Tuesday, April 29, 19 1 9 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON PAGE NITC t I PROFESSIONAL CARDS t VAUGHAN & BUTLER DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow's Bunlding Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Roberts' Buildine Heppner Oregon UK A. u. McMURDO PHYSICIAN' & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store Heppner Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORXEYS-AT-LAW Heppner Oregon SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTOItX E Y-AT-LAW . Heppner Oregon Watch paper for dates DR. J. G. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Portland Oregon Regular monthly visits to Heppner and lone. "V. A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Roberts Bldg. Heppner, Ore Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 665 ROY V. WHITEIS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE, LOANS, Heppner Oregon Bowers Shoe Hospital C. W. BOWERS, Prop. I use modern machinery methods. HEPPNER, OREGON DR. J. L. CALLOWAY OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Graduate American School of Osteo pathy, Kirksvil'.e, Mo., under found or of the Science, Dr. A. T. Still. Office at G. W. Swaggert residence. Hours 10 to 12 2 to 5. Phone 42 SADDLE LOST Between Dry Folic and the R. McElligott ranch; Buekhorn brand saddle. Return td McElligott ranch and receive ' reward. t Give the Youngsters a Start Helping the Boys and Girls of Heppner get the habit of making frequent trips to the Savings Department of the Farmers' & Stockgrowers National Bank is better than bequeathing them a fortune. With the thrift habit once establish ed they will be prepared to make their own wa . 1 i The Dank for all ages and sizes of People and Concerns rv. Farmers Ot. r: . National IT 11 Reduce Expenses 15y buying now. Look at these prices; good only while slock lasts. Glass Tumblers, set $ .25 Flour Sifters 20 Fruit Press 20 Di.shes less than cost. Fnainelwarc below nor mal price. 12 foot Linoleum less than wholesale A Few of Our Many Specials. Case Furniture Company il M 1 1 The Kvrick McAtee & Aiken, Proprietors CKKAM AND CARD PAKLOKS ici- Read The Herald. $2 Per Year ARMY TO GET TALKS IN THRIFT CAMPAIGN To teach thrift through subscripts 1 to the Victory Loan and War Savings 1 Stamps, three lectures on wise buying 1 will be delivered to 1.500,000 soldiers now in the service. The talks will 2 made under the approval of Brigadier General Edward L. Munson, General Staff, U. S. A., and will be given under the direction of the Y. M. C. A. OUR SOUL WILL PAY There was very little to find fault with in the spirit which the American people showed when the war was brought home to them daily by deeds of heroism sent back from the fields of France. In those days, beneath th selfishness of commercialism, was laid bare the soul of our people. It was the same true, untarnished soul which built the country through near ly a century and a half of struggles which tested every fiber of our being as a nation. It Is this spirit and soul of our na tion which makes possible the achievement by the American people of any task which they set themselves to do from the bottom of their heart. Our nation never went into anything with a more determined will than It did to defeat the abominable militarism which had been the lone star of the German people. The Amer ican people won that battle. The government is now making an appeal to the same spirit which won that victory. The only work that re mains to be done to make sure of an oversubscription to the fifth loan Is to bring home to the American spirit which won the war the realization that there is another great task which it is right to be done. That is paying the bill of the war. The American people know the bill is just and will pay it. A dollar saved is a dollar made, vest in War Savings Stamps. In- " S. S. means sane saving, 'he habit. Get FARM WAGES WILL HOLD VP No lower farm, wages this year are in sight, counsels J. W. Brewer, O. A. C and federal farm help special ist for Oregon. He has refrained from saying so as long as there was any prospect that readjustment In living costs might operate to lower labor wages. Rock bottom wages in western Oregon are $50 a montih and board, and in eastern Oregon $60 and board. The call for many horse teamsters