"PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, April 15, 1919 HOW CLEOPATRA'S QUESTIONNAIRE ANSWERS WHICH WILL SOLVE PERPLEXING PROBLEMS OF THIS RECONSTRUCTION ERA. liJ New Process Invented to Pre serve Surface of Monclith in Central Park. HIEROGLYPHS OBLITERATED. Rigors of Western Climate Caused Khedive's Gift to Disintegrate. Painting Ancient Obelisk With Special Preparation Stay ed Oecay Ruined Por tions Restored. New Yorkers awoke one morning to find In tliclr breakfast headlines the news that u zealous park employee had discovered signs of disintegration on the surface of the city's most treasured antique Gleopa Ira's Needle. Photo graphs revealed that the monolith was peeling, large pieces of sandstone hav ing fallen from the tall shall, carrying with them part of the prized hiero glyphs. London's twin sister of Cleopatra's Needle was reported as resting coni fortahly and endurlngly on the banks of the Thames, and the rival port won dered whether a preparation would be found to slay the attacks of their harsher climate. Kucli a preparation was soon forth coming. A new 'alnt combination as a preservative for stone was Invented THE OBELISK. d It to its S XjHltlon, "I Ss le of nearl It WH8 It rifr into nn. ' f 9 -R "1 m mi The Olifllflk was presented to the "lity of New York by the Khedive of Kgypt. Lieutenant Com- ' minder (lorrlng. II i; B. N., afler a three yearB' effort, obtain ed DoHseeiHlon of It and moved It to Its present posit to an expense I on. olio. 11a V HWUI1K I" t. altlon at noon, Janu- ' ary 22, 1881. The height of this ., monument, from baie to tip. la M feet, 2 Inches. The mean urenient of the base sgtiure through 'ts axis, is 7 feet, , Indies. The entlru :.. weight of the mono- - ltth la 1'J tons. , Hlnre It was quar- rled near th torrid ; . -one, It has traverm I ( ttie entire lenKth of Ksypt, most of that v of the Medlterra- . neau Hea and the . width of the Allan tic Ocean a die- tanee of 6.4H0 miles ,: proving Itself a llrst v rate tiavetur for one whose age lias ex- '. c e s d e d thirty-five centuries. In the course of Its exist ence It has seen fl fnaraon enn nia noai going to their de- structlon In the Ited Hea. Hhlshak las to the of Jerusalem byses desolating the land; Herodotus. I'latoand other Oreek students encaged In f tors: Alexander Ureal on his vlctorl uua 1 1 ptd 1 1 I through the land iloMheu; six and Cjuery. The government has launched an educational campaign to encourage building In order to put. more men 10 work. Would not a similar movement to show how the old structures can be best and most economically repaired and made good as new also help? Answer. It is lenrned that such a plan is In effect and :s linked dl.-ectly with the Washington propaganda Industry must be turned back from works of war to the ways of peace. lOmployment must be found, In the meanwhile, for those whose occupa tion has been interrupted. There Is no real surplus of labor in the United .States. Rather there is a shortage, which would be acute If normal condi ditlons were already restored, und one step towards restoring them will come with resumption of repair work. Government restrictions, Imposed by the necessities of the war program, have for many months past retarded or altogether prevented construction, Improvement and repairs. These re strictions are now off, und there is scarcely a town, a city, a factory, a dwelling or a farm that does not reveal a crying need for prompt attention. Nothing delays such instant action ex cept the feeling that prices are high for the time being and may be lower. That Is not logical. No matter what it costs to repair, the cost is less than I the cost of neglect. No mutter what j 1 lie cost of paint, the wind and the , weather will collect a higher bill In deterioration and decay. 1 i .1 i I 1 THE QU1NCY MANSION, QUINCY, MASS., BUILT IN 1635. . America's classic example of a clapboard building preserved for ovp t'o hundred years by careful nnd frequent painting. It lias secret panels chimney staircase und hiding places, 'said to have been used by smugglers, l.uter the' home of great statesmen and of the famous belle, Dorothy Quincy, i Query. What do you think of pulnt as an Investment, aside from the appearance It lends? Does it really PAY to paint a house regularly, say, every three or four years? Answer. Good paint properly ap plied when needed Is the main tiling in making a house last long and well. A ; house worth $2,500 can be painted at a i cost of about $125. In CO years that ! house will need about l!i paintings, ' the totul cost of which will be $l,8il,ri. j Left without paint, such a house would j fall Into complete ruin In 80 years. Bo j taking CO yeurs as a basis for our fig ures we find that with paint a home will last that time In good condition and will cost, plus paint, $4,370, With out pulnt the house would