THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, May 6, 1919 THE HEPPNER HERALD S. A. PATTISON, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER An Independent Newspaper Entered at the Hcppcer. Oregon, I'm ton' ice as sf-conil-e!ass Mntr TliK.MS OF SH',S( l:liTIO One Year 12.00 Six M.-.nths Three .Months $ PAGE FOUR :l 4 4 ij ,7 '" ,,' n J WILL YOU PAY? APRIL 6, 1917, you went into partnership with several million American fighters. You wanted protection for your family, your income and the privileges you deemed necessary to proper living. Several thousand miles away an army of arrogant, outlaw millions had begun a campaign of ruthless world conquest accompanied by crimes against women, children and property. This horror was striding toward ypnr home. The American fighters agreed to receive training brave the submarines and fight this menace which had taken on forms more terrible than history recorded. As jour part of this partnership you were to remain at home, do your part in financing them, see that their families had financial assistance and pay each $30 a month. You telt that you had a good bargain. They fought, died and won. They fulfilled their part of the contract without complaint. Today, two years after the signing of that agree ment you are asked to carry out your part of the bargain by investing in the Victory Libert v Loan. WILL YOU PAY? il ' - 1 FEDERAL AID FOR ROAD WORK THE BEST NOTE OF ALL i t,' i N tin. tw.i,. ,,r note s kv lark :i lie akc a v tlie earlv morning. lie French horns blending will big laslinig over! ure rendered bv wing on a lewe 'I here's the note giving body to the s mphuny orchestra. And the thirty day note. And tlie discordant note. And t lie illegible uo c. And the best note of all the notes is: 'II 1 i VICTORY UHKRTY I.OAX NOTK I'. l. Itrown spent a couple of (ia.v at. Ilormislon last wick where lio weul oil liiiHineiiS connected Willi the 01 Hanizal ion of the John Day ligation District. Air. Brown re portH tlml the matter is proceeding mid I hut. tlie organization wll Ik; aocompliKlied during the coming miinnior. While lit Hermistnn Mr. ltrown rendered some assistance to tlie farmers of Unit district in the ?! co-operative organization ol u creamery. .1. I.. Wilkins writes the Herald front I'ipestone Springs, Montana, where lie is manager of a bis healt'i and pleasure, resort, that O. I). Bul litt, formerly of Hardman, now a prosperous rancher of Dillon, Montana, Is a gueBt at the I'ipestone hotel. Small Amount Paid Out in 1918 Was Because of Steps Taken for Conservation. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Although $14,530,000 -was available for exnenditure on the nost roads from I the federal aid road act, only $425,445 was paid from federal funds In the highwuy construction season of 1918 on all projects. The reason for this, according to the annual report of the secretary of agriculture, was the steps taken to conserve money, labor, trans portation and materials In highway work during the war, and at the same time to facilitate really essential high way projects. In connection with the federal aid road work a letter was addressed to each state highway department asking that a program of federal aid con- struction be submitted at the earliest ! possible date, In which would be in- : eluded only those projects which the state highway departments considered vitally necessary to the transportation ; facilities of the country. j At the request of the capital issues committee, engineers of the depart ment were made available for inspect ing and reporting upon proposed high way and irrigation and drainage bond Issues. Inspections were made of 181 . separate projects, involving total bond ! issues of ifSO.Ol 2,;;9G. An arrangement ! was made with the fuel administru- tion whereby highways of special im- I portance should receive enough bitu- I miuuu.