on the wheat ranch es is: growing, with offers of $60 to $75 per month. StocKgrowers BanK Us ' MOKO-HEPPNER GAME FRIDAY j Moro high school ball team will I will play the Heppner team on the !r aiamona ana the n"e boy" U wiU be Eome game- AU tlle hys wnt is for every loyal He',ipnor rooter to turn out and get properly busy and tf.iey will do the rest. Admission to the game will be only the small sum of 25 cents. Mrs. Donovan of near lone, under went a major operation at the Hepp ner hospital last Thursday. THE BACK AND FRONT OF IT Back Back of the Victory Loan stands the treasury of the United States the vast wealth of a great and powerful nation. That makes it safe. Back of the Victory Loan is the call of duty. That makes it patriotic. Back of the Victory Loan is Govern ment Interest. That makes It a good Investment. Front We are mustering out about fifteen thousand men a day, and at this rate It will take ten months to demobilize the army. It will cost over throe billion dollars to bring the boys back and feed and care for them until It Is done. That gives us un idea of the sizo f the Job. Do you want the boys brought back? Your subscription to the Victory Loan is your answer. CITATION In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow In the Matter of the Estate of John F. Lentzy, Deceased. Citation to W. L. Lentzy, Katrice Lentzy, Grace Lentzy, and all parties interested, and all unknown heirs. IN THE NAME OF' THE STATE OF OREGON you are hereby re quired and cited to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, at the court room thereof, at the County Court House In the Baid county of Morrow, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 2nd day of June, 1919, at 10:00 a. m., then and thero to show cause, if any you have, why the following de scribed property and the Interest of the above entitled estate In the fol lowing described property should not be sold at private sale, as the County Court may direct and author ize, to-wit: REAL PROPERTY 800 acres of wheat lands, more or less, lo cated about 6 miles from lone, described as follows: S. E. of Sec. 32, Twp. 1, S; N. E. Vi of Sec. 5, Twp. 2, S; the S. W. Vi of Sec. 33, Twp. 1, S; the S. E. Vi of Sec. 31, T. 1 S; and the N. W. Vi of Sec. 4, Twp. 2,S; all In Range 24 east of the Willamette Meridian. W. of E. Vi of Sec. 12, Twp. 1 N., U. 21 east of Willamette Meridian. 8. W. of Sec, 32, Twp. 1 S.. ,R. 24 east of Willamette Meri dian, except one acre In the S. W. corner, thereof, deeded to .Si'liool District No. 30 for school purposes. Witness the signature of the County Clerk of Morrow County, this ISth day of April. 1919. J. A. WATERS (Seal) NOTICE Or I INAL NETTI.IMENT In the County Court of the State of On Ron, for Morrow County. , In the mutter of the Eftate of W P. Scrlvner, deceased. Notice Is hereby Riven that the un dersigned, s Administratrix of I'm Estate of W. P. Scrlvner, deceased, Hft It yr opnr-rtuniiy o Ini.ir tin tmttt - .14 trmn in polling, -t nu-K "H'- ml P'JOf iSoir of v w :. Knew tirw3i-ff f rviulmf T t'fmt. Iktvu yr.ir TKicy, r. Uwh ruaU .n power twt tu&jcttb WEBSTER'S KEW INTERNATIONAL UTnOVAUY U an nil-know init learner, a univonk.l ii'!ion riri.wrr, r. I n 1) Inert your n. 'H. It li in chilv um hy hundred, if ihou'anJ.f uo-c- ! i t i a a. 1 v a t.f!-l ',-.. 4M im Ho, J.. rM Pair. II. ". io.U'MM.cntrjptiu.aJ.luliJw.t. ,tmu mrs. :!- iicuu u ecu rim um-m. V It I .-. tut O. A C. MCRRtAM CO., fMIt4. Mm., t. . A. 1 f-rT-V1 has filed "uer final account as such odministratrix, and that Wednesday, the 7th day of May, 1919, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon thereof, and the County Court room in the County Court House in Hepp ner, Oregon, has been by the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, duly fixed as the time and place for the proving of said fianl account and for the hearing of any objections thereto. MATTIE B. SCRIVNER, Administratrix of the Estate of W. P. Scrivner, Deceased. 