PAGE EIGHT THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON Tuesday, May 6, 19 19 1 LOCAL ITEMS For Sale Two Firestone Tires, 22x4 in koo1 condition at the Second Hand Store. Mrs. J. W. Stephens of Ilardnian, nd her young son, were Heppner visitors Saturday, the boy uoing to I lone for the track meet. F. A. McMenamin and Michael Kenny toured the Juniper canyon district Monday in the interest of the Victory Liberty Loan. Mrs. Minerva Eaton, of Salem, came In Saturday evening to visit her son, K. A. Patterson. Mrs. Eat on is a pioneer of the Grand Round valey and is one of the best known women of eastern Oregon. Hugh C. Gitliens is in the Heppner hospital recovering from an opera tion for appendicitis which was per formed last Thursday. His condit ion was regarded as serious for a while but he is now improving. Mrs. A. L. Ayers president of the Civic Improvement Club wishes to publicly express the thanks of the club to C. A. Minor, Mrs. W. n. Bar ratt and Mrs. Kelly for dahlia bulbs furnished the club for distribution to members. An extra train has been put on the O. W. It. & N., from Pendleton to Portland, for the accommodation of eastern Oregon travel. People in Heppner who wish to avail them selves of die service will take an air plane to the Junction as no mention is made of improved service on our branch. legal department of tlie ,.eela. keep up with the development of his Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hinkle or Hermiston were Heppner visitors yesterday. Mr. Hinkle being in at tendance before the county court in the matter of the proposed West Ex tension Irrigation District, at Iloard- mau. Mr. Hinkle is conneceu wun the niation service and is considered an expert in irrigation law. J. C. liallenger, 11. L. Brown, A. W. Cobb and T. E. Hendrick, prom inent citizens of the Boardman pro ject were here yesterday putting through the West Extension Irriga tion District project and talking good roads. They received the assur ance of the county court Wiat the county will furnish Boardman with a rock cuisher at once for use in that district. Ed. Huston returned Thursday from Albany where he was called a week earlier by the serious illness of his father, John Huston, who is one of Linn county's oldest and most highly respected citizens. Mr. Hus ton, always hale and hearty until at tacked by the influenza last winter is suffering from Che results of that disease and his recovery is hardly hoped for. M. D. O'Connell, publisher of the Hermiston Herald, was a Heppner visitor Sunday evening and while in town made a fraternal call at the Herald office. Mr. O'Connell re ports busines in all lines active in his town with good prospects for the future. Under Mr. O'Connell's management the Hermiston Herald is one of the best local newspapers i in this part of the state and he is disposed to keep on improving it to COCXCH.. MKETIXO QllET section. Harold Cohn drove to Portland one day last wek in his old Cadillac in cignt hourB and ten minutes and returned two days later in eight hours flat. Who says a good paved ro:id from Heppner to Portland will not make the 0. R. W. & N., includ ing the Heppner branch, look like a piker in the way of speqd. John Elder and Alva Jones, w"no have been in France helping put the Hun out of business, recently returned from overseas and discharged from the service, returned to Heppner with Mr. Cohn. CHILDRCN BANISHMUU" 'KEOK53s5 lis? Wm -V AT THE ST A It THEATRE NEXT TUESDAY s A F T Y & if. I S c V I c E You Have Said More Than Once i "When I 'mm K'tt-T lixetl I'mamiallv, will I :c ;(..,t iw f r the liank service." I il it t- t occur In ymi that iu can 1e Hiii nhl iiuw tu ue hank service at I lie IirM National liank, to help you make jjiuhI liiiancialh ? To carrv mir our 'lani ymi neeil both tai aii'l !ank m!it. Keep in miml this tact: The business ol this institution i to Help xoii si rure iiu-ie cash ami at I lie same time biuhl