r PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, May 27, 1919 THE HEPPNER HERALD S. A. PATTISON, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER An Independent Newspaper Entered nt the Heppner. Oregon, Postof'fiee as second-elans Matter THE BURGLAR By GERALD ST. ETIENNE. Onr; Year $2.00 Six .Months $1.0') ; TKK.MS OK SU$S( KHTIOX Three Months $ .50 1 THE ELECTION BALLOT MEASURES !t was exactly 10:30. For three hours Katherine Jeffery had been working without a stop nt her type writer. Not once had she raised her eyes from her notes. As she' finished ' the last letter she put It with the oth- Tp UK first measure is an amendment to the constitution1 prs nnl) P'ared it on the manager's 1 permitting counties to incur bonded or other indebt- ulTTZr edness tor the purpose of building permanent roads, to the watch, and discovered that she had amount of six per cent of the assessed valuation of all the finished sooner than she had expected, property in the county. The present limitation is two 7hertaZe. She pei cent. wns tirc bllt !t seelm,,j g00( t0 feej Argument in favor of this amendment points out ,,ie,r toucn a"llln after belns away that if the measure carries no county will have to take ad- XwlS oeemo n ... . . . .. J . r , . . i xvight work the second day was a vantage Ol the provisions unless a majority 01 the Citizens record for her. The salary was a large so vote. If a county does not need more money for roads one- hnwever, it would not hurt than they can provide under the two per cent limitation TZ Ihf Tl trie measure is a dead letter. Ine counties however, 1 The thought of the vacation was a that need the additional re venue should have the right Plpnsntone. For eight years she had Lornhiif ,TnnthemselvesH Vrow county, should sup-; -TbL" poi t this measure as a matter of fairness to other counties been worth while to hare saved twen- Whether We ever need it Or not. j ty-elght years, she told herself, as she The next measure in which Morrow 'county is par-1 t7elVl ,,eh glorloust mVhe f . , . . i i . .. . . 10 1'"' had. It had been exciting from the ticularly interested is that providing for the payment or start, but the real pleasure had not guaranty of the interest on drainage and irrigation district eome untu after she had mct Oliver bonds for the fjrst five yea the money to be repaid with j lZrt interest to the state by the districts within six months af-1 month he would be back home, and ter the bonds matUl'C. then It wouldn't be long before she This measure is intended as a relief measure to the 1 wo forever' 8he , people who are struggling to develop the resources of the! The gloomy stillness of the' office ' stale and is ' needed to stabilize irrigation and drainage brouKi"t Katherine back to earth, she bonds and is only in effect the loaning of the state's credit j ClZ lo these districts tor a limited period. The measure is only person in that vast office building ol vital importance to the northern portion of this county' "ns rather a chining one. The thought jnd will be of assistance in helping through the big John to" hT y 2?. TZZl J P'OJCCt- hour, caused her to put the cover on The. Roosevelt, hiphwav. measure, nnnrom intes I ,IPr ninchlne and hasten Into her coat. ,,5o.ooo for the construction of a military highway along j JXZZZ the Oregon coast from California to the mouth of the Col- corridor. Her heart gave a jump and umbia river. The appropriationhowever, is condition al on the Federal government appropriating an equal amount for the proprosed road. If the road is built the .state wilt get two dollars worth of road for each dollar ex pended by the state which is good business for all of Ore- ti-Mii Ak-,.;i ...;n -i i i. . . 