THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON Tuesday, April 8, 19 19 ' I STiTRWLY TAILORED SUIT l"W Righ1''bireion. , trtje jjfcinTIn 1... ( oni tj. Ml .T-Iie. 1 nsn ration in tint- I'lirn. hi'' 1 1 J 1 r. , ..1,. 1.. ll . ,.rl u ,,f It. reOIlie Jll uuiim, inuin vi in ites' should 'flndTnt- cqnfitv. lex:,.i;hl.1y:,A -a'un 1 v.a f 'liKi n' rfw.'W t1;'" I"10-! ; 'tori y'ii'iJ, t(oIhwjiy. A I ov ' Ihfervn on in i i ; Hi,-; - wM'vy.i . 'M'.'..1! i. feet 11, tv feet ii. free Is iiliiD I I . . ' . 1 ' f It io romi ami ..ledlcsiteq- .(iv. inc it i ( ' .lilujits ,il ii some Ml ronnly i u'i Ji iii' hi jij iiw.j'n hi voir, ""i ,,.vyho foughf.In Ihi; f-Tjyif w-iir, 1 '' ' liilwil' mi 'the. tree v eive.s .the Tin "title W.llils 'KMl(lipr,vl l!i c 1 I !)liint(l also r.vo noonri nui lire wiiiniiTM. iuwnor o; (ii( I i-i r 11 lOK'i' ii!. oik 'Original of 1111.1 nnlS!IL , 'Tt or. (Ik j . ..i. 1 il li :i 1 : f ill Ill " . ' Ill V ,.ll,i 1' iiri'l ii'inly. Too Virlnry irO ri'i f; i ( I f j i w fo V-oiiie. Tt tourist nun 11 I ii. . i i.i' or, the ru( up' i kIihIi l il Hi- Him fin try lii'ini imius sheer respect fur tltc good siiM- til !j. ;l oi-.l" ,"iii Ji good sense jir.tni' pi'i)'lo n luyl lie vhlnjii'tt "It. tTirl fl i ' ftfo'li'ltor. 1 tSVhr J 1 1 1 f s nil hi I, i &v ? $ s n( V 'riou&e antf Garage 'AcccmijIiiVied I uuuu ricauiLa .XtltlWlL'L' I'U lliilJ't llilCi' njiiiTcTi) lHinsi; litr JTiiny nllWiipt "rilr ill J' limtliTl L'nniL'n jn a jim c n. r .T vi i ... T i r.i lilucli trt. lift. (IcHlri'il In Sa.'. S .s Hil 1 111 11 ii h Ih sno ii'iir lilCm'fi wi . .... , : :i: 'f.. if 6$ A. E. Bowker, of the Heppner Garage, returned last week from a visit in Neeley, Nebraska, where was called some time ago by illness and death of his father. The "Pollyana" class of the Epi!'. cnpul Church hnd a dinner party at ix o'clock last Friday evening at t!-i: home of .Mary Clark. After dinnc Isernice Sigshee entertained the class vihA a theatre party. W. E. Cunniings was in town Sat urday and reports wheat in r.iis sec tion looking well. Mr. Cumciinss ecd(-d a field a woek ago last Tues day and by Saturday morning, eleven days later, it was ui and showin;: ;reen en the ground. ' Mr. and Mrs. .lacob Frad return ed Sunday from Portland where Mrs. Frad sent several weeks in a hos pital where the underwent a majur opcratlrn. Her Mcncln "-ill be p. j :o leavn thnt she returns much im proved in health. Frark Stevens, big farmer and stcckman of the Thirtymile country,, was in Heppner last week attending (!ae Royal Arch convention. Mr. nr.d Mrs: Stevens have purchased a fine home in Portland and now spend their winters in that city en joying the roses and rain. J. A. Dempsny, r,( Ricl.-eral, Ore gon, Who operntes the big county I ractov dnrins the road-building sea son, if. here for the summer and ex pert'd to go out to Hardman tlW. r.iornlnp to start load work. Woi k wai started there seme time a;rd 'brit Ihe ground wrs too wet for succef.-s-ful operation of the heavy lrp.chine-ry. Mr. Wallace was recently elected to the position of cashier of the Crane he I State Bank and has already taken up the the duties of that position. