Tuesday, May 20, iqiq THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE SEVEN (Pi I y n I I I y iWSff.i, 13' K t i i 6i i FINE GIFT FOR MADAM BRUN B.A.R cynofds General Contractor and Builder I make a specialty of interior work, cabinet work, Dutch Kitchens, etc. ' My work fully guaranteed Residence Opposite Federated Church Heppner, Oregon Give the Youngsters a Start Helping the Boys and Girls of Heppner get the habit of making frequent trips to the Savings. Department of the Farmers' & Stockgrowers National Bank is better than bequeathing them a fortune. With the thrift -habit once establish ed they will be prepared to make their own way. The Bank for all ages and sizes of People and Concerns Farmers OL StocKg'rowers National DanK i j! i nil r- VtfWl gi::s;w.a.f. r - w iiafasMM The jj-rick V McAtee & Aiken, Proprietors ICE CREAM AND Jills bountiful st'HlsUm coat was mmle from ihe nrsi seiiisKins rroin Lohos island, the Uruguayan seal pos sessions, and dressed and dyed at St. Louis, Mo. The cout, which cost $2,000 will be presented to Murium Baltasnr Brun, wife of the president of Uru guay. . METHODIST DRIVE FOR WORLD WORK BEGINS MAY 18 Thousands Take Part in $105. 000,000 Campaign. $2,664,000 FROM NORTHWEST Greatest Rellgiout Effort Ever Con ceived It Planned to Put Christian ity Before Every Living Being In World In Five Years. ' of the church, will be waged with the rebuilding of the world the sole aim in view. The Portland area, which includes a large pan of Oregon, ashington and northern Idaho, has been given a quota of S?,664.000 for the ensuing five years. This money is to be used in the greatest program of a religion, of service the world has ever known. It will be used in meeting the chal lenge which church leaders say has been laid at the door of Methodism. How Money Will Be Spent. The $105,000,000 to be raised under the Methodist Centenary has already been partly spent in advance. The great Methodist mission ship, leaving for Europe with $3,000,000,000 worth of portable houses, tractors, plows and seeds, is an instance of how Europe's share of the gigantic religious fund is to be expended. Forty million dollars is to be spent on the home programme on nearly 10, 000 different projects. For instance, the rural church in America is to re ceive $11,000,000 to be spent on a gi gantic programme of helping and erecting community country churches, mainly seven days a week churches. Some of these churches will have swimming pools and be equipped somewhat on the lines of Y. M. C. A's. Pastors will be engaged who are ex perts. The church will be made the center of rural activities in that cen ter. Three thousand projects of that kind are enumerated in the centenary budget. Great city community churches, work among the highland 'era of the South, work among the Mormons, the Indians, the Orientals of the Pacific Coast, industrial groups, etc., make up the total of $40,000,000. $40,000,000 Abroad, a. similar sum is to be expended in the foreign field, divided among the countries of the world. Educational work, medical work with hospitals and dispensaries, with evangelistic work Is the manner in which thiB money will go. There are 1,200,000,000 illit erate people in the world and 700,000, 000 who go hungry every night. These it is the centenary hopes to aid. The remaining $25,000,000 is to be spent equally in thiB country and in Europe on direct war reconstruction work. In this class comes the famous mission shop. Boye will be aided to college if they have a religious career In view. Camp work will be carried on and other active assistance ren dered. Frank C. Jackson is the campaign director in the Northwest. The head quarters are at Portland. The North west quota is $2,664,000. Dr. Charles A. Bowen and Dr. A. L. Kowartb are secretary and associate secretary re spectively of the centenary movement In the northwest. This is an opportunity of a life- ate a contest at any time before pat time for an ex-soldier or marine who ent issues, by filing a corroborated served his time in the states to take ( affidavit in this office, alleging facta that much desired trip to France, which woud defeat the entry. un me assurance of a discharge upon return in the fall. This offer does not hold good for long, so take advantage now. Applications may be made at any postmaster or ma rine recruiting sta,tion. C. S. DUNN REGISTER XOTK1 KOK PI I5I.HATIOX (012903) Department of the Tnterinr fnitorl Four year enlistments are also be- states Land Office. t The nall ing made of men between the