PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, April 8, 19 1 9 CECIL ITEMS A terest in the Cecil ranc'h from C Minor. II. E. Duncan was a business vis itor in lone Monday. M. V. Logan was a passenger on the local to Hcppner Tuesday. C. A. Minor and George Krebs were down from Hcppner Tuesday. We understand that the Kreba brothers have purchased a half in- 1'ete liauernfeind left for Portland THuirsday where lie will spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd were do ing a little shopping in Arlington Monday. Herb and Annie Hynd were down from school to spend the week-end sit home. l!oy Scott came down from Hcpp ner Saturday to work on the Butter by Flats ranch. A. Henriksen and Jack Hynd were in Hcppner Thursday attending the hotel meeting. Mrs. Kd. Farnsworth and Mrs. Al bert Falconer were doing business in Cecil Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Tlios. Forkner left for Roosevelt Thursday where they intend to reside for a while. Mr. and Mrs. John Nash were up from their ranch Saturday planting C rand ma Nash's garden at Cecil. Mr. and Mrs. Italph Winter of the Shady Dell ranch were doing a little tdiopping in Arlington Saturday. Frank Keiggan left with a fine bunch of ewes and lambs for Minor . and Thompson Saturday morning. Mrs. Owen and son left on the local for Wasco where they will join Mr. Owen who is working there. W. Hyrkett prominent sheep buy er of Pendleton was the guest of Jack Hynd at Rutterby Flats Sun day. F. J. Fairhurst, of Rhea Siding Kpent Sunday with his old pals, M. V. Logan, and Chas. D. Sennett, In Cecil. Mrs. Cleve Van Smirk and family of Skinner creek have been visiting in anil around Cecil for the part week. Galon Ifalconer who has been at work on the Ilulterby Flats rancii lor the last few days left for lone Thursday. A. Iti'iirllinen and son, Oral, of the Willow creek ranch look a business trip to H ppner, returning hot Monday morning. .M. V. 1 .oca 11 and ("has. V. Soiin.H lilt Wednesday for the Willows wln'i'e they arc to spend a few days bei'ipe having fur their ho, ne m I'm Hand. John ('oliran of lone made a fine h.iul r.iuiiig the coyotes on Wednes day mar the Cecil school house cap turing a den of foiiiievu pupb and an old one. Fl unk Owens who 'has been work ing on the ISulteiby Flats ranch for the past few months and late of Lncde Sam's Army left for the Dal les Sunday. Wm. Matlock Bent out his last lot of ewes and lambs from Cecil Friday to pasture near lone. This makes something like 3200 Mr. Matlock has lambed this season at Cecil. W. E. Ahalt, Sr., of Butter Creek who has been spending the past week in Portland returned 'home by the way of Cecil to look up his old time friends. Ed thinks that Cecil looks better every time he sees it. THE M X I KY TAX HITS I S ALL and $20 for each automobile '.laving a seating capacity of more than seven. It is the intention cf the In ternal revenue burer.u to Give wide publicity to the variou:; provisions or' the new act, but it should not be for gotten that the taxpayer Is supposed to ascertain his liability', end that ignoiance of the law is not held by the courts to be valid reason for not complying with the l?w. Collector Miller v;!!l 'i" Merged to furnish all'.n upen re quest, but obriousiy 1...S i.o Means of reaching every me affeetct! by ilia act and notifying them individual!.-' of their liability. ' Chain On and after April 1st, there will be a tax of 5 upon the sales of all articies commonly or commercially 'known as jewelry, including precious- metals or imitation!) thereof, and iv ory. watches, clocks, and opera glass es. This tax is to be collected by the dealer upon such goods when sold to the user, and every store in Oregon handling any of these lines must col lect this tax upon all sales commenc ing April 1st, 1919. In order that a complete list of dealers in these goods may be compiled all such deal ers should send their names to the Collector at Portland, stating the business engaged in. On and after May 1, 1919 there will be a tax collected from th purchaser of ice cream, soda water, ;ind such other refreshments of this kind as are served at soda fountains and similar places of business. Own ers of soda fountains and ice cream parlors should be, sure to have their names listed with the Collector at once. On and after May 1st, 1919, the luxury tax will be effective. This provides that a tan of 10 shall be collected from the purchaser by the dealer on carpets and rugs selling at over $5.00 a sijuare yard; picture frames, trunks, valises, purses, por table lighting fixtures, umbrellas, fans, smoking jackets, men's waist coats, men's and women's hats, caps, boots, shoes', pumps and slippers, men's neckties and neckwear, silk stockings or horn, women's silk stockings or hose, men's shirts and men's and women's pajamas, night gowns, and underwear, kimonas, pet ticoats and waists. Practically every sto:e in Oregon will be affected by I ihi'i lax, which will apply to all that p'i t of the price fur which the goods! are s ild in excess of the price rtipu-j kited in t'iie act. J Om ai d alter May 1st, 1919, pcr f, line.