Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, April 29, 1919, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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Tuesday, April 29, 191 9
" 1 ,
G. V. Kelley left Tuesday morning
for Pilot Rock. Washington, after
spending several weeks in Board
man in the interest of Gibbons and
Cramer as special salesman.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ilallengcr were
business, visitors in Pendleton Mon
day and Tuesday.
Mrs. C. Libel who has been ailing
for some time leaves today for Port
land for medical treatment.
A dozen young people from Board
man attended the Eastern Star dance
at Hermiston Friday evening. A
good time is reported.
Col. Emmet Callahan local chair
man of the Victory Loan Drive re
ports Boardman over the top by bet
ter than 150 percent.
The local baseball team after a
cry exciting game lost to Arlington
a -week ago Sunday by a score of 2
to 1. Yesterday tlhey lost to Umatil
la by a score of 7 to 9. A little
more "pep" boys.
The cheering news was received
here this week that Mrs. Alta How
ard who met with a serious accident
here a short time ago and was taken
to Portland for treatment is still im
proving rapidly. Her many friends
here hope to see her back in Board-
man soon.
The local boxing tournament for
the benefit of fhe ball team at Ball
emger's hall Saturday evening Is re
ported as a complete success, from
both a financial and a pugilistic
standpoint. Boardman Is becoming
very versatile in its entertaining
F. E. Burns made a business trip
to Heppner Friday and Saturday, re
turning Sunday with County Road
master W. L. McCaleb, who comes
to Inspect the roads around Board
man, with a view to future improve
The Ladies Aid Society will give
a "dinner pall" social at the church
next Friday evening. As an enter
tainment feature of the evening
many features of the old fashioned
"deestrlct skule" will be presented.
Everybody should attend this social
and "have a good laugh.
Cummins & Mack received a flar
load of farm Implements Friday hav
ing decided to add this feature to
their garage business.
RubmOI Cobb who has been visit
ing his father at Boardman for a few
-wveks returned to North Yakima
Sunday. The young man has made
many warm friends here during his
hort stay and we hope he will come
C. A. Bluckmon rather of Mrs. Sid
ney Mack, who has been visiting
here, returned to his home In Van
couver Sunday.
Prof. F. E. Burns, principal of the
public schools at Boardman, was a
business visitor in Heppner Satur
day bringing glowing reports of the;
progress and prosperity of his com- j
munity. I
Many new people1 are coming in i
and buying farms in the West Uma-
tilla Project and improvement and
development are noted on everr
hand. Several new buildings have
gone up recently and others are con
At a meeting of the school board
a few days ago it was decided to sub
mit to the voters of the district the
question of authorizing the issuance
of $28,000 in school warrants for
the purpose of completing the flun
school building now in use. Prof.
Burns expects the measure to carry
as the present quarters are inade
quate for the school at present and
by next term a largely increased at
tendance is expected.
While here Prof. Burns inter
viewed the county court regarding
the improvement of a section of
county road near Boardman which
will facilitate the operation of the
school busies which carry the Child
ren to and from school. County
ltoadmaster McCaleb went to Board
man Sunday to look over the road
and arrange for the needed improve
ment. As an indication of the successful
work Prof. Burns is doing in the
Boardman schools the school board
at a recent meeting entered Into a
contract with him for a period of
two years at a salary of $2200 a
Prof. Burns received a letter from
the office of the state superintendent
a few days ago stating that the
Boardman school enjoys the distinct
ion of being the only school in Ore
gon showing 100 per cent of pupils
engaged in school club activities.
Gay M. Anderson and family ar
rived from Portland Friday eveulng
rtiere they have been sojourning
since lust summer, Mr. Anderson
having been employed In a shipyard
"there. They are glad to be back In
Heppnor as are ttiolr many friends
to welcome them buck. Mr. Ander
Hon will resume his former position
in the county clerk's office tomorrow
having tslven up his position there
last summer In order to get Into the
tame of helplug win the big war.
Mrs. Mable Settlemyer, of Wood-
burn, grand worthy matron of the
Order of the Eastern Star, was1 in
Heppner Sunday night the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. AyeiB. Mrs. Set
tlemyer has just visited more than
100 lodges of the order In her offi
cial capacity during the past few.
Rev. Clark M. Smith, of The Dal
les, Is In Morrow county for a few
weeks organizing Sunday schools
and In a general way looking after
Sunday school work. Rev. Smith is
representative of the American
Sunday School union and is not en
gaged In denominational work.
W. O. Bayless was moving the
balance of his personal property
from hlB former home In Heppner to
his ranch Monday. He has sold his
town place to C. D. Watkins of the
People's Cash Market.
Win. Hilt and Joe Armstrong were
bef ore-brea k fast subscribers to the
Herald Monday morning thereby In
suring themselves all the Morrow
county news while In the mountains
the coming summer. Mr. Hill will
look after flic horses and cattle of
the Hardman Stork association In
the Parkers Mill district and Mr.