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace leave many warm friends in Heppner who, while re greting their departure from this city will rejoice in his advancement in the banking circles of Oregon. E. G. Noble is having some chang es made in his harness and saddle establishment by which a part of the sales-room space is being added to the work-room. Mr. Noble says the rxlling end of his business troubles him less than the manufacturing end the famous Heppner paddles act ually selling themselves- faster Bian they can be manufactured with his present working force. The change will give him room to employmore workmen. The Heppner saddles 1 find a market all over the west from Texas to Northern Canada wherever the festive cowboy still pulls leather and slings the lariat. When Yoy Bought j Your Car j NOTICE ok mssoimox Pl1tTXK?SHII ()' ""sate1?! ntif. ar that this L-tvIe Of "ffrfttiy'i're'd suit of mode shade VV I I Th Lor vai a teSlWwi AM.W'mtoW this sprinfl. vMW-i-ljve'' 'salesman with poFnl M nV'seWnetal grain bins, wagon 'liilVi'1 lHrMmP4,flr!V;thor fnrtn snecialties di- "s'"ai.A wrnmu ,.ke from s ivi"':' ? iovi In the iiocl)iuiuni'lig till sotof our nro-r' . ;,;, nnKWMins '.Vrtj.wmio find rpf ivtrOffi 'faffl'MPnte. standard. There is a W'PWW.Y for them., COAST CL'L Tit fH'LUME C3MPANY, Porl- fMliTOfton. 49-51 The partnership liertofore exi.";- ing between W. T- MeRoberts ovA H-iroM A. Cohn hns been this day dissol'.'f-d by mutual consent, Harold A. Cohn a?sumtn? all obligations or' the old firm. All out-standing ai: counts are now due and payabe to . Harold A. Cohn Vho will continue liio business under the old name of McUoberts-Cohn Auto Co. ; : W. T. McROBERTS, .. , j HAROLD A. COHN, j Dated at Heppner, Oregon, April 3, 1919. i You went carefully over the list of available makes and selected the car you thought best suit ed for your needs Are vou giving your car an opportunity to prove its worth? Are you availing yourself of the very best repair service in order to get all the service possible out of your car? You know there are a great many different classes of workman and when you have some of the very best always at your service for the sake of your car if nothing else you should consult them. We maintain the best repair service in Morrow county and its yours to command at any time. We have an expert tractor and combine engine man in our service and are glad to place his v vices at your disposal. Xow is the time to have these machines overhauled and you can find no more 'satisfactory place to do it than in our shop. If you are in trouble call us up and we will send a man to your rescue. Let us submit figures for overhauling your machines. Welch ac Lsriioger I''1fneJ,biol printing in Morrow TOWH4icuted at the Herald olfic . a ; L(?J5eAL ITEMS V- t f- .''i-Mciuimin went to Arling- ,h.Sl'Wlft.W .to prof.'ssiomil busines.i. " R: fV.'iu'slice, local movie manager D ft,WiWlriii,l for n fi.ur d ivs hnsi- mnn li ana unom TiunnesT a Lonsor. . . m WoW W'teoVftMhA'iR r.X: fv'MMeon was In from Butter V'Clae TC,tciK'"W!iKlay making flnnl proof on hliuUimioatead,,.,,, i MS'f ' r'' Bfr,ftfH-f.:.lays ago from a short M Slat llon.l'f, his lihilAeni. Art stlf..LMUa. ...iQ . L""tW WcrM Vii"trio',L'!Tr':,lio hr'tfi'.'Hiifl WW.