erelit at the hank. I 'I.hi to i t some mollis on ih poMi. the anioui.t irous, vunr oppoi (unity 1 1 ea si's to nei'iU il. olitam eiiilit when a loan in is First National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON It was rather a quiet council meeting last evening no quorum appeared until almost nine o'clocl; and not a committee report W?: ready. Mayor Vaughan vcre v. rath er bored look and perhaps had h touch of that tried feeling which conies to most of us who try to do things and see failure ahead becau. e of absolute lack of co-operation or. the part of those who should help us. Current bills were allowed and some desolutory talk had about the streets, etc., and the ccuncil ad journed. And there are so;y thitiir needing to be done to make Ktipaev the kind of a town it should br;. HEP XKU VETERAN,, AT O. A. C. Atee, merchant, Heppner; Geo. W. Thomson, merchant, Hepprer; W. H. Cronk, merchant, lone; O. E. Jo'.m ron, stockman, riardmrin; Joe How e'.l fafmer, Hardman; Willism Hay lor, jeweler. Heppner; Edg:-.r J. Bail, farmer, lone; Adrian Encleman. far i:'.re, lone, W. P. Prophet, merchant, Hardman; J. W. Beynier, banker, Heppner; O. M. Whittintton, farmer, Heppner; C. E. Jones, fanner, Hepp ner; N. E. Pettyjohn, stockman, L'na; L. V. Carlson, farmer, lone; M. D. Clark, merchant, Heppner; Andy Rood, Jr., farmer, Heppner; C. H. Furlong, farmer Eightmile; A. C. Allison, farmer, Echo; W. W. Smead Insurance, Heppner; Glenn Boyer, farmer, Heppner; Malcomb Church, laborer, Heppner; J. P. Stockard, farmer, Lexington; J. B. Cason, lab orer, Heppner; E. R. Lundell, farm er, lone; John Hughes retired, Hepp rer; Charles Thomson, merchant,, Heppner; W. T. McRoberts farmer, Heppner. w Yo ("OXDON WILL HOLD I1AC" X Your C J. B. Sparks, movie n:an:it3 cf Condon and Heppner, was ovor frcrv the Summit city yeEterday and re ported that 'his town will hol.l r b'?r race meet June 11 to 1j inclusive. A lot of good ntock is in trainir.r and some fine events are promised. The Sunday Oregonian of this week carried a picture of the mem bers of the "S. and S. Crip Club" Soldiers and Sailors Cripple Club of the Oregon Agricultural College of which Alexander Brander of Hepp ner is a member and who stands out conspicuously in the picture. Mr. Brander was a member of the first draft contingent to leave Hepp ner and wa the first over-seas vet eran to return. He received his qualifications for membership in t'no S. and S. Crip Club in the shape of a piece of shrapnel in his back rm July 20th, 1 !) 1 8 , on the Maine front in Franco a detailed account of whicii appeared in the Herald at the time of his return. At 0. A. C, Mr. Brander is taking a course in general farming at the expense of Uncle Sam one of the rehabilitation measures for wounded boys. Brander registers at the college from Aberdeenshire, Scotland, his home before coming to Heppner. , MEXICAN' PROBLEM COMES FROM liO.mniSAX ft Deputy Sheriff Voycn, of Beivtl man, brought over a Mexican prob lem from that, live town yesterday in the persons of Sandiugo Brazil ; nd Selco Larus, sons of the la'vi f.f many rebellions and s ubniiUecl (!" same to the Morrow couuty re'-a' conference at the court house . Selco, it appears, swatted h.' ;:o on the bean wilh " ,".'.,,-re-lavinj; rock intended for ti 'o or i CrUuubia Highway and Santirtr;."! jocUng, liad him arrested. ( IR I IT COURT WILL MEET MOMlAY, MAY You went carefully over the list of available makes and selected the car you thought best suit ed for your needs Are you giving your car an opportunity to prove its worth? Are you availing yourself of the very best repair service in order to get all the service possible out of your car? You know there are a great many different classes of workman and when you have some of the very best always at your service for the ;;ake of your car if nothing else you should consult, thetn. e We maintain the best repair service in Morrow ;iimy avid its yours to command at any time. ntr'- ; e have man in our service r vice:: at vour dispo.