Armstrong will be with sheep some
where within reach of the Hepn"i
You Have Said More
Than Once
"When 1 nm better fixed financially,
will have ood use for the bank service."
Did it ever occur to you that you can be
gin right now to use bank service at the
First National Bank, to help you make good
To carry our your plans you need both
cash and bank credit. Keep in mind this
fact: The business of this institution is to
help you secure more cash and at the same
time build credit at the bank.
Plan to get some money on deposit. As
the amount grows, your opportunity in
creases to obtain credit when a loan is
First National Bank
When You Bought
Your Car
You went carefully over the list of available
makes and selected the car you thought best suit
ed for your needs
Are you giving your car an opportunity to
prove its worth? Are you availing yourself of
the very best repair service in order to get all the
service possible out of your car?
You know there are a great many different
classes of workman and when you have some
of the very best always at your service for the
sake of your car if nothing else you should
consult them.
We maintain the best repair service in Morrow
county and its yours to command at any time.
We have an expert tractor and combine engine
man in our service and are glad to place his ser
vices at your disposal. Now is the time to have
these machines overhauled and you can find no
more satisfactory place to do it than in our shop.
If you are in trouble call us up and we will send
a man to your rescue. Let us submit figures for
overhauling your machines.
ico Linmeer s
If Repair Department McRoberts-Cohn Auto Co. 1$
I - I
limn iijiiiiWiii ill iiiwii 'in! if" mvmrr "'run mvrrwv!,"mr
Summer Sheep Range for I
Lease. Call in Person i
of the Inland Empire j
('hrNtlnn Science
Christian Science Bervlces are held
every Sunday morning at 11:00
o'clock In the lodge room In the I. O.
O. F. building.
Subject for Sunday, April 13th,
"Are Sin, Disease and Death Real?"
Testimony meetings are held every
Wednesday evening at 8:00 o'clock
at the home of Mrs. Eugene Slocum.
All Interested are Invited to attend
these services.
Subject for Sunday, May 4tb
"Everlasting Punishment."
All Together
t's G
i Sundi
ti End
0 from J
ii t... ...
The Federated Church
Sunday school at 9:45 a. nu We
use the lesons of the International
day School Asociation. Morning
Ci service 11:00. Christian
udeuvor 7:00 p. m. Evening ser
es 8:00.
H. A. NOYE3, Paator.
! 1
received a communication
. A. Huddleston asking us
how to pronounce Bolshevik and
Ilolshevlkl. We referred the matter
to local authority who says:
ltchold the gentle Ilolshevlk,
Whose hair sticks out straight as
a stick;
Whose buslnets Is to "revolute,"
And pull the world up by the rout.
It.'lioiJ the gentle IHiUhevIk,
Whose beard ha grown full many
a week;
Whose man Is long and grlttled
And by a mower should be mown
Fifth Victory Loan
Let's all get together and put Morrow County
over the top. The hoys over there have fin
ished their job ami want to come home. Let's
make it possible.
This advertisement patriotically contributed by
Patterson & Son I
heppni:r, okkcon
fit-hold the gentle Hot sh-(ve) kt.
Whose voices tr both shrill tad
WiiM hslr and N-ard like bruin-
heaps are.
When lively brwies blow them far
Heboid the bold Itul hrtr-l kl.
Who hirsute hxks no hrsvy key
00 e'er unlock; who tangled
Cle to the face a lmk quite weird.
Hot he-tee kl. IM he(vek.)
lti.t she I kl. O'er buld or meek,
tint ie-ik, lttl r Isinb.
Jul U l-w. who fte
Printing that eleatea. The Meraid.
In planning your summer things we will be glad to help or adivse you both as
to materials and styles experts with y ears of experience in planning costumes
matching colors and materials will be at your service. Then there is
Buttcrick Quarterly for Summer
In it von will find the correct styles for every occasion; for city or country. On
Beach or in the Mountain Camp for inoors or out, with descriptions of ma
terials. Many models from the Pans and New ork styles being shown in
Ginghams Featured This Week
Throughout the country this week Ginghams are being featured and shown.
There is nothing in the summer fabric line that is so practical as the Gingham
in its many coloring and designs.
Wc can show you the finest of imported ones in the new plaids and colorings f 1
u inches wide Also V inch Zephyrs a nd tissue Ginghams. Some very hand- J
some plaids and stripes. Domestic or American Ginghams in the best qualm
cs and colorings and in suiting stripes and Scotch plaids as well as the more s
taple colorings and patterns.
Our Gingham Price. Range 75c, 60c, 35 c, 30c, and 25c. Why Pay More?
New Silk or Serge Dresses New Capes and Dolmans New Coats
1 J