r fTuesday.May 13, iqiq THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON t HI ) i i i 3 1 ft 1 111: m m m m m .mmmTwf it ji , f JT 1 f tvr,KJBvwi wwvrs 1 mi 1 1111 I We Announce The Arrival This Week Of A Carload Of S Valve-In-Head Buicks I IDAHO - COMMISSION (iOVKHX MKNT WORKS OVT iOOI A hhort time ago Idaho changed from its constitutional form of gov ernment to a comlssion or cabinet for of nine mebers, each one of who hag a department of state gov ernment. They are officially des ignated as commissioners of agricul ture, commerce and industry, fi nance. Immigration, law enforce ment, public Investent, public wel fare, public works and reclamation. Governor D. W. Davis is head of the cabinet and chairman of the commis sioners. The new government Is wore economical, efficient, easier to handle and more expeditious in car rying out the will of the people. Re sponsible heads are also liad of each department. The members of the cabinet receive $3600 a year. Most of the cabinet members are men who could easily earn from six to ten thousand dollars a year. To date the machinery is running smooth and 'things In general Indicate conslder V V'. hle Improvement over the old plan. K Alll.i: "JAWS" FA KM Kits AM "Why Is it that no matter where you go you refuse to get along with the business man In your nearest rlty,?? tiaks George W. Ruble, coun ty agent of 15 ntiin county, Oregon. "Why uo you object to wotklng with ti i in for the Inlet"! of the entire county" "And why do you permit Give the Youngsters a Start i w i 4 Helping the Hoys and Girls of Heppncr get the liat.it f making i'requcnt trips to the Saving Department t the Farmers' & Stock-growers National liank is hitter than bequeathing them a i.irtunc. With the thrill habit once cstablMi k! they will be prepared to make their own way. The Bank for all ages and sizes of People and Concerns Farmers (EX StocKgrowers National BanK The adaptability of Valvc-in-IIcad Buicks for local condi-. . . ... , , 1 , 10ns is so well known that to sing Us praises here would seem almost superfluous and we merely wish to refer you to the performances of the many cars we have already sold , ,, , , -ir , -IT 1 n 1 . here. 'Ihe demand lor V alve-in-Head Buicks is going to be so strong that our allotment will not last long and it you are contemplating owning one you had better file your or- der early. An Order Now Will Assure farmer Smith to do his trading in some other city, thereby alienating him from his own," he Inquires turn ing to the merchant. "The welfare of the county is not srved by refus ing to act together, and so long as the farmer or business man carries a chip on his shoulder conditions will not change." HATCHES CHICKS IX I'AKUMt "This year she has been rulnning 16 incubators in her parlor, but plans or building an incubator build ing next fall," Bays C. S. Brewebter, O. A. C. poultry specialist In telling of the work of Mrs. C. B. Chandler oi Waterloo, Oregon. She has only a smalt flock of O. A. C. stock but Is doing a thriving business In selling day-old chicks. She buys eggs from her neighbors who carry only straight college stock. A poultry demonstration farm has been estab lished on her farm. I.ITTI.K I-OTATOKH l"OOIl SEED Little potatoes taken from the bin are likely to be very poor seed, be ing from run out or diseased hills. Small potatoes taken from the hill that bore a good yield of market (sized potatoes ale as good feed a eilal sized pieces from the large notatoc of the same hill. Taking seed from the clawed over spud re jected as too small for table uw to k,v seed conts geneially serves also He HF A. B. BOWKER, Proprietor to save harvest cost, for but little worth harvesting is apt to be grown. O. A. C. Farm Crops Bulletin. VAST SUM TO BE SPENT ON HOSPITALS Forty-five Hospital and 24 Dlspen tarie to Rita From Centenary. To alleviate human suffering and cure disease through the