PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, May 6, 1919 COUNTRY NEEDS APPLE TREES continue their readinc, and will be j restless if denied the opportunity. Consequently, although it may be nee- ' cssary to postpone the hook distribu tion scheme tentatively decided upon by the American Library association, the plan should be kept well in view, subject only to such amplification as may be necessary to meet all the re quirements of the case. The returned American soldier who likes to reiul should lie afforded the opportunity always. ' ITALIAN DEMONSTRATION IN FIlfME Boston Housing Plan. Boston, even before the announce ment of the federal government's re construction building program, had un der way a bousing plan aimed to de molish the city's slums and to relieve congestion as much as possible. The situation Is complicated in that city by high fares on the street railway sys tem, which tend to keep workers mass ed near the places where they I are employed. Several other cities were also con templating housing programs on a con siderable scale when the department of labor made its plan public. Little Danger of a Surplus of Produc tion If All of Us Should Get Busy. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." With all things taken Into considera tion the apple stands at the head of all fruit lists. It Is the favorite fruit in the ma jority of homes. The apple is not only a productive crop, but from p. commercial standpoint a good paying investment. The war created such a big demand and necessity for Immediate food that for the last four years the planting of all kinds of fruit has been neglected. Leading authorities slate that In order to meet the requirements of the ever expandlng apple Industry there must be planted 12,000,000 to 15,000,000 upple trees each year for the next ten years. If you own a piece of ground, no maltor how small or large, plant as much fruit as you can, especially ap ples. Iteniember if you have a small lot In n suburban town, say 50 by 150 feet, you could plant a dozen trees or more, if you own the lot and have pjot t1 e Thing. not already built your Mouse, start the Kjty Ktls engaged and her girl trees now; the co.-t will Ik? small and Yi,,,iM were very interested. Hie value of your lot Increased. "How did it feel," asked one, "while .'tinners having pleniy of acreage Hilly was proposing to you 7" should pltthl apple I roes In large qtinn- "oh," laughed Kitty, twisting her titles. II requires no special skill anil lovely diamond ring, "two or thr. (; very Utile all'Mitiou to briier tin' .voiiiig tim,,M j ivit like supplying tin- wo:": .ri linrtl to di,. I earing a;.e. ('lien j -,.w he was groping for; hut of eo.i.ive Hint wouldn't have Isvn ihs Need of Self-Control. We need to use self-control In con nection with our good qualities as well as with our faults. If we are not self controlled In our sympathy It may do more harm than good. Generosity un controlled, leaves the giver poor and injures the recipient. Some girls who realize perfectly the need of self-control when they are angry, forget that It Is as necessary In love as in hate. Girl's Companion. lJ! I if i. & ' J ,t fl t. 11X14' G t K : .!: .: : m 1 ' : r r; ae,, : r i ! ifr -y i,7f.-- t :f' v,-,. Ai..'., w it . x" Ji. j i jc in:.. V-PrSP I? hi S. iiZ&smit. -IsS-iMi i-iv -Ures. -JfSiwi 4 Everything that is to 1 Dt I'.ionstratlon of Italians in Flume, the city on the Adriatic coast whose possession Is in dispute between Italy and Jugo-Slavia. Men are sure getting wise to tobacco quMlity, 11 says the tobacconists fi I I I i at HOW rri .;.'T':-r-T.- . I I v: I .L.i . o thiii'.; to do at all, would it'; 'in r; J. .L. "Any kind of pk: of f-cnuine Gravely nscd to be good Fiug." CnOUgll for most Of Cood tiste, smaller chow, t'T - '"i. M OWlldaV 15 longer iiTo io vlii't nvkcsf Jcn . . Ohio '.jravciy cost to.s lo cllcv CIV IS t!um oriii.virv t:hacco. rJout the real io- c':xV"!;Uu'LY r :?VC 'rio pi M-ir r to icarn o aaticii GROCEiY Co ffllai S.ivnnta' Discovery, If True, vVill Have Eai'iocl Them the Gratitude of Mankind. The reviews of medicine am! v"t. Amply Dmncn: Irnlp .1 Tliat They Am of Practical VaUit in Prolonging Life of lior. juay. It lies been demoiisl rated by (hnsn In charge of the work that a -hie I'roin llie purely ornamental value o, trees j erinary surgery speak of linimi laet along Hie highway, ny praciiea! ben- researches looking to the cure of g'an elils V.ould result Irom thir pi nper ,e .