' i r ' PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON Tuesday, May 13, 1919 FACTS AMI I AN (IKS A1MMT THK I'HII.irriXKS By M.mhio Kalaw, Secretary (if the Philippine Mission. A certain lady at the St. Louis En position saw at a bull rooom a brown complexioned man clad in faultless evening drums and accosted him with the inquiry: "I suppose you are a Japanese, sir." The man addressed replied, "No madam." "Then you must be Chinese," she replied. "No, I am not; I am aFilipino," he replied. "How's that?" asked the lady. "I thought they were all savages liv ing in the woods." "Well,' I'll tell you how I came here," he said. "A month before I left the Philippines I was living in the woods, but the American Gover nor decided to catch as many wild men as possible, train them, and send them over here. So the American forces were Immediately set in mo tion, we were taken from the woods and kept for a monilh at the Gover nor's palace, taught how to dress and spea'k a little English, and then Kent over here. So here I am, lust as you see." And the St. Louis lady actually believed him. That is what you would call fan cies about the Philippines. The 'act is, however, that the 10,unf),000 I'Mipiuos and their ancestors have bi-en civilised and Christians for "00 y'-in.-',; that Hie noti-Ch ristia II uf)n kit ion, ii'-ronlint' ! tin' r -n 1 i di' 1 :i I S, is only n. UP. A not l..r l ! i: I hut mil mil : Hie coming of Him Anicriram. i'"f rclnx.I hii iM 1 n:'s :-o"n in Ho. Inhi ml.-'., io:i,il:; built, or suh'-ta i I ia I homos '' Do yoi i, now t In. i lor ,.,.. iln-ils of vi:m - H10 l-'ilipiuos 1 1 : t -. liiid colli'Los ami m l.oolr, a nl tha' the Cnivert-ity of S-uilo Twnm i" only Iwenty-I'ive years oliior Ulan Harvard? That as early as 1866, out of a population of 4,000,000 peo ple, there were 841 schools for boys and 833 for girls? That in 1892, eight years before the coming of the Americans there were 2137 schools? The Philippine legislature recently sent a special mission to the United States to request the fulfillment of America's promise to grant inde i pendence. It is their plea that the specified condition precenedt to the granting of autoniny the establish ment of a stable government is al ready fulfilled. Their representa tions are indorsed in every particular by Francis Burton Harrison, who has been the American governor general in the Philippines for six years, and is in a position to speak from actual observation. "Iiy temperament, by experience, by financial ability, says Governor Harrison, "In every way the ten mil lions of Filipinos are entitled to be free from every government except of their own choice. They are in teligent enough to decide for themselves." NEW COUNTY AGENT COMING Lawrnce A. Hunt of Lower Bridge Oregon, has been appointed county agricultural agent for Morrow coun ty to succeed F. R. Brown who re signed sonic veeks ago. Mr. Hunt will take up his work in the county .May Kth and will proceed either at once or this fall to taks steps to wards the organization of a county I'ann buereau, .such as has become re cognized over the entire United States as a solid institution lor ag ricultural development. Mr. Hunt U e,"epcially adapted for Mi is type of loadisliip, according lo ol finals of the Stale County Agent Leader' of fice and I a r n: bureau members of De.cliutes county, where lie has st.rvetl as a member of the executive committee of the Desclitnes County Farm Bureau since its organization, having been prominent in the leader ship of county agent work for sever al years in the county before it was placed on aa ogranized basis. In his capacity as farm bureau leader on organization and marketing, he as sisted in the assembling of ttie nine car order of sulphur which was the largest pooled order for sulphur for fertilizing purposes- ever assembled. He also assembled orders for several carloads of land plaster as well as seeds and other niaterias. ALL MEN TO HAVE JOBS OREGON HAS FIRST TEXT THRIFT Oregon still leads in thrift work, the first text on thrift education hav ing been prepared by Dean J. A. Bex ell, of the O. A. C, school of com merce, and published by J. B. Lip pincott's of Philadelphia. It has been recommended by the United States treasury department for its eighth grade detailed course of study The text is made a part of the Lip plncott thrift series, and is strongly recommended by the publishers. Every man who wants