ages Oregon, March 24th, 1919. of seventeen and forty years who , Notice is hereby given that Elmer have had no previous military ser- Matteson, of Heppner, Oregon, who vice for duty in the United State. on AprU 17th, 1914, made Home- nnn ah mart Thn rnr ;n : .. . lllullue tead EntrVi No 012903i foi. s SE , Sec. 3, NH NEW, SWW NEW. Pni'nS in Mllrt.r rlr.11..,.,. ... U ...tt-L. . f u U....LJT a U1U111U Willi clothes and medical attention furn ished free. Sixteen more musicians are needed at the present for the famous Mare Island Marine Band and application will be received at any postoffice or marine recruiting station. Any further informaiton regard ing the "Devil Dogs" will be gladly furnished by the marine recruiting station, Third and Alder streets, Portland, Oregon, or any postmaster. COMBINE FOR SALE For sale cheap 16 foot cut Blew ett combine with motor. Has cut about 1100 acres. Write C. Moeh inke, Lexington, Oregon, or call at my ranch near South Springs. 52-2 Finest job printing in Morrow Section 10, Township 5, south, range ' 26 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of the Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon,, on the 14th day of June, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses Charles Hackman, Clarence -Reid, Newt Matteson, Walter Matteson, all of Heppner, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. (TTATIOX XOTICE VOK VVHLICATION In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow In the Matter of the Estate of John F. Lentzy, Deceased. Citation to W. L. Lentzy, Katrice Lentzy, Grace Lentzy, and all parties interested, and all unknown heirs. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON you are hereby ve- Department of the Interion, U. S. Land Otrice at The Dalles, Oregon, May 16th. 1919. Notice is hereby given that Her- QU"'ed and cited to appear ln t,le riett M. Brown, formerly HerriPtt oumy ourl or Ule Btate 01 Oregon, M. Stevens of Heppner, Oregon, who , f0r the Countr of Morrw, at the on August 18, 1914, made Home- CARD PARLORS stead Entry, No. 013596, for SWW SE Sec. 27, N NE SE'4 NE 14, Sec. 34, W NW 14,' N SW Cec. 3 5, Township 3 South, Range 25 East Willamette Meridian, ' has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described be fore J. A.Waters, Clerk of the Cir cuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon on the 25th day of June, 1919". Claimant names at witnesses: rank Anderson, Adam J. Noblock, Edward E. Rugg, Moses A. Wright, 1 all of Heppner, .Oregon. I H . FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. MAY RE-LMJST IN MARINES FOR DIRECT DVTV IX KRAXC1 Home Products for Home People! WE MANUFACTURE White Star Flour, Whole Wheat, Graham, Cream Middlings, Roll Barley and all Mill Feeds GENERAL STORAGE AND FORWARDING HEPPNER FARMERS ELEVATOR CO. On Mity 18 Methodism of the. world will open its campaign for $105,000,000 in seven days. Thousands upon thou sands of Methodist ministers and lay men have been mobilized and will jump' Into the fight at the "zero" hour. Ten thousand recruits will go "over the toD" In the Northwest and an in tensive financial campaign, such as "een ever-seas has never been known in the history , years, Discharged soldiers and marines may enlst for direct duty over-seas from now until fall, at which time they will be returned to the United States and dishcharged. The -ob ject of this splendid opportunity of a five months trip to France is to relieve the marines now serving In the amiy of occupation, who have for the past two Public Sales Turn that surplus stork and machinery Into rah or rood pa per. We held 14 rli' during the part few months and ev ery one success. No mUr how small your listing will Inouie tood tncrket. our consignment, sertle A HAIL INSURANCE With the present prospect of a bumper crop of wheat and a high guaranteed price by the gov ernment no farmer can afford to take chances on having his crop destroyed. 1 represent only the most substantial and reliable OLD LINE COMPANIES Hail Insurance rates have been reduced for this season. Investigate. Call, write or phone. RoyV.Whiteis OLD RELIABLE INSURANCE MAN n STOCK RANCHES Our lil contains the be l buys In the county. See us before you buy. WHEAT RANCHES In M Tfw County can be bou (til for less nisney, value con sldnrrd thsn any place In Ihe northwest. l our 8l-s gerice. FARMERS' EXCHANGE lUllIf KT IIMI.MVJ. .... iirrrsKii V. IL riHOWN. Manser oiu:;ox. . HERALD WANT ADS GET THE BEST RESULTS Reduce Expenses P.y buying now. Look at these prices; good only while stock lasts. (lass Tumblers, set $ .25 Flour Sifters 20 Fruit I'rcss 20 Dishes less than cost. Knamclware below nor mal price. 