Tuesday, May 27, 1919 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE THREE r I I 1 1 P 1 I a i s 1 I 1 I I i ! y y 8 i EL A. Reynolds General Contractor and Builder I make a specialty of interior work, cabinet . work, Dutch Kitchens, etc. I CECIL ITEMS -- t l 1 t My work fully guaranteed Residence Opposite Federated Church Heppner, Oregon - Give the Youngsters a Start ' " Helping the Boys and Girls of Heppner get the habit of making frequent trips to the.Saving;. Department of the Farmers' & Stockgrowers National Bank is better than bequeathing them a fortune. With the thrift habit once establish ed they, will be prepared to make their own way. The Bank for all ages and sizes of People and Concerns Farmers dX StocKg'rowers National BanK TheRrick McAtee & Aiken, Proprietors ICE CREAM AND CARD PARLORS Home Products for Home People! WE MANUFACTURE White Star Flour, Whole Wheat, Graham, Cream Middlings, Roll Barley and all Mill Feeds GENERAL STORAGE MB FORWARDING HEPPNER FARMERS ELEVATOR CO. On Saturday there was seen a large well drilling machine moving across the prairie towards the Straits Eutte drawn by six horses in charge of Mi?s Junnita Crabtree of Cecil. J. H. Franklin spent Saturday at Butterby Flats. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Farnsworth and family returned home from Heppner on Saturday. Harry Hayc!T,brother of Mrs. H. V. Tyler of the Grover Curtiss ranch was a Cecil visitor Sunday. R. A. McFadden and daughter, Miss Agnes of Eightmile were Cecil visitors on Sunday. Miss Wynne Lake, of Fourmile, and Miss Winter of Shady Dell, spent Saturday visiting friends in Condon Miss Ruth May of the Lone Star ranch who toolc in the graduation ex ercises at the Arlington high school on Saturday returned to Cecil Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Henriksen of Wil low creek ranch who have been spend ing a few days in Heppner returned home Sunday. Miss Birchie Barnes visited with Grandma Nash Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Palmateer and daughter spent Sunday with J. M. Melton at the "Look Out" at Cecil. Miss Bernice Franklin of Rhea was the guest of Miss Georgia Sum mers of the Last Camp for the week end. Mrs. Boyd Logan and daughter, Miss Hester of Fourmile were calling on t'heir old friends in Cecil Satur day. -tsuuerDy lats was the scene of a merry dinner party on Sunday last wnen Mr. nna Mrs. Jack Hynd en tertained the following guests from Heppner: Dr. and Mrs. Butler 'and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Booth and family and Miss Struck, domestic science teacher of the Heppner High School, and others. Hiram Beard who has been having some dental work done in Heppner returned to Butterby Flats Tuesday. Mrs. Peter Nash spent Tuesday and Wednesday visiting friends on Willow creek. W. G. Hynd of Roselawn, Sand Hollow, accompanied by W. W, Smead, of Heppner. and Mr. Boobee of that town were callers on Jack Hynd Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Llndstrom and daughter were doing business In Cecil Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Duncan and daughter left for their new home In Boardman Wednesday and E. J. Fairhurst late of Rhea Siding is in charge of their Cecil ranch and also their apiary. Johnny Curran of the McDade canyon wag In Cecil Wednesday. J. H. Franklin was a business vis itor in lone Friday. Mrs. J. H. Franklin of Rhea left Friday for Heppner where she will spend a few days visiting friends. Clarence Winter and T. H. Lowe were business visitors In Heppner on Friday. Jack Hynd, A. -Henriksen, Willie George Wilson, and Miss Violet Hynd autoed to Heppner Wednesday, the gentlemen returning home Friday. Methodist Centenary $105,000,000 Fund Will Save Indian Children At X$h M ii ato a contest at any time before pat ent issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit in this office, alleging facta which woud defeat the entry. C. S. DUNN REGISTER In spite of agitation and education, child marriages still persist among the high-caste Ifindus. In India mothers grow up with their children. This 18-year-old girl is the mother of three. Hr children are bright and well-fed, but the great proportion of babies die ol starvation and neglect before reach- lng maturity. The missionary doctor is waging war against the ignoranca and superstition which have doomed hundreds of thousands of children to death. The Methodist Episcopal Church will advance India's physical and moral welfare during the next