Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, April 15, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Tuesday, April 15, 19 19
You Have Said More
Than Once
' WJ
"When 1 run bettor fixed financially,
have pood use for the bank service."
Did it ever occur to you that you can be
g-in right now to use bank service at the
First National Bank, to help you make good
financially ?
. To carry our your plans you need both
cash and bank credit. Keep in mind this
fact: The business of this institution is to
help you secure more cash and at the same
time build credit at the bank.
Plan to get some money on deposit. As
the amount grows, your opportunity in
creases to obtain credit when a loan is
needed. . &MH
First National Bank
Grand May Day Dance
Saturday, May Third
Olscn's 4-Piece Orchestra, Portland
Dance Tickets, $1.50 (k-ntlemen Spectators 25c
Plus Our Service Most
Miles per Dollar for You
I S-JlA ISA t lA
1 ' A everywhere
arc familiar with
the big results
that car owners
get from Fire
stone Tires.
Motorists of tins
community should
also be familiar with
our service and the
way it adds to the
comfort and conven
ience of car owners.
Use Firestone and
lilCPPNKU GAKAGK, Distributor!
Heppner, Oregon
The past week lias been a busy one
in Heppner's social circles.
Last Wednesday evening Mrs. W.
P. Mahoney charmingly entertained
about fifty members of the Federat
ed Sunday School classes taught by
Mrs. C. E. Woodson and Rev. H. A.
Noyes. A aeiigntrui evening was
spent with several interesting con
tests and in social converse. De
licious refreshments.were served by
the hostess.
Mrs. W. R. Irwin delightfully en
tertained at bridge luncheon Wed
nesday and Thursday afternoons of
last week at her apartment in the
First National Bank building. About
twenty ladies were entertained at
each affair and the arrangements to
the minutest detail were all that
could be desired. Miss Blanch Min
or, of Heppner and Portland, a gift
ed elocutionist, favored on both oc
casions with delightful readings.
Mesdames M. D. ClarTc and B. F
Butler gave a delightful bridge party
at the former's pleasant home on
Court Street Friday afternoon. About
forty ladies were present and the
play was spirited during the entire
afternoon. Heppner society can
boast of a number of expert players
and on this occasion the prizes were
captured by Mesdames C. Darbee
and C. C. Chick. Following the
games delightful refreshments were
served by the hostesses during which
Miss Gladys Lane, one of Heppner's
most accomplished soloists,, favored
with charming vocal selections. The
rooms were tastefully decorated with
daffodils and Oregon grape. Those
present at the enjoyable affair were:
Mesdames Hager, C. C. Patterson,
Hanson Hughes, Mahoney, Pruyn,
Van Vactor, L. E. Bisbee, A. L. Ayers
Irwin, Earl Gilliam, Chas. Vaughn,
Conn, Jolhn Vaughn, Stone, Lucas,
Guy Boyer, McMurdo, Chick, Roy
Cochran D. M. Ward, Sweek, J. W.
Beymer. B. B. Patterson, P. A. And
erson, Borg, Emmett Cochran, Pat
tison, McMenamin, Darbee, and Miss
es Mary Farnsworth, Josephine Rich
ardson, Muriel Cason.
The county court of Morrow county
has filed resolutions with the State
Highway Commission asking to ht ve
the county road leading from Hepp
ner to the Grant county line via
Hardman and Parkers Mill accepted
as a post road which will entitle it
to road cooperation from the state
as well as from the federal government.
A similar resolution has also been
filed on behalf of the proposed rural
free delivery route from Heppner via
Lena, Butler creek, Sand holow. Ju
niper canyon and Lexington back to
Acceptance of these roads will
nean that they wil be in line to re
ceive one dollar from the state and
two dollars from the federal govern
ment for every dollar expended fn
permanent improvements by the
I When You Bought I
Your Car i
Mesdames Lena Snell Shurte and
Annie Spencer, prominent local Fed
Cross workers, were called to Seat
tle latt 'Wednesday to attend a con
ference of count;' crtairien and man
agers of the organization. They are
expected home this evening.
tjhrown from a wagon upon which
she was riding, the wheel passing
over her. She was taken to Port
land Sunday night and at last report
was doing nicely.
Next Friday will be the regulat
club day at the Boardman school.
The Boardman parent-teachers asso
ciation 'will also meet on that day.
The special topics for the parent
teacher meeting are School Gardens
and School Ground Beautification.
Farmer Smith is expected as speak
A Ladies' Aid Society was organiz
ed at the c'hurch Thursday afternoon
with the following officers; Presi
dent, Mrs. S. H. . Boardman, Vice
President, Mrs. C. G. Blayden, Secre
tary, Mrs. W. W. Bechdolt. The so
ciety will meet at the school library
Wednesday, April 23, to do Red
Cross sewing.
