p Tuesday, May 6, 1919 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE SEVEN Q f , " in r Si 1 A 1 1 a I 1 mi j r EVEKSBOOT KNOWS 14 AEVE-IN"HEAD MEANS BUICK ocrt "4? We Announce The Arrival This Week Of A Carload Of Valve-ln-Head Buicks ! The adaptability of Valvc-in-Hcad Buicks for local condi-. ions is so well known that to sing its praises here would seem almost superfluous and we merely wish to refer you to the performances of the many cars we have alrcmdy sold here. The demand for Valvc-in-TIead Buicks is going to be so strong that our allotment will not last long and if you arc contemplating owning one you had better file your or der early. The assurance of material for quantity .production of Buick Cars enables the Buick Motor Company to establish the following prices on the various Buick models. These pric es will not be changed during present seling agreements: Three Passenger Open Model TI-Six-44 $1739.25 h'ive Passenger Open Model l l-Six-45 l39-25 l our Passenger Closed Model 1 l-Six-46 $2241.29 1'ive Passenger Closed Model ll-Six-47 $-2454-00 Seven Passenger Open Model lI-Six-49 $2030.37 Seven Passenger Closed Model II-Six-50 $2835.59 An Order Now Will Assure Prompt Delivery To You a m MM m 41 Rt A. B. BOWKER, Proprietor KU.INO OS MXIKV TAX Tlie following tentative ruling!! liave been made, by t lie Commissioner of Internal Revenue for collection of tax under Section 0"O, of the Reven ue Act of 1918, affecting sales at Hodn fnur.tain? on an.l alter ?.(ay 1. 1010. The tax is measured by the price for which the food or drink is r.old. It l.i on the actual salts price nt the rate of 1 cent for each 10 cents or fraction thereof of the amount paid for any of the articles mentioned in Section 630. Kach sale of 10 cents or less Is '.ax ed 1 cent, and each sale of oved 10 cents Is taxed 1 cent for each 10 cents or fraction thereof of the price. The tax is upon the whole amount of the price paid by the purchaser wlon ts' prloe B pilil nt onP time' -k4 fcthougll in payment lor several um- obs which are the fuojooi or a in;ie transaction of purchase and sale, the total price paid Is the unit for com puting the tax. Thus If the pur chaser If the purchaser orders two sodas at the same time, each sold for IS ci.nls Che tar- Is 3 cents, and rot 4 cents. If however lie buys one jm-.cI-i lor 15 cents the tax Is 2 cents, nnd I! he Immediately purehi.'vs rnotber 1" cut d 1 1 n k . the tax Is Z ci'in-t 'il 1 nt m con sib nl'leh can not b- treated Vf palt or the first F. 1". Any nt' ans by which separate pur chase) s pool their order for the pil'po-- of defeating or esonprnK the lax Imposed, sball be carefully guarded against by the vendor, for its employment subjects the purchas er ;mk1 the vendor, if ho connives in it, to fie penalties provided by the net. The following articles of food or drln'lt are subject to tax within the meaning of Section fi:!0: All bever ages when eoinpouned or mixed at the fountain, such as orangeade, lem onade, pineapple juice, coco cola, root beer, moxie, flavoring syrups, compounded or mixed Willi enrbon alod or plain wafer, milk shakos in any form, malted milk shakes In any form, milk or egg shaken, ice cream, ice croa sodas, lee cream sundaes, Ice cream k:ith!'a uTier,, flavored Ices, mid r 11 otlier-i'imil-.ir food or drink's. This lint . shall not be cons idered to be complete but it Is merely Illustrating the class of articles subject to tax. HoYi-rugo Not Taxable Tlic-e are often sold at soda foun tains and Ice cream parlors, certain drinks which are not regarded us soft drinks or Ice cream products or similar articles of food or drink within the meaning of the act. Sn h bcver-Kf a are exemplified by hot beef lea. cofree, hot. cold or bed t a. hot cold or lee buttermilk, or hot chocolate or cocoa, hot clam loot i or Vs'i'lo, lot tomato b'r'i'le. or bulli on. No t: x upon tile sale of h'-v inc ur ill Inks 'such i'S ginrcr He, roo: beer, nio-te, mineral