Tuesday, May 20, 1919 PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON NOTICE FOK PVBMCATIOX Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon, March 2G, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Grace E. Minor, Whose post-office address is lone, Oregon, did, on the 18lb day of September, 1918, file in this office Sworn Statement and Applica tion No. 019356, to purchase the E'2 SWA and SE14 NW14, Section 8, Township 4 South, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amend atory, Tfnown as the "Timber ana Stone Law," at such value as "might be fixed by appraisement, and that pursuant to such application, the land and timber Wiereon have been appraised, at $378.00, the timber es timated at 216.000 board feet at $0.75 & SI. 25 per M, and the land $150.00; that said applicant will of fer final proof in support of his ap plication and sworn statement on th 25th day of June,, 1919, before C. C. Patterson United States Commission, er at his office, at Heppner, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Initi ate a contest at any time before pat ent issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit in his office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. 0 S. DUNN REGISTER l-'OIt SAI.K Two good lots, 7-room house, with bath and toilet, hot and cold water. Good cellar. Plenty of shade and some fruit trees. Price $1500. TennsKnauIre Herald Office 1-4 notii'k ok i;u: tion Notice is hereby given that an ' election will be held within the pre- rinr.ts of Irrlgon and Hoarduuin with in U.b rilofeil West Extension Irri gation Diftrlct in Morrow County and l inatilla County. Oregon, on the llllll tiny of June, 1919, between the boms of 8 o'clock in the morning and S o'clock P. M. of said day at the polling 1 laces designated as the School Vlmnei at Irrigon and Uoard m.in, within said district for the puiosc of determining whether or nut I i-uid district '.'n.- I" oiran 11 (I ' mi- " 1 ' provii.i -in. ef ;ii., 1 No. 357 General Laws or Oreg n, 1917. The electors within Baid dis trict Khali bo required to cast bal lots at said election which shall con tain the words: "Irrigation Dihtrlet Ye" and "Irrigation District-No" and also the name of such directors ah rfhtill he nominated to be voted for at such election, which directors Khali be elected by the district at large. That the said Irrigon pre cinct shall comprise all that portion of tho proposed district lying east of the east line of Sections Eight and Kiv Township Four North of Range Twenty-six East, W. M., and lying KiihI of the East Hue of Sections from the N. W. corner of the N. E. U of said Section 23; thence north erly along the west line of the E. of said Section 23, 2840 feet more or less to the N. W. corner of the N. E. of said Section 23; thence contin uing in a northerly direction along the west line of the E. of Section 14 in Township 4 N. R. 24 E. W. M., 5280 feet more or less to the N. W. corner of the N. E. of said Sec tion 14; thence easterly one and one half miles a ong the north boundary line of Sections 14 and 13 to the N. E. corner of Section 13 in Township 4 N. R. 2 4 E. W. M.; thence contin uing easterly along the north boun dary line of Section 18 in Township 4. N. R. 2 5 E. W. M. a distance of 5807 feet more or less to the N. E. corner of said Section 18; thence northerly along the west line of Sec,; tion 8 in Township 4 N. R. 25 E. W. M. 3797 feet more or less to a point on the south bank of the Columbia river; thence In an easterly direction along the south bank of the Colum bla river 21 miles, more or less, to the west bank of the Umatilla river; thence along the west bank of the Umatilla river In a southeasterly di rection 4 miles, more or less to the south boundary line of Section 28 in Township 5 N. R. 28 E. W. M., at point easterly and distant 1094.4 feet more or lesB from the S. W. cor ner of the said Section 28; thence westerly along the south boundary line of said Section 28 .1094.4 feet more or less to fhe S. W. corner