You went carefully over the list of available
makes and selected the car you thought best suit
ed for your needs
.. Are you giving your car an opportunity to
prove its worth? Are you availing yourself of
the very best repair service in order to get all the
service possible out of your car?
You know there are a great many different
classes of workman and when you have some
of the very best always at your service for the
sake of your car if nothing else you should
consult them.
We maintain the best repair service in Morrow
county and its yours to command at any time.
We have an expert tractor and combine engine
man in our service and are glad to place his ser
vices at your disposal. Now is the time to have
these machines overhauled and you can find no
more satisfactory place to do it than in our shop.
If you are in trouble call us up and we will send
a man to your rescue. Let us submit figures for
overhauling your machines.
eich & Lininger
Repair Department McRoberts-Cohn Auto Co.
The Herald, $?.00 Per Year
Mrs. C. C. Paine returned
Tuesday from Portland. ,
F. E. Burns made a business trip
to Portland last week returning Sun
day. , ,
Mrs. C. Libel and daughter MarT
gery are spending a few days in
The family of B. Danley arrived in
noardman Friday where they will
speno the summer.
M. D. Scroggs assistant project
manager from Hermlston has been
the Irrigation system.
Nothing gets past Boardman these
days. We even had a show here for
two nights this week. It was well
Gibbons & Cramer are having a
sale this week. Dry goods,, gro
ceries, boots and shoes are going at
greatly reduced prices.
Mrs. C. H. Atterberry returned
home Tuesday from Taconia, Wash.,
where she has been in a hospital for
several weeks.
Mr. Porter, representing Porter A
Conley contractor! constructing the
Columbia Highway Is a business vis
itor In Iloardmnn.
A grange has been organized
among the farmers' of the West t'ni-
atllla Project, adjarent to Ilourdman
anil a larg membership U reported.
Miss Helen Cowgill, assistant state
club lender, spent Friday afternoon
of lust leek at the rtoardman school
clvlng the pupils Instruction In the
details of club oik.
T.u neKt regular meeting of the
ilojrdman Commercial Club will be
at lliillrngcr'a hall mil Saturday
evening. A full attendance Is hoped
A. . Cobb returned from a bttM-
nrn trip to i:il. nj.liir k. Waxliington,
Sunday bringing with Mm his son,
ItUftsell Cobb, recently dlmhaid
(nun flii" navy.
Word haa b-en received that Mrs.
Kugeue Cummins who has h. i n un
deigning an operation at a Portland'
hospital has m lar rrcoyrted as to
be able to lrae sonn.
Mrs. V. A. Phelps of Hermlston!
and Mrs (3. W. Phelp, (.f Prmll
ton vlnlte.l at the home of Mra.
rtielpn' daurhter. Mt C. M Voyeu
In Poaulman Krl.tay
The hull tram niaV.nc a new
diamond lliU . k . it r r,w school
in. mid Thry npiri .i the
Aillnrton t . m ttiiint.. i,,. (9lin
has b en pi.")"! brt ! t !,.,. (mum
ir-iilitnn in a tlit.uy ft a lincton
Two tt- hall hearing . tin tua
rhinra have bn ln.tsl!1 In the
whiMl net for the ue of the (lilt of
thp wing rl Tlwe ate flltv.n
rs taklnc the srwln wmk Ttielr
work I b'ln( uprlml ty MlM
('lata Voyrn
Mra AKa Howard Riet with a Terr
painful arrlilent !ualy afternoon,
mulling In broken tc Hhe vat
Oood young Jacks for sale. Will
take mule colts in payment for tfliese
Jacks at $75 to $100 at weaning time
in full or part payment. A chance
to get what you want. t
Lerington, Oregon. 49-51
Summer Sheep Range for
Lease. Call in Person
of the Inland Empire
" affci
ntt. ' I a I" - - jaw i 1 1 i in
Tis Time to Think
About that Easter
And whether it be of soft shinning silks or the finest and daintiest of
cottons, you will find us prepared to meet your wants.
Silks and Satins
About any thing that womans heart could wish for whether it be
plaid, stripe or plain color, in taffeta, satins, twills, crepes, pongees, etc, etc
Summer Cottons
Here too, we feel that we are better qualified to please you than others
the daintiest of sheer organdy and voiles. Mcautiful figured voiles and
f (axons as well as in plain colors. Tissue-zephyr and French ginghams in
the newest colors anil combinations.
Easter Footwear
This is particularly the time of the new shoe and whether it be boot,
oxford or pump vc can surely please you they come in black, white, fjey
brown and several combinations of colors.
Let us help you plan your Easter Outfit