Tuesday, May 6, 1 919. THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PACE riv: l 9 i Save Money on all Buildings now Lumber is lower now than it will be for several years, and is already NOW advancing. Secretary of the Navy says "The man who says he will build a house as soon as wages goes down, is inviting panic, distaster and calamity. For I tell you and it is the truest thing Itould say that wages in the United States are never going back to the old level." Prices will not drop Don't wait Ask is about Partial Payment Plans Ask to see our special plan books on homes illustrated with fire places, bookcases, cupboards, medicine cabinets, ironing uoards, pedistal arches, linen cases, . tairwavs. breakfast room sets, etc. Our Ar'chileetual Department gathers pictures and designs new and improved ' . ikbngs on the farm. It's worth while to plan out ail buildings on paper then we can readily tell you I iie exact c 't of all material necessary f cv-npletc blueprinted plans. piece ot material shown v.itn s:m,t pictures, plane, details cost esihr.at .'s u llv i, eastern Y ashington and (i l.ve Our CCS: : the buildings no Fxtras to pay for working instructions. 4' what other fanners have built suc ..'1 are "at vour service." FREE COMPLETE Sheds Houses 1 ,ti;; Sheds vir -l.mn I lay Sheds Garages i ecfers ,Uc 'I anks 'a re v'-:. lures llav Derricks pter Troughs Milk Houses (.King Sheds i'.noi Cellars vi".ike Houses en Houses ' ick Sheds Warehouses 1 UM-A-LUm LUMBER CO. from the NT. W. corner of the N. E. U of said Section 23; thence north erly along the west line of the E. '2 of said Section 23, 2S40 feet more or less to the N W. coi ner of the N. K. of said Section 23; thence contin uing in a northerly direction along the west line of the E. v of Section 14 in Township 4 X. R. 24 E. W. JI 5280 feet more or less to the N. W. corner of the N. E. of said Sec tion 14; thence easterly one and one half miles r-.'ong the north boundary line of Sections 14 and 13 to the N. E. corner of Section 13 in Township 4 N. K. 24 E. W. M.; thence contin uing easterly along the north boun dary line of Section 18 in Township 4, N. R. 2 5 E. W. M. a distance of 5807 feet more or less to the N. E. corner of said Section 18; thence northerly along the west line of Sec tion 8 in Township 4 N. R. 25 E. W. M. 3797 feet more or less to a point on the south bank of the Columbia river; thence In an easterly direction along the south bank of the Colum ma river 21 miles, more or less, to the west bank of the Umatilla river thence along the west bank of the Umatilla river in a southeasterly di rection 4 miles, more or less to the south boundary line of Section 28 In Township 5 N. R. 28 E. W. M., at a point easterly and distant 1094.4 feet more or less from the S. W. cor ner of the said Section 28; thence westerly along the south boundary line of said Section 28 1094.4 feet more or less to fhe S. W. corner of said Section 28, the place of begin ning. EXCEPTIONS: Saving and excepting the follow ing described tracts of land in the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, lying within the above described boundaries, to-wit: In Township 5 N. lt27 K. W. M: All Sectiona 29. 