TV Tuesday, May 13, iqiq THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE THREE 1 I 1' i s 1 1 1 I n n a i n I 1 y 4 fi I ii 1 , . The Paint Season This is the time of the year when the spirit of cleaning gets everybody and the first thing that should come into your mind is the value of painting up your premises. We are exculisive agents in Heppner for the famous Bass-Heuter Paints these paints are recognized as the very best that can be bought and we offer you them in every tint and shade. We also carry a full line of KYANIZE in all shades. This varnish is made for the particular v housekeeper who wishes to touch up the little places around the house that are not sufficiently large to call in a painter. And for retouching the furniture where it has become marred. Lei ' us demonstrate them to you. We would be glad to talk over your paint needs with you. SAI.VATIOX AltMY HH1VK i KOK HOMK 1" OKKtiOS COMPANY PORTLAND, May 12 All Oregon will have an opportunity of showing its appreciation for the wonderful work accomplished by the Salvation Army in France, during the eight days from June 22 to 30, when the people of this state will be arkcd to contribute $250,000 for the lnme service work of this organisation. For years the Salvation Army ' worked among the lowly an.l tie pi or, for it is a steadfast rule with their workers that no person is too lowly to be given aid, but it was not until the Salvation Army workers went, over-seas that universal com mendation has been heaped upon it. And it is well that it should be thus for the Salvation Army has made a reputation in the war that is not sur passed by any other and equal!.! Vy few. The testinoials of soldiers is uni formly appreciative with never a word of oritieism. This is not sur prising for Salvation Arjny workers of experience are more familiar with human life, its needs and kinks, and and more tactful, than those of some ol: the more pretentious organiza tions. Governor Ben W. Olcott is honor ary fhuirman of the state executive committee in charge of the campaign in Oregon, ,with Mayor George L. Baker, of Portland, active chairman the Salvation Army in Oregon and in appreciation of its activities for our hoys in France, have assumed tu task of assuring success in the Sal vation Army home service campaign. This order, through its subordinate and A. L. Mills, president of the : lodges throughout the state will take First National Bank of Portland, state treasurer. The ot'aer mem Neilan, A. 0. Jones, R. A. Stewart, bers of the committee are: J. D. Judge V. N. Gatens, Julius J. Berg, Judge George Stapleton, Edgar B. Piper, L. G. Clark, L. R. Wheeler, B. F. Irvine, Henry B. Reed, Dr. W. S. an active part in the solicitation and raising of the funds. The money collected in the drive, $125,000 in Portland and the same amount throughout the state will be spent enclusively in Oregon and thus is not a drive to secure money in this state to be spent elsewhere. That U LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED H by CUTTIR'S BLACKLEG PILLS mm Low-priced. Al'TO IJlllNS ON ROAD Kennedy, Winthrop Hammond, Bish- j Oregon will respond to the call lib op Matt S. Hughes, Fred L. Boalt, I erally and cheerfuly is the beeif of Jos. L. Hammersly, Will H. Moore, I every member of the state executive George Lawrence, Mrs. Sarah A. i committe. Evans, Mrs. E. E. Martin, Mrs. C. J. Ivers Lee M. Clark, Jos. Goodman, George C. Mason, Dr. J. C. Rollins, and Col. Creed C. Hammond, all of Portland. T. B. Hundley, Tilla mook, Oreg., T. E. Daniels, Medford, Ore., Charles Burgraff, Albany, Ore., Dr. H. L. Tensey McMinnville, Ore., Thos. H. Tongue, Hillsboro, Ore., Judge G. W. Phelps, Pendleton, Ore., and B. F. Jones,, Newport, Ore. The Oregon State Elks Association recognizing the worth of the work of L. V. Gentry's Reo car was des troyed by fire Wednesday morning on the Hinton creek road east of town. Guy Boyer was driving the car at the time and so quickly did the flames spread, all he could do was to stop the car and get out. It is believed the fire originated from a short circuit in the electric wiring. The car was insured for $1000. Spring l ime is Say Mr. House Owner isn't this weather getting into your system and making you long to see the old home shine again like it did when it was new? Don't you realise that a new coat of paint would bring back all its freshness that it would again have that new appearance of which you were so proud when you first built it? This is the time of t'he year to start tat work and you know howbadly it needs it. .We wish merely to call your attention to the fact that we have a full line of standard paints every color or tint that you possibly coud think of. Besides every thing needed for the interior decoration of your home. Of Interest to the Ladies We have n complete line of Chinamel for touching up and reflnisliing tho:e old pieces of furniture that you prize bo highly and this work will come right along with the spring house cleanintr. Those varnishes are prepared so that they do not, require the services of a painter and you've no idea the amount of good you can do in one room with a few of these colors. We've every one you could want. Gilliam & Bisbee comi: ix am) i,i:t is talk paint to you " Wr (.! r 1 r 1 ( il lO tu o ur le PI' Sir EO-30M niva.Blai.kl? P:ii.i, $4X0 Lihnr i 0i i ft A ft brand rtaem Firearms 8 Ammunition I'1 j? Write for Catalogue HERALD WANT ADS GET THE BEST RESULT; HEW HOME gret ii Jor my wife mm 1 BALL BAND Utility Shoe Just the last for Carpenter, Farmer, etc. Un excelled for general out-door wear. They are hard to wear out and cost less than all leather shoes. FOR SALE BY . GON HOE STORE TY t I CECIL ITEMS ! i W. O. Hynd of Sand Hollow spent the week-end visiting in and around Cecil returning home Sunday, ac companied by T. H. Lowe and his neice, Miss Annie C. Lowe. The party was driven over by Water Pope iu his Ford. Mrs. J. H. Franklin of Rhea Siding visited with Mrs. Peter Nash Satur day and Sunday. Clarence Winters of Shady Dell was a Heppner visitor Saturday. Miss Winnie Lake of FourmUe and Miss Hazel Winter took in the track meet at lone last Saturday. Mrs. Lena Suell Shurte and son, Carrol of Heppner spent Saturday and Sunday visiting friends in Cecil. Ed Melton of the Lookout was an, lone caller Saturday. Miss Esther Logan of Fourmile was the guest of Miss Georgia .Sum mers the past week-end. Mrs. VanOrsdale of Eightmile, Mrs. E. A. Nash and daughter Ruth, and Mioses Lake and Winter visietd wiui airs, i-erer asn on Sunday. George Krebs of the Last Camp autoed to Heppner Sunday accompa nied by Ben Barnes and family. Miss Tilly Bjork of the Willow creek ranch was an Arlington busi ness visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Burlier of Arlington were callers at the Fairview raich h Monday. Hugh Slatil'iold prominent sheep p! man 01' f.i'ho was a caller at the lj: homeor .lack Hynd of the liutterhy f''' i Flats siumlay. Mr J- U. Miller who !i:'.s recently pur j! I'liased n well drilling nmcliine was A 'i Iono caller Tuesday and is now drilling a well for Mr. Smith near lone. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Crabtree and family Hi ml W. O. Palmateer were doing y; business in lone Wednesday. , W G. R. Melton who has been visiting IJj friends in Iowa returned to Cecil on M Tuesday where he Intends to locate lor the summer. Mrs. R. S. Wilson left Rhea Sid ing on Tuesday enroute lor Condon w! where she intends to visit friends for a tew days. A J. H. Franklin who has been fjj spending the last few days, in Pen- y dleton returned home Thursday. I . n The ICE McAtee & Ailcen, Proprietors CREAM AND CARD PARLORS i tl ei NO OTHER LIKE IT. NO OTHER A8 GOOD. Pur. haw th "NEW HOME" snd vmi willhv a nuil pt the jinre ym pay. " he piimmntKm o rrpi'T ci'rii-e t'V wprrtuf wrrkmantiip and bel , mum oti. Iiwikt on havtnc the NEW HOME WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. Known ihc world ovrr fr utierinf tewing qualities Nt '!i uncitr nfir other name. THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE C0.,0RANGE,MASl. CASE FURNITURE CO. It May Be True That a Cat Has Nine Lives I'm its a cinch your car lias only one so why not m t the hct from that one life, all the pIi-aMire there is in operating your car i-. when it is in ftr.