PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, May 6, 1919 . if IL A yfmm v fAwi ? ill WW M l WVr -JrHKT All' 4 VMwufjsj's-;-?': ' . -JL 1 -ri A,lv-tt;s,-n:ent p.r4'A s. v,i , . V '. J I'.fi B. M"r There were no Morrow VWw? mmm .r$ ; It's boys like these that are going to PAY in life-long installments for the ar. slit ASS1 iWfi I -5r aist IP sVr'hl ' -v x fen B' W9m 57" 3$, mow l.y Ci. They are backthousands of them their eyes are on YOU now when the Government asks you to lend it money at good interest to pay the bills of Vidory. How shall it look to these fighting men if they see YOU whimper and seek to evade the LOAN OF MONEY to the Government that their blood made secure. Subscribe to the VICTORY LIBERTY LOAN Q Morrow County Must Do Her Dty Tliough other parts of the state may lag be hind Morrow County must be ever mindful of Ilk- sacrifices of her sons and act accordingly County slackers in France there must be none at home.