'v i ' ' A H TOO VOLUME 5 HEPPNER, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1919 NUMBER 52 KEZ h , By FAIR GROUNDS TO BE IMPROVED FOR PURPOSE Piny Ground For Chi!drei, Camp Ground For Tourists, Resting Places and Comforts Planned ODD FELLOWS CELEBRATE 100th ANNIVERSARY The civic center idea is beginning to permeate the people of Heppner. While the erection of a community house as a memorial to the soldiers of Morrow county will probably be deferred until after the hotel and several other much needed buildings are completed, members of the Civic Improvement Club decided at their last meeting that a public park, where the children can play in safe ty, where tourists mav canm with j'ifne degree of comfort, where shop ' .-8 from the country may find some conveniences and a place to rest, pending the completion of a hotel, is a public necessity and one that must be supplied without further delay. A peculiarity of the civic club members is that when they com mence thinking about something tlhat Heppner needs their thoughts bring speedy action. It was noted by these progressive women that the Morrow county fair grounds are used for fair purposes only a very few days each year and without wasting much time talking about It they went to the fair board and secured permission to improve the grounds for park purposes. The plan Is to Improve the ground in such a way as make them of benefit to the entire community throughout the summer months. Playgrounds' for the children with swings, bars and other apparatus will be provided, walks will be laid out, some flowers will be planted and seats and tables will be furnished " where people from the country who so desire, may eat their' lunches In preference to going to the hot and overcrowded restaurants. A portion of the grounds will be set aside as a camping place for tourists and many conveniences for home people and visitors will be available which have not been possi ble tSie past year. The ladles of the Civic Club have secured the Star Theatre for next Wednesday evening when two extra flue shows will be given for the bene. fit of the park fund. The first per formance will begin at 7:3ft. The picture program at each show will be Interspersed with specialty features by some of Heppner's best local tal ent. A Park Day will be named soon when every ablebodled man la Hepp ner It expected to turn out and assist In putting the grounds In or der. The Herald Is advised by ttVe park committee that the men who at tend this party will be expected to WORK. There will be plenty of la dy bosses on the Job to direct the various maneuvers. A delegation of three-linkers:., members of Willow Lodge, I. 0. O. F., went to Pendleton Saturday to talce part in the big celebration of the 100th anniversary of the estab lishment of Odd Fellowship in tlio United States, joining in the event with the Oddd Fellows of Pendleton and adjoining towns. Among those in attendance were: Hanson Hughes, Ora Adkins, Free man Frye, Ed Bucknam, Jim Archer, and Bert Hall. They repoprt a most enjoyable trip and royal enter tainment from the Pendleton lodge. IRISH CLAIMS HAVE NG AT WILSON DECIDES TO HEAR PLEA i OF IRISH Assurance Given Frank Walsh Who Represents Irish-Americans at Paris GROWING UP LAD, DRAGGED BY POXY, DIES Edward, ten-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Royal E. Tyler, of near Lex ington, met his death last Tuesday afternoon by being dragged by a saddle pony on which "he was driving cattle to the pasture. Riding faBt to turn some of the stock towards the pasture, it is believed the pony either stumbled or turned too quickly for the lad who was thrown from the saddle his foot becoming fastened in the stirrup. He was dragged about a quarter of a mile before the leather gave way releasing him. Mr. Tyler hurried to Khe boy and carried him to the house where it was found he had suffered a bad fracture of the skull over the right eye and numer ous abrasions and bruises all over the body. He lived but half a hour. The funeral was held Friday, in terment being in the Lexington cem etery. L CIVIC CLUB LADIES CAMPAIGN FOR CITY BEAUTIFUL 'Plant a Dahlia" Slogan of Project To Make City Blaze With Beauty That Ireland's claim for national Independence will receive due con sideration at the Paris peace confer ence or the league of nations, was the assurance given Frank P. Walsh by President Wilson accord ing to recent advices from the French capitol. President Wilson, so the report goes, has also given assruance that efforts will be made to Induce Lloyd-George to receive a delegation from the Irish Congress to state their ease and make