- m "l- PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, April 29, 1919 HEW PARIS WRAPS APPEAL TO WOMEN Evening Cloak of Smoke-Gray Charmeuse and Model of Venetian Red Bure. THICK CORD NECK ORNAMENT Idea . Taken From Habits Worn by Choir Boys Craze Raging for Long Jet Earrings The High Dog Collar. Sketched this week is one of the loveliest evening clouks It is possible to imagine. It is one which wns re cently designed by 1'aquln for the peace-conference festivities. The ma terial of this regal wrap was deep smoke-gray charmeuse with a lining of gleaming silver tissue and fringes com posed of long silver tassels on the Wide, cape sleeves. The whole thing, writes a Paris cor respondent, was so exceedingly orlg Unul and rich that one felt in the pres ence of a fairy-queen-garment. And yet the color was no subdued and sub tle that the wrap might quite well be .worn going to a restaurant dinner or an ordinary theater. It was only when lit was thrown open and the dazzling lining revealed that Its richness made iltself felt. This is a leading note of many of the new Paris models for evening wear. There are still considerable difficulties connected with getting about In the evening. Quite unexpected people find it necessary to walk to their friend's houses, or even to the theaters, Instead of driving, as formerly. Taxicabs are few and hard to find. There are still stringent rules connect ed with private automobiles. The iinelros and omnibuses are crowded to overflowing, hence the frequent neces Blly of walking in evening dress. For this reason our best dressmakers are creating evenlng'wraps which can, as indicated, be worn In the street at night without atlracling undue notice. Satins and velvets In soft neutral tints are very much In demand, but the linings of these demure wraps are Homethlng to dream about. I have Rcen gorgeous gold and silver tissues worked over with brilliant silks and beads ami then converted Into linings for theater coats. Metallic Threads, Glistening Beads. I have also seen exquisite elTects produced by the Introduction of me tallic threads ami glistening beads on line Chantllly lace, the latter being mounted over an underlining of bright lined silk. The outline of the Paquin wrap Is very new ami It represents the latest notion of a famous dress artist. As you will see, the sleeves lire so wide that they give the Impres- ffik vVr.r-itt.'tfl m - ? mm Mi,. mm: r n-j w model ai.d one which has been greatly admired. The outline is simple, the wrap falling in long straight lines, but the sleeves are distinctly novel in out line, spreading out at the wrist in leg-o'-mutton fashion. Collar Muffles the Neck. Here again you have n "vague," very large collar which muffles up the neck and makes a delightful frame for the face. The combination of Vene tian red and gray is very fashionable just now. It is seasonable and cheer ful, two excellent qualities. In Worth's showrooms I recently saw a splendid driving wrap made of Venetian red Ciimel's-hair cloth which had a deep cape-collar of sable and a lining of tete de negre satin embroidered in black, white and dull blue silks. This wrap was very long, reaching to the hem of the dress, and at the shoulders It seemed ample, even un usually hunchy; but the hem clung in about the ankles and gave the pe culiar outline which Is typical of 1019. WW 1 ' lift' I I i J il hi i Tf y!pQ i hexd ;kts ix bad I hours, was given and included read I ings, musical selections1, etc.,, and a When the Oregon State Chamber pleasing comedy. of Commerce recently called for a 1 Following the program a social referendum vote from the commer cial bodies of the state on the ques tion of getting behind the Strathorn railroad project every commercial body in the state, the Oregon Editor ial Association, the Portland Ad Club, the Realty Board and the Progressive Business Men's Club, with the exception of the Bend club mercial Club, voted unanimously for the project. The proposed railway will, if constructed, connect Klamath Falls and