49.1 NOTICE t Olt I'l ISLICATION Department of the Interior. IT. S Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon. March 26, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Ellis R. Minor, whose post-office address is lone, Oregon, did on the 16th dav of September, 1918, file in this office Sworn Statement and Application, No. 019348, to purchas the EV. NEVi, section 7, Township 4 South, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian. and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the "timber and stone law." at such val ue as might be fixe by appraisement, an that, pursuant to such application the land and timber thereon have been appraised at $255.00 the timber estimated at 148,000 board feet at ?0.75 & $1.25 per M, and the land $100.00; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of his application and sworn statement on the 25th day of June, 1919, before C. C. Patterson, United States Com missioner, at Heppner, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initi ate a contest at any time before pat ent issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit in this office, alleging facts which woud defeat the entry. C. S. DUNN REGISTER NOTICE FOR PIBLICATIOV Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon, March 26, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Grace E. Minor, w'hose post-office address Is lone, Oregon, did, on the 18U day of September, 1918, file In this office Sworn Statement and Applica tion No. 0193 56, to purchase the EH SW and SE NV, Section 8, Township 4 South, Range 28 East. Wlllnmetto Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amend atory, Tmown as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that pursuant to such application, the land and timber Wiereon have been appraised, at $378.00, the timber es timated at 216,000 board feet at $0.75 & $1.25 per M, and the land $150. On; that said applicant will of fer final proof in support of his ap plication and sworn statement on thi 25th day or June,, 1919, before C. C. Patterson United States Commission, er at his office, at Heppner, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protei.t this purchase before entry, or Initi ate a contest at any time before pat ent Issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit In fhls office, alleging fart which would defeat the entry. C. S. DUNN REGISTER PETITION In the County Court of (he Slat of Oregon for Morrow County. In the matter of the organization of Went Extension Irrigation DIsiMrt in Morrow and Umatilla Counties, In the State of Oregon. To the Honorable County Court of Morrow County, Oregon ; The undersigned petitioners re spectfully show: That petitioner are more than fif ty or a majority of the owner ,f land Irrigated or suitreptible of Irri gation within the houndurlfH Ikti Iii after dnerrlbed and dexlre to provlrt for the construction of works for the Irrigation of the name and to provide for the MTonstrtiftlon, lictlermf nr. extension, purchase, operation or maintenance of work already roe trurti.d and for the assumption principal or Ruarantor of lnrt ht. d D on account of dlslrlrt land In lha United States under Ihe Kedvrul Reclamation laws, and petitioners do now propone the nrjcmluitlnn of iin Irrliratlon district 10 I,- known a West KitonMoa Irrigation IiiMrlrf, within said roantl and Hat un l. 1 tha provision of Chapter 307 of lh General Law of Oronon for 1917. That fit land of your petitioner ar Included within what I known an the Weal F.ltrnalon of Ihe Umatilla Projwt built bjr Ihe United flatea rterlamatlon Sorvlr and are miiwep. tlble of Irrliratlon from the water of Ihe Umatilla river a a rummon ourr and Ihe major portion of aald land" are lnrud4 will. in the t.,un dariia of Moirnw County and a a i.all portion tin r. -of are n! i!'d mii' ln the li'iliri'l M lev .f !'n,al ,l';i r . t -, In It St.,!" . f Otet r,n " 1 ,it M. i,..tind..f 1. . , 1 . .. f "" -1 1' ion !- ! ;, 1 - ,1 . !, r I p- follow.; of Section 28 in Township 5 N. R. 28 E. W. M. ; thence running along the west line of said Section 28 in a northerly direction 5175.7 feet more or less to the south boundary of the right of way of the main canal of the West Extension of the Umatilla Project as now permanently survey ed and constructed by the U. S. Rec lamation Service;' thence running in a northerly and westerly direction along said boundary line of the right of way of the said main canal a dis tance of 26.16 miles more or less to She west line of the E. of Section 23 in Township 4 N. R. 24 E. W. M. at a point distant 2840 feet more ot less and in a, southerly direction from the N. W. corner of the N. E. Vi of said Section 