have, to he rebuilt at the end of 30 years and would be reudy for another complete renovation when the sixtieth year ar rived. Cost, without pulnt, $0,000 for n home reudy to fall to pieces. Does regular painting pay? As the old Dutch adage says: "PAINT PAYS FOR ITSELF." a SAVE THE SURFACE. Save the surface and you save nil. Disintegration und decay, tire conditions- which usually w w start at the surface of any mil- terinl. Protection against de- w lerloratlon or rot of substances, therefore, should begin witli care of the exterior. Provided a material does not carry within Itself the element of sure decay, proper surface protection will undoubtedly lengthen Its life. THE PAINTER'S BEST FRIEND , I f 1 1 I Of nil the many liquid sub stances which ciin be used for the binding of paint or dry sub stances which when dissolved In water are used as vehicles for pigments none fulfills necessary conditions so well as linseed oil. the king of the fixed oil, and, what Is of enormous importance, does It as cheaply. It is the painter's best friend because It makes his work satisfactory. With the approach of Spring everybody feels that' they should get busy and clean up around home and one of the most essential things to do at this time of the year is to give your house a through overhauling in the painting line. We have a fine line of Heath & Milligan House, Barn and Roof Paints on hand and would be glad to discuss your paint needs with you. With house cleaning time we call attention to the ladies of the many uses of Sunshine Varnishes A preparation' that does not require the services of an expert painter but can be applied with suc cess by any lady and it will work wonders around the house. We have it in all colors. Crcolite Floor Paint preserves the floors and makes the work of floor cleaning much lss severe. All colors. MINOR & CO. 1 The heir de- r.ik JW . . H the Ited A I'? ! k man h- ( tjP 1 i Conquest ! S? U V. J m; Oain- f LV fcftt h"1 itlng the K f i?k' N) v. i 'w .IP the h, f ; It ...f . -1 r ws v. ' Human ovr1fnty f vift anil Chrimlni atiug- I UvJO1' la at Altimidrta; nil , h.i' louf Una of Mm- I W.iVI ' Inn rularg inr iyf.,. unpn imitr; ana k 'n" now, laavtuc alto- uK uTvoland. W kuovtn to Ihe I'laslern h kj' U - ( world at s time when r.fi "j? ' kkj ' In eilainiir fur Iwo iU ether lis nail ve land. It elands loosing up on the million dwell ers In this metropolis. wnose sue was un- m,'-' thousand years. by Dr. William Kucl.ro, chemist of tb Metropolitan Museum of Art, Many jurg previous costing with parnfllii had liwn tried, hut the tppllcatUin bad not entirely acvompllshed In purpose. The new painting process, however, proved a success. Disintegration was halted and the damaged parts restor ed. New Vutk breathed easily agalu. r'AINT PROTECTION AND ITS ECONOMY. Query. I have a quantity of old pslnt on hand. Can I use It (or the first coat la repainting my barn? j Answur. On no account should old paint which hns become fat he used for priming either old or new work. Old paint In that condition Is best used 011 a fence, brickwork or tlnwork. If you vulue your barn sufficiently to paint It, do It the Justice of a good Job. U. 8. Invents Anti-Rust "Dope." Incident to the war, the government " has faced the problem that has so long ! $1 proved baffling to commercial con- jj cvnn of protecting Iron and steel from I 9 rust. In au attempt to solve this fed- ;H , erul specialist have perfected various it forms of protective coatings. lu this , ft connection It may ! pertinent to ask q siisinsr cuiuuierciiu uses win not vm found also for the so-culled "dopes" which the governiucnt has Invented t be appllwl to alrplune wings and wlilrk are possessed of valuable weathsr- sistlug and fireproof guallliea. This is the time of the year when the spirit of cleaning gets everybody and the first thing that should come into your mind is the value of painting up your premises. We are exculisive agents in Heppner for the famous Bass-Heuter Paints these paints are recognized as the very best that can be bought and we offer you them in every tint and shade. Wc also carry a full line of KYANIZE in all shades. This varnish is made for the particular housekeeper who wishes to touch up the little nlaces around the house that arc not sufficiently large to call in a painter. And for retouching the furniture where it has become marred. Let 11s demonstrate them to you. Wc would be glad to talk over your paint needs with you. PEOPLES HARDWARE COMPANY :1 i 1 1 I 1 1 1 II p. a 11 II 1 Preserve Your Buildings Do you know that a new coat of paint will add nearly 25 percent to the life of your building? That if you repaint your buildings every five years financial men would consider your build ing better security for a loan than your neighbor whenever takes the trouble to have his buildings repainted? That if there was no value in