Bend and it came as some what of a shock to the 7400 Oregon boosters who comprised the member ship of these organizations to learn that Bend alone turned the proposi tion down. It is said that some of the big sawmill men of Bend object ed to the new road being built on She ground that it would give Klam ath Falls saw mills the same freight rates to the eastern markets as is now enjoyed by Bend. To the credit of that hustling city, however, it is understood that the commercial club will reconsider the matter and revoke the dub play. SCHOOL KXTERTAIXMKNT HARDMAN AT Mrs. Lena Snell Shurte, county school superintendent, went to Hard man Friday evening to attend an en tertainment given by the pupils of the public school of that live town. A splendid program, lasting two dance was given and the net pro ceeds of the evening amounted to $27.00, which amount will go to wards the support cf a French child whose father was killed in the war. ELKS ATTEND EVXEItAL COXDOX AT Charles Underwood, an old time and highly respected resident of Gill iam county died at Condon April seventeen of pneumonia, aged about 4 7 years. He was prominent in stock circles of this section of Ore gon and recently sold a fine stock ranch on Papersack, in the Trail fork country. Deceased was a member of Hepp ner lodge, B. P. O. Elks and the fun eral services on Friday were con ducted by that fraternity. Exalted Ruler McMenamin, Wal ter Richardson, George Thomson, M. D. Clark, and S. A. Pattison, of Heppner and Charles Sperry and Frank Engleman, of lone, went to Condon to attend the funeral. WANTED By man and wife sit uation for thesummer on a ranch. Would also like to lease a wheat and stock farm next fall for a term of years. Exeprienced and competent Enquire at the Herald office. 49-3 Finest job printing in Morrow county executed at the Herald offict Dr.iutiful Evening Cloak n Deep Smoke Gray Charmeuse Lined With Sdver Tissue. Long Silver Tassels. s.lini of inpc. wliil,- thi'Vi'llnr U ex MkWltitetlly Iiiiho mid turtle III out line. 'I hit model would look rhiiriuliiK If repli d In Murk. Mitlt bin. k jet hiwla is R fringe for the Wik an I n lin ing of xeiiie bright t el. ue.l itatln or brormle, or It IiiIkIiI he utmle of u soft riuiiel s Imlr rlolli, the Jet labels tin lug i. '111111. mI hii.I h lliilni; ( i'luti.'e Mm niIIii belli Introduced. I mw a tlrlvlnic unip fnhl..iel ,.u eiy milt h (be nine Urn s as the model hero llliis tinted. In tliln ciim the tu it t r I ii I was pule l'eii!i iiliiuri with a llmnc of hro vmleil silk Hlilrh nh.me.l blue tinner 'li n dull ri'e nr. mini; there a lieiuy fringe of liele nllk til,') uti l(llT hhee Hlld IllUe roll our Ciil. I i r t'f liniu r fur. An ii.linirul.le dr.t lim r.i'. I run ii ""Hie mi. Tin- ..'iv ml iiii"l, l. full l. i,;'!! ti.ire. hlo'il n i llii i ti I etnH - lit ui.i toil (! .if i r,, i i.ill 1 1 , but. i . I , 11 I .1.,- I 'I . , .... Quaint Early Spring Wrap in Vene tian Red Bure, With Handsome Em broideries of Rough Gray Wool. A lovely young actress one of the adored beauties of Paris had just launched a most effective novelty. This novelty takes the form of a thick cord, with long tassel, o bright scarlet silk. In front there was an antique orna ment, in plaque form, suspended from Hie cord, and at the back n big tassel weighted it down nnd made u splendid flash of color. This idea was taken from the scarlet cords and tassels worn by choir boys In some churches on ceremonious occasions. The color of the cord and tassel was the brightest and most vivid scar let, the ornament In front being of an antique nature, with n slight suggestion of "church" In Its compo sition. On tho lieud wua one of the new cut Jet bands which are placed very low on the forehead, almost touching the brows, and which com pletely clrile the head and lmlr. The l'"st cut Jet Is uki'iI for these pretty bauds. Draw Hair P.:j;M Off Forel ead. It becomes more and more the fasli l"1 to draw the hair right off the fore l'"id cud t.. ari-iin-.. It very high on lh" top or the