Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, April 15, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    Tuesday, April 15, 1919
Ed Melton spent the week-end
Miss Easton visited with Mrs. Geo.
Miller Saturday.
Walter Pope was a business visit
or in lone Saturday.
Fred Pettyjohn and family were
Cecil visitors Sunday.
Joe White of the Willows spent
the weekend 1n Condon.
J. E. Crabtree and daughter, Juan-
ita were doing business in lone Tuesday.
irtfewai forever
ipitpfci a little tora while
lit sti- ..-to
1 1
i lliL
. ...
lie among the poppies of Flanders' Fields in
France. To them only is the war over. They
have paid the price in full. To countless other thous
ands of these boys returning home maimed and
broken the war will still go on; they will be paying the
price every day, during the remainder of their lives.
Can we who stayed at home carelessly and thought
lessly assume the "war is over" attitude until our bal
ance of account is paid until we have redeemed our
pledgeto bear the final cost no matter what its amount ?
fitj 1 liSl I
is in liquidation of the debt for men and munitions we
amassed, and which brought about the end of the war
saving for every day it was shortened billions more in
money and thousands more in lives.
The imprint of fame upon the name of our fair state will turn to a stain of shame
if we do not meet the obligation this Vidlory Loan represents. You are face to
face with the real te& of citizenship true Americanism. Let this te& find you
measuring up one hundred per cent loyal.
' --r II li n w L M
mmumm i
The Parent Bond of Them All
The government bond is the Parent bond of all bond's. Back of the gov
ernment bond are all the assets and all the resources that supply the value
of all other bonds, all other securities, all other investments.
Tbo government bond is a prior lien on lands, homes, chattels and every
thing else, and the bonds to be issued under the name of the Victory Lib
erty Loan are the highest of the high in government bonds. They constitute
a contract of the United States government, entered into by unanimous vote
of congress, and therefore a contract and mortgage behind which stands the
possessions of 0n Hundred and, Ten Million American people with their
entire resources developed and undeveloped; the intelligence, ambition and
ability of these One Hundred and Ten Million people mortgaged to pay the
The Victory Liberty Loan Bonds will bear an attractive rate of interest
and, together with all other desirable elements, when compared with other
.investments os to strength, collateral and return, have no equal.
This is one of 176 advertisements inserted simultan
eously in every newspaper in the State of Oregon on
behalf of the success of the Victory Liberty Loan for
we believe in this cause and arc willing to contribute
to the full extent of our power.
JOHN L. ETIIRRIfXiF., Vl-Prldrnt
Mr. and Mrs. Stickley of Arlington
were visiting in and around Cecil
Miss Bernice Franklin of Rhea
Siding was the guest of Mrs. Jack
Hynd Saturday.
F. Brown of Condon spent the
week-end with his cousin, Scott
Brown of Cecil.
J. S. Smith of Cossack, Idaho,
spent a short time in Cecil before
going to Lewiston.
Carl Young, accompanied by Mr.
Gates of The Dalles was in Cecil
George D. Anderson took in the
Efks' banquet Thursday evening.
George reports having had a good
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Streetar and
family of Fourmile spent Wesnes-
day with Mrs. Weltha Corniest of
Misses Inez Easton and Georgia.
Summers were the guests of Mrs.
Henriksen of Willow cdeek ranch on
Zenneth Logan came in from Ar
lington Monday and was the guest
of his uncle, J. W. Osborn, during
his stay in Cecil.
Ed Bristow and son Walter ac
companied by Miss Blanch Bristow
made a quick trip to Cecil Tuesday
E. Mackey who has been for the
past few days on the Butterby Flats
ranch left for the Sand hollow ranch
Jack Hynd and A. Henriksen, Geo.
A. Miller, and Hat Pearson autoed
to Heppner Thursday evening and
took In the road meeting.
Teler Bauerfelnd returned home
Friday from Heppner wttere he has
been on business concerning the es
tate of the late Frank Habelt.
J. H. Miller and Albert Llndstirom
were callers' at Cecil Saturday on
("tnetr way to the masquerade ball at
the Lundell place on Willow creek.
J. It. Brown of Sams Hughes com
pany of Seattle, came in Saturday to
overhaul the Bates steel mule on the
Winter brothers' place, Shady Dell.
Jean Penlan of Heppner moved a .
unch of rattle from the Minor ranch
t Cecil where they have been on hay
for the wintortup to the Skinner
creek ranch Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henriksen of GreBh-
ni, Oregon, arlved at the Willow-
creek ranch Tuesday to visit for an
Indefinite period with their son, A.
Henriksen and family.
Henry Blaine and wife who have
been spending the week-end In Hepp
ner returned to Cecil Tuesday
Mrs. Blaine leaving on the local for
Walla Walla Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Palmateer,
Leon Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Lo
gan and family. W. A. Thomas, Mls
A. C. Lowe, Blakley Pearson, all Ce-
cllltes were lone visitor Wednes
Ed KeWogg brought In the shear
ing plant to Jark Hynd' with the
Hynd brothers' truck Saturday. Jark
has Just finished building a new
shearing shed. They will commence
shearing at onco.
Mr. Wallace who has bm n looking
after a band of ewes during the re-
rent lnmlilng scaHon for Messrs. Mi
nor and Mallork, of Cecil, Irft on
the local Sunday for Condon, ac
companied by hi wife, wliere they
will spend a few days before proceed
Ing to their home In I'm II.iikI.
1 1n' iiiiiHiii'iail' hull at Lundi'H'n
on Saturday night whh a itn-iit suc-
ci-KS, a huge crowd In Mtrnd
ance and a sumptuous supper was
nerved at nildrilgM. Many beautiful
rout tunes were wom. Ilotli Mrs. Kd
and Karl Ka'tmworth brine much ad
mired li h Wis and also Albert Fal
coner In IiIh Indian ifii'tunie.
Postmaster T. II. Iiwe of Cecil
received a telegram from his son,,
Willie, who enlhted In the British
army IuhI October and bus been sta
tioned lit viii Ions rumps in KiikUnd
for tin- lust six inontliN, saying that
tm had arrived wifely at Camp Mills,
New York, nd eipected to b home
In a few dan.
Sheriff l.lllte, or Milium rounty,
was a lleppimi visitor Thur'liiy eve
MI l Live Mtlestiwin with
rar to hill ineinl Kfin bliis, wngor.
Iiojhs and other farm iiiililen ill
rerl to the tiiiiiiei It t r tit patty can
trisk" from .U0 to 1 oo a mont'i
out of our pioisitlon In answering
r:jie uf. i'l" " I' ' e ur.d n fi'ii n" i
Our are siand.itd Diete Is a
ii..i,,i.hii (or it, .in co.n-jt rn,
vi nr i u mi: imc.y. i'rt-
lni.d. On'Koii. i 51