THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, May I3.j919 PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD S. A. PATTISON, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER An Independent Newspaper Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postofflce as second-class Matter TKIIMS OK SlliSt RI1TIOX One Year $2.00 Six Months $1.00 Three Months $ .SO VOTE FOR ALL GOOD ROAD MEASURES SOCIETY NOTES' j - t Leading social event of the past week was the dancing and rook par ty given by Miss Ruth Van Vactor Saturday evening to the senior class or the high school and a few special ly invited guests-. Miss Van Vactor proved herself a charming hostess and the evening was a particularly happy one for those fortunate enough to be present. Dancing and cards were One order of the evening and delicious refreshments were served just prior to going home time. Punch was served during the entire evening. MARRIED I : t GRAYBEAIj-SAMTSOX At the Federated Church in Hepp- WIIFT-E it is generally conceded that the proposed Morrow County bond measure authorizing the issu ance of $290,000 worth of bonds for building good roads in the county, will pass with but little opposition, friends of good roads in the county will not have done their full duty at the coming election until they have voted for every good roads measure on the ballot. As a matter of fact we can not afford to do anything else. The state of Oregon is pledged already for one of the most coiiipieneii.Mvt v.aniiaiKi' . v.. "!, Saturday, May 10th, 1919, Rev. dertaken uy any state in tne union ana me management ui H A Noyea, pastor of the church of ficiating. Mr. Mackie M. Graybeal and Miss Catie Sampson, were unit ed in marriage. Bod'a parties are residents of Irrigon, where they will reside. PADBEUG-FRIDI.EY Mr. Oris R. H. Padberg and Miss Catie J. Fridley were married last Sunday at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.'. L. E. Fridley j in Clarks Canyon, Rev. H. A. Noyes, ! performing the ceremony. Both of these young people are well and favorably known through out this section of the county and many warm friends will unite in wishing them much happiness and propserity. They will reside on the John Pad berg ranch where they will be at home to their friends at once. The New 1919 Reo-4 ! this collossal undertaking has been delegated, in large measure, to the State Highway Commission. The mem bers of that commission are men of vision, broad minded, aggressive in carrying forward the work for which they have been called and representatives of every county who so far have had dealings with them in the matter of state and county co-operation in road building agree that they are eminently fair in their dealings with the counties only insisting that the county must do its part in building good roads. The county that pursues a penny paring policy in the matter of co-operation will not get very far with the. com mission neither will the county that shows a selfish spirit by carrying its own bonding measure while voting down some other good road measure in which other counties may be vitally interested, find much favor when they go to ihe commission seeking state aid. The first measure on the ballot at the June election is Known as the Mx l er cent County Indebtedness tor i'er-j memorial iay services j manent Roads Amendment." The purpos e of this amend-! a special service will be held in llR'tlt is to give to the people of each COUnty in the State the the Federated church Sunday, May right to vole bonds for permanent road improvement up to 25tn' at 10:30 a- m- ln memo,y f e .1 1 1 , .1 . .1 the civil war heroes who nave ans- six pcrccn of the assessed valuation of the property in the wered the)r ast trumpet call and county if they so desire. Morrow county cannot afford to crosi)e,j the Great Divide to join defeat this measure for the reason that the only way anv that Grand Encampment of heroes county can get state aid is by matching dollars with who have given the best r.iat was in the state. We will vote our limit of $290,000 at the com- them for the honor ot th,e'r co"nt',y . . 1 ,1 , j. -11 i 1 ,1 and the perpetuation of her lnsti- ing election and that amount will only begin to give the tutions county the roads we need. The only way we can hope to A11 BOidiers, whether of the civil, secure our part of the big funds being accumulated by the Spanish or World wars are request state and national governments for CO-operative road- ed to meet at the church at the 'hour building in the future will be to arrange to put up more ll0ve-na,ed- " , 1 Itev- II- A- Nye!, Pastor of the money ourselves. , j church, will conduct the services and No COlinty will be obliged to VOtC bonds Up to six per- a general Invitation is extended to cent, of valuation unless the people want to and then they ,the Publlp- tit ..1 . 