Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, May 13, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    Tuesday, May 13, 1919
1 .:V V-'
Save Money on all
es now
Lumber is lower now than it will be for several years, and is already NOW
advancing.. Secretary of the Navy says "The man who says he will build a
house as soon as wages goes down, is inviting panic, distaster and calamity. For
I tell you and it is the truest thing I could say that wages in the United States
are never going back' to the old level."
us about Partial Payment Plans Ask
illustrated with fire places, bookcases,
boards, pedistal arches, linen cases,
Prices will not drop Don't wait Ask
al olan books on homes
cupboards, medicine cabinets, ironing
stairwavs, breaktast room sets, eic.
Our Ar'chitectual Department gathers pictures and designs new and improved
buildings on the iarm.
It's worth while to plan out all building
1 .
the exact cost ot all material necessary
rnmnlcte hluenritit'ed nlans.
Every piece of material shown with simj
Our nictfircs. nlane" details cost estimat
cessfully in eastern Washington and O
on paper then we can readily tell you
tor the buildings no extras to pay ior
1 pie working instructions.
:s of what other fanners have built suc-
;on arc "at vour service.
' -(Ivnc Sheds
Hog Sheds
"Tum-A-Lum $ilo$
Hay Sheds
.: 1 auks
.tore Fixtures
'""rn Cribs
llav Derricks
er Troughs
Milk Houses
nig Sheds
: -iot Cellars
Smoke Houses
Tii Houses
Hiick Sheds
Notice Is hereby given that an
election will be held within the pre
cinct o( Irrlgon and Iloardman with
:u Me fiouOM-d Went KlO-nsion Iril
ttatioo l'irtrict In Morrow County
and tninlllla County. Ote?on, on the
Klve Townr.hlp Four North of Uang
Twenty-six East. VV. M., and lying
Kat of the Kail line of Sections
Thlrtr-two end T-nty-nlne end
20 and 17 In Township Five N'irlh of
Hane 26 E. W. M. And the wild
shall be considered as land owners
for the purpose of such election, and
shall be qualified petitioners for the
organization of said Irrigation dis
trict and shall h lis re all the prlvl
leKe and obligations of land owners
Kltl.ln the district. Including the
right to vote or hold office and ahull
Iloardman precinct shall comprise all
that portion of 1'ic proposed district be considered electors for ttie pur-
t. - . .fc... . . 1 1 tin.. 1 rwian tot nnti .luldm Thai the.
i.th 1jv of June. 1019. between tneiiy.ng we.i i m i v.-u , k--- -
. . 0.clork in the morning That the County Court of Morrow boundaries of aald district establish
1 -..1.. .1 , rminir freon. haa aDBolnted Judge ed for thw purpose of said election
nit k n't'lOCK I . M- "I ' i - ; ...
, are as follows:
from the X. W. corner of the N. E.
of said Section 23; thence north
erly along the west line ot the E.
of said Section 23, 2840 feet more or
less to the N. W. corner of the N. E.
M of said Section 23; thence contin
uing in a northerly direction along
the west line of the E. of Section
14 In Township 4 N. R. 24 E. W. M.,
5280 feet more or less to the N. W.
corner of the N. E. M of said Sec
tion 14; (hence easterly one and one
half miles B Dng the north boundary
line of Sections 14 and 13 to the N.
E. corner of Section 13 in Township
4 N. R. 24 E. W. M.; thence contin
uing easterly along the north boun
dary line of Section 18 in Township
4, N. R. 25 E. W. M. a distance of
5807 feet more or less to the N. E.
corner of said Section 18; thence
northerly along the west line of Sec
Uon 8 in Township 4 N. R. 25 E. W.
M. 3797 feet more or less to a point
on the south bank of the Columbia
river; thence In an easterly dlrecUon
along the south bank of the Colum
bia river 21 miles, more or less, to
the west bank of the Umatilla river;
thence along the west bank of the
Umatilla river in a southeasterly di
rection 4 miles, more or less to the
south boundary line of Section 28 in
Townsmn 5 N. K. 28 E. W. M., at a
point easterly and distant 1094.4
reet more or less from the S. W. cor
ner of the said Section 28; thence
westerly along the south boundary
line of said Section 28 1094.4 feet
more or less to fhe S. W. corner of
said Section 28, the place of begin
Saving and excepting the follow
ing described tracts of land in the
County of Morrow, State of Oregon,
lying within the above described
boundaries, to-wit:
In Township 5 N. II. 27 E. W. M:
All Sections 29, 30 and 31 lying
north of the north boundary of the
right of way of the Main Canal of
the West Extension Project, except
the N. W. of the N. W. of said
Section 30.