30 and 31 lying north of the north boundary of the right of way of the Main Canal of the West Extension Project, except the N. W. of the N. W. of said Section 30. . .Township 5 X. U. '26 E. W. M: All of Sections 16, 17, 18 and 19 lying south of tlie south bank of the Columbia river. All of Section 20 and W. y2, Lots 2, 5, and 6, and W. of S. E. Vt of Section 21, and the S. Vi of Section 26 and the S. of N. E. N. W. Vi and S. of Sec tion 27. All of Sections 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, and N. Vz and S. W. t RECENT DEATHS - t HAi.invix Mrs. Lizetta Ztiver Baldwin, wi't of W. E. Baldwin, former well known resident of this citv died a! Portland hospital Friday, May 2nd at the age of 2 6 years, after a verv short illness. Her husband was formerly in the train service on the Heppner branc ; leaving here two years ago for Portland where they have since re sided. The remains were taken to Grangeville, Idaho, for interment. thers, sweethearts and friends joined to "have and to give a jolly good time and so it was. ATT KM) nkvsi'aim:k F.X( V. COM 110- NU-SCHOOL KXF.UCISKS ATI.F.XA late (Communicated. Received too for last issue.) An unexepcted pleasure was en joyed by Mr. and" Mrs. Emmet Cochran and Messrs. Bisbee, Thom son and Clark at Lena on Friday last the occasion being the closing ex ercises staged by three school dis tricts in that vicinity. The school children were ,'oined by the people of the srround;u;; community and the exercises were held in a grove at the cross road? at Lena. Teachers lit the ect""is t'k'ng part were Misses Josephine McDevitt, Myrtle Miller and Grace Leathers. The program was carried out to perfection in God's own stadium blue elites above, .p-mi p.i ai-a and fees ! forumi; Cie pr.iper setting (or the following: ".Salute The Flag." "Coioe Let's Make a Garden," by Mavine Vincent, Veda and Dnnel Hiatt, Gerald Swaggart, Edwin and Ani'a Hughes and Earl Aye. Recitation, "Johnny's History Les son," by Earl Ayers. Song, Lullaby. Horse races, bucking contests, fat ladies' race (Mrs. Thompson refuted to move from the post just baby, you know) boys' races and girls' races. The exercises closed by all singing the "Star Spangled Banner, After this was a big teed in the grove, with plenty left tor a mid nitfht supper to be enjoyed by all hose who enjoyed the all night dance. It was truly a royal event in which fathers, mothers, sisters, bio- Mr. and Mrs. Yawter Crawford re turned last Tuesday from a trip to Eugene where they went to attend the conference of Oregon newspaper men in session there the previous week. Mr. Crawford reports the meeting to have been very successful and thinks the editors are beginning to buckle down to real business at these meeetings more than they used to do when the principal features were junket trips and big banquets. On their return from Eugene Mr. and Mrs. Crawford spent several days in Portland visiting friends: and. looking after business matters. "Y" WOKKKK SPEAKS FOB VICTORY TOAX CAMPAIGN A. D. Wier, of Corvallis, who spent more than a year in the war area as a Y. M. C. A. secretary, told of hist experiences and exhibited a number of trophies Vhich he had gathered and some from the trophy train last Wednesday to the people of Heppner. He explained the use of various implements of war and told of the destruction wrought by aerial bombs and big shells, flayed the German frightfulness when he demonstrated the workings