PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON . Tuesday, April 15, igig THE HEPPNER HERALD , A. PATTISON, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER An Independent Newspaper Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, PontoffIce as second-class Matter TKKMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One Year ...$2.00 Six Months $1.00 Three Months $ .50 THE VICTORY LOAN THE final bond selling campaign in the gigantic task of financing America's part in the world war will open next Monday. At this writing the exact amount of the bond issue is not known but it is generally understood that the amount will not be far from $6,000,000,000, or about the same as the amount called for in the fourth loan of which Morrow county took a little more than her quota of $272,000. Coming at the time it does on the heels of the pay ment of local and income taxes and before the current crops of Morrow county's chief products, wheat and wool, are ready for the market, the task of placing that amount ot government securities in this county will be no light one It promises to be a campaign which will call for the earnest and united effort of every loyal citizen of the county ' m .. , 1 . c . 1 t 1 1 ne eninusiasm or tne war clays, wnen every tram was carrying away our boys to service under the flag in camp and field, when the impossible was being achieved in the transportation of troops and supplies to the war-torn fields of France in the face of that supposedly impassable barrier of submarines, will be lacking and in its place will be found a measure of apathy that always goes with peace in a land like ours. This apathy must be overcome not only in Morrow county but all over the nation if the government of the United States is to maintain its financial integrity among the nations of the earth. Much of the money which will be realized from the sale of these bonds has already been expended and in lieu of the cash the credit of the govern ment has been pledged.' These obligations must be Some fine glazed kid Oxfords Newest Spring Styles In Slock BLACK, BROWN and WHITE NEW BUCK GONTY SHOE STORE met and should the bond issue fail the amount will have to be realized by a direct tax on the necessities of the people. It is a choice of loaning your money to the government at a fair rate of interest or of being required to give the amount by increased direct or indirect taxation. The government of the united States was in no wise responsible for the war. For two and one-half years those in authority at Washington exhausted every expedient to avoid becoming entangled in the European horror but when forbearance ceased to be a virtue we were forced to take a hand, not only in defense of our own in alienable rights as a free and independent people but also to do our part in the titantic struggle for the cause of dem ocracy and civilization. Some there are at this time who are disposed to crit icize the government's course in the prosecution of the war. They talk of the more than lavish expenditure of money; of the mistakes in this and that department; of bad conditions in this camp or at that port; of unjust and exces sive punishment of soldiers for trivial offences. These critics should remember, however, that a little more than two years ago the United States was at peace with the world and with perhaps 75 percent of the people strongly in favor of remaining at peace; so strongly in favor of peace and against war, in fact, that the country was in a deplorable condition of unpreparedness. But when Ger many's unspeakable atrocities finally forced official Wash ington to enter the war almost in .a night the entire-country rallied behind the government and urged that the Hun be beaten regardless of cost. At that time practically all military authorities agreed that several years would be required to win the war. Germany boasted that America was unprepared; that she .-11. 1 1, . 1 coma 1101 ' aise an army large enuogn to cut any ngure m Europe and that if she could draft an army that she could not transport" the men and the necessary supplies across the water. Even the Allies doubted our ability to make good and the hearts of many good Americans at home were filled with fear as they contemplated the gigantic task. Buf we raised an army of millions, and in th face of every devilish contrivance that German ingenuity could in vent we crossed them to Europe with a minimum loss and within a few months our illy trained doughboys, thousands of them less than three .months from the pursuits of peace, turned the tide of battle and brought the sneering, self-important ITun to his knees. America's accomplishment between April 1917 when we entered the war and November 1918 when the armistice was signed, was no child s play. It was no time for penny paring, picyunish policy. It was a time that called for ac tion; for the doing of big things quickly and without re gard for. monetary cost. We were and are the richest na tion on earth and in this instance, as in all others when out raged humanity called for succor our purse-strings were unloosed and our money flowed like water in our determin ation to help France iand little Belgium retain their toe hold on the sacred soil for which thev fought. Mistakes were .inevitable; extravagant expenditures you re old enough to know bettethysHogtti "Figure the real tobacco satisfaction you get out of a small chew of genu ine tobacco and the way it lasts and good old Gravely has got your or dinary plug backed off the map." Good tatte, smaller chew, longer life ia what makes Gen uine Gravely cost less to chew toan ordinary plug. Write to: Genuine Gravely DANVILLE. VA. for booklet on chewing plug. Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed in pouch. Give the Youngsters a Start Helping the Boys and Girls of Heppner get the habit of making frequent trips to the Savings Department of the Farmers' & Stockgrowers National Bank is better than bequeathing them a fortune. With the thrift habit once establish ed they will be prepared to make their own way. The Bank for all ages and sizes of People and Concerns Farmers (EX StocKg'rowers I National DanK -WW"" - ;- 20 r -i--;: sj-i Are You Going to Build That's a question covers a world of territory and by it we mean any thing from a hen house to a man-inn. If yon are we extend to you an invitation to call on us and talk were unavoidable, uratters and profiteers were on the job because we are still living in a world peopled with a race of imperfect human beings1 and those things have been apart of every war since time began. But in spite of all the evidence the critics can adduce the big fact remains that we accomplished what expert? pronounced the impossible by turning the tide within a few short months and before .we had nearly all of our men on the job. War costs money and always the people must pay the bill in one way or another. Which way shall it be? Shall we buy more interest bearing bonds as a combined patri otic duty and an investment or shall we meet this national obligation by paying direct taxes and never see our money again? , . L'ncie Sun needs some $oooo,ooo,ooo. lie has called on Morrow county for her share and the old gentleman with the goatee and the striped trousers holds the top He can and will collect this money. It's a cold bl ''ed, business proposition. Which wav do we want to pay it? n y Public Sales Turn that surplus Etock and m "fhlnery Into cash or rood pr. por. We held H sales during the past few months and ev ery one a success. " "vihr how small your listing will in-ure a t;ood market. our consignment service STOCK RANCHES P-' li:;t ccrjU:r.3 Uie best, buys you buy. In the county. , See us before WHEAT RANCHES r . r..y fjovmty can be bought for lers maney, value coD' sldered than any place In the northwest. Use our Sales Service. - FARMERS' EXCHANGE rrs iivii.niNo. , hkphxei: F. It. nitOWX, Manager o:u:go.n . . HERALD WANT ADS GET THE BEST RESULTS Christian Science LUMBER Talk it hoin the with a man who from the builder' standpoint knows the . side. of business and game thoroughly We have a complete stock of every thing needed in the building line -and our planing null facili ties enable us 1,1 do any special u 01 k that you may require. SCREEN DOORS Now i 1 In- true t begin thinkink about the sen en door question. The flies will soon he bete as nunieioiis as ever so we have just put in a complete sink of Cu iiu ntal Screen Doors and indow s ,t! tcadv to lung tor n. Let us hang st. me of these doots lot you and be leady to meet Mr. ' when lie i'et hct c. Christian Soicnro acrvlcett are held tvory Sunday nmrnlni; "at 11:00 o'clock In t'.ie lodce room In the I. O. O. V. bulldlnpr. Su'iJ.sM for Sunday. April 13th, "Ale fin. Pinonm' and Heath Itenl?" Testimony meet I up, are held every Wednesday evening at 8:00 o'clock at the homo of Mm. Kurene Sloeum. All lnt. rfi.ted are invited ti attend thee pervti'px. Subject for Sunday. April 10 "Doctrine of Atonement." CUtX-ll- MTI( r I M artin Rem NmIIh- Ik hereby itlven that Krldnv itii.l S.itiinl.iy. Apiil iMh and l!lh. .iieh. rehr tlenhnated u et.nn-up j .! In th my of Heprtier and ail l e!'l?rn nnd property otvr are cl' e.l ttpen to clean tip all d.'t and ml. Mn!i n- well a all' ..tly drhO reiH.unlnK from the l,ti. nrc now on th.-lr prein!i.- or iij.en the ;m-l . nd ntti-s mliii.ttii (. A'! rtiMii-h ih.uiM he pl.i.e.! in bov i ifli or in eonvt-nlmt ftr at tt,e rtnh tu n It ill !.. t . n ved by i'hM until. tu, r,v it,, , T at,,,.,. tprnie to ttto property tne- lleppnrr at pr.t.'tM rt-'ntB a d-- MttfilMe t't't4f aiicp to H.l at." h nne peoj lc a . !l nr l the to t. i( r-ll.'n of rrr t t ?.n ea-ti.!1 J i. ,!). '! on th" stiitn trientlon-i .!.. t t f !. i- .f-l't : .-1 , .,- t t ' . ! . .1 s I It IlKI'l'NKU PLANING AND CHOP MILL It May Be True That a Cat Has Nine Lives - P.ut it s a cinch your car has only one so why not get the best from that one life, all the pleasure there is in operating your car is when it is in Irst class running shape. You can only do this when the repair work and up keep on your car is trusted to nun who know their business who un der stand the many little things that worry the motorist who know just, what to do in each case. We pride ourselves on our reputation for looking after the details the small things that make a worltl of trouble and if your car is left in our care these Mitall worries will be forgotten. Prolong the life of your car by giving its care over to us. We vih t particularly call your attention to our P.attery Depart ment. We operate our own rebuilding station maintaining a man who doc nothing but attend to this work. We offer you free inspection of all k-ndi of batteries and free distilled water. Uy availing yourself of ovr battery .service ymi are saved the Ioriy wait and expense entailed in sending your balletic away. ' Rivers & Ackley NKPAIK DEPARTMENT HEPPNER GARAGE PHONE 3i 0) I u I i M M M' t !" W i. I1' i. - .... ....