Tuesday, April 29, iqiq HIGH SCHOOL FIELD JEET lOXE MAV THIKD THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON AT Saturday, May third, will be a red letter day among the high schools population of the county all of whom will gather at lone to take part in the annual field meet. An interest ing sport program has been arranged and the young athletes are looking forward to the event with much pleasure. A game of baseball between Moro and lone High teams and in the af ternoon the regular field day sports will he held. Tmf J Varov Wollo cnnori'nfan. nt of the lone city schools, is in which insures a day of splendid en tertainment. lone extends a hearty invitation to everybody iu the county to attend this event. HIXmVKKO IS CALAMITY WHKX ONCE ESTABLISHED Oregon Agricultural College Field bindweed, "decidedly the most 1 dangerous weed in Kansas," is get i ting a good start in parts of Oregon, ; especialy in the dry farming wheat j districts where the summer fallow gives it just the chance it needs to spread and establish itself. Seed I of this weed pest is present in sam ples from different parts of the state, which reach the seed testing laboratory at the agricultural col- 1 lege. j "This impurity is found chiefly i in cereal seed samples sent for purity and germination tests," says Miss Grace Cole, seed specialist. "It does not occur in large quantities and can be eradicated if great care is used in seeding the cereal crops." Bindeed is one of the noxious weeds described in the series of weed stories by Miss Helen Gilkey now running in the Sunday and Weekly Oifgonian. Its distribution by root stocks, each joint of which will sprout a new plant, as well as by prolific seed, make3 it exceedingly dificult to stamp out. In addition to calling it the most dangerous weed in Kansas Mrs. E. G. Hailing in dharge of the seed testing laboratory at the Kansas agricultural college says that a small patch un less controlled, can overrun the whole farm in ten or fifteen years, making it agricultural worthless. Clean summer cultivation is the best method of control, reports B. P. Sheehan, of the college farm crops department. Great care must be taken not to drag broken root stocks into uninfested areas or they will spread the plant more rapidly. Sa'mples of suspected seed may be 4.', va&dSS we iooi , Here's the way 1 at it minute, look at the tire proposition from our We are in the tire business here, to stay, Wc cza remain in business only so lon as we please our customers. Consequently, it ays us to handle good tires United States Tire;. They're the tires ve sell. They're the tires you should use. We have thera to nicci every need of prlco cr use. United States Tires are Good Tires We know United States Tires arc good tires That's why we sell them. HEPPNER GARAGE, HEPPNER, ORE. E. R. LUNDELL, IONE, OREGON PAGE THREE sent to the seed testing laboratory at the colege, Corvallis, for free ex amination. If bindweed seed is present fhe seed can either be thoroughly cleaned or discarded for pure seed. Mrs. S. W. Spencer, who has been in Seattle attending the lied Cros. conference, also spending some tinn in Portland visiting friends on her way from the sound city, returned home Wednesday evening. Every Fighter wore two of these around his neck. DID YOU? Then identify yourself with the VICTORY LIBERTY LOAN Even though you did not wear one of Uncle Sam's little metal tags you can have a badge of honor that shows your loyalty just as plainly as the soldier's tag and that is by buying a Victory Liberty B.ond. And don't stop at one bond but buy just as many as you can possibly pay tor and then buy some more. The boys who wore fflie little metal tags went the limit and you must do the'same. This Advertisement Contributed Through the Patriotic Co-operation of McATEE & AITKEN Jock mciverscn & "If i:'s (hick, heavy cweetcnii-tyou uant click lo you" orc!n ary plug. But f;r real tobacco satis faction, you've got to come 10 good old Gravely." Good taste, smaller chev, longer life iswhat inakes Genuine Grave ly cost less to chew than ordinary plug. Write to: Genuine Gravely DANVILLE, VA. fur lavhlrt en chewing plug. . lilt " " ...1 i u It May Be True That a Cat Has Nine Lives Hut its a cinch your car has only one so why not pet the bv from that oncjife. all the pleasure there is in operating your rar is when it is in first class running shape. You can only do this when the repair work and up-kecp on your car is trusted to men who know their business who un der .stand the many little things that worry the motorist who know just what to do in each case. We pride ourselves on our reputation for looking after the details the small things that make a world of trouble and if your car is left in our care these small worries will be forgotten. Prolong the life of your car by giving its care over to us. Wc wish to particularly call yonr attention t our I'.attcry Depart ment. Wc operate our own rebuilding station maintaining a man who does nothing but attend to this work. We offer yon free inspection of all kinds of batteries and free distilled water, l'.v availing yourself of our battery service you are saved the lony wait and expense entailed in sending your batteries away. Rivers & Ackley