Tuesday, April 22, 1919 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE FIVE 0 t 'Money is new the Nation greatest need, . Ve j must have monev tn tppr 'VTYiHva'V&iririTipd with 's iood and clotltKith with blankets, SFsirVr-aU the tools, of among ouMfeK-?4f ' JSfl iVV tested. If you are alXl&irlca Coy ' FIRST NATION AIj HANK POST Kit CONTEST will take your share of the Victory Liberty Loan because deep down in your heart you know it is the right thing to do. Returns of information must be accompanied by a letter of transmit tal on form 1096 showing under oath The poster contest initiated by the First National Bank for the grade pupils of Morrow county schools developed a considerable amount of talent, 22 very creditable posters be ing submitted. Prizes aggregating 0 were offered by the bank and a committee consisting of Mayor R. J. Vaughan, Mrs. Roy Whiteis and Os car Borg awarded the prizes Satur day as folows: Carrol Shurte, of Heppner, first prize, J15; Duck Lee, of Heppner, second prize, $10; Lena Craddock, ef Eightmile, third prize, $5.00. The First National Bank wishes to express thanks to the pupils for their efforts in making the contest a suc cess as well as to the committee of judges for painstaking work in awarding the prizes. the aggregate amount of payments. The penalty for failure to make These forms may also be obtained a return on time is a fine of not more from collectors. Uhan $1,000. HKPPXKU . IONE GAME SATURDAY NEXT What promises to be the best bail game of the season will be play ed on the local diamond next Sat urday afternoon between the lone and Heppner high srihool teams. The local boys are out after the pennant in the Morrow county league and they swear by the great horn spoon that it is theirs. Local pride in the Heppner team should insure the attendance of every fan or near-fan in Heppner on Saturday afternoon. The present standing of the three teams comprising the Morrow coun ty 'high school league follows: Lost Won Pet Heppner 0 2 1000 Lexington 1 2 666 lone, 000 ANNOUNCEMENT Does this personal appeal reach your heart? Do you not feel that Uncle Sam is making a direct appeal to you? Don't you feel that it is your personal duty tovhelp put Morrow County over the top in this Victory Liberty Loan? Then go today and make your subscription. Morrow mnty needs it and Uncle Sam must have it. ' This Advertisement Patriotically Contributed through the co-operation of First National Bank Dr. M. M. Johnson, veterinarian, wishes to announce that he is now ready for nil business in his prof ession and calls will be promptly answtred day or night. Office in Patterson's Drug Store. Phone 133 Residence phone 393. 61-tf. : W;PI''PBUlM,'lItl)IWMWlll'll'-''l) Theodore Anderson, extensive wheat grower of Eig'htmile district was in town Saturday. J. B. Sparks, movie magnate of Heppner and Condon, drove in from the Summit city Saturday afternoon to look after business interests here. MOIIE PvEVENUK HUMNOS Tliiifn a prixid lxiu t of "v: t':,'lo Satnu. 1 but tie's colna to live up to It. Morrow county lias been railed upon to furni: ti lu-r quota to enable htm to k'i p hi word nnl you V n p l, to-io fiti.n of Morrow rminty must do ymir duty. In f;.rt j 011 rhouM r"'l proud to do no. ArriiK- your huIwi Iptmn Jhp Victory Liberty l,fnn today. This AdvrrUwiiicnt Contributed Through tV.f i'atrlfitlr Cn-oirittln of BOWERS' SHOE HOSPITAL Organizations and individuals gen erally are adivsed by Collector of Interanl Revenue, Milton A. Miller, to underscore on their calanders June 15th, 'the last day of the filing of returns of information, giving the nameB and addresses of all indi viduals to whom payments of Bala- Ie, wages, rents, Interest, commis sions, and other gains, profits and income of $1,000, or more, were paid during the year 1918. An extension of time from March lSl'.i to June 15th, was granted by the Commissioner of Internal Rev enue for the filing of these returns. All employers of labor, whether In large or small numbers are requlr ed to make these returns," said Col lector Miller. "Organizations, such ns corporations, companies, partner ships, etc., are required to file re turns showing the salaries and wanes paid to the officers and em ployees. A separate return for each employee whose salary for 1918 was $1,000 or more Isr required. Hanks trust companies and similar instltu (Ions must make returns of informa tlon fhowing Interest paid to or cred I ted to the account of an Individual If the amount so credited or paid was $1,000 or more. Heal estate "cntB ere required to report Che (.to amounts received in rents or other income and remitted to their principals In such amounts for 19 IX v,e'e $1,000 or more. The bill pro vldes tb.-t whenever nece-,Hry th lt:;-.:!i- and address of the recipient i(f tin- incomf shall b" furnished by I the person, en poi stlon or partner jnli!p paying t'neni. Itetiirns of In formation must be filed with the ' t'f miii!x:.loner of Internal Ilevenm-, ..Mirt m DiviMon. Washington, I). 'iitid Collectors of Internal Revenue are not Ltithiirueii to rerve mien te' urni, AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE 4 1 Form 1fii 9, upon which leports itiiiht In- Tii.nl", may lie obtained how ever from I he office of collectors. ' & rJk Coming Back America is proud of them the whole world is proud of them. They finished their part of the job with a courage and daring best described by Marshal Foch in these words to General Persh ing before the battle of the Argonne: "Your men have the devil's own punch. They will get away with all that. Go to How proud of them are you? THE AMOUNT OF THE VICTORY LIBERTY LOAN YOU SUBSCRIBE Measures your pride in them. Morrow County lioys are oninint; hack, too, an! they played their part in t lie (ireat War just as lil the boys of t i county in every slate in the Union. Tliev were a part of that mighty annv that was praised so highly by Marshal l'och. They were in the Argonne and at St. Mihiel and at Verdun and at every other place wliere hrave men were needed. Don't you feel that any thing we mav he asked to do will he small in comparison with what those hoys did? Don't you feel that it is your duty to help Morrow County make up her tpiota t.f Sji'.,i75.fs f..r the Victory Liberty Loan? We should do that just to show our own hoys how proud we are of them. This Advertisement is Contributed through ihe Patriotic Co-operation of v'' V Farmers' & Stockgrowers' National Bank C f. Mad'l -tk ill !! o '- ' I.lddof ell 'f Mrs. J I.. Wi!k;n' t'ntiititie tii.w at t).e lej(.n.-r KstTi e-,' Wat.liou.c, on May 3rd. L twn t'" hoars land 3 oVIw k. on th .:. ' I ' t!.e 1 1 'I f'-r tl Grand May Day Dance 1 f , 1 1 1. i n 1.1 ! Ai l. 1 n;r ( !' t FAIR PAVILION, HEPPNER Saturday, May Third Oi-t n's il't- ce ' n hest'ta, Portland ' T:ckt'. Si. 50 ('i tltlellieti spectator- f COMPLETE SET OF HOUSESOLD FURNITURE For Sale at Once. Practically All New. Priced Reasonably for Cash, See The Farmers' Exchange Ivo'-.-l I . I',:nl!itr I iepptn I t TUI