Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, March 25, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    Tuesday, March 25, 1919
Permanently located in Oddfellow's
Heppner, Oregon
Office in Roberts' Building
Heppner Oregon
Telephone 122
Office Patterson's Drug Store
Heppner Oregon
Heppner Oregon
Heppner Oregon
Watch paper for dates
Portland Oregon
Regular monthly visits to Heppner
and lone.
oberts Bldg. Heppner,
Office rhone Main 643
Residence Phone Main 665
Heppner Oregon
House wiring a specialty.
Heppner Oregon
Phone 633.
Eowers Shoe Hospital
C. W. BOWERS, Prop.
I use modern r.:r.chir.cry methods
Graduate American School of Osteo
pathy, KlrksvtUe, Mo., under found
or of the Science, Dr. A. T. Stil!
Office at G. W. Swaggort residence.
Hours 10 to 12 2 to 5. Phone 42
Reduce Expenses
By buying now. Look at these prices; good only
while stock lasts.
y Glass Tumblers, set $ .25
I Flour Sifters 20
H Fruit Press 20
1 Dishes less than cost. Enamclwarc below r.cr-
mal price. 12 foot Linoleum less than wholesale
A Few of Our Many Specials.
u Case Furniture Company
Fcr the services of a first class mechanic every
time you take your auto to a garage for repair
work. Under these circumstances why 'ot
' avail yourself of the best there is to be had in
that line in Heppner?
Bring your car to us and know that you are
availing yourself of the very best repair service in
Morrow County your first visit will convince
yu and will add you to our rapidly growing list
of satisfied patrons.
Welch &
Repair Department McRoberts-Cohn Auto Co.
McAtee & Aiken, Proprietors
t ,
Mr. Williams was watering his
horses when one of them kicked hiij
breaking his leg. He was imme
diately taken to a hospital at Pendle
ton. Mrs. Roy Rand entertained at a
luncheon last Sunday to a party of
women and children who were home
ward bound from churtft. All en
joyed her hospitality and the nice
dinner that was served.
Rev. Amos, assistant superintend
ent of the Home Missionarl Board,
who preached here last Sunday came
out with a view to placing a minis
ter in charge of our community
church. A good sum has already
been subscribed for the support of a
Mrs. Rand's mother, Mrs. Hiatt
Jett Boardman Sunday to visit the
rest of her children before returning
to her home near DuBois, Idaho.
airs, .lemons sister, Mrs. Morgan.
nas Been visiting her the past ten
days. She has been taken to the
hospital. Her little daughter if
staring with Mrs. Jenkins and at
tending the Boardman school.
jy;nn Mctiugn was m Heppner on
business last Tuesday.
Alex Wilson was here on business
't v, ek. He now has charge of
Mr. McNess' band of sheep near Cas
tle Rock.
Mrs. Mcfford went to Condon last
Suncb.y to be with her mother arA
daughter. They are still visiting
relatives there.
Miss Winonah Rand was the
guest of the Misses Sylvania and Al
berta Edmonds last Sunday.
While drilling a well on the John
son pace Mr. Black struck a flow of
artesian water at a depth of 90 feet.
Many of the war posters were
stuck on walls, fences and posts;
they have now been removed; leav
ing all sorts of specks and marks
on the structures to which they were
attached. Start a clean-up campaign
and get rid of this debris ot war.
which spoils the appearance of the
A clean city really reflects the
habits of its people, and in the final
analysis the people themselves- ar
the ones who can get the right re
sults by simply giving thought and
refraining from contributing to mu
nicipal disorder so far as streets are
concerned. The cleanliness must be
a dally habit. Annual clean-ups will
not save the" day. For .-'years the
American Civic Association which
has been such a useful agency in
arousing and aiding cities to their
finest physical development, has
been sending out the message of
"year round" cleanliness as a sub
stitute for any prodigious effort
once or twice a year, at what has
been called a municipal "clean up"
season. Portland Commerce.
A duck may lay a bigger egg than
the helpful hen can lay, but when
she's through she cackles not, but
simply walks away. And so we
scorn the silent duck but the help
ful hen we prize. This is only an
other way to say that it pays to ad
vertise. Ex.
Finest job printing in Morrow
county executed at the Herald offic. .
In the Circuit Court of the
of Oregon for Morrow County.
Anna Spencer, Plaintiff.
S. W. Spencer, Surviving partner
of the co-partnership of William
Ayers and S. W. Spencer, doing bus
iness under the firm name and style
of Ayers and Spencer; A. L. Ayers;
Prudy Currin; Mabel Hughes, Ella
Vale, and Gusviie Ayers, heirs of Wil
liam Ayers deceased. Defendants.