-t class running shape. You can only do this when the repair work and tip-keep on your car is trusted to men who know their IntMticss who un der stand the many little things that worry the tnotori.-t who know jusl what to do in each case. We pride ourselves on our reputation for looking after tlie details the small things that make a world of trouble and if your car is left in our care these small worries will he forgotten. Prolong the life of your car by giving its care over to us. We vih to particularly call your attention to our P.attery Depart ment. We operate our own rebuilding station maintaining a man who does nothing but attend to this work. We offer you free inspection of alt kinds of batteries and free distilled water, liy availing yourself of our battery ervice yon are sacd the long wait and expense entailed in sending your Latteries away. Rivers & Ackley REPAIR DEPARTMENT HEPPNER GARAGE PHONE 8i Reduce Expenses By buying now. Look at these prices; good only while stock lasts. Glass Tumblers, set $ .25 Flour Sifters 20 Fruit Press 20 Dishes less than cost. Knamelware below nor mal price. 1 2 foot Linoleum less than wholesale A Few of Our Many Specials. Case Furniture Company Fred Peltijohn, Mr. and Mrs. Mill er. Walter Pope, Unyrt l.onan, Jack Hynd and Mr. and Mrs. T. 11. Lowe nil Ceeilites paid the county seat a visit during the week. Leonard M. ISarr of Heppner was looking i-p hi old friends in Ceeil 1 t hi: week. i IHiam Heard of Portland is look ing up ii-ld friends In Ceeil. j lnve Hynd of Hoselawn spent. t"ae week visit Inn relatives in Ceeil. I enl has analn r;een presented with the distinguished honor flai; of I'iltli Liberty Loan. (i. A. Mill- wi'H eliairman nl the drive. Great dit is due to Mr. Miller lor the (j rplemlid win k 'lie has done In rnllt-ct- lt)K the ('eei Hilliseiiptloiis whieli ' lo l i:,i. I Ceeil hall was Hie, aeeno of a very larne party on Saturday evening, at .'hleli time many frit-mis gathered to Rive tl N-irprlse ji.t-ty to the buyn of the vielriitj who have letuineil fitnii the army iitnl navy. A hiiiii fit iioiih wan served by the ladles at midnight and splendid inutile was furnished by the following ladles and Kehtleint n: Mrn. Carrie lliilhtirt and Hit- MInbi-h Irt-nt' llminliiti, Maude MiMoiiIh, Mi-HnrK. Oseiti Luiiilell, John NhhIi ! itnd .Mtke MeKntlre. liitnelnn wiih I Indulged in until no taily hour tlfitrly I fill pinple (akiliK In the t vi'- ; IiIiik'h t lijoymeiil, Carml ll.iii.Hl, Mihmh Helen Ha t -, rati iiml Cyi Lieu, lien of Hepp ner i p.nt the weekend In Cuil. ! tr- Public Sales Turn that piirplim ntot k und m per. Wt) belli J4 ft ln tlililtii! IT)f tn UltTfutt. i timeiy into mull or rood pa th" part few month mid ir- Sr in iller how Mini II jour liu'lnt! will itiHtirc K"od mi.rkei. our e'innl?ntiienl nervlro STOCK RANCHES On. I entitniliti I be bert I. i . Ih.. (oiiiily, See lit b.-fiiro WHEAT RANCHES ' ' ' n l-e bou (M for e tiiHtit ji, vuluii roit Mill r t Hntl I I,: 1.1. re It, ,,. ,t 1 1, , I'm otjr ,.ie Hertleo, FARMERS' EXCHANGE I.SOI.Mttls WHIM I'IKiMlsl Lot' An Ol il mi; !o tln l.poila lennllv Hit, I oil) fiooi W' i II i-1 nil Hie Whe.,t 1 ii'i Mow Itowini; In Hi., t iuled Xl.iteH p.oini eH In ,e 1,,. k-ii,,e-f. HI I plOillel nil) totiniiv I;. -telll t :llmjlteH pl.iri. ttif roimiiu etop nt itiiiniNl t mi, Mm, nun IiiihIii It. wotlb Hi the cm'i'i llltiellt KUumiilct d pii'e of $2 26 per bunh., f't?,;,t). IMMI.IKI0. llepnilH fit im-lrlit Ini Imlt.ilit ffirtti-iii wlifitt (t'owilil'T Mai en hIiow a pi ninl. nt fimn 101 to Iflfl Iier tent tit nil live! ,i'e ioi lull! flop. W;vr MMi W AMI l I'.OIH Kit III II HIMi. iir.i'rsr.n r. it. mum w. UBfr oiti,im. . We Intvn rlelit watitili: to buy and Irstde for .i:i I. If y..ii . !!' in ii. p..-.. or )oiir p:.i' p;. jwtile 111 pi it i. lil,i (flti oi n'jtn bill Jilil will . repl III nihil,!, fo' III" IMIttif-. Noin HwKT I.AMi Tllf:i:rt 00. 1102 .VrUietein tnk Ilulldlnf Iot tlarirj. Omgon. KH hu.i: Two ood iii, T-rtxiiti h'tu-, wiih bth and tollot. hot ml ur. Q'tod eIIr. nnlf of tbtl toti om fruit Irtw. iTie H5o. TtrnjiEBoIr HtrmH Vtr M