. .Township 5 Jf. R. 26 E. W. M:
All of Sections 16, 17, 18 and 19
lying south of Uhe south bank of the
I Columbia river. All of Section 20
1 and W. Lots 2, 5, and 6, and W.
of S. E. M of Section 21, and the
S. of Section 26 and the S. of
N. E. V. N. W. Yt and S. of Sec
tion 27. All of Sections 28, 29, SO,
31, 32, 33, 34, and N. hi and S. W.
Y and W. Yi of S. E. of Section
35 and the N. Yi of Section 36.
Township B N. II. 25 E. W. M:
All of Sections 25, 35 and 36 lying
south ot the south bank ot the Col
umbia river.
Township 4 N. R. 26 E. W. M:
In Section 2 the following describ
ed area: Beginning at the N. W.
corner of Section 2 ; thence easterly
i 2647.26 feet; thence S. 0 deg. 09
, mln. 30 sec. W. 105.6 feet; thence 8
63 deg. 24 mln. 30 sec. W. 1483.0
; feet; thence S. 72 deg. 47 mln. 30
sec. W. 1188.0 feet; thence S. 28
deg. 04 mln. W. 412.5 feet; Dhonce
I N. 0 deg. 18 mln. 30 sec. E. 1485.66
. feet to place ot beginning.
In Section 3: The N. W. M and
the following described area: Be
! ginning at the N. E. corner of Sec
tlon 3; thence S. 0 deg. 18 mln. 30
sec. W. 1485.66 feet; thence S. 82
deg. 51 mln. W. 710.4 feet; thence
S. 67 deg. 15 mln. W. 1685.6 feet;
thence N. 82 deg. 68 mln. W. 386.3
; feet to a point on the west boundary
i ot the N. E. M of Section 3 and dis
tant 453.8 feet, N. 0 deg. 13 mln. K
from center of Section 3; thence
northerly 2186.2 feet to the N. W
corner of N. E. M ot 8ectlon 3;
thence easterly 2640 feat more or
less to the place of beginning.
All ot Sections 4 and 9 lying north
of the north boundary of the right
i of way of the Main Canal.
All of Sections 6 and 6 and the N.
W. of Section 7.
Township 4 N. It. 2.1 E. W. M:
Section 1, E. H Section 2, 8. Yt
and 8. Yt ti.Yt Section 0. 8. Sec
tion 10. N. V. Section 12. N. tt of
N. 14 Section 16, F 4 Section 17.
all E. 4 Section 20 lying north of
the north boundary line of th right
ot way ot the Main Canal and all of
the S. E. 4 of Section 14 lying
north of the north boundary line of
the right of way or the Main Canal.
The boundary description of said
proposed district, excluding the ex
ceptions mentioned above, cover an I
area or 14.000 acrea or which 6460 I
acre are now under public notice
for water with 106 acres of vested
light land also under public notice;
and there are 1203 acre of vested
X :
Thos. Strange Pettyjohn, for
many years a respected resident of
this county, died at the Hepimer
hospital last Wednesday evening fol
lowing an operation for appendicitis,
aged about 63 years.
Deceased was a native of Missouri
He leaves a widow and two daugh
ters, Mrs. Docia McCollough and
Mrs. Minnie Barnes, all o this coun
ts. The funeral was held Friday af
ternoon at 3:30 the services being
conducted by Frank Andrews, minis
ter of the Christian church. Inter
ment was made in the Masonic cemetery.
t t
Christian Science
Christian Science services are held
every Sunday morning at 1 1 : 0t
o'clock in the lodge room in the I. O.
0. F. building.
Subject for Sunday, April 13th, .
"Are Sin, Disease and Death Real?"