their claims. Mr. Walsh, ex-Governor Dunne, of Illinois and Michael Ryan, of Phila delphia, are in Paris representing the American commission to secure Irish independence and they have been for some time striving to obtain a hearing for the Irish delegates. Do Valeria, Griffiths and Ccunt Flunk ett, at the peace conference and President Wilson's timely assiftance should prove of great value to the cause. Although the Irish delegates real ize that the Irish question may prove to be a subject to be consid ered by the league of nations rather than the peace conference they want the big leaders like Wilson, Lloyd George and others to hear thler case. BASEBALL SEASON WARMS FIRST WEEK'S SUBSCRIPTIONS TOTAL OVER $50,000 Base ball fans are coming Into their own lately and the . future promises a number of attractions. A good game was played ' here Saturday between the Heppner and lone high schools which result ed in a victory for the local boys. Last Sunday a warm game was played at Arlington between the Arlington Giants and tl.ie Morrow County All-Stars In which the Giants won by a narrow margin. Arlington's battery in this game consisted of Montague and Staggs both of whom are real ball players. Montague showed his metal by strik ing out 16 All-Stars without atting an eye. . -. ; . Thornton, of Heppner, and Wilson of lone, wete the All-Stars battery and they each put up a ruttling good game. P. A. Anderson, veteran fan and umpiro drove down and umpired the game to the general satisfaction of both teams. .J. TROPHY CAR HERE THIS .J. EVENING a game in Heppner Sunday, May 11, which promises to be a real, old fash ioned ball game such as Morrow and Gilliam county people used to enjoy and go hoarse over in the good old days. - Bills will .be out for this game in a ' day rir twq.and those in charge ex- pect to make It the event of the sea- ;" son for old and young fans of both counties. I V The Moro and Heppner high school j " teams will play a game here Friday , V afternoon, May 2, and the local boys say there will be nothing to It; that' thev nronose winnine that came or Subscriptions Voluntary to Dale But Active Drive to lilt County Over Comes Later know the reason why. i The Moro team will also play at lone Saturday inorning," May 3,. the date of the field day sports for the high schools of Morrow county. Ione's latch string will ge out on that date and tlie hospitable citizens of that town Invite the entire coun ty to meet there and enjoy a full The same teams are sitieduled for day of sport and relaxation. WOMAN MYSTERIOUSLY DISAPPEARS AT ARLINGTON MAYOR OF LEX A TOWN COMES TO Mrs. Streed of Portland who with j two young children were the guests of her sister, Mrs. Mike Sepanek, In Tom Johnson, merchant, post muster, mayor, city judge and (fnief of police of the thriving town of Weir's trophy car, carry ing many Interesting relics from the battle fields of France and Belgium will ar rive in Heppner this even ing and will remain over to morrow. Many Interesting relics of the big war aie shown In this exhibit. Ladles or the Catholic Church will hold a food sale at the store of Che People's Hardware Company, nert Saturday commencing at 10:10. A fine place to lay In a supply for your Sunday dinner. COMBIXK FOR SALE For sale cheap IS foot cut Blew ett combine with motor. Hts cut about 1100 acres. Write C. Moeh inke, Lexington. Oregon, or call at my ranch near South Springs. 62-J Till. TURNER CXsMINCJ Dr. Tomer, the well (known eye specialist will be In Heppner again Tuesday and Wednesday, May sixth and seventh. Consult him at Barnard's Rooming House over Patterson's Drug Store. Dr. Turner will also be la lone Thursday, May eighth, one day only. Consult Mm. f.ie Alpine district, has mysteriously I Lona, WBg a business visitor In Hepp disappeared. : nel. cnturdav and he mvs the wiiv Mr. Streed and her children left thlnxs are moving along In his town the Sepanek home Friday, April 11, Is not slow. Mr. Johnson recently WORK1NK KOK RURAL ROUTE MAIL A committee of the Heppner Com mercial Club consisting of Charles Thomson, M. D. Clark and L. E. Rls- be canvarsed the Butter creek dis trict from Lena to Jarman's corner last Friday securing signatures to a petition for an R. F. D. mail route from Heppner through that section. They report splendid success In the work every resident of the district they were able to see gladly signing the petition. This raute If established will prove of Inestimable benefit to the people In the district served by bringing to their doors a dally mall serlvce di rect from the county seat. Indirect ly It will also benefit tbem in the way of extensive