Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, April 08, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Tuesday, April 8, 1919
i Strange Sources From Which
i Pigments Used by Modern
i Painters Are Derived.
-1 Crude but Effective Proceeeci Employ
J ed by the Egyptian and Creek of
Pliny' Day Noah Prudently
Waterproofed the Ark.
Bankers Say They Lend More
Money on Property When
Buildings Are Well Painted.
One Concern Advance 25 Per Cent.
More If Repainting I Don
Every Five Year.
Uncle Sam Sets a Good Example
Whether paint was invented In an
swer to a need for a preservative or to
aneet a desire for beauty is n question
fully as knotty as the ancient one hIow
tiie relative time of arrival of the
chicken or the egg. It was Invented.
though, and It serves both purposes
equally ; so whether it is an offspring
of mother necessity or an adopted son
of beauty remains forever a disputed
1 The first men, cowering under the
fierce and luring suns of the biblical
countries, constructed rude huts of
iwood to shelter them. The perishable
jnature of these structures caused rapid
lJecay, and it Is probable that the oc-
'cupants, seeking some artltlclal means
jef preservation, hit upon the pigments
lof the earth in their search. It Is pel
jhap natural to suppose that It iviis
jthe instinct of preservation t hit t led
men to the search, although the glories
of the sunsets and the beauties of the
rainbow may liuve created a desire to
Imitate those wonders in their owu
The earliest record of the npplicu
;tlon of a preservative to a wooden
structure dates from the ark, which
Cta, according to the Hlble, "pitched
ltltln and without." The pitch was a
triumph of preservation whatever It
lacked a a thing of beauty.
') Decoration applied to buildings first
(tomes to light with ancient Hahylon,
(whose wall were covered with repre
sentation of hunting scenes and of
combat. These were done In red and
the method followed was to paint the
scene on the bricks at the time of
manufacture, assuring permanence by
taking. Strictly speaking, this wa
not painting so much as It was the
earliest manifestation of our owu fa
miliar kalsominlng.
, The first Hebrew to mention paint
ling la Moses. In the thirty-third chap
ter of the book of Numbers he in
struct the Israelites, "VVheu ye have
jiassed over the Jordan Into the land
of Canaan, then shall ye drive out all
the Inhabitant of the land from he
fore you mid destroy all their pic
Iture. ..."
At later periods the Jew adopted
many customs of the peoples who sue
cesslvely obtained power over them
ud In the apocryphal book of the
Maccabees Is found this allusion to
jtbe art of decorating, "Vut as the iiihh
ter builder of a new house must care
for the whole building, but he thut
vudertaketh to set It out and paint It,
must seek out things for the adorning
Although Homer gives ciertlt to
idreek for the discovery of paint, the
illusions to It III the bonks of Moses,
the painted mummy cases of the Kgyp
liana and the decorated walls of lluliy
Ion and Thebes (it Its origin at i
period long antecedent to the Oreclaii
ra. The wall of Thebes were paint
ed l.iHHI years before the coining o
Oirlst and ll!Mj years before
smote hi blooiuln' lyre."
The tlreeks recognlxcd the value of
paint as n preservative and made use
jf something akin to It on their ships,
I'lliiy write of the mode of boiling
wax and painting ships with It. after
which, he continues, "neither the sea,
nor tli wind, nor the sun can destroy
the wood thus protected."
The Itomana, being essentially
warlike people, never brought the dec
ration of bull. lings to the high plane
It had reached with the Creeks. Knr
II that the ruins of I'ompell show
many structures whose murul decora
tion are In fair shape today. TI
colors used were glaring. A Ida
liackgroiiiid was the usiiul one ami the j
combination worked thon-on red, yel- 1
low and blue.
In the early Christian era the use of
mosaic for churches kiAnowhat sup- ;
plnnie.l mural painting. Still, during !
the reign of Justinian the Church of
faint Hophla was built at (Yimtunilim- 1
pie and Its wall er adorned wit ti
paintings. I
In modern times the uses of paint
have come to be as uiiiuerous as It
nivrlad shade and Mnts. Taint I
unique In that It name .tin no svno- .
nyiii and for It there Is no substitute J
material. Ilrvad I th staff of life, but j
paint I the life vf the sis IT. j
Mo one think of the Ulterior of 1
wooilen building now ricrpt In term I
of paint coated. Interiors, too, from '
tainted wall and stained furniture'
down to the lowliest kitchen ulcusll,
all receive their protective entering, j
Uteri, so often associate! with cement 1
rr enforcing, Is :llitei betoie It goes
to give solidity to the manors, tun-d ;
Itoiie The hug girder of the skv
s rspers are daubed an ugly tut el. I- 1
rlent red underneath the sjrfme coal ,
f black l'erhap the rt eiample
f ttie value of paint on tel la found '
Is the venerable HrtH.klyo bridge, on
which gang uf painters la kept go-
lug roiitluuully. It Is scarce possible
te think of
Does It pay to paint carefully farm
buildings? Does It add to the selling
value of a farm when buildings are
properly kept up and regularly paint
ed? A careful inquiry of a number of
leading bankers In the Mississippi val
ley Including such states as Iowa, Illi
nois, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Mis
souri, reveals the fact that in nearly
every case the bankers did not hesi
tate to say that they would lend all the
way from 5 to GO per cent, more on
land where farm buildings were well
painted and kept In good condition.