-i material to provide for adu- i qtiate maintenance, and where neces- sary to permit construction and re- l construction. From May 13, 1018. j when the co-operation became actively j effective, until the close of the fiscal year, 2,2.')5 applications, calling for 75,0X),000 gallons of bituminous mate rial, were received from states, coun ties and municipalities. Of this amount approval was given and permits were issued for 58,000,000 gallons. In order to co-ordinate the activities of various government agencies, so far as they relate to highways; better to conserve materials, transportation, money and labor ; to eliminate delays and uncertainties, and to provide posi tive assistance in currying on vitally effective highway work, the secretary requested each of the government de partments and administrations Inter Us v . -s N Price $1620 at Heppner Will Arrive About May 1 0th or 1 1 th After careful consideration and observation of the service and economy furnish ed by the various cars used in this vicinity we have taken over the Reo Line of pleasure cars and trucks. Look into the several repair shops here and elsewhere the advertised lists of second hand cars, or into the junk heap now rapidly growing frbtn the many new experimental cars and byTts absence the Reo proves conclusively that as y: not one of the many so called im- . " . ,1 cars have as yet equalled the car produced in the Reo factory nine ;. c;.rs ago. ASK ANY REO OWNER OR COME TO US FOR DEMONSTRATION Auto Company I r 7 11 f. If i II tlailSnsurance STAR THFATRpf i v'WlVrfi.'rfl I WHERE THE PICTURES ARE ALWAYS GOOD ; W ;h: I,, .r-,Mit prospects fur a bumper crop .if l lHVi't V 1 - : , I, :;h mice guaranteed by the gov- Aj ft THURSDAY, MAY 8 i ... ...t .. ..i .... a! ""vr5.. isjia''1" I lii II ' ;..! . i i ' ;n ; t.iii 1 mi it tu li.uu v I'll ' ' 1 ill I... ;.. ,. . j i ' : 1 i u d b Al " " ' ! "1 - ! ! u;'. . . i;i 1 r';. 'he :'.!-.! .-ubslaulia! and reliable i : .1 , ... . . f Building a Good Road In Mats- f ti iJTV i) LINK C'JMiANES p ehuietu Si M M . A est to mime a representative to 1 I 11 11 W 1 . .' .. r r'' li .lii f nerve on a eotmcll to deal with high- j . r RoyV.Wh iteis OLD RELIABLE INSURANCE MAN ested to name a representative to nerve on u council to deal with high way projects during the period of the war. As a result, the L'nlted States highways council, eoriHistliiit of tl rep- i ( I resentntlve from the department of 4 ! agriculture, the war department, the riillroad itilmlnlstriitlon, the war Indus j I j tries tioard mid the fuel administration 4 ; was formeil In June. Inning the first rt , four months of its exlNteiice the coun '. i , ell passed upon about &.ni nppllca- tiens. Involving nearly I.iipi.(IoO liar Il ls of ivmrllt, :ii."ii.iKi ti'll of stone, l l Mll.iMH) tollfl n(, l.JU7.(K loH .'. , of "alid. ove! "T.oCtH''! bri.-V. mid - . nearly .h.iiki.ihhi poumis of steel, and ll'i.iHm.KiKl giilloit of Mtuii'.lliuu ma 4 t. rials. UEPPNER'S FAVORITE THE WESTERN CYCLONE IN A RAPID x iii PICTURE THAT'S A DANDY "jmE AND FORTUNE" M MIX 66 1 i i - "'V lll-t It. I' i '-III n' BALL BAND Utility Shoe I he l.t tor I at pi hU t . I ai nu r, etc. I i lleil l'r genet al .'tit tlinr wear. Thev arc !o wear ".H and oM le. tli.iti Katl ei l'OR SALE HY . N. GONTY QHAF QJAOF DEST CSOWN FOR EARTH RCA0 Machine With fiuitub'n Power and Opcritor Will Do Work of Many Men With Shovtli. Tlie earth r -ml c-ili test l-e i nnvned il, tilled will! a r"ie! I:;arh.ue imd I, nt wall piii,H and !i.n el", dfoopil litid pluwu. One fml nun hine with m'.ti.Me l ower ami ej.. r; !or will do the wurk o tnuny nu n pielii it', 1 !eeU me) i!n It hett, r. If the roiid li ieeipiied of Hue ilay er s.'ll It will fti'tni't.lm Jay l.i re surface It with top miil (ri'tn an ad J:e i i,t 1'rld. wlili h lui kiiihI or gravel ti.i'.i'J with It. Sd May B 8on Tcaft'ic Rad lit'tt Ready la full Uofj 6 for Carrou Com Vp. GROWING RADISH AND CARROT i i 1 i .i-r..t I t.. t ien e rm! I..-.1.UII .-ei I ' .. , FRIDAY, MAY 9 Mabel Normand in "The Venus Model" ..vTURDAY, MAY 10 ine-Tenths of Ihe Law" ti e bi aliraclitn recently adve , 'heciiv paper-;. See it here ,.LL LEWIS STARRED IN THE BARRIER, THE BIG SINI ;v:S AND THE SIGN INVISIBLE SUNDAY, MAY 11 Monroe Salisbury In a Bluebird Plav "That Devil-Bateese' f '... I ! V -v" - ' i ; : " f . . .' 1 AADF.L NOCMA'JO n th i-: . 1 -vfni's? v.orn. CiV.ivV! Ai-'ii . f MONDAY, MAY 12 Diliie Burke in "Arms and The Girl" ALSO A TWO REEL COMEDY "IT PAYS TO EXERCISE" TUT.SDAY, MAY 13 Mitchell Lewis in "Children of Banishment" i i T ' , . ; : : 1 nl