of the flame thrower ind various' kinds of gasses and praised the fighting qualities of tlho American soldier. One Yankin an ipen fight was worth a dozen Bodies he said, and told of how American resourcefulness triumphed over the liai'hiuelike German system. His talk was interesting through nit, and wa. listened to by hundreds f people during his stay here. Ho nude a strong plea for the support of he Victory Liberty Loan, pointing o Ohe weapons he had with him, the aerifice made by the boys, and the leed for completing the job so well icgun as reasons for every person tubscribing his limit, Mr. Wier spent three days in Mor ow county, going from here to Lex ington Wednesday afternoon and finishing at lone on the following day. 3 5 and the N. of Section 36. Township 5 N. 11. 25 K. VV. M: All of Sections 25, 35 and 36 lying south of the south bank of the Col umbia river. Township 4 N. II. 2 10. W. M: In Section 2 the following describ ed area: Beginning at the N. V corner of Section 2; thence easterly 2647.26 feet; thence S. 0 deg. 09 mln. 30 soc. W. 105.6 feet; thence S 63 dog. 24 min. 30 sec. W. 1 483.0 feet; thence S. 72 deg. 47 min. 30 sec. W. 1188.0 feet; thence S. 28 deg. 04 min. W. 412.5 feet; Bhence N. 0 deg, 18 min. 30 sec. E. 1485.66 feet to place of beginning. In Section 3: The N. W. and the following described area: Be ginning at the N. E. corner of Sec tion 3; thence S. 0 deg. 18 min. 30 sec. W. 1485.66 feet; thence 8. 82 deg. 51 mln. W. 710.4 feet; thence S. 67 deg. 15 mln. W. 1685.5 feet; thence N. 82 dog. 68 min. W. 386.3 feet to a point on the west boundary of the N. E. of Section 3 and dis tant 453.8 feet, N. 0 deg. 13 mln. K. from center of Section 3; thence northerly 2186.2 feet to the N. W. coiner of N. E. of Section 3; thence eusterly 2640 feet more or less to the place of beginning. All of Sections 4 and 9 lying north of the north boundary of the right of way of thp Main Canal. All of Section 5 and 6 and the N. V. 4 of Section 7. Ton-l.l, 4 X. It. 21 F.. W; M: 1 Section 1, E. Va H-rtlon 2, S. and S. M, N. ' Section ft. S. 'i Sec tion 10, N. 'ii Section 12, N. Vt of N OTIC I'. F 1 1 1 rillN Notice Is hereby given Cat Ml .-lection will lie held within 'lie t- e thii't nl Iiriuon cm! llo.ndj an v. ah ;,i Me p.ii.e.'d Vet l.xt-n-lon Ini-:-..t:i n Ivtiict l;i M-u niw County Mid tina'illa County. (Hi ton, en the Mil ily ni June, 191''. belwe-n I'te .,un . f S o'rliick In the mornine i -hi h o i l. irk P. M- "f Rill1 ,la' nl the nell.n-r I :.ice doslKnat Sr'lino tl'Hlte Five Tow! 1 . i Four North of ltani;-T'Mi!iy--Ux F.-ift. W. M . and Ivlni; ri.i' iy-: .vo 2U and i: i, r.' t ..nd T'.wi t 11 Of S.-lti.l,- .V. Mill !''! U Hanr- I. V. M I'(;i r-! !. sm pie.-im t Ou t ..r';n f !".. Ivlnir V.V.-t i'i- i .. . :i: .in l lv Af.-I th s--.ii! i.all coinj.i i. e ail p! fi.o: -l '! i 1 1 i'-t . id -if t .on Lin i . Tlutt I 'i- County Court ol Morrow Co-iny. OPvo:i. hn: i.i. pointed Jml n 1 na thej.ind Clerks of ,iid Lhction (,n .,. i ..I Irriton and Board-1 For In :;:on pi ' inci, V. It. , ,tn, within Nild dlMM.-t for the j aipoi puM-'oM- of determlnln wheih-r or;.!udKe not I'f fi.nl dlHtrlrt .' Jc orttan- liatid. i pro- l ' ir. i ii.ii.' j o" Cen-ial 1.k "t Oreii.n. I' ish Id dm- .' i.. d ' no N i. ST ' 17 The irtot witmn m'1 rlt fhi.ll I." t.-..iired to rM bi.l-K'. 