THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE THREE I) x CECIL ITEMS j Tuesday, May 6, iqiq Albort Bowker of Heppner was in Cecil Saturday. t Mat Mollahan was a business vis itor at Arlington Monday. Mises Etta and liirchie Raines were visiting around Cecil Monday. Mrs. Karl Farnsworth of Rhea Siding spent the week-end in Hepp ner. Miss Irene Douglas of Willows visited with friends in Condon Satur day. Mrs. Turner and family of Ion? visited with Mrs. George Miller Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Duncan and 1 I 1 fl lIHii flijiiil I,, i ... ' ' '' 1 on Rhea Creek, 1 1 Miles Southwest from Heppner, I - r 0 cord -ted hi U 81 The Paint Season This is the time of the year when the spirit of cleaning: g'ts everybody and the first thing that should come into your mind is the value of painting- up your premises. We are exculisive agents in Heppner for the famous Bass-Hcutcr Paints these paints are recognized as the very best that can be bought and we offer you them in every tint and shade. We also carry a full line of KYANIZE in all shades. This varnish is made for the particular housekeeper who wishes to touch up the little places around the house that are not sufficiently large to call in a painter. And for retouching the furniture where it has become marred. Lei us demonstrate them to you. We would be glad to talk over your paint needs with you. or nm 170 ii i o nw a d e rLuruLoiui COMPANY ft I Sale Begins at 1 1:00 a.m. Free Lunch at Noon Say Mr. House Owner isn't this weather getting into your system and making you long to see the old home shine again like it did when it was new? Don't you realize that a new coat of paint would bring back all its freshness that it would again have that new appearance of which you were so proud when you first built it? This is the time of the year to start lat work and you know howbadiy it needs it. Wo wisli merely to call your attention to the fact that wo have a full line of. standard paints every color or tint that you possibly coud think of. Besides every thing needed for the interior decoration of your home. MACHINERY i iQ-foct Push Binder, i 8-foot Double Cut-Away Disc. -s 24-foot Harrows. 1 ?y inch wide tired Full Truck Wagon 2 3!4-inch Wagons. 1 3-inch narrow wheel agon. 1 3-beUom Plow. 2 Walking Plows. 1 Disc Plow. 1 I lay Baler. 1 Generator. 1 Wood Saw. 1 Churn, 10 gallons. 4 Sets 1 larness. 1 Ch'i'ihani Fanning Mill. 1 Cream Separator. HORSES 5 Draft Mares, sucking colls by side. () 2-year-old Colts. 1 Yearling. 10 Work Horses, aged 5 to 8 years. 1 3-vear-old Draft Colts. CATTLE 2 Cows. 0 Yearling Steers. Miss Mildred were in Arlington on Monday. Mrs. Den Barnes was called to Heppner Thursday to the sick bed of her father. Mr .and Mrs. Fred Pettyjohn and family spent Sunday with Mr .and Mrs. Ben Barnes. Mr .and Mrs. Henry Streeter and family of Fourmile spent Tuesday with Mr. J. W. Osborn. Mrs. It. A. MoFadden and duugli tor Miss Helen of F.ightmile were do ing business in Cecil Saturday. I Mrs. Albert Bowker and Mrs. Ack- ley of Heppner were hunting up their j old friends around Cecil Wednesday. 1 J. W. Osborn and Clarence Win- tors of Shady Dell went to Heppner Thursday returning home the same ! day. A number of ladies and gentlemen of Cecil spent a very pleasant day Sunday on a fishing parly on Rock creek. Miss Kli.nholh Seeley of the Mc I'nliie ranch and Miss Mildred Dun can of Kwing were callers at Cecil Friday. Walter Pope and John Miller re turned home Sunday from Pendleton whore they have been visiting with friends. TrpSSQ All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount, 6 months time on ap- iliii.Iu:, proved notes bearing 60 interest per annum. THIS SALE MADE UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE FARMERS' EXCHANGE of the INLAND EMPIRE Heppner, Oregon F. A. McMENAMIN, Auctioneer F. R. BROWN, Clerk rsterest We have a complete line of Chinamcl for touching up and rellniB'hing old pieces of furniture that you prize so highly and this work will come right along with the spring house cleaning. These varnidics are prepared bo that they do not require the services of a painter and you've no idea the amount of good you can do in ono room with a few of these colors. We've every one you could want. Gilliam & Bisbee COME IX AND I.KT US TALK PAIXT TO YOU hkppxku ;i!A(;: i;i:iH:iTS MANY SAi.KS 1 1. nnil wild liv the I W ranits as ona ci ine mosi sucrei.