-tf: H llaylew went to Pon- f.f'or;liigri.'W Vo"trtif,i(TF:,jie hr'tf,'.' H.lft -""Mi-W-nV: H. llaylew went to Pon W',hVtwWltrWnVh.V;,,thi';Wlf'ftXrmway to visit for a f. w dav. M:fifi'iifiViir.i)'lf.ililL' tf,,S.iilJ;,'WfrUftirfirtJft,l4?v while eiijnyiii a va-:i- "' WilH.jr'tltiltl ti tiinlit)1 .ilf'.V.liiUlfiAf,II1.i, liir WWhtilt'W'MnWlne. Ho,HPoifii,aSFieW?919. Noble Is Bpendlng some ll,"flnien fiV'iv'tland where Bhe wai uitrlmiu t linns " UU ,y '......Wt. it 'the ui.wi.vA ,iHT f , -oti t .MV I tfi' 'lVl' -H' 'MiVH' lifff fi If "fry.l rVh., t his IUr HM III ti.Wll ' ' t.rVie'ftriillV' uTt' fnl.WtnfW," l .MV'l'rs the Hheep business goln . T W' fe fiteffiT a: a for r resident ' Z S'i'JMlW'C V'Wtt'Ud teac-ier in the puhHc i;'f..Li'''iJi:.i W. W. S.neu.l. ' ''..U llllll'U (Il li lilll'M iii" B I; I' v ' W. -liWi'fihf ViVtVll'H vn.lMl lle' ; " phv .(f mm w ..i v wfr ''Tt.,.!,rti'J.ltri.;H,'Vif:i-V,lTi.W',U,KA- J. A. Freeman, an experienced wool grader who has been with the Columbia Basin Wool Warehouse at North Portland for the past year came in last week and expects to spend the shearing season in this county grading wool at the various shearing plants. Mr. Freeman Is an rrert in his line and his services ate always in demand during the shearing season. Gus Hill blew in from Spokane last week where he spent the winter enjoying (?) a vacation. Mr Hill is a professional sheep shearer and always puts in the shearing season In Morrow county. Speaking of Spo kane as a winter resort Gus says It is a bum town and asi far as real enjoyment in concerned he would "Vut Bs Hef be in a winter sheep raii'p. Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Matteson, who formerly lived here but for several years have been residents of Wyom ing, left for their home in that state Inst Tuesday after spending several weeks here visiting friends and rela tives. Miss Florence Ralston,, who has n position In the Farmers & Stockgrowers Bank, accompanied them to Wyoming where she will spend her vacation visiting relatives at Tliermopolls. D. S. Brown, who has raised stock and other things over on Rock creek In Ciillam county ever since soon af ter Black butte was a hole In the rronnd. was a Heppner visitor last week when he put in a couple of days lollylng his friends and cracking a few new Jokes. "Doc" would not I miss a session of the Royal Arcn blowout for n carload of fat steers he wiys siK'h occasions keep him from growing old. I-;, I.. Wallace, who 'has held u re smmsible position with the First X itlonal Bank of Heppner for th past year, left last week for Crane. Oienon. accompanied by his family. NOTICE OK riXAIi SETTLEMENT Repair Department McRoberts-Cohn Auto Co. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County. In the matter of the Estate of W P.. Scrivner, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, as Administratrix of fio Estate of V. P. Scrivner, deceased, i U has filed her final account as such i administratrix, and thnt Wednesday, the 7th day of May, 1919, at th" bour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon thereof, and the County Court room in th" County Court House in Hepp ner, Oregon, has been by the County " tf Mori-rw Countv, Oregon., -'ly fixd an the time and place for the proving of said fianl account and for the hearing of any objection:; thereto. MATTIE B. SCRIVNER, Administratrix of the Estate of W. V. Scrivner, Deceased. 49-1 Summer Sheep Range for Lease. Call in i M FARMERS' EXCHAN of the Inland Empire ROBERTS BUILDING HEPPNER, ORE. 4. to nicci rt.V nivi'N V rV fliUly'r'irtli tliiiii 'lii 'fifolluV'.1 ,f"W f-f't-nW tof't 'mnri'. t. Piilfi d tn?. s:l'i.jiitHih.tlt Atrrli'liltliri-. ;i 'lu'l'iuf Vlf)'li!il(,ibii ibJMiH'ii .f l.ill'll,' Mi.ts liU'1 "lut-",,f.-.'.I 1 'tree ft'V II tiiotiioiib! ji'id' VA- .1 ' )i lib i;. turn-mi' A ;'.;fn:im''tt '" i-Uh lrk.,t.f..V''"'-l."rt 'J;I '. ni--k 1,'t , I'lij' Vnf ti' l"X' VfH 'Vi(,V r.,o.'?,!All e.f "iHi,nn."'i,i f:.t. .'I -!( Jr." ;i.-tirii r.Y.-r.r'i.r M f.w.f' vtv,( Wictit iiVe lv,.rt,li i; .it'. pliili r'f I tv$ liliinuiiH fyf iiimiuV V yti tt Vi'. WiiHi.(.,'',rTi,V''r,''FiiV.''r V tut-..r.ncT, li'-otfMfil.i'.t iT,."litil! Ir kii'lHitftlftiii lAnity CMtinilft.vH. Anril tfdt hi r ' N x art' nA.- K j. "I Jhi'vV ni VV i'1W t'liiln.'.l the rtriifi.1 T'lmVrr' I the iniifo roii-f-n tlml, tin'' rtiir-'v.' ,i fiihtmit (n Ititif itTl!i,V(' tun l-i.n i il, . re i tl'wi; ,4 n.V I'm k )..-r 'l:-W I'.'lUiv't. Il'y vTi'Ml'.-i 1 t.l.'- ii"SiTf I hn' t.ln '. r-.y ntti'ii' ttuWnn Tut.'., hf t m t. . r (iiiid ViMVe.n nnf , Hr.t n t i -. .A... ..f .. IM '.H-.i Ii , "iii1 ' ' ' n,.,4JJi, tnfi'W Vut. v,v. . ft,, yfi.M AL't-ffiiJiiH 1,,'e lrtViy Vsni-nr-l " ft, n j, Well tl " fit r1hi1j-t,yY'ffi fiur.jfm.tit', feie'ot tuaAit- rtc. Sair Pavilion 2 NlNiGHTS. WEDNESDAY AND THURS- DAY. APRIL 9 AND io AMl'SI'.Ml'.NT CO. rKHSl'.NTS f-Duke Wcstcott AND TtThc Golden Gate Girls IN "The Strollers" WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9 "A Night Out" li s Time to Think aster About that E G own ot THURSDAY, APRL 10 wo .1 ;t til tttt.u limi cai r 111 l.tli.M tl- H'l'IH TV 1T Oi. , , , 1 r ! ! "t i- aii rv'tH'H. ADMISSION PRICES Children 25c Adult 50c and 75c rv,- ati.l (Mil- Halt Usui's Kntcrt.uiniHMH "t And whether it he of soft shinning silks or the finest and daintiest cottons, you will find us prepared to meet your wants. Silks and Satins Ahout any thing that womans heart could wish for whether it he plaid, stripe or plain color, in taffeta, satins, twills, crepes, pongees, etc, etc Summer Cottons Here t we feel that we are het ter qualified to please you than others the daintio.-t of sheer organdy and voiles. Beautiful figured voiles and flaon as well as in plain colors. Tissue-zephyr and finish ginghams in the newt odors and combinations. Easter Footwear This is particularly the time of the new shoe and whether it he hoot. oM'urd or pump we can surely please you they come in hlack. white, grey, brown and sorrel combinations of odors. Let us help you plan your Easter Outfit MINOR k CO, I 1 1 I 1 i i 1 1 I I if 1 1'! 1 1 1