road Improvement all along f.ie route to be traveled by the carrier. to return to their home in Portland, Mr. Sepanek bringing them to Hepp ner to take the train. At Arlington, however, tbey left the train and went to a retaurant for dinner where the woman left her suit case. No word was had from her until last Friday when a letter cam to the Sepanek borne addressed to Mrs. Streed and from It Mrs. Sepanek leained that her sister had never reached Portland. Her husband was notified and with Mr. Sepanek at once instituted a to arch for the mls.i Iut woman. The first clue war discovered at moved from Heppner to the Butter creek metropolis and established a (tore there and he tays that since that time official positions and emoluments of various kinds have rained In upon him thick and fust. A grand ball was given In the Le na hall Friday evening and every body 'had a good time and Muyor Johnson says that as long as he la running the town out there the ma nlrlpal latch string will be found on the outside and visitors will receive a hearty welcome. Another dance will be given at Lena Friday, May 9th, and a cor- H-K-M-K- v Chairman McCarty of tho - Victory Loan committee an- nounees a meeting of the J ". committees In the council J J. chamber Friday evening, J May 2, at 8 o'clock, when ! plans will be perfected for J carrying on an active cam- J paign within the next few days for completing Morrow ! J county's quota. All Victory J Loan workers and others In- J . terested are expected to be J.) present at this meting. , . I So far the Fifth or Victory Liberty Loan drive in Morrow county "has been rather tame but this does not mean that Morrow will be a laggard In going over the top by the closing days of the campaign. An unusuul ly busy time among the farmers' and stockmen has prevented an active campaign up to this time but Chair man McCarty announces a meeting for next Friday evening at the coun cil chamber when arrangements will be made to make a whirlwind drive through tUio Heppner district to fln- Irh the county's quota. Emmett Callahan, chairniun Heppner is to be known as the "Diihlia City." Such at least Is the edict sent forth by the Ladies Civic Improve ment Club from their meeting held in the council chamber last Wednes day and when the women of Hepp- . ner make up their several minds in composite form regarding any propo sition in which they are interested and then agree to unite their tact and wit and brains and otiher femin- " ine methods of persuasion, the rest of us may as well get gracefully in to line and, in this case, get ready to plant bulbs. The dahlia is an asteraceous, tuberous-rooted herb, native of Mexico but that does not hinder it from be ing one of the most gorgeous of the -myriad flora that b,edeck with beau ty the hills and vales of the western hemisphere, and the ladies of Hepp ner have. decided that Queen Dahlia, with , her multi-colored court shall make her headquarters 'here. A committee from the club has al ready canvassed the business men of the city and secured their wiling pledges to plant dahlias in the park ing In front of their busincs places and of course every lawn and garden In town will blaze with floral beau ty ere the summer wanes because, forsooth, the ladies are usually mis tresses of the homes and lawns and gardens and wtoat they desire there is always an accomplished fact. A Dahlia social will be held ai the home of Mrs. Sam E. Van Vactor tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon (May Day) at nrhich the details of the dahlia program will be definite ly worked out. Every member of the civic club is Invited to be pres ent at this social which will be & nioBt important affair from the) standpoint of civic Improvement. A musical program will add to tho enjoyment of fhe afternoon. Arrangements will probably bet made by which the civic club will be able to supply dahlia bulbs to each, member. JOE WATERS, MIKADO J. A. Waters, Morrow county's genial and efficient county clerk, should be able to take care of his f I complexion this summer when he i goes fishing or to the mountains for he Is the only known HeppnerlUl who pose uses a real, Simon puro Japsneses bumbershoot wfhlch came to him by post the other day M gift from his friend, R. Sugl, of Boardman can always be depended Trench Camp. California. Mr. Wat- i, ll nay ne saia, owns a rami in the Bourdman Victory committee re ports that his district has more than doubled Us subscription over any previous drive and Is away over the top but In his report does not name the amount subscribed Arlington when the suit case was dial Invitation Is extended to every found and then It was learned from ; body, the mayor says. a train crew that the trio had loft Arlington the same afternoon going east as far as Umatilla where all trare was lost T.ie train men stat ed that she mentioned Runnyslde, Washington, and search is now be ing made In that section. -i-h-h-h-h-i-h-;-;-m ; 1OHT One darlc green eoat on road near Hrppnr, Finder return J. to MrRoberts-Cohn Auto Co. 11 V W-hH-I-K-K-W-H-K-Wr!