five' years by the expenditure of $5,344,780 out of Its Methodist Centenary world betterment fund of $105,000,000 now being raised for hospitals and mission schools, manned by trained workers. XOTU'li l'OK ri'HMCATlOX (012903) Department 6f the Interior, United States Land Office, at The Dalles, Oregon, March 24th, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Elmer Matteson, of Heppner, Oregon, who on April 17th, 1914, made Home stead Entry, No. 012903, for S SE Vi, Sec. 3, N NEV4, SW4 NE, Section 10, Township 5, south, range 26 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three-year proof, ,,to establish claim to the land above described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of the Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon,, on the 14th day of June, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses1: Charles Hackman, Clarence Reid, Newt Matteson, Walter Matteson, all of Heppner, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. CITATIOJT Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Minor and Miss Blanch Minor spent Friday at the Last Camp leaving for their home in Portland, accompanied by George Krebs of Cecil. Jack Hynd delivered a fine bunch of yearlings into Arlington Satur day which were bought by Mr. Schlattfeldt of Yakima, who intends to ship them east. Haying season lias already com menced in the Cecil district Jack Hynd already having a large field in shock. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Logan and fam ily, Leon Logan and family,, spent Sunday at the Everett Logan home at the Willows. R. S. Wilson and son were Cecil callers Sunday. NOTICE FOR rOJLICATIOX PASSENGER TRAIN APRIL SERVICE IX R. H. Aishton, relgonal director of railways in the nortihwest region, sends out a statement Bhowing that during the month of April, 85.81 per cent of all trains arrived at des tination on time and that only 3.13 per cent arrived one hour or more late, the majority of these more than one hour late being due to matters over which the management had no control such as storms, etc., whldli is not a bad showing. Department of the Interion, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 16th, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Her riett M. Brown, formerly Herrlett M. Stevens of Heppner, Oregon, who on Augus't 18, 1914, made Home stead Entry, No. 013596, for SW SE Vi, Sec. 27, N NE , SEVi NE Vi, Sec. 34, W NW Vi, N SW Vi, Sec. 35, Township 3 South, Range 25 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described be fore J. A.Waters, Clerk of the Cir cuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon on the 25th day of June, 1919. Claimant names at witnesses: Frank Anderson, Adam J. Noblock, Edward E. Rugg, Moses A. Wright, all of Heppner, .Oregon. H . FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. TRUCK FOR SALE Three ton Packard truck In A No. 1 condition $1800. For particulars call on or address the Heppner Her ald, Heppner, Oregon. 52tf J. B. Cronan, president of the lone bank, was a business visitor in Hepp ner Friday afternoon. Herald only $2.00 a year. SUMMONS of U ublic Sales Turn that surplus stock and m iclilncry Into cufh or rood pa per. We held 14 spies dunni? the pint few month and ev ery one a silceens. No matter how small your listing our consignment service rill Insure a good muket. ' STOCK RANCHES Our lint contains tin bout buys you buy. In the county. See us before WHEAT RANCHES ' ,-r w County rsn b b.u ght for ! maney, valua eon '.lerl thso any place In the northwest ! our Sales nrl-. FARMERS' EXCHANGE RoHI.RTS m iiihv;. hipps i r. V. II. nROWN. Maaager OHM.oX . , Some Saving !" says the Good Judge You men arc saving every cent you can. You ought to know that this quality tobacco costs less to chew not more! You take a smaller chew. It gives you the good tobacco taste. It lasts and lasts. You don't need a fresh chew so often. . THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW put ut in Ixo styk VB CUT h a long fine-cut toharo In the Circuit Court of the State Oregon, for Morrow County. C. R. White, Plaintiff, va Rose White, Defendant. To Rose White, the above-named defendant; In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before six weeks from the 20th day of May, 1919, to-wlt: On or before July 2nd, 1919, and If you fall so to answer, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In his complaint herein, to-wlt: For a decree of the Court forever dissolving the bonds of