23; thence north erly along the west line of tho E. V. of said Section 23, 2840 feet more or less to the N. W. corner of the N. E. Vt, of said Section 23; thence contin uing in a northerly direction alone the west line of the E. of Section 14 in Township 4 N. R. 24 E. W. M., 5280 feet more or less to the N. W. corner of the N. E. of said Sec tion 14; thence easterly one and one. half miles a'ong the north boundary line of Sections 14 and 13 to the N. E. corner of Section 13 in Township 4 N. R. 24 E. W. M.; thence contin uing easterly along the north boun dary line of Section 18 in Township 4, N. R. 2 5 E. W. M. a distance of 5807 feet more or less to the N. E. corner of said Section 18; thenco northerly along the west line of Sec tion 8 in Township 4 N. R. 25 E. W. M. 3797 feet more or less to a point on the south bank of the Columbia river; thence in. an easterly direction along the south bank of the Colum bia river 21 miles, more or less, to the west bank of the Umatilla river; thence along the west bank of tin Umatilla river in a southeasterly di rection 4 miles, more or less to the south boundary line of Section 28 hi Township 5 N. R. 28 E. W. M., at a point easterly and distant 1094.4 feet moro or less from the S. W. cor ner of the said Section 28; thence westerly along the south boundary line of said Section 28 1094. 4. feet more or less to fhe S. W. corner of said Section 28, the place of begin ning. EXCEPTIONS: Saving and excepting the follow ing described tracts or land in the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, lying within thG above described boundaries, to-wit: In Township 5 jr. (, 27 E. W. M: All Sections 29, 30 and 31 lying north of the north boundary of the right of way of tho Main Canal of the West E?enslon Project, except the N. W. of the N. W. of said Section 30. . - Township fl N. R. 2fl E. W. M: All of Sections 16, 17, 18 nnd 19 lying south of Ulie south bank of the Columbia river. All of Section 20 and W. , Lots 2, 5, and 6, and W. Vi of S. E. 4 of Section 21. and the 5. H of Section 26 and the S. of N. E. V4 , N. W. M and S. of Sec tion 27. All of Sections 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, nnd N. '3 and S. W. U nnd W. i4 of S. E. 14 of Section 35 and the N. of Section 36. Townhln n s. t. 25 ,:. w. M: All of HertlonN 25. 35 and 36 lying south of the south bunk of the Col umbia river. Township 4 V. H. 2(1 K. W. M: In Section 2 the following describ ed area; Beginning at the N. W. corner of .Section 2; thence easterly 2647.26 feet; theme S. 0 deg. 09 niln. 30 see. W. 105.8 feet; thenc,, fri 63 deg. 24 ml n. 30 sec. W. 14S3.0 feet; thence 8. 72 deg. 47 tnln. 30 see. W. 118S.0 feet; thence 8. 28 deg. 04 11. 1 n. W. 412.5 feet; Bhenre N. 0 deg, 1 inln. 30 sec. E. 14XC 66 feet lo place c beginning. In Section 3: The N. V. 14 and the following described aren: lie. ginning at Ihe N. K. coiner of Mo tion 3; Ihence 8. 0 deg. IK niln. 30 sec. W. 14H56 feel; thence 8. 82 deg. 51 niln. W. 710 4 feel; Ihence 8. 7 deg. 15 tnln. W. 16H5 5 feel thenco N. 2 deg. r,n niln. W. 386.3 feet to a point on Ihe went liouniliirjr of the N. E. V of He. t Ion 3 and dla tanl 453 H e t, N. 0 deg. 13 niln. K. from renter of Section 3; Ihenne northerly 21H6 2 feet lo Ihe N. corner of N. Y. of Keel ion 3; Ihenre eaalerly 2640 feel more or lea lo Ihe place of beginning. All of Heetlon 4 and 9 lying north of the north lioundaty of the right of way of lb Mjln Canal. All nf Hnrtion f and 4 and the N. W. Vi of Section 1. Town-hip 4 V It. iM K. W. M: Section I, F.. Sectloa 2, 8. 4j and 8. 4j N. V He. Hon 9. H Si r. Hon 10. N Vi nation I J, N. V .f N i Hwtion H, K. H Kerin.n 17, all K. n H'rllon 20 lyln north of the north boundary line of the rlrhl of way of ll,e Main Canal and all of ih H. E Vi of Hetion 14 lying fi"' I tl "f the north ,o -uiiiiy nn of It e rh l, of tuy f rr,e Main Canal. I t " l.ouri'lut V ilf .r 1 ipllon of Mld ' o il -Iriil li'l'tlni' I'" 'X t'!' ' t 'i'l',!"