water,, etc., when s' ive.1 ilhei!y from a contain er i s tl." manufacturer's tx such drinks have already been lev ied. However, if any of these drinks or beverages are compounoeu or mixed wilii carbonated water or ex tract or oth'-r Ingredients at ihe fountain, they are taxable beverages. Certain so-called medicinal propar ations sold nt soda fountains are not considered soft drinks and are, therefore, not taxable. These In- j elude bromoseltzer, citrate magnesia, rochellc salts, Hoidlitz powders, bi carbonate of soda, castor oil, opsoin salts, essence of pepsin. WAX TEH lly man nnd wife sit uation for tho summer on a ranch. Would als) like to lense a wheat and dock farm next fall for a term of years. I'.xeprlenced nnd competent. KnUire nt the Herald office, . 49-1 WHEAT I.AM wanted Wo bnve clients wanting to buy and trade for wheat land. If you derive to dispose of your place please writ" ns price and terms or state what you will accept in exchange for the rime. (l!THT.ST LAND TlMIlKlt CO 1102 Northwestern liank Ilulhllng I'm (1.: nit. Oreron. NOTICE l'Olt I'l'lH.ICATlOX (012!IO3) Department of the Interior, TTniled Slates Land Office, at The Dalles, I Oregon, March 2 4th, 1919. ' Notice Is hereby given that Elmer Matteson, of Heppner, Oregon, who 'on Apr.il 17th, 1911, made Home- I. . 1 !...... K.. AIHIO-I f.... G M. cm.- HII'Ull J . 11 1 I , .HI. m.i, ti.y . . 'i, Sec. 3, K t . I' 74 , w 'A rr.V4. Section 10, Township 6, south, range 26 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final three-year proof, lo establish claim to the land above described. before- J. A. Waters, Clerk of the Circuit Court, nt Heppner, Oregon,, on the 14th day of June. 1919. Claimant names ns witnesses': Charles Hackmnn, Clarence Held, Newt Matteson. Walter Mntteson, all of Heppner4 Oregon. II. I'UANK WOODCOCK, ,. Register. MHII I' Kilt I'l Hl.lt A IIO del 'signed, as Administratrix of the Kslato of V. 1'. Serivner, deceased, lias filed her final account as such administratrix, and that Wednesday, the 7th day of May, 1919, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon thereof, and the County Court room In the County Court House in Hepp ner, Oregon, lias neon liy ine i.ouniy Court of Morrow County, Oregon, duly fixed as the time and place for the proving of said flatil account and for the hearing of uny objectiona thereto. MATT IK II. SCKIVNKR. Administratrix of the Kstato of W. 1. Serivner, Deceased. 49-1 t - I t PKOI'KSSIOXAIi CAHHS t a. 81 it i; Give the Youngsters a Start llelpin; tin iovs and Girls of Heppner get the Va1.it of making frequent trip- to the Having Department .f the 1-armers" & StorkKrowerj ;.ti..nal liank i Letter than h.-queathing them a f.-rtune. With the thrift hal.it once eMahli-h-vt they will he prepared to make thoir own way. The Bank for all acs and sizes of People and Concerns Farmers CD, StocKfrovers National DanK TITATION lleparl-iieiit of the Interior, V. R. l ani (1,1 ice at I.aOrande, Oregon, N'ot'n Is heieby given that Kills R. Minor, wlio'o post-off Ice nddres Is ne, Oregon, diil on the K,th day of Seiiti'Mibi-r. 191V. Id" In this office worn Statement nnd Application, No. ilt?,S. to pillrhase the 1. 'i N I ; ' i , cectlon 7. Township 4 KouUi. int-o 2H Kast, Willamettn Meridian, and the timber thereon, under tlie rovi Ions f the act of June 3. 171. Mid net t amendaioi y, known in the t.iuir r an I nn law," til sul val- u as lidi-M lie nxe ny apprHi-emi n.. n that, pinmiiint to smh sppllmtlon the land nnd timber tb-i"n have n rpinl-d nt f:'r. f.'l the limb, r timnti-'l at H. board fei t t to 7 J II I', per M. and the :m: Ii).'i'i; tint mid npil'iit will offer final proof In support of hU application mid nwom stntemen' .,tl t! " :-Hl day of June. HID, befoi- f. C. I',it'eri..,n. I n ted Htates Com ifitier. jit II' pjifHT. .irron n i Hi I:'.' r'f to ptotev' I,, fi.re r.'i y. ir Iniii- I Ml)' t ,.e t.ef iTi. pl Noiici; nm itiii.h ation Department of the Interior, U. 8 Land Office at Kafirande, Oregon, March 26. 