mat rimony now existing between your self and the plaintiff, and for such other and furfher relief as tuny In equity be meet and Just. This summon Is served upon you by publication hereof once a week for six consecutive weeks In the Heppner Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation In Morrow County, Oregon, published at Hepp ner, by virtue of an order made and entered herein on the 19th day of May, ,1.919, by the Honorable (Ill belt W. Phelps, Circuit Judge of the Slate of Oregon, for Morrow County, and the date of the first publication of this Summons Is May 20, 1919. and the rime of the iBst publication hereof will be July 1st. 1919. HAM K. VAN VACTOK. Attorney for plaintiff. PmUofflre, Heppner, On-Kon. 3 In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow In the Matter of the Estate of John F. Lentzy, Deceased. Citation to W. L. Lentzy,, Katrice Lentzy, Grace Lentzy, and all parties interested, and all unknown heirs. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON you are hereby re quired and cited to appear in the Qounty Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, at the court room thereof, at the County Couil Houao in the said county of M-irov:, at Ilonpner, Oregon, on the 2nd day of June, 1919, at 10:00 a. m., then and there to show cause, If any you have, why the following de scribed property pm! fie Interest of the above entitled estate in the fol lowing described property Bhould not be sold at private sale, as the County Court may direct and author ize, to-wlt: REAL PROPERTY 800 acres of wheat lands, more or less, lo cated about 6 miles from lone, described as follows: S. E. A of Sec. 32, Twp. 1, S; N. E. of Sec. S, Twp. 2, S; the S. W. of Sec. 33, Twp. 1, S; the S. E. Vt. of Sec. 31, T. 1 S; and the N. W. of Sec. 4, Twp. 2,S; all In Range 24 east of the Willamette Meridian. W. V4 of E. Vt of Sec. 12, Twp. 1 N., R. 21 east of Willamette Meridian. 8. W. of Sec. 32, Twp. 1 S.. R. 24 east of Willamette Mori dlan, except one acre In the S. W. corner thereof, deeded to Stfhool District No. 30 for school purposes. Witness the signature of th County Clerk of Morrow County, this 18th day of April, 1919. J. A. WATERS (Seal) ii lU PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. HAROLD C. BEAN PHYSICIAN' mill SlIMJEOV llepiHier, Oregon. It. .Nat I. Itnnk ltl'l. Phone 703 VAUGHAN & BUTLER KENTIST Permanently located In Oddfellow'i Unhiding Heppner, Oregon t Reduce Expenses Hy Ijuyinr; now. Look at these prices; good only while stock lasts. Glass Tumblers, set $ .25 l-'lour Sifters ; 20 Fruit l'rcss . 20 DiJics less than cost. Enatnclwarc below nor mal price. 12 foot Linoleum 1cm than wholesale A I'ew of Our Many Specials. Case Furniture Company NOTICE MM PI III ICATION- department of the Interior, V. 8. Ijind Office nt ijiOrande, Oregon, March 28, 1919. Notice Is hereby given Ihst Kills ft. Minor, whoitn pot-offlr addrens Is lone, Oregon, did nn thfl Kith day of September. 1918, file In this offlca Hworn Kiniement and Application, No. 019318. to purrhsiw the K'i NK'i, section 7. Townnhlp I South, lling 28 Punt. WI!1mU Meridian, and ths timber thereon, tindr thu provisions nf th act of Jun , 1878, ami act amendatory, known a the 'timber and ton law." at atieh val ue as might be fim by appraisement, sn that, pursuant to such application h land and tlmbr thereon navs hrn appraifod at 1155 00 U tlmbrr eilmid at H8.O0O board feet at 0 75 II 25 per M, and th land 1100 00; that said applicant twill offer fin) proof In support of I ,n tli J5lh day of Juno, nil, bfor I r. I", patternin, PnHH HUti Com f i tii -lOfief. fit lt"H'H-f, 'rr?1! S. E.NOTSON ATTORN KY-AT-I.AW Office In Roberta' Ilulldlng Heppner Oregon DR. A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN hi IU.I.ON Teleplionn 122 Office piiitemon's Irug Htore Heppner Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK AlTOItNKYH-AT-I.AW Heppner Oregon SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORN fcY-AT-I.AW. Heppner Oregon F. A. McMENAMIN I.AWYKR Roberts Illdg. Heppner, Or. Office Pt.ona Mala 141 Rtttdnc phons Main (II i ROY V.WIIITEIS INKl HANCU lll.AI. MTATK, IIANH. Heppner Oregon DR. J, L. CALLOWAY f MTMil'ATIIKI IHTHinA Oraduat. American flchool of Osle pathy, KltkitllSo, Mo, undar fnuad or of th prinr, ir. A. T. fltlll. flftlco t O W. uPl?"rt fe)dene. y 1 Any !' '" I I V if 7 irf proleit UK KAI.D WANT ADS GET THK BUST RESULTS I this j. I ti f'r miry, or In)' 1-1 Hours 1 0 to 12 - 2 to I hnna 4 1