- IflO PH1LIC SALE DAY next s.vrrn- The Farmers' Exchange announce a, big auction sale of farm machinery and livestock at the Rugg ranch on Rhea creek nc-i't Saturday. A big list of fine property will be sold and there will be a big free lunch at noon. RAMI i MVS PA.VK SI ('('ESS! TL Vtc band boys dance Saturday evening was a very pleasing affair and drew a large crowd to Hennner 1'roni all over the county. The Bea ver State Orchestra, from Portland, augmented by band members furn ished niufic that drew many expres sions or approval from the dancci's those from the band participating were Mr. Cochran, trombone; Mr. Godfrey, clarinet, and Mr. Welnt, BHiaplmne. The regular May term of Circuit Court will meet next Monday morn ing for what is expected to be an un usually prolonged term. No tern, was held in November because of the prevalence of influenza at thai time and considerable business has accumulated. An important civil case which has been transferred here from Grant in which James T. Johnson seeks to recover some $32,000 from Ben Col vin will also probably come eo trial this term and Is expected to consume a week or more in hearing. The Morey manslaughter care will also cometo trial. it 'i Following is the li:;t of jirorrii drawn for the May term of Circ ;it ! B Court which convenes next Monday, May 12th: John 1). Bauman, farmer, Lexing ton; O. 1). Forbes, fanner, lone; Jack Hyml, fanner, Cecil; E. E. Lov trren, farmer, Eightmile; Arthur Me at! expert tractor and combine engine hi are glad to place nis ser I. Now is the time to have these machine:, overhr.u.led and vou can find no more satisfactory place to do it than in our shop, If. you are in trouble call us up and we will send a man to your rescue. Let us submit figures for overhauling your machines. Welch & lininger Repair Department McRoberts-Cohn Auto Co. B i Summer Sheep Range for Lease. Call in Person .11 LY LIST FARMERS' EXCHANGE IIEPl'XKH HI VS HAS-HEEXS A H i it ;:4 of the Inland Empire ROBERTS BUILDING HEPPNER, ORE. it will bo some game Thursday af ternoon when the Hasbeens Includ ing such old Ktirfs as E. M. Shutt. Guy Anderson, Stoney and a few oth er relics Ifke those will try to do up the high school boys. This rantu will be worth four or five dollars, but If you haven't a cent with you come along. "IIK.AKTM OK THE HOIU.H" Clothes Tin Fieatest film picture ever produced, Is coming to the Star Saturday evening. May 17. TIiIk is "Tie Heart of the World," D. W. (iiitiiiii's maxtcr production. Tin- only plctiue ever prodmed h!. !i Mums uctuul hand to hand liionct, K'in.iile. pUtol and list fiuhlliiK on the liatllefionl. Contin uous run for a year In the rust ut prlfi'H leaching 12 SO. Watch for Mi! announcement nit Week. ! CHURCH NOTICES I t (liHstlitn Slciir Ohilslian S'inr scrvlcrs are held every .Sunday rimrnlnx at Jl:00 o'clock In thi luli(e riMnn in th I. 0. O. Y. bulldlnir. Su'.j" t Sunday, Apill 13lh, "- Sin. In in. and It.-ntli lt-il ?" Ttiinotiy iiie.iinit ar hilil rvotr Wi-ln.-d.i . nltiK ( n nu o rlock al Ihc hnnn- of Mis. Eur' ne SKhuiti. Ml Intel. ..tiKi r- lnlpd to attend tin n'ivin". for Sunday, May 11th "Ada hi and KalU-n Man." The I .-.l.-riii. J tt)Unh Sunday c luxd nt :5 a. tu. W "i lrsvnt of th International Sunday SIiim. Asoctallon. Murnlnf chuiiCi srrtlc 11:00. Chrlstlaa Kndor T 00 p. m. Knlo rr lc 1.00. II A. NOVLU. !"utir. M fFM M IJi t"l "Jl 0Ar som&r yjyrr u Ml mn w w Ik rmm h a personal problem When choosing your Summer wardrobe you can be completely assured of the style cop redness, quality fabrics and shapeliness in 3 3 a JWJ if I VI iv-., ... r'-T-------"g;r r--7! , Tailored ToOixler Gotlxcs .,.-4 1 1 Havc us show you Fashions latest trend in cool, lei' surely clothes that bring to you fullest realization of Sum mer s joys. MINOR & COMPANY EiJumvc .kA tValen Lx 11 V. Pru V Co. I I 1 I y 1 i