They maintain that well kept-up and
well painted buildings and fences are
an indication of thrift and that the
thrifty furraer la a good client, and to
him money can be safely loaned. An
average of the returns from these
bunkers shows that the Increased loan
value because of painted buildings is
around 22 per cent.
Some of these bankers make Inter
esting comment. A Michigan concern
says that, while not especially pre
pared to advise definitely In response
to this inquiry, the ofllcers would loan
more money on farms where buildings
were painted than where they were
not so treated. This bank also finds
that where houses, barns and fences
are well taken care of the farm Is u 1
profitable proposition, and hankers In j
general consider the farmer a good '
client. Another Michigan bank says
farm buildings 0'it of repair aud
needing paint Indicate that the owner
Is slow pay." Such farms are rated at
about one-third of the assessed value.
for loans. Where the farm buildings
are in good shape the rating la one
half. The president of a middle west
ern bank says that when real estate
loans are considered, painted buildings
are always taken Into consideration In
making an estimate. The general ap
pearance of the property surrounding
the house and barn and also the fields
and fences would be carefully observ
ed. He further says that he ha no
hesitancy In saying that he would ab
solutely refuse a loan nn fnrm where
the buildings were not kept up and
well painted. In bis Judgment, un-
palnted farm buildings would reduce
the loan value lit least 2.1 per cent.
A Minnesota banker says that he is
much more willing to loan money
where the buildings are well painted.
In his particular case he believes that
he would loan 20 per cent, more than
If the buildings were not properly
taken care of. A fanner who will
keep his buildings painted ttikeg a
much deeper Interest .n his work than
one who does not. Another Minne
sota bank says that well painted build
ings have resulted In securing from
bis bank soiiietlmis as high as 2.1 per
cent, more money than where the
buildings are not painted. An Ohio
concern says that It will loan 2S per ,
cent, more money on a well kept farm
where buildings are painted lit least
once every five years. A southern Illi
nois bank says that It has no lived
rule about this, but It does make a de
cided difference when owners of farm
lands apply for loans. If the buildings
lire well painted and thus well pre
served the loan rate would not only
be cheaper, but the amount of money
borrowed would be larger. A northern
Illinois bank does not hesitate to say
that It would loan fully fiO per cent,
more on a farm where building were
well painted and In good order than
where they were not. The vice presi
dent, who answers the Inquiry, goes
on to say : "There probably are many
farmers good ftmu.ctully and morally
who penult their building to remain
uiipalutcd, but as a rule the most sub
stantial people who live In the coun
try keep their building well painted."
An Iowa bank, through It vice pres
ident, states that It would make a dif
ference of at least 2.1 per cent. In fa
vor of the f:irm with pnlnte! build
ings. Another Iomh concern says that
It would make n difference of at lent
20 per cent.
All this being true, It ! perfectly
ev blent that It Is a good hus'ness pmp
Itlon lii keep the farm building well
painted They not only look belter
ami are more pluming to th
toil the fnrm
n uiitage. the I
otil l grei
liutldlMfs IhrniM-hri Would Inst much
longer and newl less repair The
American Agriculturist.
-gWM-j if i r asssi t
The dome of the United States Capitol at Washington is kept In excel
lent condition by painting tt every few years. For this work forty painters
are steadily employed for three months' time. Over five thousand gallons of
paint are required for one coat. The reason for painting the Capitol dome at
regular Intervals Is to prevent disintegration of metallic surface.
HI am the saver of surfaces.
,1 am the world-old preserver.
TINoah knew me, for he pitched the ark within and without.
llThe Pharaohs sought me as an adornment for their tombs
their mummies endure because 1 conserve.
HI am the woad of the ancient Britons: their blue battle hue.
Because of me the treasures of the Sistine Chapel defy efface-
HI am the keeper of the antique..
HI am the servant of progress.
HColumbus found me bedecking the savages who watched him
plant Ferdinand's banner on the shores of New Spain; and the
very sails of his caravels resisted the elements of the West
through my aid.
'iTlie pioneers westward wending their way daubed the prairie
schooners with my protection.
HI am the royal robes of civilization's monarcha, Steel and Lum
ber. HThe taut wings of the airplane gleam under my protective
HThe sullen dreadnaught and the homing transport plow the
seas impervious to corrosion because of me,
HI waterproofed your agents of destruction, the bullet and the
HThen I drew the mercy of my concealing camouflage over
your hospitals.
1!1 glisten on the homes, and on the barns, and on the cement
H Where life is, I am alive.
H Where death and decay set in my absence hastens them.
HAnd my mission is to preserve.
HSaver of Surface, I am PAINT!
With the approach of Spring everybody feels
that they should get busy and clean up around
home and one of the most essential things to do
at this time of the year is to give your house a
through overhauling: in the painting line.