12 foot Linoleum less than wholesale A Few of Our Many Spccia's. Case Furniture Company svMMONs n the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County. C. K. White, riointiff, vs Hose White, Defendant. To Uose White, the above-named defendant: i In the name of the Slate of Ore- Kon, you are hereby required to ap pear and aiiKwer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled s-uit on or before six weeks from the 20th day of May, 1919, to-wlt: On or before July 2nd, 1919, and f you fail so to answer, the plulntllf will apply to the Court for the relief rayed for In his complaint herein. to-wlt: For a decree of the Court forever dissolving; the bonds of mat- iniony now existing between your self and the plaintiff, and for such other and furflier relief us may In equity be meet and Just. This summons is served upon you by publication hereof once a week for six consecutive weeks in the Heppner Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation in Morrow County, Oregon, published ut Hepp ner, by virtue of an order made and entered herein on the 19th day of May, ,1.919, by the Honorable Gil bert W. l'helps. Circuit Judge of the State jif Oregon, for Morrow County. and the dale of thn first publication of this SuininonH is May 20, 1919, and the dale of the lint publication hereof will be July let, 1919. SAM K. VAN VACTOIt, Attorney for I'liilntlff. PoHtuffii-e, Heppner, Oregon. 3d court room thereof, at the Countv Court House in the said county of Morrow, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 2nd day of June, 1919, at 10:00 a. m., thetl and there to show cause, if any you have, why the following de scribed property and the interest of the above entitled estate in the fol lowing described property should not be sold at private sale, as the County Court may direct and author ized, to-wlt: " REAL PROPERTY 800 acres of wheat lands, more or less, lo cated about 6 miles from lone, described as follows: S. E. V of Sec. 32, Twp. 1, S; N. E. V of Sec. 5, Twp. 2. S; the S. W. of Sec. 33, Twp. 1, S; the S. E. U of Sec. 31, T.l S; and the N. W. 14 of Sec. 4, Twp. 2,3; all in Range 24 east of the Willamette Meridian. W. of E. Vt of Sec. 12, Twp. 1 N., R. 21 east of Willamette Meridian. S. W. of Sec. 32, Twp. 1 S., It. 24 east of Willamette Meri dian, except one acre in the S. W. corner thereof, deeded to Srtiool District No. 30 for school purposes. Witneifs the signature of the County Clerk of Morrow. County, this 18th day of April, 1919. J. A. WATERS (Seal) I l'lMU'ESSIOXAl, CARDS , j DR. HAROLD C. BEAN riivsu i iukI si iu;ix)n Heppner, Oregon, lt. .Wl. Hunk itltltr. IMione 763 VAUGHAN & BUTLER KKXT1ST Permanently located In Oddfellow's i . Hunlding Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON I ATTOIt.XKYAT-I.AW I Office In Roberts' Ilulldlng Heppner Oregon i OTICK I 'Hl I'l IU.K ATIOV Department of the Interior, II. S. Land Office at La'irande, Oregon, March 2. 1919. Notice Is hereby given that Kills R. Minor, who post-office address Is lone, Oiegon, did on the Hth day of September, 1918, file In this office Sworn Statement and Application, No. 019348, to purchase the E ',4j NE'4, section 7. Township 4 South, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provlKlons of the set of June 3, H78, snd sets aitiendutmy, known as the "timber snd clone law," at such val ue as might lie fixe by spprslsnment, an that, pursuant to such application the land and timber thereon have been sppralned st 1255 00 th timber eMImsted at 148,000 board feet at $0 7G k 11.25 per M, and the land 1100 00; that ssld sppllrsnt will offer final proof In support of his application and sworn statement on the 25th dy of June, 191, before C. C. Patterson, Cnlteil RtatMi Com missioner, at Heppner, Orejoir. DR. A. D. McMURDO I'HVhlt l. M IU.KON ' 1 Telephone 122 Office Patten-oti's Drug Store Heppner Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTOHM-;VH-AM,AW Heppner Oregon SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORN KV.AT-I.AW. Heppner OfegOO F. A. McMENAMIN l.vi;it Roberts llldg. Heppner, Ore. Offlco phone M.iln 643 Residence phone Main 65 ROYV.WHITEIS lM KAN i: ri:am;htatk. rows. Heppner Oregon DR. J. L. CALLOWAY OHTKOIMTIIIO niYKKlAV Graduate American School of OsUo Pthy, Klrksrllle, Me. onder found. Or Of IkS IrlHM r. i m Any persoo Is st liberty U protest jofn,, , 9 w g' l" tbl. purchase before entry, or Inltl-1 MUfl u J