- GOVERNOR LYNCH DIES .J. upon. Other communities on the outside are also probably over the top for their quotas but because of being extremely busy have not reported. Following are the amounts repott ed at noon today by the different I banks of the county: Flint National Farmers Slock growers Lexington State Bank Bank of lone TOTAL PARKER & BANFIELD if f COLUMBIA BUILDING, PORTLAND k't cars experience in reinforced concrete and brick construction. ROY V. WHITEIS, Local Representative BODY OK KTHEED CHILD . .RECOVERED At 2:30 this afternoon Sheriff Shutt reports that the body of one of the Streed chlldten hi been found In the stark water four miles below Arlington. The theory of the sheriff's office fur several days has been suicide by drowning and the recovery of the offier bodies Is hourly ex pected. It is understood that Mrs. ft reed, who li been In poor health for ev- .J. erl month. hs attempted J ulrile on two former oe- J ratloti. J TltH K Mll Ml K Thre Urn Packard truck In A No. 1 condition 1 1 too. For particulars rail on or addrei the Heppner Her aid, lletpoer, Oregon. 121 I28.6&0. 13.2r,0 !,ono 5,050 155,950 Governor Lynch of the Federal Reserve flank, Han Francisco, died suddenly at his home yesterdsy morn ing. His son gave bl lire for his country In France. STOCKMEN'S CONVENTION AT BEND IS SUCCESS H-H-H-hH-H-H-H-l-M George Fell former Heppnerlte but now a leading ritlien of Pendle ton was a business visitor here last week. GREAT REDUCTION IN ERY Ml! I.I V Mrs. L. G. llerren, milliner, sn nounees great reduction In trimmed hsta, etc., for a full week commenc ing today, Indies phould remern her, however, that on and alter May first a revenue luxury Ui will be added to millinery goods. I'ur rlnnei made today and tomopos III save buyers the Ui and also give them the benefit of the big re. durtion sal prlres MflU L. O. II Kit HEN, MIIII California to which ha expects to re tire some day when his boy gets bid enough to do most of the hoe work! and Mr. Sugl Is now farming the farm. Mr. Sugl, It may be guessed, Ik a native of the Flowery kingdom and he lately returned from a visit to his old home where he secured the phtssxiI as a gift to his landlord. When Mr. Waters got the parkagl from the post office he thought at once that it wsa some sort of a bomb which might explode when he opener! It and he brought It straight to the Herald office to lake off the w lapp ing thinking, perhaps to thereby spoil this story. Dlstrlst Attorney Hum Nolson dropped In snd aftea scouting the bomb theory and there by rellevelric a somewhat painful situation, he with the natural or e ner. J It. J. Carsner. cattleman of Spray returned from Bend Thursday even- ng after having attended the stork- men's convention In that city. Mr. Carsner ssys Cie meeting waslqrwJ mlt,piron of a public proseeuU well attended and wss of great ln-l, onre Kf firmed that he believed tereet to those Interested In thet a new-fangled device for stork business. Bend, he says. Is I boot legging at wlilch suggestion Joe one of the llvllest towns In Oregon I ,Ur, for th n(H)r remarking tht and when It comes to hospitality lol, brnnnK office was not a place to visitors wnliln their gales the Bend I npen such a package hut he wss ttn I,'.. pie sre In "las 1. I mediately ruled out of order. The Mr. Csrsner says Ilend people and I prtrssol Is a running affnlr snd ot their visitors were piuiled to k now I iu,l proportion "d Mr. Water wimt tlie Doironlan ruearil w1i-n. In lis lonring for summer heat snd su. referring to the Rend meeting, tlmi -hlni' so he run uw- II every day paper mi Id there would be a short e of s certain form of entertain r;enl fr the stockmen. lie f!l.,' .i p ile the lark of stiything a ro n.an rnuld wish for etcn to Imvintr tie contention opened with prayer. Jf.hn Ilrosnan and Mllsrd French it Lena. lo attended the meet in? srd returned Thursday. All the local pews, U tbt Herald. WHEAT MM WtMIK We have clients wanting lo boy and trade for wheat land. If yol 1 .-. i r. t dl!e of your place please write us prlre snd terms or slate what you will accept In eirhsnge for the same, SOUTHWEST LANK TIMHF.Il CO. 1102 Northwetem Hank liulldlaf Cortland, Oregon. ,7,: h Y' ! ; :-!