage Is absolutely necessary If the road Is to be main tained In good condition. y-l r t. T V!',',' ... - .: ... : J (if . -S,. ' Chain Kobe's the way v;e loots at it A u; tho tii u rt;x.'bit!uii from our V.'j i"n Ir. ti-.e :r; huslniv-i l ore, t? stay. Vc can remain In bu::!r.cci cn!y bo loi?c pi we p'.c;iso our customers. Consc':-.":n'ly, It pays u$ to handle p'l tires UoiteJ States Tirci. They'ro tho tlrc wo eL They're tho tirc you fchouM u. We havo them to meet every nce! of prlco or we. United States Tires arc Good Tires Wc knov.- t'nitcl l;iUs Tiro arc good tin - Tl.;a' why we m!1 tli' in. H!::'PN'KK GAKAGC.MlI'PPNEn. OH!. In tho Couiity Court of the State of Oregon for the County vf Morrow. In the matter of the organiiation of John Day Irrigation District in Morrow, Gilliam and Umatilla coun ties, in the State of Oregon. T-) the Honorable County Court of Morrow County, Oregon: " Tho undersigned petitioners re- pectfully show: That petitioners are more than fif ty of the owners of land irrigated or susceptible to irrigation within the boundaries hereinafter described and desire to provide for the construction of works for the irrigation of t'he same and to provide for the recon struction, betterment, extension, pur chase, operation or maintenance of works already constructed and for the assumption as principal or guar antor of indebtedness on account of district lands to the United States under the Federal Reclamation laws, and petitioners do now propose the organization of an Irrigation district to be known as the John Day Irriga tion District, within said counties and State under the provisions of Chapter 357 of the General Laws-of Oregon for 1917. That the lands of your petitioners afe included within the boundaries as 'hereinafter, described and are SU3' ceptible of irrigation from the waters of the John Day river as a common source and the major portion of said lands ere included within the boun daries of Morrow county and a small portion thereof is included within the boundaries of Gilliam and Uma tilla counties, in the state of Ore gon. That the boundai ies of the pro posed Irrigation district are describ ed as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of Section 3.0, T. 1 N. R. 22 E. W.M.; thence running in an easterly direc tion along the south line of said Sections 30, 29 and 28 to the south east corner of Section 28, T. 1 N. R. 22 E. W. M., thence running In a northerly direction on the east line of said Section 28 and continuing in northerly direction along the east line of Sections 21 and 16 of T. IN. R. 22 E. W. M. to the northeast cor ner of said Section 16; thence runn ing in an easterly direction along the south line of Sections 10, 11 and 12, to the southwest corner of Section 12; thence running in a northerly direction along the east line of T. 1 N. R. 22 E. W. M to the northeast corner of said township; thence run nlng In an easterly direction on the south line of T. 3 N. R. 23, 24 and 25 E. W. M. to the southeast corner of said township 2 N. R. 2 5 E. W. M. thence running in a northerly direc tion on the east line of said township 2 N. R. 25 E. W. M. to the southwest corner of section 18, T. 2 N. R. 26 K. W. M., thence running In an easterly direction on the south line of Sec tions 18. 