1 1 ' - - win only vole the amount necessary to secure tne ninus needed. Some counties may need the full amount and if ihey do we should not deny them the privilege of voting it. Another road bill that should receive the hearty sup port of Morrow count v voters is the Roosevelt Highway bill which provides for the issuance of $ in bonds 000 00 f,om Bon c,,lv1"' wil1 open ln , ,1 , , r ,i i 1. ir '1 1 .1 Judge Phelps' court tomorrow morn- lor the construction of the Roosevelt Highway along the . ,,'.., r ,, coast of Oregon from the California line to the mouth of ,he Columbia river. The condition is imposed, however, thai the federal government appropriate an equal amount .deckr were cleared for action yester- tor the work. This highway w ill open up and develop the entire co.i ,( country which is a region rich in many resources. 1 1 uudrcds m t;tn lies are now struggling to make holmes there bill are without means of transportation to get their products to market and they are entitled to state aid par liciit.irlv when the project will give the state of Oregon all ;h advantages of the highway at a cost of 50 cents on the from one to three weeks. dollar the government furnishes the other 50. Should Morrow county vote down all other road incisures except her own bonding proposition we will be in kid with tin Highway Commission. 'I no Tetitlemcn composing that bodv will look upon us as selfish, self- Price $1620 at Heppner Will Arrive About May 1 0th or 1 1 th Alter careful consideration and observation of the service and economy furnish ed by the various cars used in this vicinity we have taken over the Reo Line of pleasure cars and trucks. . T r into the several repair shops here and elsewhere the advertised lists of second hand cars, or into the junk heap now rapidly growing from the many new experimental cars and by its absence the Reo proves conclusively that as vet not one of the many so called im- Droved cars have as yet equalled the car produced in the Reo factory nine years ago. AC SK ANY REO OVvNER OR COME TO US FOR DEMONSTRATION IcRoberts-Cohn uto Company HKJ JRANT COUNTY CASE HE iINS TOMORROW The big civil case transferred here from Grunt county in which James' Johnson seeks to recover some $32,- lng. An Imposing array of legal tal ent, composed of the leading lawyers of the state is on the ground and the day afternoon. Attorneys for the plaintiff are: Col. Haley, of Pendleton, E. Hicks, of Canyon City. Sam E. Van Vactor, of Heppner. For the defense, Jude Fcei of Pendleton, John L. Hand, ot Daker. Various estlinntes place t'.ie time that may he required for this trial at P. A. Anderson, who is a chronic loll fan has umpired a couple of eamra this spring and the fever has gotten Into his blood to such an ex tent that he swears now that he Is centered and not disposed to care a hoot lor the rights or kihk to organize and train a ball nefU nl ol MiT idiinlies It vi not hi- :i iron, ri'rnr.l to 1 "' " "''PPner go before the coninussKin on. Vote YES on every good road measure on the ballot. In Heppner next season that will make eastern Oregon sit up and take conbiderable nourishment. At least P. A. says players in competing teams will need plenty of nourish ment If they undertake to try con clusions with Heppner. MQR AY Class of 1919, Heppner High School Presents a Two Act Comedy STEP liA.L INSURANCE I With I lie present prospect of a bumper crop of wheat and a high guaranteed price by the go -eminent no tanner can afford to take chances on li.uing his crop destroyed. I represent only the must substantial and reliable OLD LINE COMPANIES NAMKH OK WAR WORK I RS ARE I v.Mi:i Morrow county Is callliiic (or the n Him- of all perrons who did war j work. This is lo cover home ser vice as well as military eitre. I MUS A. E. I.. 1IINNS. Morrow County Historian. LIVELY Hail Insurance rates have season. Investigate. t'all, write or phone. been reduced for this RoyV.Whiteis OLD KKLIAHLE INSURANCE MAN - VVAHMMi lit'Piedutlun to our flume anil In- 1 teiferenc with the sen-ens and wat er plpea of rnnsumet must cease, litis waterway la not a plsy (round and parents will he held responsible for all damases and routs ls?aus of the acts of their c'.ildren. If your rhildrt-n have been In the habit of sailing thler boats In thlfluiie. kep II. em aay. as we hae prrsonaaly warned them for the tune. HKITNKU KA It MK US' I I EVATOK 1 COMPANY. 2-4 ' ml TY TIU' W III If NOTICE Not lee Is lieiel.y ueii thai all ll'UJi' W.ut.lflM le;l.-!e. ui i atd II!. I I.! en M . I't r !l he p.H.1 nl t! v i V I 'til.-' A whole evening of fun and laughter, Step Lively will be everything the name implies High School Auditorium, WednesdayiAY21 Curtain at 8 P. M. Adults 50c. Children under 12, 25c ft 1 r J t ! Il ls' l It Y W T AIS ' V u