the effect of Painting the United States Government would not spend thousands of dollars every few years in repainting the capitol and other government buildings. And yet there is another and equally important value to the repainting of your buildings and that is Your Own Satisfaction in knowing that you are doing your share in beautifying the com munity in which you live and that you are do ing full justice to your own investment. Let me submit plans and estimates for repaint ing your house this spring. JOHN. H. LOCK PAINTER AND DECORATOR, HEPPNER The preservation f structural inn terlnls, which limy he obtained through the application of pntnt, loiiktliule a IiiohI ial tiii'iius of furtliei iig tl e coll senatlnti of our iihIiiiiiI r,-. n.r. i It la, inoreotcr, the InoM m n.iinU nl method of kuslalnltig the iipcnriiiiiii and general upkeep of any coin mil- A structure coaled with sheets of In dia rubber would nut he as w ell protect ed from decay as a structure toated with good oil paint I'liU Is tin tw Ihe fact that a sbcrt of rubber is not o durable or as w strrprovf us a thin dried fit in of nlnt The hitter lnnle rinl In 11 applied drlrs In a continuous eln.lli' m ill iinitiiliilng finely divided paM'ili-s of metnllU'. wenr rUtlng pigment A Mjiuire fio of htich a fun upon a wooden surfm-e nu less II mi a I'.-iiiiv, yet It will beautify and ro!.- t a dollar's worth of surfiue for tram ers This ts a low rate of In- ill iiix-e Dwelllui;, barns, otitbtiibllngs. sheds, Hets. fences, slihk rnt'bieures wagons. Implements, wludinlil and other struc tures, whether of wood. Iron or cement, ln.uld be preserved, thn'uth the nee i'f pslnt, from rapid decay High grade pntnt may be used suiveesfulty for all such pur.ew (Vloled paints will hw found the most aevlcwalila, the coloring ixattrr 111 Ihe paint adding from twa to thtee yruit to the life of (kt coaling. EFFECT OF COLOR UPON THt DURABILITY OF PAINT. l'roerty owners who tea; have un der consideration lb painting of dwelling and other structures ahoula remember thai more durable results are obtained when timed palula are used. I'eriualietit colorltig mnlerluls winch lune been ground by machine Into a li U li ruilo whltesrpnlnt bse hne the etTint of preventing "chalk ing" and "checking." Iwo defects Mho li are of leu observed wheel while paints are uaed. I st s pnng simeis Paint Time 3e5BCi3swS5!2WfiC!I3SaaC3P PRETTY COLOR C0M0INATI0N8. M lirourtd I Sllt'l'le Mteni-U .,a t t'OMt t'olor While Light Hoee Medium. light lira White Light Orav luU Hlua. tlrny-ttreen Wk.ll Light Warm Light iuta tellow Hloe. Keulral Ught lra iJghl Ural Same tlrar ilray. tlrav a little dar- Dress ne er t.'ght twkait P ue I. ght titer Light lilue tlr. It ue ne t.'tM I'ra ge Vei . Light (tree tlreefl l.lsht Orav. NeufaJ l'r Ivery Olive) llreen lo.rv er (liav.h Light lirea t. sht Light Hi re Seirwl o V"t'W tlfev trT t;.,1 trtti, tNira Ureen Ltehl w ariw lr.a m. .Itioe tov Hsrm lrmf, "riim Atummuiw IUM I1 ft K-ikk lov'ite L'ght lere. I s"t New list l'er lrv Tew l'r.-e Hurel I'm. "'AIW Ivery t-wrh Mnivn I st.l Ian tr.e.., 1 M Lu?-. Don Throw Your Old Ford Blocks Away We have just recently purchased a new cylinder rclxiring machine and we arc now prepared to rebore and fit new pistons and rings in your old I'onl, Dodge or Huick engine blocks, thereby saving the purchase of a new block as well as the long delay, as in the past, when this work was sent to l'ortland. We have the equipment and an expert mechanic that understand this work thoroughly. All wntk absolutely guaranteed. Uriiip; in your car tor the spring over-hauling. We make a specialty uf complete o cr-hauling and electrical wotk. If we can't do it it can't be done K n P 1 UNIVRESAL GARAGE ! ! Gilliam & Bisbcc UMK IX AXII I.KT VI TALK TAIXT TO TOC HILL Sc JOHNS I" Say Mr. House Owner Isn't this weather getting- fnte your stem and making you Ions to see the old bom shine again like It did when it waa new? Don't you reallio that a new coat of paint would bring back all Its freshness that tt would again have that new appearance or which you were so proud when you first built It? This Is tha time of Ilia year to aUrt lat work and you know howbadly it needs It. We wish merely to rail your attention to the fact that w have a full line of standard palnta every color or tint that you posaibly coud think of. Beside every thlag aesded for the Interior decoration of your home. Of Interest to the Ladies 1 Q W have complete line of Cblnamel for touching np and reanlsflilng those old pieces of furniture that you prise so highly and this work will come right along with the spring bouse cleaning. Theso varnishes are prepared so that they do not require the services of a painter and yooT Ulet the amount of good you can do In one room wlin a few of the colors. We've every on you could want. HERALD WANT ADS GET THE BEST RESULTS 0 0 i 0