PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, April 22, 1919 NOT THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT OH LORD! HIT US ALL! Up I wiBptp will Former Secretary of the Treasury William G. McAdoo is telling this story to get buyers for the Victory Liberty Loan: "A pastor in a New Jersey vil lage," he said, "devoted a half hour one prayer meeting night to a loan appeal. His appeal was forcible. It even touched the rich old deacon, who hadn't subscribed to the loan hitherto on the ground that he could get a better rate of interest else where. " 'I'll take $50', announced the deacon solemnly from his pew. "Then, as he sat down, a piece of plaster fell from the ceiling, strik ing him a pretty hard blow on the head. He rose again hurriedly. He had a scared, awed look. " 'I mean $500', he said. "Then Brother Jimmy Conner shouted lustily from the amen cor ner: " 'Oh, Lord, hit him again!' " Everything that is good to EA1 41 LANGUAGES AID FIFTH LOAN DRIVE at Pamphlets, posters, advertising and newspaper copy will be printed In 41 languages during the Victory Loan drive so that the campaign may be car ried among people of foreign birth. All organizations with a foreign birth membership will be sent form letters and special appeals will be written by racial group leaders for publication in foreign language newspapers. CHICAGO DAILIES HIT AT LOAN SWINDLERS Chicago newspapers have made an agreement not to accept advertising of financial pirates offering to trade "gilt edge" securities for Liberty bonds and have started a campaign to educate the public against this swindle, through which It is estimated the ptiBlfB has been cheated out of more than $500, 000,000 a year. Beware of small expenses. Stop them with War Savings Stamps. PEACE MISSION ASKS SUPPORT i OF FIFTH LOAN Urges American People to Finish the Job by Taking the Victory Loan Four members of the American peace mission In France, Secretary of Slate Robert Lansing, Col. K. M. Hoime, General TaHker N. Miss and Henry Whilo, have sent this message to the American people urging support of the Victory Loan: "TO TIIK AMR1MOAX I'KOPI.K: "Wo have had tl:o opportunity hero in Franco to see and realize the mag nlludo of the iieioiiiMllsliment of our country in thin war and the magnificent spirit Willi which this creat task has heen carried through to a triumphant Issue. "What has been dona and what re mains to be done before normal con dition urn restored demand your ron. tinned and united support with the name spirit of self narrlftc-o and of de. termination as that which was mani fested by the nation whilo the German armies faced our men at tho Mump, and In tho Champagne, at St. Mihiel and In the Argonnn. We must not re lax our efforts until every soldier of the republic Is landed on the Boil of America. "To finish (this mighty task Imposes upon the government of the United States a great financial burden. Tho Victory Liberty Loan must thrive. If it should fail It would Indicate that the Nation is willing to leave Its task un completed. "To secure the Ideals tot which Americans fought and died this great demand on national patriotism and united effort should meet a generotm and universal response. Lot us do our duty to the end. ROBERT LANSING, "HENRY WHITE. "B. M. HOUSE, "T. N. BLISS." and the other two hands will be used In cities within a day's Journey of Mare Island. One of these bands is the famous sixty-piece Marine Band and the other Is the forty-pie Jackie Baoid. Paymaster Ralph Phelps, U. S. X, has been placed In charge of thp Itin erary to be mapped out for the two bands which will not travel on the train and any local committee desir ing to make use of either of these two bands during the drive should com municate with him. NAVY BANDS WILL SPUR PATRIOTISM IN VICTORY DRIVE Mare Island Commandant Of fers Marine and Jackies to Aid Fifth Loan Captain Edward L Bench, comman dant of Maro Island Navy Yard, Mare Island. Cat., who was In command of tho United States dreadni.tight New York In the North Sea at tho time the Herman navy was turned over under tho terms of tho armistice, has offered three of the crack service bands sta tioned at Mare Island for use during the Victory drive. One of the bands will travel on the trophy train which wilt tour all of the seven states In the Twelfth District C. J. Cox who faims on Rhea creel: wis .1 'Uiilnesr. visitor in town Saturday. ' WANTED By man and wife sit uation for the summer on a ranch. Would also like to lease a wheat and stock farm next fall for a term of years. Exeprienced and competent. Enquire at the Herald office. 49-3 JACKS FOK SALE Good yousg Jacks for sale. Will take mule colts in payment for tlhese Jacks at $75 to $100 at weaning time in full or part payment. A chance to get what you want. B. F. SWAGGERT, Lcrtngton, Oregon. 49-51 P H C L P S GROCERY Co WADCO COffEE 'It's certainly good." In 2, 3 and 5 pound tins. Finest Job printing in Morrow county executed at the Herald off ic. . n H A. n W1 4 ir3 A re$f Oftg I ires Plus Our Service Most Miles per Dollar for You Telephone ml if M A TOTORISTS 1 1 1 everywhere nre familiar with the big results that car owners get from Fire stone Tires. .Motorists of this community should aho be f.i miliar with our service and the way it adds to the comfort and conven ience of car owners. Use Firestone and The Paint Season 1 liis is the time of the year when the spirit ff cleaning gets everybody and the first thing that should come into your mind is the value of painting up your premises. Ve are exculisivc agents in Heppner for the fr.mous Bass-Heuter Paints these paints are recognized as the very best that can he bought and we offer you them in every tint and shade. We also carry a full line of KYANIZE in all shades. This varnish is made for the particular housekeeper who wishes to touch up the little iilaces around the house that are not sullicientlv large to call in a painter. And for retouching the furniture where it has become marred. I. el u- demonstrate I hem to you. Wo would be glad to talk over your paint tiof'ds with von. PEOPLE HARDWARE COMPANY n ncs am oue .Company Distributors, HEPPNER OREGON M j Heppner Meat Marhet H. C. ASHBAUGII, Proprietor HF.ITNKR GAKAGK. Distributor, Heppner, Oregon Heme Products for Home People! VSC MAMJf ACTl'RE White Star Flour, Whole Wheat, Graham, Cream Middlings, Roll Barley and all Mill feeds GENERAL STQHAEE 11X0 FORWARDING HEPPNER FARMERS ELEVATOR CO. Now open for business in our New Shop on East Side Lower Main Street, with a complete stock of the finest quality of Beef, PorKf Mutton and Veal Call and give us a trial order. Wc will treat you right. HEPPNER .... OREGON 2 PEOPLES CASH MARKET WATKINS & Oviatt, Proprietors Our location ! mill in the "b. ground" but If you will o low th, "Mwduot trail- ,u find . prarod to ct,r ii. ,i.u. .1iu in mm way of ie mior. Julry nn-ati ant flfh Btui h.l) fiKh at thouch r wcr alr.ady hi our building. our n- bull.! mil b- -m, Pi,.,i ly by ,a tilliC llnfl't fiTfti't u. fr . PEOPLE'S CASH MARKET . -v. I I I 1 ( I I I I i 1 1 H I 1 y y I 1 i 9 1 i .t A ;t H u