Tuesday, April 8, 191 9. 9 me THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON ETT!! wCW 73SB THIS EMBLEM IN EVERY HOME 11 iiflfi 111 ii $$ , : tilt If I till I (B AWARDED DY THE UNITED STATES TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Mm OFFICIAL The fighters back from the blood-soaked fields of France are going to ask "who lives there?" when they pass a home without this certificate of citizenship in the window. They are not going to have any patience with excuse makers. Their only criterion is "you did" or "you didn't". ' They have learned to value the "official" and this sign is a Government certificate that you are an American who has done his duty. The VICTORY LIBERTY LOAN is a duty. It is more. It is a question of national honor. The man who turns his back on it is a brother to the man who deserts in battle. It is a question of national honor because it is going to pay the cost of vi&ory. We spent money like water to win spent so much in gigantic preparation that the Hun saw the handwriting on the wall and quit, saving 500,000 American lives. Right now we have enough munitions and material to equip two entire field armies aggregating 2,400,000 men. That stuff was ordered before Germany quit. It isn't paid for. THE VICTORY LIBERTY LOAN WILL PAY FOR IT. Subscribe if you are an American. Subscribe if you believe in America. Morrow County's quota of tlicFIFTH LIBERTY LOAN is not yet known but whatever it is wc must go through with it. Our hoys arc coming in almost every day frmii training camp and battle field after having offered their young manhood, their splendid bodies, their lives if need be for 'he cause of democracy. Do wc appreciate the sacrifices they have made? If we do we will not hesitate to prove it by subscribing for our share of the VICTORY BONDS which will probably be Uncle S.un's final call f'r money with which to pay our boys' war expenses. The government lias already expended this money. Our national honor demands that the debt be paid. Morrow County has not failed in her duty to the National Government. " Will YOU allow her to fail NOW? PAGE THREE