"" - ,1 ' 1111 AM Me Our job here at home is not over as long as there is one American soldier overseas-as long as one dollar is needed to finish the task. Nearly a million Yanks are still "Over There" guarding what they won. So STICK. 1 STICK-"TO THE LAST MAN, TO THE LAST DOLLAR." STICK WITH THE VICTORY LIBERTY LOAN Every Soldier from Morrow County Stayed I ill I he Job Was Finished Arc you going to do the same you who have heen a part of that great army that stayed at home and furnished the "sinews of war" are you going to finish the jo! Mick till the last Yank is home? Suppose a Morrow County Uoy was the "last Yank" to get home. Would you quit before he got back? Sure ly not. Then remember that Morrow County's quota is .'.M.I75,fK) nnd that every citizen in Morrow County must buy his share. This is not a gift, its a .lain business prop ortion. Inch- ham borrows this money at a good safe rate of interest in fart its the safest investment you co-iId possibly make. So go to your bank today and ar range to buyand buy hard then you will be finishing