By virtue of a forclosure execu
tion, judgment, order, decree and or
der of sale issued out of the above
entitled court In the above entitled
cause, to me directed, and dated the
22nd day of March, 1919, upon the
judgment and decree rendered and
entered in said court and cause on
the 18th day of March, 1919, In fav
or of Anna Spencer, plaintiff above,
named, and against the above named
defendents, for the sum of $4,176.68,
with interest at the rate of sin per
cent per annum from the 18th day of
March 19111, the further sum of !
$200.00 attorney's fees, and the fur
ther sum of $29.40 costs and dis
bursement!;, costs of and upon this
writ, commanding me to make sale
cf the following described real prop
erty, to wit:
Begining at a point 26 feet
north of the Northwest corner
of lot four (4), Block One (1),
of T. W. Ayers" Fourth Addi
tion to Heppner, Morrow Coun
ty, Oregon, running thence east
32 5 feet, thence north 66 feet,
thence west 325 feet, thence
south 66 feet, to the place of
Now, therefore, by virtue of said
foreclosure execution Judgment order '
decree and order of sale,, and in I
compliance with the commands of the
same, I will, on Wednesday the 23rd
day of April, 1919, at ten o'clock In
th6 forenoon of said day, at the front
door of the County Court House In
Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon,
sill at public auction (subject to re
demption) to the highest bidder for
cash in hand, all the right title and
Interest, which the above named de
fend: n'.i or either of them had or
now have, In and to the above de
scribed property, or any part there
ci, to satisfy said foreclosure execu
tion. Judgment, order and decree, In
tetest, costs,, attorney fees, and ac
cruing costs.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon
Dated this 22nd day of March, 1919
First Issue March 25, 1919.
Last Issue April 22, 1319.
Notice Is hereby given that tl'.ie un
dersigned has been appointed by tli
County Court of the State of Oregon
for MnrmV PrttintV Admlnl.lrnln. I
and Administratrix, respectively, of
the estate of John A. Gibbons, de-
ceased. All persons having claims
against the said estate are heri - li -
notified to present the same, duly
verlfled according to law, to the un
dersigned st Iloaidnian, Oregon, ir
at the office of our attorney. S. E
Notson, In Heppner, Oregon, within
six months from th,. date of the flr.it
publication of this notice, said date
being March 25. 1919.
Department of the Interior, O. B.
Land Of firs st LaGrande, Oregon,
February 6th. 1919.
Notice U hereby glrn lhat Alnniol
Held, of Heppner, Oregon, who, oo '
Nov, loth. 1514, mad Additional i
HoiteMiad Entry, No. 013933, for,
NEIA. Kwtlon 17. TovdsIiId 6 Bouth
liange 27 East. Willamette Meridian.
ha filed notirn of Intention to mak'J !
three-year proof, to establish claim 1
to th land above described, bifor '
I A Waters, Cleik of the County!
Court of Morrow County, at Heppner
Oregon, on the sth day cf April,'
1919 Claimant names a witness-
Clarence Raid, Warner C. Ken
nedy, rfrl.ni 0trn snd Wllllsrn Mc
IVm, ell cf Heppner. Oregon.
C. 8. DUNN. Itoglrter.
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Morrow County.
In the matter of the organization
of West Extension Irrigation Disulct
in Morrow and Umatilla Counties, in
the State of Oregon.
To the Honorable County Court of
Morrow County, Oregon:
The undersigned petitioners re
spectfully show:
That petitioners are more than fif
ty or a majority of the owners of
land irrigated or susceptible of irri
gation within the boundaries 'herein
after described and desire to provide
for the construction of works for the
irrigation of the same and to provide
for the reconstruction, betterment,
extension, purchase, operation or
maintenance of works already con
structed and for the assumption as
principal or guarantor of indebted
ness on account of district lands to
the United States under the Federal
Reclamation laws, and petitioners do
now propose the organization of an
Irrigation district to be knovn as
West Extension Irrigation District,
within said counties and state under
the provisions of Chapter 357 of the
General Laws of Oregon for 1917.
That the lands of your petitioners
are included within what is known as
the West Extension of the Umatilla
Project built by the United States
Reclamation Service and are suscep
tible of irrigation from the waters of
the Umatilla river as a common
source and the major portion of said
lands are included within the boun
daries of Morrow County and a small
portion thereof are included within
the boundaries of Umatilla County,
in the State of Oregon.
That the boundaries of said pro
posed irrigation district are describ
ed as follows:
Beginning at tfhe southwest corner
of Section 28 in Township 5 N. R. 28
E. W. M.; thence running alonsr the
line of said Section 28 in a
northerly direction 5175.7 feet more
or less to the south boundary of the
right of way of the main canal of
the West Extension of the Umatilla
Project as now permanently survey
ed and constructed by the U. S. Rec
lamation Service; thence running in
a northerly and westerly direction
along said boundary line of the right
of way of the said main canal a dis
tance of 26.16 miles more or less to
tJhe west line of the E. of Section
23 In Township 4 N. R. 24 E. W. M.
at a point distant 2840 feet more or
less and In a southerly direction
from the N. W. corner of the N. E.