17, 16, 15, 14, and 13, all In T. 2 N. R. 26 E. W. M., to the southeast corner of said Section 13; thence running In a northerly direc tion on the east line of said T. 2 N It. 26 E. W. M., and continuing In northerly direction along tho east line of T. 3 N. II. 26 K. V. M., to the 'southwest corner of Section 30, T. 3 N. It. 27 E. V. M., thence running In an easterly direction along the south line of Sections 30, 29, 28, 27, 2fi and : 25, nil In T. 3 N. It. 27 E. W. M., to the southeast corner of said Siitlon 35; thence running In a nortlu dirvction on tr.ie east, line of T. 3 anil ' I, N. It. 27 E. W. M., to the south west coiner of S' l tlons 19, T. 4 N. I! 2t 10. V. M , thwirp i ii n n f n tn an ;: -ti rly direction alonu tin- louth .line of said .Si-ilion 19 a distance i.l one half mile more or isk lo tli ait banl; of t loi Vma t ilia rivei tlicnre riiMiini: in a hoi lln rly mid "a .ti'lly ilinctii.il on the Mtft li.ililt of said I'i.iatil!,i iWi-r a illMaiH-e i f live iiiileM iiifro or 1 v-s to the suu'h line of Sidlon 2. T. 5 N. It. 2X E. W. M., thence i milling in a wc tcily southerly direction along the west line of said Section 21; to the south west corner of said Sec. 21; thence running in a westerly direction along the north lines of Sections 29 and 30 T. 4 N. R. 23 E. W. M., to the north west corner of said Section 30; thence running in a southerly direc tion along the west line of Sections 30 and 31 T. 4 N. It. 33 E. W. M., to the southwest corner of said Section 31; thence running in a westerly di rection along the north line of Sec tions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, all in T. 3 N. R. 22 E. V. M., to the northwest corner of said Section 5; thence run ning in a southerly direction along the west line of Sections' 5, 8, 17, 20 and 29 all in T. 3 N. R. 22 E. W. M., to the southwest corner of said Sec tion 29; Whence running in a wester ly direction along the north line of Section 31 T. 3 N. R. 22 E. V. M and Sections 36, 35, 34 and 33 all in T. 3 N. R. 21 E. W. M., to the north west tbrner of said Section 33; thence running in a southerly direc tion along the west line of Sections 33 T. 3 N. R. 21 E. W. M., and Sec tions 4, 9, 16, 21 and 28 all in T. N. R. 21 E. W. M.,to the southwest corner of said Section 28; thence running in a westerly direction along the north line of Sections 32 and 31 in T. 2 N. R. 21 E. W. M.. to the northwest corner of said Section 31; thence running in a southerly direc tion along tlie west line of Sections 31 T. 2 N. R. 21 E. W. M., and Sec tions 6, 7, 18, 19, 30 and 31 all in T. 1 N. R. 21 E.W. M tothesouthwest corner of said Section 31, thence running in an easterly direction along the south line of Sections 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36 all in T. 1 N. R. 21 E. W. M., to tho southeast cor ner of said Section 36; thence run ning in a northerly direction along the east line of said Section 36 to the southwest corner of Section 30 T. 1 N. R. 22 E. W. M., the place of beginning. EXCEPTIONS Dan McDevitt, lone, Oregon. William Gorger, lone, Oregon. Henry Gorger, lone, Oregon. Phil Doherty, lone, Oregon. Hill Doherty, lone, Oregon. Geo. Gorger, lone, Oregon. J. O. Agee, lone, Oregan. M. C. Marchal, Boardman Oregon. W. H. Gould, Lexington,' Oregon. M. C. Sepanek, Echo, Oregon. II. J. Tafel, Echo, Oregon. David C. Pivall, Echo, Oregon. C. C. Clark, Arlington, Oregon. J. F. Costello, Arlington, Oregon. Gordon Hall, Arlington, Oregon. G. E. Reeves, Arlington, Oregon. W. It. Gregg (G. E. R.) Arlington, Oregon. Asher Montague, Arlington, Oreg. T. L. McFadden, Cecil, Oregon. T. W. Way, Cecil, Oregon. S. M. Burnett, Arlington, Oregon. George L. Newell, Arlington, Oreg. J. H. Bottemillqr, Rock Creek, Oregon. C. E. Bolds, Olex, Oregon. D. Swarth, Arlington, Oregon. John A. Wickland, Arlington.. Oregon. Alwln Jones, Arlington, Oregon. ' Magnus Cedland, Arlington, Oreg. E. E. Dent, Spokane, Washington. John Troedson, lone, Oregon. J. R. Ashinhust, Lexington, Oreg. Henry Stender, lone, Oregon. G. A. Miller, Cecil, Oregon. U. E. Baker, Cecil, Oregon. J. E. Crabtree, Cecil, Oregon., Neil