1919. Notice Is hereby given that Crace I'. Minor, post-office addr"i-s Is lone, Oregon, did, on the 1 SI h day of September, 191S, file In this offlre Sworn Slatemelil and Applica tion No. 019Sr,S. to inircbase the I - i SW'.i and SK'i NW'i. Section a. Township 4 South, Kange 2H Knst, Willaniolto Meridian, und tho tlmter tiiereon, under the provisions of the net of June 3, l)j7S. nnd acts amend atory, Viiown ns the "Timber nnd Stone I.hw," nt cueli value ns mli'lit Ik- (lxd by npto.iiseii.eiit. nnd th.it pumiant to such npplb .illon, the land unci timber t'letcon bnve be. n appriilM-d. at I37H oo, the timber o. tlmnli'd nt 2 1 fl.lioO hoard feet nt 19 76 l.!5 per M. and the land lf,M0; thnt wild uppll'-niit will of fer final proof In support of bis ap plication nnd snotn utateun nt on tb jr.tli day of June,, I'iI'i, beforn C. C. PuttciMin l ulled Stales Coinndssli.n, er nt his oftif. nt HeppiH r, Oregon. Any peim.n U t lit r jr to proti-t tl.U purrhnni- te foip entry, or Initi ate n onte( nt any lime before pat ent l.-iicn, ,y f;linit a roriptiomted Jiffi'l ait in r o'fire. uil.c nt f.i't hi' h Wtoibl clef, ni the entry C h. bl'SN l!i;r;i-Ti;ii In the County Court of tho State of Oregon for tho County of Morrow In the Matter of the Kstato of John V. Kentzy, Deceased. Citation to W. h. I.ent.y, Katrlce l.ent.y, dure l.ent.y, ami all parties Interedod, nnd all unknown heirs. IN Till'. NAMi: OP. Till; STATI OK OltKOON you lire benby re untied nnd cited to appear In the DR. HAROLD C. BEAN I IIVSK IAN and SI KOIiON lli ppiier, Oregon, 1st. Null. Hank Hldg. Plione 7IIJ VAUGIIAN& BUTLER 1)10 Mi ST ., Perinanently located In Oddfellow's Hunlding Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTOKMiV.AT-r.AW Office In Huberts' Hulldlng Heppner Oregon DR. A. D. McMURDO I IIVSK IAN & KllUiKO.V Telephone 1 22 Officii l'atterson'a Drug Store Heppner Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATiOHMiVS-AT-I.AW Heppner Oregon County Court of the State of Oregon, I fur the County of Mm row. nt Hi" CAM E. VAN VACTOR couit loom thereof Court House In the Moi row, at Heppner Ary .. I U ' , ti rf ! hi I" .f. -t . by in o. f.i.nc nil' t iiii; f.c' - in . ' I.IM Ti.,! Mlll I. HI 1 IN I. l I II I Ml M i f V, nt the County aid county of Oregon, on the 2nd day of June, 199, nt 10:00 n. hi., then nnd Oiere Id i bow cause. If any you have, why the following ! set lie d Iiioljeity nnd the lllteresl of alinve i iititliil eiiaie in me ioi- lowing demlleil pioperly Mioubl nul l.e sul'l nt private sale, an ine oimty Court in it y ditect and nulhot- l.e, tu it : IlKAI, I'li'iPmiTV KO0 Heron of wheal lands, more or bus, lo cated about ft miles from lone. de -.eiided us follow: S. K. 14 of Her. 22. Twp. 1. S; N. K. '4 of Sw , :,, Twp. 2, S; the S. W. of S-e. 3 3, Twp. 1. S; the S. K. U of Sec. 31. T. 1 8: nnd tho N W. ',i of S-c. 4, Twp 2.S; nil In linage 24 ot of tho V.'i!lam tie Meridian. W j of i;. Of Sec. J 2, Twp. I N . I! 21 caM of Wlllumotle Median. H. W. '4 of Sec 32. Twp. 1 S , I; 2 t i .it of Willamette Mei l- 1 ..hi, ii'-pt ot.i- ncie In the S. W romel till te,f. de. ,i d to A ITOHM V-AT-I.AW Heppner Ow'gon Wati h paper, for dates DR. I. G. TURNER m i; M'i I'oitland liegular monthlv und lono. (I I I.I ST vb.tts to Oregon Heppm tti't N'i 3'i for w toed pif- it,l I 1 11 ' V I rial i ; " if M'ltniw ' . .!. !'' A V.ATI.I if O. Ci.uiii V. A. McMKNAMIN I WW I K Hobeits l.ldg. Heppner, Or. Office I'bone Main 613 Itesideiiifl I'bone Main CCS ROY V.WI1ITEIS INsI It AM i: ItKAI. I'.sT.VIi:. MWS. Il.ppner uregon Bowers Shoe Hospital c, v. i!o.vi:i: 1'iop. I ne tuodetn tnaMilnety iiieinons. IIKI'I'M I!, t)lli:i;t)M DR. J. L. CALLOWAY .sii I'iMiiiit' I'insii n Oradoato Aiiier'rau School of O t.n- l !!.y. Kit'' Ol'". Mo , under found- r f ih S. Im e. .r. A. T. Still. Ii' , ,. ;. i I', W. K.l, I't'lt le'idenci'. ti.,i I u t i 1 : -2 ' '.. -Miiin ii f r