extension of Its great system of hospital center now 26 in number, In countries where group of millions of people are with out adequate medical attention, the board of foreign mission of the Meth odist Episcopal church will spend $2, 288,624 in building 45 more hospitals and twenty-four dispensaries in for eign countries as a result of the Meth odist Centenary movement to raise $105,000,000 for world reconstruction. Tills is an entirely separate ven ture from that of the' 48 hospitals maintained by the Methodist Episco pal church in America through which pas annually over 90,000 patients. The property value of these institu tions, coupled with their endowment, Is $15,626,343. In capacity they range from the Wesley Memorial Hospital In Chicago, caring yearly for about 7,000 case, down to the Sunnyslde Metho dist Sanitarium tor Tuberculosis at Silver City. N M., accommodating v entyfWe patients yearly. The rhtirrh has al so Just established a nicdiia! fl purtnient to guard the health of in missionary workers. Besides 45 hospitals and 24 dispen saries, the Hoard will erect cither building and doctors' residences, the whole costing tl.M3.034. It draw hit i tli" service ,r,!t more missionary plisl"'a!i and surgeon, "t inivoii. ary im-sc. and !',; tirtive doctor, tnire and other inHUal ati'tnlaM. the I'linu't for staff and maintenance l.-in "TI t The t.ital for ho.ri building) and staff is $2.2SH.fi4. I II ID I til I.I.I 1 ; V II MI l Ai.r.M i i.i i it M. c u 1 1 i.i; The United States war department has authorized a field artillery unit at the Oregon Agricultural College It will soppily models! offic guns uwd by America and associate in the irrei,t r, machine puns. Drown ing nuton aic rifle., t iii,r, really Mi mules pnd ',ote, and i 'ni . t I r ; eitjni ri! fiih! II ! i tie,s in i.o,fietl inmi Hon, t,t if. :. ,. t St Hi t,e . J 'I r, lMl,i,l , In 1 ,it,., 'j t ,. itl !,.! lye I ! f ,' I , - OH; I 'I ! II t :.iui f The assurance of material for quantity production of Buick Cars enables the Huick Motor Company to cstabilsh the foHowing 1)rices on the various Buiek models. These pric- cs not )C cliaiig-cd during- present seling agreements: Three Passenger Open Model TI-Si.v-4-l $1739.25 h've Passenger Open Model Il-Si-U 1739.2 Four passt,cr Closed Model $..241.20 Five Passenger Closed Model 1 1-Six-47 ........ $2454.00 Seven Passenger Open Model H-Six-49 $2036.37 Seven Passenger Closed Model H-Six-50 ....... $2835.59 Prompt Delivery To You Garage NOTICE FOfl ITHMCATIOX Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon, March 26, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Ellis R. Minor, whose post-office address la lone, Oregon, did on the 16th day of September, 1918, file in this office Sworn Statement and Application, No. 019348, to purchase the E NEVi. section 7, Township 4 South, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provision of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the "timber and stone law," at such val ue as might be fltto by appraisement, an that, pursuant to such application the land and timber thereon have been appraised at $255.00 the timber estimated at 148,000 board feet at to, 75 & $1.25 per M, and the land 1 100.00; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of his application and sworn statement on the 25th day of June, 1919, befoie C. C. Patterson, United States Com. inlfHloner, at Ileppner, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Initi ate a contest at any time before pat ent Issues, by nllng a corroborated affidavit In this office, alleging facts which woud defeat the entry. C. R. DUNN REGISTER .NOTICi; I nil 'l Itl. I( TI(i (oi;:to3) Department of the Inteilur, United .-'hite Land O'li.e. at The li.ll.