-,, y'ienc.'s- and extract , den;i-j Mies and similar articles, as wll i'-. pills, tablets, po vdois and other me dieinal prej a i : it ons, will he suhji t to a tax of one (cut on each twenty fit.' conl'i. r.r fraction. This tax wil! be paid by stamps affixed to the ir ;:el" by tile seller. Other new tuvs lire on shooiing guild ion which will pay if:!1) a year, riding academies j which will pay $100 a year, "for hire I car:'" to pay fit) ;i year for each oat i having a ser.Mng rr.parity of more i than two and not more than seven, WANTED By man and wife sit uation for the summer on a ranch. Would also like to lease a wheat and stock farm next fall for a term of years. Exeprienced and competent. Enquire at the Herald office. 49 ? STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP Statement, of the ownership, man agement, circulation, etc., required by the Act of Congress of August 24, 1912. of Heppner Herald, published weekly at Heppner, Oregon for April 1, 1919: County of Morrow ) State of Oregon ) 8S' Before me, a notary public in and for the statae and county aforesaid, personally appeared S. A. Pattison, who, having been duly sworn accord ing to law, deposes and says that he is the editor and publisher of the Hennner Herald, and that the fol lowing is, to the best of his knowl edge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management, etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24. 1912. em bodied in section 443, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the re verse of this form, to wit: 1. That the name and address of the publisher, editor, managing ed itor, and business manager is: S. A. Pattison, Heppner, Oregon. 2. That, the owner is S. A. Patti Eon. Heppner, Oregon. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees and other security hold ers owning or holding 1 percent of more of total amount of bonds, mort gages or other securities Is: W. B. Barratt, Heppner, Oregon, and B. E. Leo, Canby, Oregon. S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1st day of April, 1919. SAM E. VAN VACTOR, Notary Public for Oregon. (My commission expires' February 21, 1920.) Herald only $2.00 a year. f 1 i if Everything that is good to ,' ; , -i i.v :".! Vt '.'"' i? "rrr-r-.i in sjvU'rm, ! i -v v U-C inC..'"'1" of puzit'.ing v i- 1 :.. it. vou.- t c-ency, I 17EBSTF.R5 i zrCTIOXAKY h r.n r,'A'iow- I tv;;'!'r, a ".' . a: v.! Tjcrti-w ...L iver.:.-, v.-rto to mac your Tcdi. It h ia c' uly u.i.s by i:un .'.-cd of t '. -""i.-.i's cf suc- r: '-! ,.n Rfl( WOIil.U WU UililU'lT. I.'.. . .-J.. :"ir M. Willi' h'rt .! i-mfl. i i:ki r loViif j'il Fn 1.1 .' t. 3l).!'e0 Cotv ,,.1 .-if SubiM:U CSV.'iJ.l . CT!,-W I'.a. a.i:.-l',i.:i c ia' n. WttlTK "r.1 n r..-i. Ft!'- L l'o.k.'t Ikt .m u v j uj-nr tlux uivr. o.&c. ik:hco., bprlniilielil. . Um., j. A. r uiii w m mamm mm i -w1 mm n I lllli mm msam III W ill mm Good Tire Year You have doubtless noticed the growing preponderance of United States Tires. Every one is asking for tires of known value end proved dependability. And th&t is precisely what United States Tires represent in the minds of motorists here and everyvherc. ;a back of United i ires to Duiia gooa tires the best tires that can be built, is appealing to rapidly Crowing numbers. Wo can provide you with United States Tires to meet and meet exactly your -individual needs United States Tires are Good Tires We know United States Tires are good tires That's why we sell them. HEPPNER GARAGE, HEPPNER, ORE. E. R. LUNDELL, IONE, OREGON w ret Jo ''tor my wjQ t t i i yi si, "I. .,"1 vw 1! . '! Vi t -:?rf; r"rip I i IsS EAT at 1 P GROCERY Co PS it i M w n M ,( M . t M n UK Hi tl It H fi n 4 I -17 f- V . t IV Ji ll. NO OTHFR tIKF. IT. NO OTHEH AS COOD. NFW HOM" !n t v .'l Hthv. wi : ' p.." . ' ' e .minaii.'n i.( ,- ,i . r r .rkn.wii ' 'P tl l 1 1 - ... i " ' : I mmtt I . I.J-. nIKo M.W numb' . WARSANTCD FCR ALU TIME. Kt ..oil-.' r' I ... r I .ri-r. ewinf qual.iie t ' u.. . r :...v i iliL-r nime. TL..i'i:j.,.,:l.'- ti'.VifH ;?CG.,CRNGE,WSt, CASE FURNITURE CO. Heme Products for Home People! WE MANUFACTURE White Star Flour, Whole Wheat, Graham, Cream Middlings, Roll Barley and all Mill Feeds GENERAL STORAGE UNO FORWARDING HEPPNER FARMERS ELEVATOR CO. WADCO COfPEE 'It's certainly good." In 2, 3 and 5 pound ti is. Sam Hughes Company Distributors, HEPPNER OREGON ' t jj Heppner Meat MarKeAH V II. C. ASIIDAUCII, rroprictor ' Now open for buiinet in our New Shop on East Side Lower Main Street, with a complete stock of the finest quality of Beef, PorK, Mutton and Veal j Call and give us a trial order. We will treat you right. HEPPNER OREcy n PEOPLES CASH MARKET WAT KINS & Ovidtt. Proprietors Our Irx-ntion Ii In tht "b.c Tironnd" but If you will fol low th "imw-duiit irall" yoii wilt find in prrprot to tit r to your (toll In lli wjr nf Bdi-r. Julry mt ml froV fih nd tlicll fih hi lhnui;h w wprn nlrr-aily la our i.oif bn. Kline Our ii'w bulldinc i!l b i-nm fl.t4 by nl by. Id the n.n limp don't fnrKi't u. PEOPLE'S CASH MARKET