1 f ' 11 " --A-iop u l icu country aiUl acid great- , The man faced her in surprise. . ly to the general wealth of the state. The people along "Katherine." he cried, "what are you the coast need this road. Morrow county should vote to , ""l" '""T?" give It to them I Oliver I" There was surprise and 1 horror In Kutherlne's tone. "You One of the most important road measures proposed t""-Kir!" is the market road measure. This measure provides a one "I,ut' n,y (lenr " he bpg"n- ...ill tax on all property in the state, for the construction of .J' Z!, IT arf.iw pel nianent mat ket roads. 1 his tax would raise approx- mm here to rob this office?" imatolv $,ox,o(X). To secure an allotment of this ,,e l""l,,,1- The laugh seemed to money each count)- would have to appropriate an equal ther.neK1'1,rl1 f "r""lt,V8 r"K8 'n aniount from its regular road levy. The state highwav -You wretch ! iwt you dure iuKh!" uMimnssion snail apportion this money to the counties each year in such amounts as will give each county an aniount at least equal to its contribution to the total amount except that it is provided that no county shall re ceive in excess of io percent of the total amount. In cf Ject this means that no county will receive less than it puis tn but Multnomah count v. Morrow ,-oi,n... ,..;ii 1 . . - VV'i.l)l (till. l'loni irom Multnomah county something like S(xxx bv "' wmill '"" milly (1 8"'h a ,l,,n" l Ills arrangement. S t J he said. "I was only testing you. I . . . j love yon, Katherine, no mutter what r.vcrv voter in Morrow count v should vol.. for tl,.. your opinion u f ,." mat i. i i road lull. c New Reo-4 Price $1620 at Heppner gave a Jump she caught her breath. A slight cough told her that someone was there. A shuffle of feet told her that It was man. The door opened suddenly. "Well," Katherine said as coolly as she could. "I have my hand on the telephone." Now in Stock for Immediate Delivery After careful consideration and observation of the service and economy furnish ed by the various cars used in this vicinity we have taken over the Reo Line of pleasure cars and trucks: Look into the several repair shops here and elsewhere the advertised lists of second hand cars. or into the junk heap n w rapidly growing from the many new experimental cars and by its absence the Reo proves conclusively that as yet not one of the many so called im- nv. ;d cars have as yet equalled the car produced in the . Reo ' factory nine years ago. ASK ANY REO OWNER OR COME TO US FOR DEMONSTRATION IcMerts-Cohn Auto Company she cried. Pou't yoti speak another word. I will not listen to you. The sound of your voice will make me feel noihhiK but repulsion for you. To think that I cared for n crook like you. To think that I thought I loved you and you allowed hip to think 111 Yon. are a burglar, a common burglar, who came her to rob this office. WHY NOT PAY THE FIRE LADDIES Til'', town of Ileriniston, not as large nor nearly as rich as lleppner lias a paid lire department, so we learn iioui (he Herald ol that town. The bovs received their 1.. p.iy checks I he other evening and while the amount is "Love ine? Then why have yon done thin?" Her tone had ( banged, her an gcr almost disappeared. "IVrhapN I was driven to It." he tiUKested. "This Is my first offense." "Iiilven to It," she Hsked tremulous ly. Surely a man dues not have to he (llidimiexf. oh, Oliver, were you too extravagant this winter? Why didn't I think of thai? You spent n lot of money on me. ami I allowed you to do It bei'iinse I thought yon were rich." "It would be awful to spend a term In prison." lie muttered wistfully. "I will not cull the police." She pu-died the telephone mMiy from her. "ProinNe toe this will be your Inst t- SI IOUL1) WELCOME THE SOLDIERS '. ; tn "Hi imietl il was s.u lit ietit lo make the bovs smile a '.11 and i i I that the properly owners appreciated their cf 01 1 . I. protect the on aija:isl the ine lieiid. I Yi haps such action in lleppner might help to solve the puv-ent situation which seems to be thai