Tuesday, April 22, 1919 PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON IKS ! I X I I I I U f I THE HEPPNER HERALD AVILIj SHOW WAIt TROPHIES I IX KASTF.RX OKKtJON S. A. PATTISON, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER An Independent Newspaper Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postoffice as second-class Matter TKKMS OK HL HSt HI PTIOX One Year -...$2.00 Six Months SI. 00 Three Months $ .50 Some fine glazed k appear Newest Spring Styles Tn Stock BLACK, BROWN and WHITE NEW BUCK SHOE STORE The following Itinerary has- been arranged for A. D. Weir who i:; ap pearing in the intcics'. of the Vic tory Liberty Loan with an exhibit of i war trophies, including his private collection made during service of more than a yn.'.r as. a "Y" secretary of the western front. Mr. Wen ' ar i i i iniM'1 added to lh'..i a r-howicg of s'mvi- f nirs piovided from ,v?o war tiophy train which toure ', oregen .recently. This exhibit has been sent out to at points that cannot be a reaenca oy me irupuy nam. jpjj Mr. Weir's western Oregon exhibit A ! has been seen by several thousand jj people and has been declared one of Sjlt'ae most interesting features of the campaign. V I vir Kastern Oreeon Trio Leave Portland at 9:30 a. m., April 22. Arrive at Madras 7:30 p. m 22. Crook county, April 23, 24, 25 and 26. Fossil, Wheeler county, April 27. Condon, Gilliam county, April 28. Heppner, .Mororw county, April 2!) and 30. Grant county three days, leaving Heppner May 1, will reach Prarie City on the evening of May 2nd and would get back to Baker City May 6th;' due in Portland 3:40 p.m., May 7th. A A. 9 ' '4 April to HOAD CKKW8 ALL lH'SY or 1 wmmk. y izzwmwm 1 "iiiiMiiliiuli ' " County roadmaster McCaleb re ports that the big caterpillar grading outfit Is now at work on the Rhej, creek road and it is the intention to work that road thoroughly from Jor dan siding to the Itugg place. The big new grader recently purchased is expected to arrive within ten days and will be first tried out on that road. The rock crew is still working in Buttermilk canyon near Rock creek. -The horse grading outfit is being moved into the Lena district and ex tensive road improvements wtll be made there. It is the intention to set up the rock crusher on Rhea creek near the Rugg place and keep it In operation all summer. Every home builder desires to build a satisfying home, avoiding the danger of making an experiment out of the work. This cannot be done if you plan your home on a shingle or a piece of butcher paper. And further there is no need of your going to the expense of employing an architect, in an effort to get what you want. Most people build, thinking they know what their build ing is going to look like. Wise builders start only after they know what their home is going to look like. The service we have to offer you not only shows you what your home is going to look like, but allows us to tell you wh at the complete cost will amount to. This avoids disappointments, guards against extras and other unforeseen items of expense. This service is for the prospective home builders that want to make every dollar count. It costs you nothing. Call at our office, we will be glad to help you. KOOSEVFLT HKiHWAY WILL BEXKFIT EASTEUX OKKGOX . Hi W S Clean Hands Tum-A-Lutr! Lumber Co LEXINGTON HEPPNER IONE GET THAT VICTORY BOND EARLY 1 ! 