We have a fine line of Heath & Milligan House,
Barn and Roof Paints on hand and would be glad
to discuss your paint needs with you.
With house cleaning time we call attention to
the ladies of the many uses of
Sunshine Varnishes
A preparation that does not require the services
of an expert painter but can be applied with suc
cess by any lady and it will work wonders around
the house. We have it in all colors.
Creolite Floor Paint preserves the floors and
makes the work of floor cleaning much less
severe. All colors.
Preserve Your
Do you know that a new coat of paint will add
nearly 25 percent to the life of your building?
That if you repaint your buildings every five
years financial men would consider your build
ing better security for a loan than your neighbor
who never takes the trouble to have his buildings
i'hat if there was no value in the effect of
Painting the United States Government would
not spend thousands of dollars every few years
in repainting the capitol and other government
And yet there is another and equally important
value to the repainting of your buildings and
that is Your Own Satisfaction in knowing that
you are doing your share in beautifying the com
munity in which you live and that you are do
ing full justice to your oKvn investment.
Let me submit plans and estimates for repaint
ing your house this spring.
1 j 1
Notice Is hereby given that hunt
ing, fishing or other trespassing la
forbidden on my ranch situated on
Willow creek and Halm fork and ad
joining the city of Heppner. All
trespassers on my property from and
after the publication of this notice
will be prosecuted to the full extent
of the law.
Heppner, Oregon, Martfi 25, 1919.
'Jt 47-60
laCKtta rius
tmh. rIUW i
prftrtd tr
western tt'
men. beci
arotatft w!rU)f
-3 VBSCineaj mi
ff WrfttlDrhooaTlvtuiOttrttlmoBtatg.
1 o-cot lacmif mil, 1 1 .uu
fiO-dua Dkc. ftJictltt Plllt. 14.00
I 'a ai.y 1nf it, tml Curtsw't lmpk( fend ttrosjf.
Th upfl'"ttT o CulMt prwlum Hlu t ot If
yrartwl tpftt!liinf Vttr iNU Al tRRi'Mt
ONLY. (NUttl OM CimU t II WoUsuuU,
Herald only tu.uu u yem.
The Paint Season
mind is the value of
for the
' . ''! inn, limn oener
re plnmini! to th imner, kj
I would sell tn better ail- k
loan value of the property X
restly IncreiiM'd noil the 1
Curiou Fact Com, tt light That Le
ealitif la.t Using Book Avoid
Paint Alts.
oils fsrt Pj
WM.Iilmton. IV 0 A ruri
lins lw hrotittht to HkM h the IMn
11. tl. 'luil lliitriiu and ti e ilureuu of In
luirisl llin-iiri I) I rri' It a thnt In
Hie slates herr illleisi'y l most
r'sletit piilnl It, leul ux-.l Tle
point referied to l the mlMin.Hi nr
turn variety, of course, for Hie hsi k
midhU rountrlr liaie 110 uen, fur the
floer plk'iueiit or fu lal i!iminent
ll la true, though, tlmt In the 4-vtlons
of all ststea utiere ulilt Illiteracy Is
hUlct pIi,i,m homes ere rare and
alntil manufactured ar- piiinird on f I ti Utl nat and I srm are
tide lili b doe not inet paint some- p'lirtuallt uoLnown. I'rot My the
her In Ibw course of It construe-j Illiterate do not use Lslnl ou their
'tlou Ko has 1 slat roB late lbs : t-uMilinf tn'sue tl rv ilo not uader
very BuariMw of eur Ihr. j stiiil Its value a a "i iitl
'I'his is i he time of the year when the spirit
of cUanmir gets everybody and the first thing
that .should conic into vour
painting up your premises.
We arc cxculisive agents in Heppner
Bass-Hcutcr Paints
these paints arc recognized as the very best
that can be bought and we offer you them in
every tint and shade.
Yc also carry a full line of KYANIZE in all
shades. This varnish is made for the particular
housekeeper ht wishes to touch up the little
t.laces around the house that are not sufficiently
large to call in a painter. And for retouching
the furniture where it has become marred. Le.
ts diHiPiMratc them to you.
We would be j;lad to talk over your paint
neejs with vou.
pring I arnc as
Paint Time
Say Mr. House Owner Isn't this weather getting Into your
system and making you long to see the old home shine again
like It did when It wa newT Don't you realize that a now
coat of paint would bring back all Its freshness that It would
attain have tbat new appearance of which you were so proud
when you first built It? This Is the time of the year to start
tat work and you know how badly it needs 11.
We wish merely to call your attention to the fact that we
have a full line of standard paints every color or tint that
you possibly coud think of. Besides every thing needed for
the Interior decoration of your home.
Of Interest to the Ladies
We have a complete line of Chi nam el for touching up and
re Bnlshlng those old piece of furniture that you prise so
highly and this work wilt come right along with the spring
house cleaning. These varnlshis are prepared so that they do
not require the services of a painter and you no Idea the
amount of good you can do In one room with a few of these
color. We've every one you could want.
Gilliam & Bisbee I
1 1