-I. which aliliets horses and fi.iv use. II Is not genernliy realized that j a'so attae!; man, who almost Invaria- Irees. by means el' their shade dunng ; t,!y succumbs. hot suiuiiicr niontbs, prolong the life At the ln-inning of the war the of lle ' roadway for many years, and j spread of L-lamb rs. (specially among road exports in mst;,! are l.cariily ! ,piailni.e.s of the Third lialian In favor of this means for lead pro- ' ann". snggeaied to C'oloncl ('nrnnamt te'l ion. ..., ! ilil'celnr ,if tile is- '1 ; V. H li t . I '.' ;'.Tf 3C Pla& packed in poach I 'lie to the eui"fgcu'ie of war Work , It was found nceessary to keep many I of tin' liiu'ltwav s which l'o"i;i"riy bad not ben used for iravej i.i ivinicr n-n and Ire from il.-l.'ling inov.s. Tl'ol a ll. ican.l h III lie l.i-nle for . c pilc; .,, - c reads open in llie I n: ore i i cet iaiii, an I in place of many eiotc.ive si,,j uu slrlnly snow fences which ,,nw Ibieour mote open strclclics of hiuloa il has been foeml llial much of this wot k in b" perforuieil eipially as well by the proper :'i'oiii:ng of trees and senilis along the op. ii areas. More g.-n 'iv! plan! me of trull and littl treis atoi i; vi ter'uary service of the army. t!n 'lea of utilizing the victims of Llan c ts in niakin.; cMi"riinents in rc ard 'ip its curahiiily I !.!:t:iri!R 1 1 : ; 1 1 -'!cn of t'.e n :u isit i'-irv and tb spretne centnan'! Ij of iliearsiy t!;c i';m risi lit . were be- ll veil at I 'in r!e in a - aeitarrini rigorous. Iv ipia i an: lie d en. I equipped willi all 'be latest scicnll.ic and surgical ap pi a nees. Or. llui'ln I'iici. lead of the Instl :tte of I'a'lio'o-y an I Medical Clinic of lb" Superior Veterinary School of Turin, assisted I'.ictot- i:, r:. ttl. After Hoe Products fcr Home People! WE MANUFACTURE the slate hi' bways will lie lecom- . mi jears they aliliounced that glan- j nieuded. j ders was curable, not only In ilscbron- I j Ic stages but also In Its prices of evn- Need for Library Work. ! Inlioti. , I.lbr iibins in the war camps say j The Importance of the d'scuvery mid " that the need of libraries In all towns j lite evidence of the result obtained r and neighborhoods In the t'nlted j led the two experimenters to ask for !j Stales will In- re acutely felt bene-- I ll commission to make practical test forth tbnti In tin- past, The men re- j of their dlseoverle. The results fully Ji turned rroni the army, whin seall.-r cl I coiitlrmed the fact iinnoune.-d by Ioc- , over lie- land. will. It Is held, wish to tors I'.ertettl and Hnzl. t-V h, FJ-ii" HS-i'o V-'J-so-.ti- VViU. .jiS.tir a Sol!: , V ii Mi"-; V UCiLl, Grhsrn, Citceiii Msddtiings, Roll Bc:r(ey end n?S Mi!! feeds GEL STORAGE 10 FOSiliO! HEPPNER FARMERS ELEVATOR CO. All Together 9 :. Fifth Victory Loan I ,i I ' all m I li'V I li r -iii'l put M'!'i (. lV::!il t vit (In- tup Tin' linxs nn tlntc im t . 1 1 1 1 1 llu tr j"'1 ;ui, waul in t en'.' lii iiii'. I .it's Iil.lki' it h-mMo. Tli' vi li M'tf.iMt! -,itt idhil! ct-iilt i!i;:t-il ; Patterson & Son : f : . i 4 ft i. Arc You- Going to Build Tlinl'sa u s t i i n that coxersa wiu'M of tcrrilory aii'l ly it f nu aii anything Iroui a hen house to a mansion. ll you are xc Un(l to yo". an inxitatiuii to call on us aiiil talk wmm Talk it iVniu :iio taiiil;'i-int of li'iim- anil vsitha '. i. in -1 ;i kin-w.- tin- .iii'.- lln-fotihK-hi i'i tiii- '.!! M,. r's "ide. Wo liaxo a i'!jilv,to toc!; of -vi r tliit i.ct ! 1 3 S i i ! i? j i if i u y w K-BKB 'It's certairsSy good, In 2, 3 ami 5 pound lins. 7 U U id U U Us m Ties Company Distributors, HEPPNER OREGON i i t -i neppner meat iriarret in thr lil' .'s tn.ix iv n. line a tin our jiianm; niul lacoi f to do ativ M'ecial work that x .: SCRKCN DOORS Now is ihe ti'iie to fi'v. thinkink ahout the serevii dm ; e,ie-!i n. '1 he flies will soon he hue a ti-o'ii eons a i x it- so xxe Iiaxe jnt u:t i:i a cot ! -e toek of iVmim nt.l Sett en I ) n.r an-1 in ! -c . ,.! readx tn haiiv: f.r oit. si ; (5 ) X V. A 1 -ft 5 o II. C. ASIIBAUGII, Proprietor Now open for business in our New Shop on East Side Lower Main Street, with a complete stock of the finest quality of Beef, PorK, Mutton and "Ve Call and give us a trial order. Wc will treat you right. UKITNKU .... OREGON I.. ! t! . .me of thee i!''or fi r x on and 1 c to Mr. 'y xhen lie v;..! hire. Martin Reid ini !'r;i:;: planing and cho? mill T - ) i ; i 4 l PEOPLES CASH MARKET WATKINS & Oviatt, Proprietors 0 ir.,ntinn ltilt in r-.n "i.. c roiin.f but if jou ill fol io tb- o iw dii l U.ul" ! . find ; .rej 4foi to oitT t I voir In t!.e way f tl b r. Jul.-y t, ,U lltl l fiot f.I. (.r,l riph U, i ii p .u. I r . i y in r.ur i,r 0'ir n- -v t.ii;b! r6 ton b- . .. t . by ;,r ! , ia i;. ,.,M 1 !. n't f t. t tn. PEOPLE'S CASH MARKET i I y I i ' 1 i y I, y i y i I 1 I I I i i u . t . 1 I M 1 1 DRUGGISTS ni:prNi:K. oki:gon 1 1 i:k w t ads '.i:t tiii: i-.i'sr ni-sri.T rz. '