1 Pilate tried to wash his hands of the blood of Christ He was a quitter. You can't have clean hands unless you take your share , of the VICTORY LIBERTY LOAN rc mi g"iiig to bo able to urn-t the laM return- 1 1 i ' iiii i'1.,tti soldier iiuv iti .hmu vi'iiiiii wiiii 11. in W ill oti U' able to Mvp up to nun "Well." I'-ud.ly. 1 was with ymi all the .In'l i-ii to l'Y;uiie lull lmle Sain ne- 111 hand-', and a time. t-r j,i 'I a 1 1" ii il' 11 w li.it lh"-e !" lia in '.'1 !o our h 0111 me." mi KHu .' to 1" through w ill'. Mirel; jiart in helpiu.i; the u erimui .1 t'n' 1 H.;!ii (lillli; Il( Ivl b tin m n her band- fleait. d'. N'o Though it is a fact not generally known, Tillamook county, ,the most productive dairying section of the state of Oregon, has to xhlp in liay and other forage for Its dairy herds. On this account farmers of eastern Oregon profited to the extent of $100,000 In 1918. While the Tilla mook section and the coast country In general boRsts as fertile soil as can be found anywhere the grasses there are not converted Into winter fodder, for the reanon that the pro duct Is more valuable for grazing d:lry cattle. Tillamook county wna not the only coast country that proved to be a good customer of Cie alfalfa raisers of tho Irririted tarda nf pastern Ore- n. A'.'. '.!" rcrt of the seven coait I'M counties purchased hty as well, Mi thoimh In 8Mi:'!cr quunlltlea. The rropor.ed Koo-cvtlt Highway r the court would open up a j i t iiKricultiiral empire in that , i WHERE THE PICTURES ARE ALWAYS GOOD Here's a program that cannot be beaten by any small house in the state, them over. Every one a feature. TUESDAY, APRIL 22 CONSTANCE TALMADGE in "THE SHUTTLE" THURSDAY, APRIL 24 PEGGY HYLAND in "MARRIAGES ARE MADE" FRIDAY, APRIL 25 MAE MARSH in "THE GLORIOUS ADVENTURE" SATURDAY, APRIL 26 DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in "THE AMERICANO" Look r -I' 1, and In a few years millions j of dollars would flow out to the hay I po ' riirs where now only hundreds of ;'n usands are spent by the dairy man. 1 In 1918 Tillamook county sold tliiruiKlimit the United States two million dollars worth of cheese and dairy products alone. This gives an Itiklinif of what will lie the result If million of arrest of land like that In Tillamook are opened up to rulttva vation and settlement ihrotiKb the medium of the IIuo-m-i At HUiiW")'. Ilasi'd mi hat h. t.r.-n shown In Tlll.iiiiuoK futility. ! I nO.IHHi.iiiift win III of t.txnMi' pni!ty would be aildi il to til" wi-.lll'a i f the stale If tin' nit of the cikk.i 1, -ion In r.i'Vid-up'- I III li'se 'in nin l 1. ui .ii' HI o Roy V. Whiteis l glr'll 1 V Dtl till' "TiMh 1 1 rf ininmi.iiii". Unlit tli:it f:t ill. , I in Inn in an ! !i '.'v in Ali.ililii it.-d j.li . .i.h : ml ,. ... ! I'i a .to n i a..o v in TYPHOID t nr.f l ' : 1 nou 1 on Hit I'I u IHI! 1 .i n i i WW 1 -r. 1 lUt! IT V icon Nit. I M -.,1 k. . 11 A t 1 i J I. 1; n ! M day .J I. L'" xi tt 1 ' f' Will A 5 (' I I . II I ' t i 1, . t l.i . !! I;:. I. 1 n. - ' I I 1.1 t' f ;." llaV f ttl' i,- of the r(..it .mi the rrjnuti' .lo nt tie "1 to s tn (Uticr l' ni S':ii.', n.i-l and mi .I, but ! b.i" It 1 b.-pa In In. f !! ' ...v.-r tiiii',if. than to lain" h til' 1 1 1 4 h ! 1- a s ii i '!i' i hay ,!!. nn win, tt tun. .iC''t. . n . ii t :;u!.t ,0 iy c n IJllilrt a tlinll!', '1 In n :;tr: .n.t r. !-.'-., T- ,. . r i'i i - wv ! ! 1 s. r ' l ; 1 6E0UGE BEBAN iS One MoreflmmcajiT l47iUrfUi Tucs , April 29 Alice Ort'dy in VYoman ant! Wife Monday, April 28th George Beban "One More American" AS iOY ALMOST TRAGIC IN ITS PA--HCS BUT VERY HAPPY IN ITS OUT 'X7JE. GEORGE 3EBAN IS AGAIN IN 0E OF HIS FAVORITE ROLES 1. 4 3 4 -if jr.' .71 ,i . v-. v A ii-.il TCt'tl i fl4f 1 1 c 1 " i- r.t : I' ' .f Char- n titc uii'r.i'r-tH- I . : v." w . !'. i ' : ,i 1 1 i. . ;., , ' :n ! 1 1 ! f .11 .'.t.V. 'fc., V w ALICE I BRADY rtWAN-irf;iVs 1 i , ; . .. i. - s 4 i ft 7