of said Section 28, the place of begin ning. EXCEPTIONS: " Saving and excepting the follow ing described tracts of land in the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, lying within the above described boundaries, to-wit: In Township 3 X. It. 27 K. W. M: All Sections 29, 30 and 31 lying north of the north boundary of the right of way of the Main Canal of the West Extension Project, except the N. W. of the N. W. U of said Section 30. Township 3 N. It. 20 K. W. M: All of Sections 16, 17, 18 and 19 lying south of Mie south bank of the Columbia river. All of Section 20 and W. M, Lots 2, 5, and 6, and W. of S. E. ',4 of Section 21, and the S. V4 of Section 26 and tho S. of N. K. Vx , N. W. 14 and 8. Vi of Sec tion 27. All of Sections 28, 29, 30, 3 1, 32. 33, 34. and N. 14 and S. W. 14 and . . of S. E. '4 of Section 35 and the N. 14 of Section 36. Township 5 N. It. 23 K. W. M: All of Sections 25, 35 and 36 lying south of the south bank of the Col umbia rivsr. Township 4 N. It. 20 K. W. SI: In Section 2 the follewlng describ ed arwi: Ilvglnning at the N. W. corner of Section 2; thence easterly 2647.26 feet; thence S. 0 deg. 09 mln. 39 sec. W. 105.6 feet; thence S 63 dog. 24 into. 30 see. W. 1483.0 feet; thence 3. 72 deg. 47 mln. 30 sec. W. 1188.0 feet; thenee 8. 28 Thirty two and Twenty-nine and 04 '". w. iz.b reel; wence :u and 17 In Township Klve North of , N. 0 dog. IS mln. 30 sec. E. 1485.66 nance 26 K. W. M. And the said . tw't to place of beginning. lloardman precinct shall comprise all 1 Section 3: The N. W. Vi that portion of ttie proposed district following described area lying West ol Hit' said section lines. That the County Court of Morrow Cii'iny, Oregon, has Appointed Judges mill Cletkft ol said Election us fol Ioivh: For Irrigon precinct. W. It. Vnlnle, II. 0. Wolfe, C. W. Grim .ImleH; J. ('. Caiup, and Geo. Hand, Clerks; for llonrdman pre lnrt. A. W. Cobb, John K. Me lliich Mild J. ' It JollltNtlll, J 'iIi'C'; 11111I Lester Packard and J. C. Il.illni.;er nn Clark. That any p 'lKon. innle or female, over tho age of Iwenly-one yearn, whether resi dent of the district or state or not, ln In bona fide owner of one acre and Ile- giiinlng at the N. K. corner of Sec tion 3; thence S. 0 deg. 18 min. 30 sec. W. 1485.66 feet; thenre 8. 82 dog. 51 mln. W. 710.4 feet; thence 3. 67 deg. 15 min. W. 1685.5 feet; thence N. 82 4eg. 58 mln. W. 386.3 feet to point on the west boundary of the N. K. 1 of Section 3 and dis tant 4 53 8 feet. N. 9 deg. 13 mln. K. from center of Section 3; thence northerly 2186.2 feet to the N. W. corner of N. E. 14 of Section 3; thence easterly 2640 feet more or less to the pluce of beginning. All of Sections 4 and I lying north of the north boundary of tlie right of uiiwe of land situate within th ! of wajr of th Main Canal .IlKtri.-t 1. ml whose name appear, on ' Seetlona 6 and ( and the N. fie ll aKsesntiient roll or who U the j W. V, of Section 7. h,.M..r ,.f an iinn.ni till or." TwnJll 4 X . II. 2.1 K. V. N : contract to purrhae Slate or Carey I Ail Unils and alwi rntiyman upon pulilir Unda of the I'mted State lull he renmdered an land owner (or the puipoae of ruiIi eleetlon. and hall be qualified petitioner for the iiittniiatioa of Mid Irrigation dis tort ami uliall har atl the prtvl leaen and obligation of land owner within the dlnlrlrt. Including the right In vote or hold office and shall Section 1. E. 4 Section 2. 8. Vi and 8. 