REPAIR DEPARTMENT HEPPNER GARAGE PHONE 81 i 'V 'i M f 1 I i K Spring Time is Paint Time Say Mr. noun Owner Isn't thin weather getting Iflo your yatrm and inuklng you long to iw the old homo ulilnc Kguln like It did when it whs new? Don't you rculizo that a new roHt of puint would bring hack nil itn IrcHlim tlmt It would fln havr that nvw uppi nranr of whlrh you wr mi proud wh-n you flirt built It? Thin Ik lh time of the ymr to nlit tat work and you know liowbudty It nmli It. W wliih mrrcly to rail your attention to th fart that w ba? a full Hn- of atandard paint -vrry rolor or tint that you poaMbljr roud think of. IlnldR rvry thlnn nrrrird for tha Interior di-roratlon of your homa. Of Interest to the Ladies W havi- a rninpM lin" of f.'lnnumrl fur touching up and rnnl'iin Unm old plwi-n of rurnlturn lht you nU o lilrhly- and thin work will rom rlrlit ahing with thu fptlnr hou r !!. n trit Tl.i-w arnlcln-a at pn-pn-l ao thai thi-y do Hot r4U.' Oj- HTlrfH of a painter - and you'v no lda tli amount of you ran do In on rm wlih a f-w nf tln rolora Wi-'v i-ti iy on you iould want. Gilliam & Bisbee timr. iv ad i.yj 1 talk tait to tov COMMIX XKWSPAI'K.r.S CO.VSOI.I ItATK George H. Flagg, a young news paper man of long experience and marked ability has bought the two Condon newspapers, the Globe and f.ie Times and will hereafter issue the Globe-Times, the two papers having been united under the dual name. Mr. Klagg comes of a newspaper family, his father, E. H. Flagg, hav ing for years engaged in the business in the lower Columbia river country. He is now publishing a paper at Warenton. George II. Flagg was at Prairie City tor several years and a year ago sold out to enlist in the service of his country only to be turned down for some trifling physical cause. He had learned to love the bunch -grass country, however, and is now located in one of the best towns in eastern Oregon. t CECIL ITEMS Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed in pouch Mr. Gorton of Morgan was the. f'U'.st of J. w. Oshorn Saturday. m:m Georgia Sum me is spent tl:i-wo.-k-end with Miss "i.-uor Logan of l'r. 11: :n.H . Mr. and Mrs. Win. Matlock of Hoppner spent the week-end'in Cecil. Miss ISemice Franklin of Kiiei spent Sunday with Miss Violet Hynd of Hutterby Flats. Mi Jaunila Crabtree and Miss Flossie Stender were visitors in Ce cil Saturday. Mrs. peter Nash spent Saturday with her son Albert, and family at. the Fairview ranch. Miss Hazel Winters of Shady Dell raneth was the" guest of Mis. Hard esty of Morgan Saturday. A surprise party was given Mis. Boyd Logan of Fourmile on Saturday evening, a host of friends gathering and a very pleasant evening being f.nnt. Miss Inez Kaston teacher of the Cecil school for the last two terms lett on the local Sundav for Tim Dalles where she Intends to visit. among some of her friends for .1. while before proceeding to her home at Sitkum. We iiniloivtnn.i i,., ,v .tti.. 1111a Miss Easton will take charge of the si'hool again lor the coming term of 1290. J. H. Miller was visiting friends m Ella Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd were vis iting with Mr. und Mrs. J. H. Frank lin Sunday. Wnlter Pope the obliging jitney owner took the following ladles In. his car to Morgan Sunday: Mrs. Hoxy Dennett, Mrs. T. H. Lowe and Miss Annie C. Lowe. J. V. Osboin, Clarence Winter and Albert Nash made a hurried trip to Heppned Monday. Pat Farley of the Wlllowa nW,t Joe White of the same place wero- DiiHlness men in Cecil Monday. Rev. Clark M. Smith of The Dal les, Oregon, of the American Sunday School fnlon, made a short stay In Cecil on his way to Echo Monday. Mr. Manioc, engineer for ,Uv Standard Oil company accompanied by Mr. Halley, of lone, paid a very pleasant call on Cecil Tuesday. T. H. Lowe huh a business visitor In Arlington Tuesday. Clarence Winters accompanied by I.eon Logan U-U Tuesday for Walla Wnllu to take In iie tractor show I hey returned home Friday pleuBcd with what they i, while on their trip. Jack Hynd of Iluttoil.y Hula . toed to Heppner Tuesday. He wiih accompanied by Master Jackie nn l Miss Vollet Hynd and IiIk nephew. Pilvute T. W. Lowe. Inte or th lliillsh bi my. Mollohan brotlieia of Itock creek hrought In 11 bum! of ewe Tuesday 10 lamb 011 the Minor lunch, liavln honght a stuck of hay there. fieoige WIlK.in left for llennner 011 Tueaday returning Thumduy. Scott llrown left for Condon Wert neiulay to look over Rome land llu.rn which he la contemplating icnllnn. Mr. and Mia. C. A. Minor Mlaa Itlanch Mlnyr of I'oitland Mr. fl. W. Sin Tueaday evening In Cecil on lnl way from Portland. Art Wheelhoune and Llm lim. I...H of Arlington win Ocl vUiioi on Vt ednewtay. Mr. and Mia. Ackley. Mr. Itlvum. nd paity were In Cm II W. ilniKilay. Waller Pope and J. If Miliar left VVdnnday to tuke In the I.Ik k! in Walla Walla ami lo uHut rioln 111 IVndli-lon. Mini Wynne Lake, fearhpi of Iho I "iiimlle crhool ami Ml llui Win t'T of Shady loll vl.H.-d mil, Mia, Kennel of fhe l.at Camp Weiln- day. Noah I'eiiyjiihn and family of Hut. ter rrk upent the Um r.k vlait m wlih hla biother Kr ami family at Cecil. Oeor. W. Inirra of Artlnitn looked In at (Wll on hla war horn Ifrom th tiai-tor how at Walla Wal l'i rrlday. welt aeen and ami 1 1