rl PAGE SIX THP HrDDMCD trrniTTi tTnnniTnn - " """"fft nciw.L, nrrmii.K, UKEHON Tuesday, May 13, 1919 The iVlasterp 1TII jcce of Motion Pictures prices, 50c, 75c, $1.00 OF THE : tCT gW1 I iV David W. Griffith's Supreme Triumph 1 X W fmk i f A r-: ; A Romance of the Great War. Staged in France on tiie Actual Locale of the Story. The Sweetest Love Stcry Ever Told. Battle Scenes on I if ;l . ill : ' 4 5 U ii ll'ie Bailie fields of Izurope, 18 Months in Maki Staged-..Under the Auspices of the British War Office Remember the (irand Mask JIall after the sIhav. S20 in Cash prizes, divided as follows: $10 for tlie iirst prize; .00 for the second, $$xx) tor the third and $2.00 for the fourth ' This will be the event of the season. Don't overlook it. EXHIBIT BUILDING J. T. KIRK WRITES INTERESTINGLY One Night Only-Don't Miss The Chance I WiiK'in and 'hooked up one horse and i ' SfZ IJir mm -rx . """ were auont mix 1 nit; I Kir IU AL5CA VALLtY ,"iI"s ,,ul " pum (Continui'd fro in I'nuo Ono) the train and not hark to Tin- i,iIeK tit noon. There I met i,,, wlli my ohl tiiii.' friend Kmerwon Keitldey, a Aloirow eoimty liny. lie n locati'd r.lx miles east pt The Dalles on n larm. At seven o'ehnk we cm larked lor Portland on a steamier. wihloot.) I walked out to the house and met. several welcome nniles. I visited there until the next day and was areompanlec! hack In Portland ly J. II. Hush and family and Mrs. J. T. K. and son. W'e liud a royal rood time the next day. T.ie wo n At nine w bought, a berth and )- j ' Hieir hliopplimand return. l with li'-ed for the iiIkIiI. I awoke at live !j- 1!. tu the farm. .Mr. Hush is the next moruliiK looked outor the 1 rlrrly located on 35 acrcH and Is window and saw u. lighthouse. I Miilk lnnr live cow.t and selliii),' $12"j thought we 'had been Khipwrecki'tr Ul" 1 11 ' I' milk a month. ,'a"'1 1,1 '. l"'t In a few ! Then I rtayed la Portland four l.iluuteH I discovered we were r,.i.iliiK j days and ha.l tooth carpenter work UP the mouth of tho Willa tte. In on my ,.fa while Cliff Thomas vlbit- i.l-out an hour we were l MkI.i or i . , with Mends In and uround Cresh Ihe railroad brldKe nc.ss ihe river am. Saturday I purchased u 11,,,,,. und In the harbor we saw the old cn t waon and set or harness Sun l uttleshlp Oregon. She looked immn! ilav n.n, i,i.. ., " inn Ufmi 1111 UI1U I ooked our teaiiM and started on our to inc. i pen we came up to J..fr etHon street dock unloaded then- at fcevcil o'cliMk ami pull..,! up ,,. Columbia stables on p,,, street found accommodations p:,e,e ..r our horses. Alter breakfast I turned loce.e t,, I ii U t caie of I,, Ill-elf ami 1 boarded a jitney f,.r C , . -.ha m. In ill.., ni i,,, eninii, ..- , ,,,. j , a b.aiiiiii, ,,. ,, h , loim.l. d .v hm,,.. v ,h, , " cnp.il.i on ,,p , ,. ),,,, I'"" I'- I ll.id the Jitll. d' Iver Hop a-. l!ii , h.,1 w! ,,. ,v ,! fii. nd, Ceoir.. t I'll, llll IimiI. ItcM Stone "' PI'lo-i ; ne me a ib ii i i i..i, ,,l tins td.,, ,., I , ,.. ,!,,, ,,! ' " l-llte bell Ml Cuillll Pl.st.d o.e uli u Mine and ,iid: "Aten'l ' '"' I" 1 " I lol.l him iiii, but that ii y lle and noli weie. , Invltisl i-ilcl in, ,,1,., m )w I Dti.ilh lem.uknl that 1 mild ll.ive In k,, n, f,,r I)y Jita. H hi II he ..