1 .t ,t f.iid fiction wh,.h fl.all ron-; r tin tl," wordf ' lrri(.-at,on Ii -'r.i - V .(.' mid "lrr.f.itii.n InMilrt-No" . ... , ti:im.. of nieh dir- ;i .,.!! be tioniin.-ited t" le -t . '.Itioll. i.i n on II C. Wolfe, C, W. Crini J. C. Caiiio. and Ceo ( li-:lti: liil Iloa dtnun pre A V. l olili, Joi n F. M ili-l ex; otid ilii-r,;-i r n, !l ale J. ,i C r.-t. 5; .!.' ii . I'-u k in i-ad J. k ihal uriv 1... i i'ii. a (it fi Til be I l i t.y tl.e . '.- .ii.trlit 11 (!'...! t-.lt e( to-" Vofd , , '..r . VI le i a t I., ml tt.;n tt 1 ..b! V I s t d t ' . '.. il i nt.: ideted us i.md owneif fur tin- ;.iiip'-.Hi. of nu ll election, and .Ii 11 l,e nuaiiii. d petitioni iK for the oi Villi. .a I 'on of raid Irrli'iitliin iIih- ; trii t and i h.ill i hare all Hie pi r. ' i I'l-t and i.hlii'al ioiih o land nwi.ii I witi.ln Ho- illnlili-t. im-ludiiig the i rii-I.l to vole or hold oftlee und hhall run: i'i- n il ei tois for Cue pur piee n! Hh eleiiiiitl. That (he . In 'iin! ii le. of raid illhtrli t htablbh e. tor I In puipo-M. of mild eleitiiili ur- Hh fiillowH; 1 Beginning at the nouthweht comet of Heetion 2S In Township G N. It, 2S E. W. M.: thenc,, running ulunc the et line of all Section 2g In 'northerly diifttion CI75.7 feel mote or 1' - t' the Ht.uth boundary of the rlKht of way of the nialn canal tif tlits Wtt I'.itetiliin of tf!- float. Ila I'rojert a now perumnefiMy mirvey f I ttnd i ori'trurted by the f, H I;.-r-l.illiation .-'ervire; tliente mtinlllK 111 northetiy .(. i-!' ily iliie. tj. r :.l"ti ' .id boundary line t.f the tf Way of the -.ml !,.. n t I a .1. f : 14 it.l! I I r." of I! in T. - r t -H I', ' i; I. N. Vi Section Ifi, I-;. -i Sutlon 17, all F. 'i Seetlon 2t lying nottli of the north boundnty lui" of the tii'ht of way of tho Main Canal n ml all nl lh S. V.. U of Heetion It lying iimtb of t ie north bo indaty line of ttie riuht of way of the Mnln Ciinal The boundary doMilptloii tif raid ptopoi-i d diKtrlt't, exi Itiding t !. -ctptlnnn ii.enlloi.iil ubove, rovera an area t.f 14.000 t-rt- of vtblrh f,4no i. ra r. . .iv itnili.r tti.l.tir Ootlee 1 for Whter with 106 ncfe of yeMed right land alio under public notlie; nd there are 1203 Btrin of yenteti right landu yet to route under public notice; and Ibid total 7..6't a't.m wblth are now entitled to water. Thin nutlre tn .iibp lied pill nutttit to n order t.f the County Court t.f Murmur County, fiieion, mad" und intend on It." f.lh tl - of M'r. I'll'1 ahd the Xiitl.e nhi.il be p'lMi' t l li'i i. k for at le.i-i loir rot,,.,,! live aiiN prior to J'ine 10. I'll'' Wttne my bund nd " ! "! Court aff.r. d thin 'Ml day of Mj . i A IVllUH mi R a mm, B Ami D Kit 3 t 3 i Americans with backbone, brains and honor to SUBSCRIBE TO The Vidtory Liberty Loan Id 1 1. w f i tti til v t ilit il ii inn si cfniic tip t , i . . oi i ,. - . .. f ., ;t,..i .'K .111 IKI 1 it' It t' 11 1 . .IH' llitl IIIHI H l.ui'tl i t milt ii. l! tit. in ihf i-xpct tat ions oi t'mle Sam ami ,, . . .! . . . . I.. II...,' win ti'M at mi iui i'i itimt . inm inum, U i!if l.i-t t.iii.'.tliiiiitv v'tir ti'ivti iitmiit , .tt t. lit Ii pay 1 1 m fxpfti - 'l Ihosc ioys . ' "wfid 1 1 1 1 tlx- tp" ii'iin Morrow county. : '. . v, ill t,"t lai! !iim. 'I i.: A-! . 1 1 i -' ini i.l Patriotically Contributed tin -titi-jh ilif co-opt ral i"ti of First National Bank