PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, April 22, 1919 CECIL ITEMS - t 1 1 Ed. Farnsworth of Rhea Siding, accompanied by his brother, Karl, autoed to Heppner and home again Saturday. Alf Troedson, Mr. and Mrs. Swank of Morgan, Mr. Hand of Vancouver, WaSh., and others were down Willow creek Saturday hunting rabbits. The only things that were shot were their shells. Mr. and Mrs. Piper, and son Itufus of Lexington, and Mrs. Henry Blahm of Walla Walla spent Sunday with Mrs. JacTc Hynd of Butterby Flats. Mr. Reitmiller and friends were down at Jack Hynds Sunday watch ing the shearers at work. Lee Chambers who has been work ing in and around Cecil for the past few weeks left for his "home in As toria Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Minor and Miss Blanch Minor left by car Sunday morning for their home in Portland Mrs. Jack Hynd and son Herb, Mrs. T. H. Lowe and son Bob, were in lone recently doing a little shopping, c Mr. and Mrs.,W. C. Palmateer and daughter visited with J. M. Melton :it the Lok Out, in Cecil Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Goeorge A. Miller, Mrs. Palmateer and Mrs. Lowe were -visitois at Mrs. .Lick Hynd's Sunday. Dave Lemon of Arlington, and Mrs. Robert S. Wilson, accompanied by Miss McMorris were Cecil visitor! Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rperry' of lone, were In Cecil on business M day. Mr. and Mrs. Misner and Mr. Mankin were doing business in Cecil Monday. Mru. Peter Nash returned home on Wednesday after visiting ai'iong her friends on Will(v creek. J. H. Franklin and wife vere visit ing with some of their old friends In Cecil Tuesday. James H. C. Ewlng, who 'has just received h Is discharge as sergeant from Company M, 162nd Infantry, 41st division, visited with Mr, -and Mrs. A. Henrlksen of Willow creek and Mrs, T. H. Lowe of Cecil, recent ly, returning to Albany Tuesday, where he expenetB to engage In the automobile business. Mr. Ewlng hus had fifteen months service In Franco, Misses Fasten and Summers spent Wednesday at Tiutterby Flat'!. A Henrlksen and sons left Thurs day will' 150 head of cattle for their summer range In the mountains. A surprise paj'ty wan given to MMs Hazel Wlnier at the Fairvl. w ranch on Saturday evening. Ain'cng those present were Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Mi nor and Mli'H Blanch Minor of Port land, Leonard Hair of lone, Miss Hazel Dean of Morgan, Ceorgo and Henry Krelm of Cecil and many oth er ladles and gel tlemen of the Imme diate vicinity. A pleasant evening was spent. Fiuit punch and cake was served at midnight. Mrs. Van Ond.ill and Mica W. Lake provided a beautiful birthday cake. Mlr.'t Hazel received many b'auMiul prerent!' dining 1 1 1 evening. Miss Etta Haines who lias been as sisting Mrs. Ellin Minor of lone was obliged to return to her homo In Ce cil ewlng to un accident to one of her fingers. Juc'k Hynd lias finished shenrlng three bands of sheep two of year ling and one of ewes. Jack vuys that ha never hud better wool. AM of the shearers left early Saturday rooming (or the Kill enny ranch. Thomas A. Vfs who haa been run. nltlg the caterpillar engine on I'm FuliTlew place left on the lucol on Sii""il iv for Ills 'home In Kclsvyvllle California. '". W. Lowe arrived home Wenes ! S " MI win"" he was Miitlniifd after leaving the Viiine tanl ' viMeti litinigbt H I lit from Hie t. 1'iance Willie has m.Ty lit- I II r (.1 evibn- ie- In Kncl.ind am! ramp life, but i ' " ' ' na there Is no place like Oregon. it the school house Friday alio noon. The subjects of "school gar dens" and "school ground beautifi cation" were thoroughly discussed. Rev. Mr. Rogers, the new pastor at Boardnian and Irrigon gave an in teresting talk on the latter subject. It was decided unanimously to pro ceed at once to establish school gar dens on the school grounds and to beautify the grounds. The second monthly club day of tlie Boardman school was held Fri lay and was very successful in every way. Leslie Packard, our local photographer, came to the school house and took pictures of the sev eral standard clubs and of the gen eral club. These pictures when fin ished are to be forwarded to the 0. A. C. at their request, where cuts will be made and sent to the papers throughout the state to encourage club work in otfiier localities. Board man is setting the pace for the state .this year in having the only 100 membership as yet reported. Mrs. Sidney Mack was a visitor in Hermiston several days last week. The ball game between Boardman and Arlington for last Sunday after noon was postponed on account of rain. The game is to be played on Sunday afternoon of this week. A large number were in attendance last Sunday and were much disappointed at the weather man's interference. Boardman is rapidly becoming a "city of fans." Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Brown made an auto trip to Waltsburg, Warn., on VVtdnesday for a two weeks' visit taking with them their young neph ew, Ellis Cohoon. Mrs. Anna McKee or Portland is a visitor at the homo of Sidney Mack. The monthly meeting of the Boardman Commercial Club Satur day evening resulted in the inaugu ration of several good project:! for the benefit of the town and vicinity. A fine lino of advertising stationery has been received to be used by the members to advertise the advantages ol Boardman and the West Exten sion of the Umatila Project. STUDENTS WRITE VICTORY BOND ESSAYS THE VICTORY LIBERTY LOAX United States, Liberty Bonds are iow the safest and best investment in the world. Every boy and girl should see that a Liberty Bond is in every home to prove that we are glad the war is over and that no more brave boys will be killed. If we had not have been patriotic and lent our money to the government the Germans would have still fighting. It is the money that we loaned to our government that put an end to this war so quickly for with this money our country made enormous amounts of gas, ammuni tion and guns, besides building thousands of tanks, 'airplanes and other things'. When the Germans heard about all this they knew then that they had no chance so surrend ered. Now when your country calls you again to help will you fail after It has done so much for you and the world? THE VICTORY LIBERTY IjOAX "With stains the earth wherein you lie Is redder tTnan the poppy bloom." Then lend your money to help the countries whose soldiers have made the ground redder than the poppy bloom. Oui country needs money now to talco care of the soldiers that have been wounded and to give them a new education so that they will be able to go out into the world again and be useful, and our allies need money not only for that but also to rebuild towns, villages, roads and farms that 'have been destroyed by the terrible four years of fighting. If the Germans had of won the war it would have meant slavey the rest of our lives, but United States has saved us and all the world from German rule. Now we can truth fully say to the soldiers who died that, we might be free: "Sleep peace fully, for all is well." America means now more than ever before Freedom and Liberty for all people. Up to now we have stood first in everything, everything that has been asked of us we have done. The answer to Flanders' Field has been proven. What are you now going to do that will show your last act of patriotism? Buy a Vic tory Liberty Bond. LESTER PEARSON, Age 14, District No. 2, Fifth Grade. Every boy and girl ought to be proud to live in America because it has meant Freedom, and Liberty to all people. If we hadn't of been pa triotic, if we hadn't of loaned our money to our government, and Ger many had of won the war, we would have been German slaves. Now our been country is calling on U3 for another loan. This time it does not need money to buy ammunition and guns, but to care for our soldiers- that have had their arms or legs shot off by the big German guns when they were fighting for us in the battlefield. We wish to give these brave men a good education so that they may go again into the world and earn a living. Our allies, too, need money to rebuild their houses, their farms, their roads, their villages and their cities that were destroyed by tfae long war. Do not fail your country now but buy a Victory Liberty Bond. Ever since 1776 the United States has stood for Freedom and Liberty. Our brave soldiers fought then to give their country Freedom and Liberty, again they fought for it in the Civil War, and again they fought in 1917 but this time to save the entire world from German tyranny. Would you fail to support those men now after they have done so much for you? 'line Germans saw that we were buying so many Liberty Bonds and making so many guns, tanks, air planes, ambulances and ammunition with the money that they knew it was of no use to fight any longer so gave it up. If we had of not fright ened Germany so badly she would i have still be fighting and many more I of our boys would have died. 1 We have won the war and all will ; be happy forever. Our soldiers that , are in Flanders' Fields will sleep ! peacefully, for all is well. No more will the soldiers hear the cannons' boom or see the fierce destroyers of the sky, for we kept the faith to fight it there, and crush the foe. But he will not be fully crushed unless each home buvs a Victory Bond. GLADYS P. ItlPPEE, :Aged 16 years. District No. 2, fourth grade. RIG FLY CROP PROMISED Two flies unless annihilated now will produce 4,353,654,672,000,000, 000 of their death dealing offspring by the time warm weather arrives. This conservative estimate was made by Dr. William A. Woyschin, institutional diagnostician of the Bronx department of health in ap pealing to residents of that borough to dust off their old swatters or to purchase new ones. Spring Tame is Paint Time Wise up on tobacco, n says mia Herald only $2.00 a year CT printing that pleases. The Hera.d. mmmmBmmmmmmmmmmmEk m m ' i j-. i , i mm - ma ph v sr i mm f M I -V 1 ('J DM fart Kn m wa I V ) fi B-S &ir&1r "A lot of you fel lows are cheating yourselves out of real tobacco satis faction. That's what I get out of good old Gravely." Good taste, smaller chew.Ionger life iswhat makes Genuine Grave ly cost less to chew than ordinary plug. Write to : Genuine Gravely DANVILLI", VA. for tootle! on chewing plug. Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed in pouch i: I IUKHM IT I'M M ' i 11. 1 M- ' V' J- rvn i f Win'n, p.'MIlt- of J R JiiluiMen of HoiinI Minn, i ml thp Litter's sMi-r, Mm M.if liwts.' nn auto trip from Wftxrii to lliiiirdinsn Sunday to vllt Mr. Jiihnwin's family, returning to their lionii'Wi'dnt'Stlitjr. KtlKeno Cummin returned Wed i I . i k i t.iy in t - ' , V . i ' i h ,a I" ' ' " 1 H" ii niH-t hi (nn p rrpttt fi I'm! r. tin- ;i -i ii-- urn- to rucivoty. All of llinrd- IIUHI II ).!!.. !('! Mr Cll'lllllIlK lit lli; i- . .1 n A iiii' hIm-' . i' M l ri- tnl l.mlli n Alii S.M l. ty of ! n M.'.l In. .!;! nt It-.p ihiir. ti mi.l en.- ii a il. . i.ii.'i i-i,- Tin- iimii;-n l-t-it'sl' tuii'i . ii. a dm e it I! ili n '' lull Kudu rnltli' Fii',l tlllilili.T rfp m itti niLmri" and the affair aa rum. d' 'e t in-- f'mnrUlly A turf titimliiT of patron turned ut for ttie Parmt TVarhpr mwtlnf X Arc You Going to Build That's a question that covers a world of territory and by it we mean anything from a hen house to a mansion. If you are we.extend to you an invitation to call mi us and talk LUIViKCK Talk it from the standpoint of business and with a man who knows the game thoroughly from the builder's side. We have a complete stock of everything needed in the building line and our planing mill facili ties enable us to do any special work that you may require. SCREEN DOORS Now i the time to begin thinkink about the sci ecu dour quest ion. The flies will soon be bete as numriuus as cut so we hae jut put in a complete stuck of Continental Screen IWr and Windows all ready to hang for ou. I.i t us bang Mime of these doors for ui and be to huh t Mr. l'lv when he get s here. artin Reid 77 my wife Say Mr. House Owner isn't this weather getting into your system and making you long to see the old home shine again like tt did when it was new? Don't you realize that a new coat of paint would bring back all its freshness that it would . again have that new appearance of which you were so proud when you first built it? This is the time of tfne year to start lat work and you know howbadly it needs it.- We wish merely to call your attention to the fact that we have a full line of standard paints every color or tint that you possibly coud think of. Besides every thing needed for the interior decoration of your home. Of Interest to the Ladies We have a complete line of Chinamel for touching up and reflnisiiing those old pieces of furniture that you prize so highly and this work will come right along with the spring house cleaning. These varnishes are prepared so that they do not require the services of a painter and you've no idea the amount of good you can do in one room with a few of these colors. We've every one you could want. Gilliam & Bisbee tX)MK IN AXI) LKT t'S TALK PAIXT TO YOU 1 s 1 I 1 I I I I I f I I m 1 I I I 1 NO OTHER LIKE IT, NO OTHER AS OOOO. Pursue the w NEW HOME" snd ru willhtv a hi ftawct at tb pric rwu pay. 1 h clusioatiom l rp-r eaptto" by iHptnvr worfcinaiaiip mud bed quality of aaimal iufa Ittr-lvnf mt at taV anra cL laiut en bannc tb NEW HOME. WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. Kauwa tii wutlrf ovm for tuparfaf wis ualilMt Nut to!4 uadcr any ikff bum. The new home sewing machine co.,ORAnaE,iu6t a i at . CASE FURNITURE CO. aies Turn that Burplus stock and machinery into cash or rood pa per. We held 14 sales during the past few months and ev ery one a success. No matter how small your listing will Insure a good market. our consignment servlco STOCK RANCHES Our list contains the best buys In the,county. you buy. See us before I y I i f; WHEAT RANCHES V . roW county can be bought for less maney, value con sidered than any place In the northwest Vac our Sales Service. FARMERS' EXCHANGE ItOHKRTH BUIUI., HEPPNER I It. nrtOWJf. Manarr OREGON . , iii:ppni:h planing and chop mill It May Be True That a Cat Has Nine Lives Hut its a cinch your car has only one-so why not pet the best from hat one hie. all the pleasure there is in operating your car is when it is in hrs class shape. You can only do this when the repair work and lip-keep on your car is trusted to men who know their business who un der stand the many little things that worry the motorist-who know just what to do in each case. ' Ve pride ourselves on our reputation for looking after the details the small things that make a world of trouble and if your car is left in our care these small worries will be forgotten. l'rolmig the life of your car by giving its care over to us. We wi,h to particularly call your attention to our Battery Depart ment. W e opirate our own rebuilding station- maintaining a man who dues nothing but attend to this work. We offer you free inspection of all kinds ol batteries and tree distilled water. Bv availing yourself of our battery service yuu are saved the long wait ami expense entailed in sendinir our batteries away. " Rivers & Ackley REPAIR DEPARTMENT HEPPNER GARAGE PHONE 8x