(', I, ,( ,, eve, l0 Ji,, i, a,,. H,,(i heii. I.e told mo I w.nibl find my f,. i ell . well' ,,,, (l,,r W ) ft tew m.iiiiti, M.. t'liiiln k,,, t,, me lo ,.a i,,,i i W to I e (hi, J,, I ,,. I toll. I.li - Hi' t, I ., t, ,, i ,,r I. nd ill -i ia,. I, , w ,. , ,,,, it ileiia Ihe e, II, ,,,) ,, , ;,,,, tl.H- euii . ,,!-.( ,,,, w k,, , I'll ,.i!b,l iniU 1.H1!" .it I' .ij, ,,. h l.nie b'oI Mr Ciiii.in ... , v. U .. .i. I.I ii- ,. (hi. H.i, 1,,. i I ,. I i-k.,l dim in mi. I Ii ,ii, n,'t '..it I I ' II I way ncain. We made Tlpird by noon, had dinner mid fed our team I he.,,. Then we hiked out up the lin ' for Dayton. (lot there turned o H e licht and drove oii( mile west v. i we Hopjied at Mr. and Mrs. ;' i i'i I'.'irch. s. They have a hi an I..' I Inline there. They are Morrow '""" ""' ',,r. too. e !md a in,. v ' ' 'I' thi'in. I.Jkini: until Ihe w.e ',i;i! ' f ihe mo, niiiir. 111 yl "on Hint; we hooked i;o ! 'I 'lilo t..i f i.tf... Tl,,..e 1,1,1 Thofi.is1 hoisi-- sliod bv 1 ' ' ' ivf i , iv, 11 know n all cn i r Ihe !.,,. e is vne liresldelll oi the "' Mor-i. sho K or;a!iiatioii of ' '' " fl He h.u n Well equipped hop an. I dues a tin,, bu. in.f s. From f.iere we iliovc in lo McMiniiMlle ror noon. There met J. II. Kin- ' an. our .A buti hci of llcplmer He i" -I II l-i the i.iin,. Imi i n it and chip, pin. Mm k to Porll.ind ).n-d. Ili " '"idi.il Imitation to slop Mid Vl.lt Wil j, , Kn. '"in f.ii a d.iv or two c s.ii, ,,. I.ilch 'Itin,. sln.H, (I,,, ,. '! lei l.i 1 1 -s i ti -r Ii ,i n. S oiy " t'"t ' i t In.. .In Hall, oi lor 1 .1 I 1,,. I. lp r 1 1 I'll lil old I I ill be to K,i b.ii k j ii Hm UBil pllt noun, wood . fill lied In itm lnlr Kiivnkln round n. aw.iy fc riew Vou rould not l.lniii l.r thi. dut (.iniHHhlng new for ! ,1 ,. I' id ., . hi h ' we nuide M,,.,,i l, U .i. ,1 we i; . I' . :,. ,. " ' Hoi Die liil. h U llt im. r. I . U It w.i. ,t , 1 hn ,i.' t,er. u I, ..I t . M llld.'pelidetli'f. 'l it in m ,i v t t lo tulles fi M,,ii,,t, s ue oirr hii.I c.m. !,e hoi. of Dvatm,i,f, Mr, , j; be 4 HiM v.... inoin'iU ,n ,,,,t ,,,,,, , Ih hfhi II., roiipl,. o'i I.h K loo up on n ihU'e. I v-as in Hie lead and' as I started down 1 implied mv bral;e i hut Cliff was in meditation about n liitlo (iaiiio he had spied back at Monmouth and fort'ot to apply the hiakes. I heard a couple of reports and thought the Germans wore alter us. Just as I looked back I saw the I dashboard and Cliffs heels no over I the back of the sprinn seat. I then stopped my team and ran back to him and asked if 'he was badly hurt. "Oh, God, he has broken my leg," Cliff replied. I climbed up In the waon and found that he had about lilly cents worth of hide ruffled up on his shin. I went down In my pocket and took out n book of court plaster and patched Mm up and we went on our way nt:aln. Ilelieve me he did not forget to apply his brakes ataln. He would catch himse lf grab bing the brake-staff point; up hill. We pulled into Corvallis about five o'clock that evening. We spent two nights and one day there !a";liiK In the college town. Cliff Kot acquain ted with a French dame and took In a dame the second night and had n line lime. We nulled out II... 