Doherty, lone, Oregon. Frank Deos, WjJIows, Oregon. NOTICE In, the County Court or the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow. In the matter of the organization' of the John Day Irrigation District in Morrow, Gilliam and Umatilla Counties, State of Oregon, TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: on are lui jby notified that the ur.rt' rsisrned, petitioners in the above and foregoing petition for the org anization of an irrigation district to be known and stvled n Tohn riao- Saving and excepting the following irrigation District. ,.n,w nrt described tracts of land in the coun-Uuant to P'n-mter :.r.7 nt n, ttoo nt nilllom Hf..... I it . . .. ' . allu uiua- L.aws or the state of Oregon for una, siaie or uregon, within the de- 1917. will present the above and Bcnpeu nounaarles to-wlt: foregoing petition to the Honorable Township a North Range 21 Emtt County Court cr Morrow County. Willamette Meridian Oregon, at the chambers of said au or sections 4, 9, 16 and 21; the Jourt in the court house of said i 7a ui ormuu m, i uuiiiy, Hi tieppner, uregon, on Township a. North Range 22 Kattt Wednesday, the second day of July, Willamette Meridian 1919, at the hour of 10 o'clock of All of Sections 1. 2 and 3 and the 8111(1 day' that belng a regular meet- NW14 of Section 10. ,n8 of ald Court called for tha TtiwaHhlp 8. North Ranae 22 Kat ?.UrpBe. 0t hearlnf5 and considering I 'lilci-tinn OI1 the Hnlltll line If ;-.il'l . it ion 2H tn She Millfiiwe-t ii.wi-l i .ii Se'ti'lll 2, tlllilli' ll-Il!;' ;' :.'li !; v. st line of said : (ion in li Inn I l.'-i lv due, linn .',,17.7 !!: mole or li-si I i l'ie p'.'itli Inn, n I l y of III" lii hi o! vra ol I e ,,:, ill clial l.r Hi" U '-,( l--.nl i lis,,,,-, of Hie I'lllltill,! I'U-jecl llrt HOW pel li Ill-lit - ly fvnc)c, ami cen-inii ie, .y 'In I'. S .r.crliiiiuillon Service; I hi nee liiuinlnif In a noilheily mid wei-teily I direction h Ion k kmIiI lioumlaiy line 'of the rlliM of way of tjie tniid iiiiiln canul a (lii.Unce of 26 16 Inilc inn," 'or leM lo Ihfi wt ! l line o the K '4 ot S-ctlon 23 In T. 4 N. II. 21 I). W. M . ;l a point dlntant 2.140 feel inoi lr lew and In a aoulherly diiftlon from Mm northwest corner of the 'NK'4 t nld Herllon 23. thence run- Din In a notlheily direitlnn lon(r lh n lin- of lh of wild er. lion 23. 2.M' feet inoro or c l l be norllnrn"! cottier of l NL'J 'if id Section 23; tlnnr tunnltiij in i-iteily dirii lion iilnix lh" in i'ii hue of Seii.,nii 21, 22. 21. 2 olid I ' nil In T 4 N. It. 21 I'.. W. M , ll- n-. ctitlnuln In a Tttly diti'tion ah tir ll no'lh I ne tif Si-rin i. J4 5:. ,-r. ! JI nil in T IN I 2 !' 'V ' . '. t'.e Il . . 1 f tc I ' .! I ' ! - : I , I'. i i.i.i I'ii- It ' Willamette Meridian All of Sections 1, 5, 12, 20, 29, 34, 35 and 36 and the NWV4 of Section 13; the EM of Section 14 and the SWVi of Section 17; the SWV4 of Section 21; the XV of Section 23; the SEV4 of Section 27; the S of Section 25; all of Section 26. Township 2 North Range 2:1 VmhX Willamette, Meridian All of Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, 20 21, 29 and 33, and the S V4 and NW V4 of Section 9; all of Section 16. Township 2 North Range 2IJ Knst Wlllnmelle Merliliiin All of Sections 15 and 16. Township 4 N'oilh limige 27 Kast Willamette Meridian All of Sections' 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 11. 15, 16 and 17. low nsinp n North I ilium' 27 I'.nsi Wlllnmelle McMillan All of that part of Sections 23 and 21 lying south of the north boundary of the distric t as hereinbefore d sciitiiii. All of Sections 25, 26, 27 33, 3 1, 35 and 36. IiiwiIiIi , Vorlli Itiinue 2H iiisl Willilinelte Meilillnn All thiil purl of pecllonn 19 mid 29 lying within (he boiiniliu les of mid di lrict nn ).,i lnl,. fine d MTilml Mini all of Hectlnns 30. 