- I ft I u Mrs. A. B. Bo'.:er, manager of the Heppner Garage, and agent for many of tho leading cars w ful automobile saleswomen on the coast, reports the following f.ules during the past week: Folds- W. H. Lowen, Hardman; C. H. Irvin, lone; O. Peterson, F-ightmile; Walt Helmick, and Prof. Boitnott, Heppner; Karl Beach, Lexington. Euicks E. H. Warner, Lexing ton; W. H. Cronk, lone. Studebakers Jim Hayes, Hepp ner; E. L. Turner, lone. Dodges E. M. Shutt, Oscar Otto, Heppner; Karl Beach, Lexington. Hupmobiles Mrs. Dick Wells, Heppner; Sloan Thompson, Echo. The lrick HERALD WANT ADS GET THE BEST RESULTS ICE McAtce & Aiken, Proprietors CUKAM AND CARD PARLOUS t Herald only $2.00 a year. It May Be True That a Has Nine Live: Cat But its a cinch your car has only one so why not get tho hc-t from that one life, all the pleasure there is in operating your car is when it is in first class running shape. You can only do this when the repair work and up-keep on your car is trusted to men who know their I at Miles' who un der stand the many little things that worry the motorist who know just what to do in each case. We pride ourselves on our reputation for looking after the details the small things that make a world of trouhle and if your car is left in our care these small worries will he forgotten. Prolong the life of your car by giving its care over to us. We wish to particularly call your attention to our Battery Depart incut. We operate our own rebuilding station maintaining a man who dne nothing but attend to this work. We offer you free inspection of all kinds of batteries and free distilled water. By availing yourself of our batterv service you are saved the long wait and expense entailed in sendm;' our batteries away. Rivers & Ackley REPAIR DEPARTMENT HEPPNER GARAGE ft r i Reduce Expenses By buying now. Look at these prices; good only while stock lasts. Cilass Tumblers, set $ .25 l'lour Sifters 20 l'Vuit Press 20 Dishes less than cost. I'.namelwarc below nor mal juice. I-J foot Linoleum less than wholesale A Pew of Our Many Specials. Case Furniture Company Arthur Hodgson of Willow creek ranch who has been In the mountain.'', for the past week returned home on Saturday. Willie George Wilson, Robert Lowe and lvin Miller of Cecil were all callers at the McEntlro brothers' hone Monday. Scott Brown returned to Cecil on Sunday and left for Heppner Mon day. Mr. Brown has rented a ranch on Kock creek. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, ac companied by Mis. T. H. Lowe of Cecil were callers at 1 lies McKutire brothres' home Monday. Oral Henriksen and Frank Kernes returned home from the mountains wliere they havo been looliing alter some stock. Marion VanShoick was a guest of Mrs. Dennett of the Last Camp on Friday. He announces the arrival of a line (laughter, at his home. Con gratulations from all their friends. Mr. anil Mrs. K. Logan, and family of the Willows, Mr. and Mrs. Boyl Logan and L"on Logan and family of Fourmile spent Sunday with J. W. Osborn. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd and futili ty of Diitterby Flats nut owl over to Hynd brothers of Hoselawn, Sand Hollow, Sunday, where they spent a very pleasant day. Miss Surah May who Iiiih been touching school at Grass Vulley ar rived 'inline Wednesday where she will wpend her vacation with hr par ents on the Lone Star ranch. !!! PHONE 8 1 ; t . s t i I i - Pybiic sales llaiy itiiitlioloiin-w of Stanrii ld. In mi; hi a line bunch of yearlings from lliid IiiiiIIiith Iliilterliy Hals ranch at Cecil iliiiint; the wick ami He i i.iih.i iiiiM lH cmii: I,. tcil nf lim e iv! v.liicb niT" billed to ( ' 'liicova I mm Ci ' ii. Turn that nuiplt' i-biik imd in n r. We tn bl N n il during c-ry one Mircem. t!. ii iiuitlir Ikiv.- uniill your liu'lng will limine n ifiiinl niuk' t. n y Inln i ;i' Ii or 'nod pa pal! f moiilhH mid rv our i unHl 'mnent n'rvb'.- 0 ,r let ( yoii buy. t. I out STOCK RANCHES .iiiH tin- le tt h'tyr In t'ic rounty. S- u-t ! rn WHEAT RANCHES I.'iniI (Mali- 111 ("ceil at the ples- j ii I time is ciy iilualile. All in ii cif biliil bi-luiufiiiu tu Mil'. I'eUi Nui-li I .-'r., W;i.'l sold dlllillf Hie pl l Week 1 loi the i-iiiii nl ?i ii. ti e pnichiiri-r li'iiijr J. W. Oilinin mi" of Miiiinw cniinly's laigi'Kt wheat growem. t ' TYPHOIDs no nif fifitwify 1 linn AfimllfxiK. Aimr tii in ( itini ul'wU ff- H w LiiiiM NOW l.y f tt Hift Ian, y-i mu4 yi l'"y. M T'rf vtt.l'h.n t. iuu l-i trim r-U Ivl.'.-Kf1 1 I vMi'.l, .,IU U, "4 t'W 1 ' "l'.it'M 1 up fi-iir lAfVfiifAiiitJV. liiir.riiY. au !m Im.ii t:i n . i In- 'on t' il It'l TIILI'IIMUIL B FARMERS' EXCHANGE iii.i.i i : i s in ii ii v.. .... Ill I I'M I! I . It. IlllOU S, l;mn(! r OKI (.ON . . Z3 I iti".rmi Aniin'tnilmn i II Shooting Ei1