1 N.Vi Section I. S. Vi Sec tion 1. N. 4 Seel Ion 12, N. Va of N. 4 Section 16. K. 4 Section 17, atl K. 4 Section JO lying north of the north boundary line of the right of way or the Main Canal and all of the S. K. 4 of Section 14 lying north of the north boundary line of the right of way of the Main Canal. The boundary description of aald be n.niiileicj elevtoi lor Ulie pur- j proposed dlntrirt. eicludlng the tx !... of uoh election. That the Vptlon mentioned aboe, cover an iHHiudailee of Mid dlntil.t entahtlnh-1 rea of 11.000 acre of which 4 ed lor lh puipoe of Mid election I are now under public notlc are follow Uor tr with 104 acre of eted right land aluo under public notice; and Iher are 103 are of veeted right land yet to com under public notice; ant thl lota) 7,71 arte which are now entitled to water. re follow: lleglunlng at fh aouthwe! corner of Section I In Townanlp t N. H. II E. W. M s these running along the went line of aald Sertlon II In northetty tfuecUon lift. feet more or Icm lo th aouth boundary of the right of wr of the mam canal of the Weal retention of the t'matilla Project a now permanently urey ed and eonnttnctMl by the V. S. Itec. Umatloa Service; thence running In a notthetly and westerly diiertlun aliing aald boundary line of the tight of way of Die Mid main ratial a ill tance of 14 14 nille route or to d " wi( line of the K. 4 of Seitmn :i in TunMp IN ! K w' Nt at a point itmt int JM t mute " Um an I In aonttn il dimtiun Till notice I piiblinhrd pursuant to an order of the County Court of Mottow County. Oregon, made and entered on th Mh day of May. 1919 and the Mine nhall lie puMlnlird en re each -- for at least four ronru live w'eki pilor to June 10. 11. Wllne in y hand and nl of paid Court affl'vd thl Hh dy of May 131 J i, A. V TK K.-. t'oeiity Cl.tk. 1 C.iv M i tli i. n. ivput (ll I NOTICE OF g)H!Jigl!pllel 5 An 1 For Issuing Road Bonds of Morrow County, Oregon NOTICE is hereby given that on the third day of June, 1919, a special election will be held in pre cinct, County of Morrow, State of Oregon, and throughout said County, to determine whether the County Court shall issue bonds of said County to provide for permanent road construction to the amount of Two Hundred Ninety Thousand Dollars ($290,000.00) to mature in ten years, not more than $290,000.00 to be issued in any one year, and to bear interest at the rate of five and one-half per cent per annum; and the funds so raised shall be expended in building permanent roads, described as follows, to-wit: ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($125,000.00), shall be expended on the road known as the Willow Creek section of the Oregon-Washington High way, otherwise known as the Willow Creek road, and running from the Morrow-Gilliam County iine to Heppner, The beginning or initial point being the inter section of the Morrow-Gilliam County line and the survey of the center line of the Oregon Washington Highway, Willow Creek section, which point is South o 22' West 2246 feet from the Northwest corner of Section Six (6), Town ship Two (2), North Range Twenty-three (23), K. W. M.. thence in a Southeasterly direction along Willow Creek as near as practicable co incident with the route of the survey as staked, and through the towns of Morgan, lone, Lexing ton, and to the end of the present macadam about 2 miles northwest of the North city limits of Heppner, which point is 3352 feet north and 3650 feet west of the southeast corner of Section Twenty-one (21), Township Two (2), South Range' Twenty-six (26), IL W. M., being the terminal point. FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, ($40.-' 000.00) shall be expended on the road known as the Oregon-Washington Highway, Heppner east section, otherwise known as the Heppner Pilot Rock, Pendleton Road, from Heppner east up Hinton Creek and to Lena, thence up Butter Creek, to a point about $.000 feet below Bros nan's house, The initial point and place of. beginning being at the end of the present macadam on Hinton creek, at Station 6 plus 30 of the survey of the Heppner east section of theOregon-Washington Highway, which point is 1370 feet south and 210 feet west of the southeast corner of Section 26, Township 2, South Range 26, W.M., thence easterly as nir as practicable up Hinton Creek, thence by way of Jones Hill and Lena, along sur vey as staked to station 022 plus 03.5 which sta tion is on Little Butter Creek, and 3320 feet north and 1530 feet west of the quarter corner of the south side of Section 19, Township 2, South Range 20. l. W. M., being the terminal point. TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS, ($10,000.00) shall be expended on the road known as the Lena. Pino City Road, otherwise known as the road down Little Butter Creek. The initial point or place of beginning, being the southwest corner of the Lena Store, said point being south 63" 07' lust 2450 feet from the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 12, Township 2, South Range 2S K, W. M.. the same being station R. P. I'. L S40 plus 04.