the lite com tiany. organized aller the lug lire last year, is sort of go- ,,,"i't 1,1 'nrinry." llg to pieces. " "' l,l"l"l,e." he declared, earnestly. W 11 1 . "Cnii I see you home?" We cic all pretty active lor a time aller the big -1 , ,,, ,.rv to Ko through the ';r bul i l l I'leiutal Apatln seems to have slipped back 'on-Mur." khe ad. dimhtfnity. -Yoo m i l.Hn and a-Miuied command again "'" ""f,,v r"r'" I ..1' 1., I . ... . .1 11 1 . "'' '"'I ""' '''im' her Ulilll they I. it l.iki s.,.iH- aili.m thai will tout h:-n out and i,d r t.uri M.og i,.,.,.... she I 1 I' ''"'I "Ul. won!. I not allow lilni to kl her In . PMI'I llrf lli'ie were tiin'. of the Irvine h!i;';i In Knlle rm.'' fiiee the next inoom S!" w.n (lazed n lien she StlMI' of l he m 'Idler I io v.i that 111 main towns and nrn-i m the .cue, i.nt n ti,. .mrf 1 it ii s l ih i e ate M 1 caiHi'i - and au hes "acr.-s tl,e '"!.! r Vh- ,,-,"., . . . .... . wnii t.n rn.irT, sTi.Tiiv iirur leti ne el- bidding 1'ie ret in mug soLIut Welcome ,,..,.,, ,., r ,...,, ,, n,N ll'i I It.e i! I..T In, ml.. I of Ih,. (T U'Mti. hi in tti.i .lir. t ti .ti .f ilie p,Tin who lintl cni,-r,l , h, fuC'l t-oiini Hiitli. rlne r..u'i. not I . . I 1 i,t it h.r rry if iriri . "Oliver!" lie u I roi ling lownnl to r. but the tn ung.-r Iniri is 'li .1 Mm. VMi.n ill. I j.m f. 1 l.nrk. Mr IjiwT" lu' I enril the iiuinn.'. r nk. n In itrenin. '.nt tilt'tit. I ilr,.pii lii'n the i.i't. e on my ny t.t if tbere were miy lettrr tluit tnxl Hot heen f"r- urdist to ine." Oliver Mid. M h plltie. tin y t. ' "I know n.m," the titld before he ' , roiild M-iik. "Yell ere the Junior .rt- i tier, oh. outer, what an id 01 yon; Chi.K.li N.t.oii.l Koo tt. Alk.:n4 li.o.n e,, .11 Kll. . ., "' "'" ' " ... ... 1 I rrntv I itt tilth! till he thn.n op. n fr homeM.a.l ,,, srHn, 1 , r,pr.,...,e. Mnr.hU,t r I,,,,., OVt ntry The In ml will l.e tubl-sl to , MlllBn4, u T!lll, ,,., , ,, , lt, - , ntry under tUe lioinei.tea.1 !- ( eio.. .,1 t .iniKl. u n.l 1 1 1, d the new "t. er) ..lie it .tnrios nt e. My I iiuliin O Ki.leni-e at nd after 9 . lUnre XI. ilKIm Mi t.u tell Ho m wt'ere we met mi l !,n,..iti(S ll. July !'. end to wttlenient mi I ; welcome at jil. kl .,t tow i-..tui ' n'ir i n.. ni.et other dhpolllon HO o4 lifter July p.i.pl,. , lij, ,t,,i,e hol.-l t1. " re-!. n h t -k her I'i. Il" Of O'Ik Ulld. loO.l.il l:i!tt n, .r lo .. r,.l He ,...,, I lOMt ii r bo sa thai ill main towns aiul ll.'els iil.l'H'ig i:ie leimimtg soniui nos m noiuc 1 1. Miie." i "tn -iieils ,i!i not ohsltuilid with am mh h aM'.ingemc nt v tint Nlaor. our Town Council h.ixe . I i .ilk .1 ou lli.1 i ilini- to ineii and arrange lor an thing i 1 ..il would indii.ile lo ilu n lui ntng soldte'i s that we as cilieiis leel etalelul to the soldiers lor what tlu did lor Us. lor the countiv and I'm (he wotl.l. Is it advisable lor us lo act in a was so as to indicate entire indifference lo the gic.il services rendered bv mil' bovs? We think not. Win should w e be so dead ? There is NO good reason. Wonder il we could get some dynamite and waks ourselves up. l'x. M k l .tVU lull lloMI wll Ih 1'IViler lriieiinafion (y l'i i-nl tit Joe Wilkin millet the llef.ild that W ilton. :m.ooctet ot laml in the It 'll'" Ju.tu.. lUrry lit).-. ,nd IUn C0MIF0RTS i'civ ai'.il'iions to the home will bring to the ovvu ir more cmnlmt than that afforded by the addi iio,; of a full screened porch. 'I he illustration suggests, "its the only cool spot about the house." So it i. because it catches every breeze that's blowing. Used during the dav bv the w ife, baby and kiddies, and at night it offers a cool sp,, for the husband and netj;hhor h"od gathering. You'll be surprised at the small cost. Sh;dl we take measurements and quote juices? TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. HEPPNER - LEXINGTON IONE i h.o e In rtl tllll r d t . V. d 'l"l'' ' I. i' V '..if Nt- 1