head, the only soft curls showing being tb,lte which thrust themselves forward over the ears. This style of headdress l-i very distill ulslicl but rather trying tc any one who Is not possessed of , miiiiII none and pretty prolll,.. Hut all sorts of women, with all sorts of profiles, are iidoptlng the fashion of drawing tho hair away from the forehead, seere. Ami noun '.ays the hair Is only very Huhlly waved, If waved at till. Side by side whiv this fashion we hnve u revival of 'vr. pt" efT.vt i, th sort of headdress that Mrs. Vernon Castle has Hindi' so fashionable. The hair Is tint really cut short, but II N skillfully tucked away at either side to give H crept outline. "II. ad a. he hand-." are auniti very popular; quite hu ge bunds of noft lik or lueliil lie tUue which nre folded round the head and lied lit one hide In a coquet tNh bow. Craie for Jet Earrings. There Is a era. for ultraloiii Jet earrliig raging m parts at Hilt mo ment. Thin, finely cut J, t pnir ,r,.p. sil-qieiidcil from lu'iiliiture chum of dlitmoiiiU or seed pearls. TIicm- ear rings Bri Ml l.lttit tlml b,.y touch the niik. They are ev.-ee.lliiKly decora tlve nnd with certain iiiteniooii and veiling ill . tlu.y give splendid rr Milt. I am not In favor of long earring In the day time, In id,. Mni-t; iieer Ihele. they are the fuhli.i, tin.) It I n fni.lil.iii whl.h seen im,.!y (,, el..p Into an ahimhiV rime. Cut Jet in vnrlou form t H.pnlnr Jut now ai a recent impoi tHhi "tlrt m KliW a Hell kit. m a Pntln (, aii "enrtim a Miih doit cllsr mad.- ""' of Ut Jet, Hlul Dili Wl!l S fUl cimliittie of pnlit r-ie iliifT 'li. iroia totnh of l.'n.k w i it:irt!llig but fie . n. mt.'e wH w the lu te of J,. I., . ; r. ., an in qililte lot-ili win. It ti, ; !,,. k, ,, , or f ur l it r iii .' ,. r! , , i, i mi . h. I t.. I '... . ....... I 1 Are You Going to Build That's a question that covers a world of territory and by it we mean anything from a hen house to a mansion. If you are we extend to you an invitation to call on us and talk Talk it from the standpoint of business and with a man why knows the game thoroughly from the builder's side. We have a complete stock of everything needed in the building line and our planing mill facili ties enable us to do any special work that you may require. SCREEN DOORS Xow is the time to begin thinkink about the screen door question. The flies will soon be here as numerous as ever so we have just put in a complete stock of Continental Screen Doors and Windows all ready to hang for you. Let us har. sw.e of these doors for you and be i t;j!y to meet Mr. wh.'n he gets lure. II mmxm Reid HEPPNER PLANING AND CHOP MILL Everything that is good to i) EAT at PHELPS GROCERY Co ;:sK::a!9s'se- Pi y 1 y f ii y S w Hi WADCO COP FEE It's certainly good." In 2, 3 and 5 pound tins. Company Distributors, HEPPNER OREGON jif i j AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE !'.. f. Maddock will U to IheliiKheft bidder nil of Mrs. J. I,. WIILim1 uinltuie n..w at tlu lle.pner luntitt n Wanhou-e. on May.r.rd. between the hours of 1 ami 3 o'cl xk. on th.' I'l.itfni pi or the waieh.iunc for rach. THIS IIM II UK s H I. MUST ( I. Ass f ' V i T ' ' ft k f i il i ' ' i. i ) Heppner Meat Market fl II. C. ASIIBAUGII. Proprietor Now open for budnest in our New Shop on Eait Side Lower Main Street, with a complete stock of the finest quality ot Beef, Porh, Mutton and Veal Call and give us a trial order. Wc will treat you right. it.. .it tt.t Home Products for Home People! MUTACURE White Star Flour, Whole Wheat, Graham, Cream Middlings, Roll Barley and all Mill feeds GENERAL STORAGE MB FORWARDiNG HEPPNER FARMERS ELEVATOR CO. HKITNKR OREGON PEOPLES CASH MARKET W ATKINS & Oviatt, Propriftors v. lor.Mir.n i. Hill in tl.P liround'' tut if , I- Hi, -..w-duM trail - .,., f:nl i, ,,.piH , ,,., i.. er atlt, !n it, r f ,.. ,,,,er, juT m,RU fr ij) f -', n. f -h thou.-., , , ur u, :,'.. .t '"' '" ;! n M i- 1 tv i.nd l.v Is, (!;, . ..., i . ? f ; r v . PCO?Lt:5 CASH MARKET I 1 I 1 1 :::a 1 s is i 4 I t . '' 4 s