() of the Oregon-Washing- ton Highway Survey, thence down Little Butter Creek on the most practicable and feasible route to Pine City, thence down Big Butter Creek on the most practicable and feasible route to K. P. Jarmon's place, to a point north 1550 feet and wet too feet from the corner to Sections 27, 2S, 33 and 34, .Township 2, North Range 27, M., the same being the terminal point. E. W. FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, ($5,000.00) shall be expended on the road known as the Lex ington, Sand Hollow, Jarmon Road, Commencing at a point where the present traveled County Road, running down Burchell Canyon into the city of Lexington, intersects the city limits of said city, same being the initial point or place of beginning, thence in a north easterly direction on the most practicable and feasible route to the center of Section 24, Town ship 1, South Range 25, E. W. M., thence in a northeasterly direction on the most practicable and feasible route to E. P. Jarmon's place on Big Butter Creek, to a point north 1550 feet and west 100 feet from, the corner to Sections 27, 28, 33 and 34, Township 2, North Range 27, E. W. M same being the terminal point. TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, ($25,000.00), shall be expended on the road known as the lone, Gooseberry road, Commencing at a point south 330 feet from the corner to Sections 4, 5, 8 and 9, in Township 1, South Range 24, E. W. M., being the initial point or place of beginning, thence in a southwesterly direction' on the most practicable and feasible route by way of Charles Anderson's place to Gooseberry, thence by way of E. Bergstrom's place on the most practicable and feasible route to the one quarter corner between Sections 25 and 36, Township 3, South Range 23, E. W. M., same being the terminal point. SEVENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, ($70.- 000.00), shall be expended on what is known as the Heppner, Grant County road. Commencing at the south end of Main street at the city limits of Heppner. Morrow County, Oregon, being the initial point or place of begin ning, thence in a southerly direction on the most practicable and feasible route through Cason Canyon by way of Rhea Creek and up Mc Kinney Creek to Hardman, thence by way of Rock Creek to Parkers Mill, on the most practicable and fea sible route, thence by way of Sun Flower Flat to a point on the boundary line between Morrow and Grant Counties, said point being west 825 feet from the southwest corner of Section 36, Township 6, South Range 26, E. W. M., and be ing the terminal point. ' FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS, ($15, 000.00), shall be expended on what is known as the Heppner, Ditch Creek road, Commencing at the East end of Hager street, in the city of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, at the city limits of said city of Heppner, thence in a southerly direction on the most practicable and feasible route up Willow Creek by way of the Coal Mine, to a ioint on the summit of the Ditch Creek mountain, which point is south 38 chains and west 4 chains from the northeast cor ner of Section 4. Township 5. South Range 28, h. W. M being the terminal point. Said Election will be held at eight o'clock in the morning and will continue until eight o'clock in the afternoon of said day. J. A. WATERS, Dated May 8, 1919 Counljr C,'rk of Mo,MW County, Oregon NOTE: Judge and Clerk receiving thi no live will comply with the law by immediately pitin two i f the same in public places in their u-pcciic ptfcitu'tv it,'