31 und 3 Sections 30, 31 mid 32. I III' lllillllll.ny llesci ,i,,n t,( n;,( ironiM'd dlhtilct, t-xi Imling Ihe ex cepii'ins ininiioneii nimve rover mi nif :i of 3 l.',26 lien s. i i.ai ii i-r uie irin nil. hi i,r ihe pi. tlll'.IH IH tn elect (I,,, (list IhiiimI of ilin-itoin f, H, the llintliil III l.iie I I .it iliiMli le i up), h of i:,h t I i i i'M i.l' in l,e i ll en a l, , tni the .ii I 1 ' lit ' II I ill J' I l,e l ili III- le I O! I . h ill, i". I, J l.i I,. i, !,, . , Ihe aid iS'lj.ll i Hie In he a t I a I Ii' il 'HI ' tin I lil 'l lle.iti I H'l nlie pell Inn fnl ll." pllipoe of pi i ' Ilia t Inn lo li.e lilioke Mlllll'd l-ollll Wlli:iil-:iniii;, (,nr peiuintiem pi.iy Unit all of n.ild latiiln liiclinleil mllliln Dm lln.ltn of Ilie plnpieeil lioundiirleH bh desrrllied afme.al'l mid ecluding the iscepilotin men Honed lieri-ln, t iirronlteii Into un ItilKnUon di'.ilrt to b known an the John I m y Irrigation I I e 1 1 1 I , under lti iitovlnlnnt if Mm t'lmpi'r 3U7 of Hie Oenefnl .(WM of Oicifon for 1917. Jkoh'i Tarty, ,i lni;lnn. f)icii,n Jnhn Mcl)evin, lotin, Ofi Knn l.'lw. K linmnn, lone, Or iinn J irk Mynd. fr, Ori-nnn. Vl4.ae Kenny, lleppner. (iif-r'tn II A Ttiompwin, II- ppiier, tin rnti Jnhn Kilkenny, lleppner, Oieifi.n It-.tph Kmlejr, l.r lnirti.n. Oiei'nn It Mi lit lll. nn. f liecon I'd M' I'i' I. I,' r.f'nn. n-i rnn f, I t-, . ,! l, i i' Im v-n 1 1 1. 1' i I,. I t ; n , 'im the said petition; and you are fur ther notified that the above and fore going petition together with a plat showing generally the proposed boundary of the Irrigation District proposed to be formed In said peti tion and ' the land included within said boundary will bo filed with the County Clerk of Morrow County, at lleppner, Oregon, on and alter tha second day of July, 1919, James Carty, Lexington, Oregon. John McDevitt, lone, Oregon. Edw. Iteitman, lone, Oregon. Jack Hynd, Cecil, Oregon. Mldiael Kenny, Heppner, Oregon. H. A. Thompson, lleppner, Oregon. John Kilkenny. lleppner, Oregon. Ralph Klnley, Lexington, Oregon. II. McDevitt, lime, Oregon. Ed. McPaid, Lexington, Oregon. 0. Krewiild, lime, Oiegon. I). Klerniin, I.eyini'lon, Oregon. Dan McDevitt, lone. Oregon. William Gorger, I. me, Oregon. Henry Gorger, lone, Oregon. Phil lloheiiy, nne, Oregon, Hill Doheily, Imie, Oregon. Geo. Ginger. J,,,,,., firignn. L O. Agee. Inlie. Oregon. M. G. Mai. liall, llnnnlinan On gon. XV. II. Gould, l.e.Minglon, Oregon. M. ('. Sepaink, Echo, Oregon. II. .1. Tnfel. Li-lio, Oregon. !'Wd C. Divall, Echo, Orernn G. (. riiii'U, Aillni'iim, Oregon. J. I-'. Go-lell,,, Aillnglnii, lliegnn. Gonlmi Hall, Arlini Inn, Oieg,,n, G. I:. Heeves, ,iingi,, f),,.l,n W. It. Cr. i',r (1;. K, It ) Aillngton, On n.n A l.'-r Mm i.i;mii., Aillnrion, Oreg. T. I' Mi I a-lit, 11 C, , i m.-mn. I. W V, -.., .-' .M I'.ui m 11. A '.' "l , , , ! .1. II ll.. 11. mill. l . i: ;.,, Salth, Oi. ii'ii"t.,n. VI .in 1 1 I. I'm!. Oi i ron. II , ( II eg. Ii . I'll V. (II. ...II Arlington. Ongnn. John A. Wliklatid. Ailingmn. Olegnn. Alwln June. Arlington, Ocgnn. Miignim ('dlnnd. Arlington. Orer. L. K. Ii-iil. Spokane, V.'io-liliigion. John Tloeilinil, Inn", Oirgnn. J. II. Ahlnliiift, Lenitigtnn, Oreir. Il'-nty Slender, ,,iii., Orernn. G. A. Miller, fe.ll, OtcRon. V. .. llaker, C'i'll, Oregon. J. V.. Cml.tlen, recti, Oregon. Nell Ilolierly, loll", OreKon. Vrnnk Ixwii. Willow , Oregon. Dip'ily ft.vtMt Mrfi'ifff.. look C. A Mon-jr t S.ilem Weilm .day hr Mofey Will M-M a life mfllenco for h imiider of Alfnd Srtmffer flill Ayr ti'cninpmile.l Mr MiHnffle a far fniilind and will Inkn In tha ' ( I' I'- "' pttr fin- a few I,-,.