-.. Oregon. M.Hih 2l!h, I'll", Notice Is bendy given Unit Elmer ,M,iii'iin, of II. i,,ii.'i , inet'on, l.o oil April 17th. l'i It. made Homi stead Entry, No. 1 :"ntl. for 8", HE . S.e. 3. Nj NE'i. SW", SK. Section 10, Towntliip '.. nouih, i.ii.i-e 2i ea.t, Willamette Merldllltl, han filed notice of Intention to make final rnree-year proof, ,,ti talilish lalm to the land shove described, h. fore J. A. WatelK. f'lelk fit the t'licuit Court, at Ileppner. On con., on the 14th day of June. I'd'c ('la oiant Dames n it r,e -i.-''loiii-s llnrknian, ClaM-me l!i!. N. vit Mnlte.on. WH-r M..t. till of Il ; pner, Oregon 11. UiiANK M,vri,rK, I;. : . .i- r Mil It I. I Hit I I 111 f I IMS 1" , r-n,f u ' " . I- i. .- I S I.-' ! e I t !,.,() ! -, . ) f"(l, ;r -' ' . !'!'' I ',,..", in,1' r . n It I ('-. I office Sworn Statement and Applica tion No. 019356, to purchase the E SW and SEW, NWU, Section 8, Township 4 South, Ilange 28 East, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of Juno 3, 1878, and acts amend atory, Tcnown as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might bo fixed by appraisement, and that pursuant to such application, the land and timber Uhereon have been appraised, at $378.00, the timber es timated at 216,000 board feet at $0.75 & $1.25 per M, and the land $150.00; that said applicant will of fer final proof in support of his ap plication and sworn statement on tlvi 25th day of June,, IS 19, before C. C. Patterson United State Commission, er at his office, at Ileppner, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protect thl purchami before entry, or Initi ate a contest at any time before pat ent Issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit in Kills office, alleging fact which would defeat the entry. C. S. DUNN REGISTER CITATION In the County Couil of the Slate of Oregon for the County of Morrow In the Matter of the Estate fif John U. Lenity. Deceund. Citation to W. L. I.enly. Kutilci I.etily, (itace l.enty, mid all parlies Interested, and till unknown heirs. IN TDK NAME OU THE STATE OU OUE'iON yo'i ate hereby n iiiin nd cited d appear In the County Court of the Slate of Oregon, for the County of .Mot row, at the 'iMiit toniii thcicof, itt the County Com t lloll ie In the said dimity of Moiiow, :( Ileppner. (in con, on tin 2nd day of June, rni, at lo a in., then and ht to chow fauxe. If any you I.Mve. why the following de scribed property Mid the interest (if the ai.ove. entitled c tale In the fol lowing de-rriled property rhould not be Sold lit private nle, ax the 'unity Cmiil may direi t mid author ,i to-wit : i.i i. ruoi i ii i v .on an.-. i,' If . t lalld. tltOie f,i J. 'c : !, d l.'e.ill f, I', ! . f,.,lil lorie. d . i,. ! a t ;;., - s. i; t, ,,f ..., Tm I. S; N i; 'j of 'I ! 2- V. I, . : ;. 1 p i, .-. it :;. ! !. T. 1 "! " ' '. V. . ' , 4 'i no."' , . 4 . " . r ' e PAGE SEVEN 1 N It. 21 east of Willamette Meridian. S. W. of Sec. 32, Twp. 1 S., U. 24 east of Willamette Meri dian, except one acre in the S. W. corner thereof, deeded to SChool District No. 30 for school purposes. Witness the signature of the County Clerk of Morrow County. this 18th. day of April, 1919. J. A. WATERS (Seal) t , I I'kopkhsionaij cakiw , t . . J DR. HAROLD C. BEAN I'MV.SICIAN iiikI hl'IUjlCON Hfiiner, Oregon, 1st. .ut. Hank llldg. I'luine 703 VAUGIIAN & BUTLER bEXTIST . Permanently located In Oddfellow' lillllldlllg Ileppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON attokm;v.at-law Office In Roberta' Ilulldlng Ileppner Oregon DR. A. D. McMURDO l'IIVM( IAN & St IK.LON Telephone 122 Office Putt, icon's Drug Store Ileppner Oregon WOODSON & SWKEK A I ToltM H.T-LAW Ileppner Oregon SAM E. VAN VACTOR AITOItMV-AT.LAW. Ileppner Oregon F. A. McMENAMIN IAHIIII Robert lildg. Ileppner, Or. Office I'lmtin Main U43 Residence Phone Main tiC5 ROY V. WHITEIS im kim i: i;i i, i hi nr., toivi, II PI ner Oreijon DR. J. L.CALLOWAY 'Hll til'UMIf I'MYsIl tS f.rad late A !) ,1'.!.'d f,f (;..er. ;''', t.i-l V,-, . 'I'l-ier fmind '' f " " t'r. A. T. ill. - I. . deni . H I ; ' ' ,: .:.. I '. r.e 4 J