I 1 ;. ' s, J W 'X Tuesday, April 29, 1919 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, ' OREGON PAGE FlVSt Me wmm& as jou owes us SR8 t'flgMJet tas iiitiSE ffw at lit." ii; f ','Ti 1 :? ten! 'It h j tjfei , i pj ffftteS ml -. mr IpHE VOICE OF LINCOLN , -1- echoes down through the years bidding us follow the way Presi dent Wilson points to the Nation and the world today. "LET US FINISH THE WORK WE ARE IN." The Vi&ory Liberty Loan will finish our task. ANSWER YOUR COUNTRY'S CALL As Our Fathers Answered Lincoln. The Spirit of LincolnlWatches jOver Morrow County Arc wc going to live up to the standard of Americanism advocated by this great man? If he was on this earth today he would support the Victory Liberty Loan. Don't you feel that it is your duty to do the same? Go lo your bank today and prove your worth as an American Citizen H v