'morning ii.r our destination. On the 'way a tar as Philomath Miff kept look i in; biick to see if he i-oiild see I i" huh. d.i'Ke. Vo pa.ss.-d through l liilo'ii.ith and there took ihe left hand load lor AImni. TIhto we crowed Merner rier and about lour miles I ill I her up We cl os, I rteek. One mile off the mai! .that creek is w here Grandma Gilffith was murdered by Humphrey broth about fight yearn ago for , money. They threw ier in .creek hut finally confessed and paid ;tho penally on the fallows at date capital. About four mil, j we came Into the timber belt and -jeended the Coast range of mountain! nd four tulle fuither wo paused I ever the divide tributary to the Al ,e.i in,-. About thne m,,., down ihe mountain we clo Trout creek w hi, h en, pile nun tl.i- ii,,,,e f, k .of A!,..., Two mil,, a ,jwn no. m, the south roik of iv,. aImi ;and iheu- n into the ,,. f . "..uiliful Alse.i v.,ll, v iolll mil j.town Ihe rher we rame into j ily that I it'iat.-, i,n ,. bank of lh.. ,!,... , . . . . . ...-mi,, , i, r 0i a mile bove the Junction of tU Miuth fot k and th main rler. A1m h ponoffire, two conrrftl tore, t.o churdh.il. Method:,! anil lUytiiK and paitor r..r each, black- smith shop, past time, lee cream and confectionery, dance hall, I. 0. O. F. hall, two hotels, barber shop and a garage, two schol houses and play ground of several acres, one feed leed barn and a creamery. We spent the night here and next morn ing hiked up to lionoygiove valley to see if the "liO" ranch was still there. We found it O. K. with about 15 ac- ! res of wild hay about a foot high. Everything looked good to me. We went on up to .Mr. Fender's a coup le of hundred yards above and found him and family well and happy; vis ited there a couple of hours and then made our way back to Alsea and remained all night. Am going going to a big sale today, one mile east of town. Mr. Crawford Is closing out his herd of Jerseys. He is going to ; Alberta to make his home. I am : tinB "Ut to Corvallis to meet my J v.'il'e and son tomrrow. I will cut j this .short an I am going to attend 'Hals sale at 10 o'clock this fore- roon. Itegards to nil my Heppner friends. I JOHN T. KIRK, SR., i " Alsea, Oregon Rock up her the the on AUa north k i mmn fii?! ill ii mmi iWiiiw 'tli , n. !",'". - ..,' 'V ,::;;: v ! ,U "4 u (. ',, I 'I , ' ,1' 'V' VW, ',i , . .1' ''.,, .'la i' omuncjuot w in rYinr A hrt t..v 1- ' m -tm i i ii 1 1 O h: I Vi.V i You can't help cutting loose joy'us remarks every time you flush your " P vo r wim t-rmce Albert it hits " ' Si 1 ld- I1'8 a scuttle full of iimmv as it t Ksssxzz sssKsr J Reyno,d Tobcco Company, Win.toaJ,ia, N. C iTuesd ft t I