work will have it by June first announces J. W. Brewer, federal and 0. A. C. farm haying commences MFW MFWYMF help specialist for Oregon. When haying time comes more men will be wanted than can be found, unless conditions change. Big road pro grams are taking up large numbers of the present small surplus of la borers. If wages compete with farm wages many men will take the construction work because of Its eight-hour factor, impossible on the farm. Mr. Brewer thinks some ar rangement must be made to insure continuous production, since the whole country is dependent on the output of the fara. COMBINE FOR SALE For sale cheap 16 foot cut Blew ett combine with motor. Has cut about 1100 acres. Write C. Moeh inke, Lexington, Oregon, or call at my ranch near South Springs. 52-2 Finest job- printing in Morrow youd think he d nave better sense. says Big Brod "Tim isn't extravagant, exactly, but he don't know what to. buy. He aims to get the biggest plug for his money. "He would get real tobacco satisfaction with Genuine Gravely and spend less money for tobacco." Good tnste, smaller chew, longer life iswhat mukesGen uine Grovelycost less to chew than ordinary plug. Write to: Genuine Gravely DANVILLE, VA. for booklet on chewing plug. Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Piug packed in pouch L o The Flow of Meat Two-thirds of the livo stock in the United States has to b3 raised the West. in One-half of the consumers of meat live in the East. In other words, most of the live sleek is ono or two thousand miles distant from most of the peopto who need it in the form of food. Fifty years no, when livo stock was raised close to every consuming cen ter, the country butcher could handlo the job after a fashion. But tho job got too big. Now millions of anirmls have to bo moved hundreds of miles to millions of people. Somewhere on 'tho way they have to hi turned into meat. Th3 packers solved tho problem. They set up plants whero the "livo haul" and the "meat haul'' were in the ri,;ht balance. They built up clisti Pouting systems refrigerator cars, red iterating plants, branch houses. They saved time, money and meat everywhere. The stockraiser bene fited in better markets and higher prices; tho consumer, in better meat and lower prices. As the country prew, the pickers had to grow, or break down. Ikeause of its present sie and efficiency. Swift & Company is able to perform its part in this service at a fraction cf a cent per pound profit. Swift & Company, U. S. A. Hens Products for Home People! WC MANUf ACTURE White Star Hour, Whole Wheat, Graham, Cream Middlings, Roil Barley and all Mill feeds GENERAL STORAGE AND FORWARDING HEPPNER FARMERS ELEVATOR CO. a u n M ? a b lay 4 i Are You Going to Build 'I hat's a tution that covers a world f territory and l.y it wo moan anything: from a hen house to a mansion. li you are we extend to you an invitation to call on us and talk LP EL! 'ia! ii I'n.m :!u- stain! .nt ii luines ;uid wuli ;i m.-u', u!,,, U uw thorough' tri.m i iu- !i!i'!., r ido. thavo ;. cot!-,.-to oinck of oorihip ! ! n: tho h:ii!.!m. Imh- and our j.'auin mill lauii !l( S "-'h' i ',,. an; .-jmia! v..nk thai '.is ro'i'.nie. SCRHEN DOORS Now i l'u- iimo to l.o-iu th-nkink al-.-ut t!-- -OVvN .1...M- .U0:i..U. 'fho ilu-. will mm,!! ,0 hoio ,i nn;, -. u a- it uo haw iiM v. "i a "i i.-t- Mock oi" C.-titiiu t:lal Screen I ). r an.! m),!..us al! read to ham; l'-r ou. I.t U-. il.,ll o (,'tl',eM- i'".,r ',,r Xo'l-.itld ho "; ! to i;Utl Mr I'!v when ho h'cro. mam i;:::tn;-::; i aning and ci;op mill 4 f ' i i I I 1 I Everything that is 1 good to 1 I EAT I I ' 1 I i. 1 at I I i i U 1 k I 3 J p I IQl w p I WADCO COITEE ! i I 'It's certainly good." f 'i i i In 2, 3 and 5 pound tins. U Sam Hyghes Company Distributors, HEPPNER OREGON Heppner Meat MarK U. C. ASIIHAUGII, Proprietor r: M Now open for businesi in our New Shop on East Side Lower Main Street, w ith a complete stock of the finest quality of Beef, PorK, Mutton and Veal Call and give us a trial order. Wc will treat you right. UKITNKR OR IXC Read PEOPLES CASH MARKET WAT KINS & 0iit, Proprietors '- !''' m:i ;b th- i...c itFr.,t,t..- .,,t u ,. ui !. i!... '.... .l,;.! tr.H' ... f;a4ii.tT.f)iHl.lm,t lo ,r .ill. .n I! ,o 4 ,,' i,. ,;, t, J:.,-y t,irJt sr. 1 f,..) f., ,! ...! !,.;,.. i. ....', . . :.;r la !ir 1. 1 .,hi t t- .. -i r r ;: !... 1. II I '.'.! ... ' l ! ! I I;, I Pi'OPLE'S CASH MARKET 4 M I If I 1 J A f i i