Testimony meetings are held every
Wednesday evening at 8:00 o'clock
at the home of Mrs. Eugene Slocum.
All interested are invited to attend
these services.
Subject for Sunday, May 18th
'Mortals and Immortals."
WANTED Position on ranch by
woman and son; boy 18 years old
and. has ttiad some experience with
sheep. Prefer position where I may
be given full charge in house work,
Inquire at Heppner Herald.
P. It. Stephenson, retireM mer
chant and farmer; Frank Hollen.
hardware merchant; Frank Smith,
grocer; Dr. Cathey, ryhysician; Math
ew Pliter, farmer, all prominent citi
zens of Condon, were among the big
delegation of Condon Elks who at
tended lodge here last Thursday-evening.
ih nitll'nir t iatCfl u! IE n ft I "I " i -
Srt ool HttuM t Irrlgon ns Botrd- j low; For IrrUon prrlnct, . It. , D-fflnnloj tt th otHhwnt cornr
.... tl,. ll'.lr.nt II f Wri r f" W. r m f.f BmI nn tl Tnonih It K N Tl II
man. withiu said aisirin .ur ........... , - - - - -- .,,, ,.. ... , ,nm. D11i,lle
. .r H.trminln whether or Judges; J. C camp, ana iiw. , e. W. M.; thence running along Itm - - - -----
pu.pose ot determining nnr ,u.rH,. Brfc : , ' . , ..notice; and thla total 7.7 acre
cinct. A. W. Cobb, John Y. Mc-1 northerly direction 5175.7 feet more
'Hugh and J. ' It Johnson, ; or less to the south boundary of the
...id district 0' - orxsn-
ii. i .ml- - t ' provlii m- -f Thipt -
No. S57
A.n.r.l Uwi of Oreg .n
The elector within said dls- Judges; and l.wirr 1'ack.ard and J. , right of way or the main ranal of
1,1 . . . .- h.l. If nittcnier u risrka. That inr lha U'..l Kitennlnn of the t'nistllla
trlct shall b requires i" ' - "
,h. rd: -Irrlgatinn PWrlrt- ,
t..i,llnfi I) trlrl-.-o c.i ni in i.- u ...
of teny-one years, whether a r-l-
Unii, or no!,
v- .n,l Irrieatlon Jmriri-. - - -
I the lufflrt of such dtrwto' v. ho Is a bona f ld wner i.f on arr anoith'ly and westerly dlrll'm;
"n . .. in l, of nmtt of lard ltue within iV a!ing s;Jd Ifiundary line of the iltht
i 1 ii, n wi Irh ditect'ir i!,r.i h' f,KJ" .f Way of the main tahal a ill
Iwted by the li'ilt at j Ut a...-ii..M loll or ho l lh' l iiirn of :; t, tnil Ipt.re t.r l
vblcb are now entitled to water.
Thl notlre Is published pursuant
to an order of the County Court of
Morrow County. Oregon, made and
i ntered fn lb" f.ih day of May. I'll''.
ed and ronstrurted by the X'. S. Her. j ,! the same t.e putllMwi once
lamatlon Service: tl.enre running in ! -h v.e k for at l-at four n.iiu
e..ks prior to June jn. J 1
. .. - i ...i hv !. l.n t ai
snail w
i .... Tt.l the !! Ifl-'Oit V
, I .hall r-m;"i : '
! r
I I f" of t!
I. - I
Wlln' my htnd and al of said
( .iirt ffi:d this f.'h !' f
J A WVI !:!'-'
B. A. Reynolds
General Contractor and
I make a specialty of interior work, cabinet
work, Dutch Kitchens, etc
My work fully guaranteed
Residence Opposite Federated Church
Heppner, Oregon
. -i
Americans with
backbone, brains and honor to
The Vidory Liberty Loan
Morrow rnunty riti.-tihip must come up to this
sianI;inl too pfntnt. She has never y t-t failed
to conic up to the expectations of Uncle Sam and
she will not at this last opportunity. Just think,
tlti is the last opportunity your government
you to help pay the expenses of those hoys
ho "mt oir tin- tri" from Morrow county,
f-n ( ' i w ill not fail him.
This Advertisement Patriotically Contributed
through the co-operation of
First National Bank