"PAGE EIGHT THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, April 22, 1919 THINKS MOKHOW COUNTY WILL FAKE WKI.L IX KOAIIS Sam E. Van Vactor who went to Portland last week to represent the Heppner Coniniereial club at the Btate highway meeting returned Sunday evening. Mr. Van Vactor Kays there was a great crowd present at the meeting together with plenty of oratory and confusion. He interviewed members of the commission regarding Mor row county's status and received as surance that the county will receive ! fair and just treatment in the mat- i ter of roads. I However nothing definite will be done for Morrow or any other coun ! ty until the bonds are voted and I monfy available for the counties to I do their part. The first step neces j sary is for Morrow county to put over the $290,000 bond issue and ' get Into the game right. Strengthen that arm against the enemies of America and Americanism with the Vi&oty Liberty Loan. Lend to America for America Uncle Sam-pave the Huns an awful wallop with that artn and just now he's a little groggy from his training efforts. Money is the greatest tonie in the world just, now and its up to you to do your share to help Morrow County adminis ter her $jji,175.(K) dose. Its only a teaspoon ful hut it will have a very stimulating effect. You can surely see where its your duty to do this ! i s in hI l';ilriolii;ally Contributed through the co-operation of Humphrey's Drug Co. 0MK Every Fighter , wore two of these around his nede DID YOU? Then identify yourself with the VICTORY LIBERTY LOAN I . ,i ' ' i 1 ' i i ,mi ilul in I . . i i it i I I tu le S.i m i 1 : ;! i i Lit 1 i 1 i '."'I '.i.' .i f l...iii'i I'll 'l'ii ,i'n I .i 1 1 v ' 1 " I". I' I- . .1 1 1 1 I ' t i! .lln! I tut I. t.y I. II III u X '..: ! . II 11 1 ! , ,1 ,! .!. ,,1 I ,-. I ... . ,y y 1 I' Mi i i lin mill tin it imi -in. ; ! :.! l.i t i i.l.i u,nr fii. little itnul Lie vi.'iit the I ... I .-till ). u -iiiiot iln I l.i' rame V Iiiii .li .nl tVitinl il Tlunngh tin- rnlrinlic I'u ni.et.it I. m of McATEE & AITKEN S A F E T V II & S E R V I C E 4, You Have Said More Than Once "When I am better fixed financially, I will have good use for the bank service." Did it ever occur to you that you can be gin right now to use bank service at the First National Bank, to help you make good financially? To carry our your plans you need both cash and bank credit. Keep in mind this fact: The business of this institution is to help you secure more cash and at the same time build credit at the bank. Plan to get some money on deposit. As the amount grows, your opportunity in creases to obtain credit when a loan is needed. First National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON I M l y Your Car i is Ik i m You went carefully over the list of available makes and selected the car you thought best suit ed for your needs Are you giving your car an opportunity to prove its worth? Are you, availing yourself of the very best repair service in order to get all the service possible out of your car? You know there are a great many different classes of workman and when you have some of the very best always at your service for the sake of your car if nothing else you should consult them. We maintain the best repair service in Morrow county and its yours to command at any time. We have an expert tractor and combine engine man in our service and are glad to place his ser vices at your disposal. Now is the time to have these machines overhauled and you can find no more satisfactory place to do it than in our shop. If you are in trouble call us up and we will send a man to your rescue. Let us submit figures for overhauling your machines. Welch & Lininger Repair Department McRoberts-Cohn Auto Co. If i 1 I Summer Sheep Range for Lease. Call in Person FARMERS' EXCHANGE of the Inland Empire ROBERTS BUILDING HEPPNER, ORE. , ' WILL LOCATE IX HKPP.NER- I Dr. Harold Dean was in Heppner a few day? lust week niaklnK arrange jiii"nls to locate here In thepractlce jot' his profession. He expects to re turn about May firnt. J I Or. Dean Is a son of Federal j Judge Hoburt S. Dean, of Portland, and Is a graduate of the University i of Oregon, where Tie was a clat.! ' mute of C. L. Sweek, of this city. Following graduation at the U. of O. Ir. Dean graduated from John Hop kins University, at Doston, and lat er nerved an internship at one of the large hospitals in New York City. When the United States entered the big war the British government requested the United Status to send them GOO doctors at once and Dr. Dciui ws one of the first to volun toer for this service. He spent about seven months In France and Dolglum with the nritlsh forces be ing most of the time in the first aid hospitals near the front line. I Since teturnlng to the United .States Dr. Den lias been associated J with Dr. Corfee In the practice , of l medicine and surgery In Portland. I ouk;ox i HEX AKKIVK I'UWCK MtOM I Thi stiMimer Calaiiiarcne docked at New York List Thursday bringing "my Oregon men member of the vti envision. Among niem were noted jne Mason, postmaster of lone, T. M. Dene.tlct. Jr.. of Morgnn. and Itoyal K. llebb. of Central Point, who t well known In Heppner bav in held the poi.lt Inn of foreman In the Herald office for sever il mou.hs two year ago. A telegram was also received In Heppner Friday from Kay M.Farren Hinting that he had Jimt landed and win KlntlDii.il at Camp Mill, He tiv the good old U. S A. looks mighty fine to him. li and Mis VrMtiriln nmt fsmily ;i con I'jnli .I by Aim Wbetntone. hue Bi'iii' t't tl l,in In .'Unite at lti.. tu"t. r Minn . lii"c '. Wiii't-t"iu- ! fi-r I'. In . tit ti(i i VcMi iit-i ml' i . U " M" '' -lvl" v- -ling li I t'! i'.' lv, hi h ,i m.T fullv Kc.'M'..! from n ntturk of Inflm m.i 1 v in the n t. i Mr. K C. Mj.I'I.", f, rt'.er rel '1. tit nf Heppner. rn.in h, ',. from Ar 'in :tun it rd4 on buiinc One Itsciiiuwi ho n danger misly III inest i.f the li lrr. a ID in SatU'day I .eking i though h" h.;4 n rr b" n kk a U.n in hi life Tis Time to Thin About that Summer Gown And whether it be of soft shinning silks or the finest and, daintiest of cottons, you will find us prepared to meet your wants. 1 Silks and Satins About any thing that womans heart could wish for whether it be plaid, stripe or plain color, in taffeta, satins, twills, crepes, pongees, etc, etc Summer Cottons Here too. wc feel that we are better qualified to please you than others the daintiest of sheer organdy and voiles. Beautiful figured voiles and flaxons as well as in plain colors. Tissue-zephyr and Krench ginghams in the newest colors and combinations. Summer Footwear This is particularly the time of the new shoe and whether it he boot, oxford or pump we can surely please you they come in black, white, grey, brown and .evcral combinations of colors. Let us help you plan your new Outfit Ml OR & CO.