! u iow , 1 i,v 1 n t f t ( '''lit of !,.!, f, f,0 p'l'.l . II'. I and there are 120U acres of vested right lands yet to come under public notice; and this totals 7,769 acres which are now entitled to water. That it is the intention ot petition ers to elect the first board of direct ors from the district at large. That duplicate copies of this pe tition are to be circulated for the purpose of securing the requisite number of signatures by land' owners and the said duplicates are to be at tached together and treated as one petition for the purpose of presenta tion to the above entitled court. Wherefore, your petitioners Dra that all of said lands included with in the limits of the proposed boun daries as described aforesaid and ex cluding the exceptions mentioned herein, be organized Into an irriga tion district to be known as the West Extension Irrigation District, under the .provisions of the Chapter 357 ot the General Laws of Oregon for 1917. Dated this 12th day of March. 1919. Adolf Skoubo, O. B. Olson, John H. HosTtie, E. K. Mulkey, Frank Cram mer, c. C. CoyKendall. Thurston Grim, Pyrom Powell, F. H. Rieks, Nancy J. Rieks, Geo. Rand, L. M. Da vis, J. E. McCoy, J. W. Brackenburr. V. Loomis, L. B. Smith, C. W. Grim. H. C. Wolfe, M. F. Caldwell, C. W. Caldwell, D. R. Bronnell, A. E. Me Farland, Frank V. Carelle, M. C. Burchett, C. H. Dillabough, Chas. J. Nizer, L. H. Carpenter, S. H. Board man, F. L. Brown, T. E. Hendrick. H. J. Cason, Thos. Brew, D. R. Bron nell, Effie Bullack, R. P. PIk, W. A. Ford, J. O. Camp, A. W. Cobb. Leslie Packard, Claude White, W. G. Cohoon, Ray L. Brown, J. W. Walk er, C. H. Atteberry, A. P. Ayers, Jas. W. Long, Ernest Brown, Frank Partlow, Glen Brown, John Brun gurd, J. C. Ballenger, Jesse O. Low er, Alta Howard, M. Marshall, R. Wnsmer, J. R. Johnson, Geo. E. Mef ford, F. E. Burns, S. Atteberry, Paul Partlow, John S. Crooks, M. L. Will iams, Chas. Hango, W. O. King, W. N. Hatch, J. A. Lytle, Joe Curran, H. H. Weston, Frank Otto', Eugena Cummins, C. E. Hein, John McIIugh, H. C. Harrison, Harmon Montgom ery, Ray L. Brown, M. K. Flicking er, Royal Rands, Ingvard Skoubo, Ira A. Berger, Paul Smith, John Brungard. NOTICE In the County Court of the SUte of Oregon for Morrow County. In the matter of the organization of West Extension Irrigation District In Morrow nnd Umatilla Counties, State of Oregon: TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: You are heroby notified that the undersigned, petitioners In the above and foregoing petition for the organ ization of an Irrigation district to bo known and styled a West Extension Irrigation District, under and pursu ant to Chapter 357 of the General Lawn of the State of Oregon for 1917, will present the above anrl foregoing petition to the Honorabla County Court, of Morrow County, Or egon, at the chambers of snld Court In the court 1iouh8 of said county at Heppner, Oregon, on Monday, the Oth day of May, 1919, at the hour ot 10 o'clock or said d.i, that being a special meeting of said court called for the purpose of hearing and con sidering ih wild petition; and you are further notified that the ahova and foregoing petition together with a plat showing generally the propon ed boundary of the Irrigation district proposed to be formed In wild peti tion and Ihe lands Included within salrl boundary will be filed with tha County Clerk if Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, on and arter Urn Is) day of Arll, 1919. Iialed this 12th day of March. 1919. Adolf Hkuiho, o. 11. oiHon, John H. Hohkle, E. K. Mulkey, Frank Cramer, C. C. CoyKendall, Thurston Orlm, Ceo. Hand, l M. I)la, Py rom Powell, Ki .ink V. Carelle, J. E. Mff'oy, J. V. Iliaikt iilitirg, V. Loom. Is, L. II. Smith, C. W. Orlm, II. C. Wolfe, M. F. Caldwell, C. N. Cald well, p. H. Rieks, Nanry J. ileal, I). 11. Ilronnell, A. E. MrFarland. it. (.. Ilurchell, C. II. Dillabough, Chaa. J. Nler, L. if. Carpenter, 8. II. Il'iardman, P. L Brown, T. K. Hen-' rtrl'k, II. J. ('kfton, Thoa. Ilrew, D II. Ilronnell, Etfle llullark. It. p. Pike, W. A. Pord. J. ;. Camp, A. W. Cobb. I.elle Packard, Claude While, Hay L. Jirown, W. (',. Cboon, 1. W. Walker, C. II. AtMterry, Ja. W. Iong, Prneat Iltoan, Olcn llrown. Frank partlow, John llrtingard, J. C. ItaLenger, Jeaae ) A,m-r, Alia How ard, M. C. Marshall, a. I". Aym, Trank Olio. p. Waum r, J It. John on. ';. P. M.tfoid, p. K. Hum, 8. Atteberry, Paul partlow, John 8 Crook. M L. William, Chsa llan f', W. O King. Ilen Alteburry. W. N. ILiMi, J A I.)tle. John Curran, Join Mrllui-h, (I Werton. II C. II111, ..h, I '.trn, on Mori so,!,,,. ry. X K ' 1 ' . t. 1: -v 1; in-. 1,. lioyal ' iiI lri-art Ml-ouh-.. It C. per. I" I' i' ! II it. ,t,, r. I. u- I II 1