M of said Section 23; thence north
erly along the west line of the E.
of said Section 23, 2840 feet more or
less to the N. W. corner of the N. E.
of said Section 23; thence contin
uing In a northerly direction along
the west line of the E. of Section
14 In Township 4 N. R. 24 E. W. M.,
I 6280 feet more or less to the N. W.
corner of the N. E. of said Sec
tion 1 4 ; thence easterly one and one
half miles along the north boundary
line of Sections 14 and 13 to the N.
E. corner of Section 13 In Township
4 N. R. 24 E. W. M.; thence contin
uing easterly along the north boun
dary line of Section 18 In Township
4. N. R. 25 E. W. M. a distance of
5807 feet more or Ibsb to the N. E.
corner of said Section 18; thene
northerly along the west line of Sec
tion 8 In Township 4 N. R. 25 E. W.
J M. 3797 feet more or less to a point
on the south hank of the Columbia
river; thence In an easterly direction
along the south bank of the Colum
bia river 21 miles, more or less, to
the west bank of the Umatilla river;
thence along the west bank of th
Umatilla river in a southeasterly di
rection 4 miles, more or less lo the
south boundary line of Station 28 In
Township 5 N. R. 28 E. W. M., at n
point easterly and distant 109 4
feet more or less from the S. W. eor-
ner of the said Section 2K: thenn.
j westerly along the south boundary
! line of said Section ! Ifi'ili feel
more or Ii-ss to fti S. W. corner of
said Section 28, the place r.f begin
Saving snd excepting the follow
In described tracts of land In the
County of Morrow, Stale of Oregon
lying within th above described
boundaries, to-wlt:
In Township S X. II. S7 K. w. M:
All Sections 29, 30 and 31 lying
north of the north boundary of the
right of wsy of the Main Csnal of
the West Extension Project, except
the V. W. V4 of the N. W. U of said
Section 30.
. .Timnxhlp fj X. u 21 K. W. M:
All of Portions 1, 17. Is snd 19
lying south of Mm south bsnk of the
Columbia river. All of flection 20
and W. H, Lot 2, E, snd t. and W.
'4 of S E. 14 of flection 21, and the
4 of Section 2 and the 8. of
N. K. , N. W. 14 and S. H of Sec
tion 27. All of fWtlons 2. 2'l. 30,
31. 32. 13. 31. and N. snd H W.
and VV. of H. ; 14 t Hv,n,,u
1. snd tt. N 11 of Ht inn ?.
T"ti.il,, n . It. 2.t i;. W . M:
All of llon 2'.. 35 snd 2i ln c
south of t'.o unlit I, Imnk of the i,l
nitidis ni' -
T"wnlilp I V. It. ttl l:. W. M-
In Section 2 the following describ
ed area: Beginning at the N. W.
corner of Section 2; thence easterly
2647.26 feet; thence S. 0 deg. 09
min. 30 sec. W. 105.6 feet; thence S
63 deg. 24 min. 30 sec. W. 1483.0
feet; thence S. 72 deg. 47 min. 30
sec. W. 1188.0 feet; thence S. 28
deg. 04 min. W. 412.5 feet; Chence
N. 0 deg. 18 min. 30 sec. E. 1485.66
feet to place of beginning.
in section 3: The N. W. 14 and
the following described area: Be
ginning at the N. E. corner of Sec
tion 3; thence S. 0 deg. 18 min. 30
sec. W. 1485.66 feet; thence S. 82
deg. 51 min. W. 710.4 feet; thence
S. 67 deg. 15 min. Wr. 1685.5 feet;
thence N. 82 deg. 58 min. W. 386.3
feet to a point on the west boundary
of the N. E. Vt of Section 3 and dis
tant 453.8 feet, N. 0 deg. 13 min. E.
from center of Section 3; thence
northerly 2186.2 feet to the N. W.
corner of N. E. V of Section 3;
thence easterly 2640 feet more or
less to the place of beginning.
All of Sections 4 and 9 lying north
of the north boundary of the right
of way of the Main Canal.
All of Sections 5 and 6 and the N.
W. of Section 7.
Township 4 N. R. 25 E. W. M:
Section 1, E. Section 2, S. M
and S. N. Section 9, S. Sec
tion 10, N. Section 12. N. of
N. Section 16, E. Section 17,
all E. Section 20 lying north of
tho north boundary line of the right
of way of the Main Canal and all of
the S. E. of Section 14 lying
north of the north boundary line of
the right of way of the Main Canal.
The boundary description of said
proposed district, excluding the ex
ceptions mentioned above, covers an
area of 14,000 acres of which 6460
acres are new under public notice
for water with 106 acres of vested
right land also under public notice;
and there are 1203 acres of vested
right lands yet to come under public
notice; and this totals 7,76!) acres
which are how entitled to water.
That It is the intention of -petition
ers to elect, the first board of direct
ors from the district at large.
That duplicate copies of this pe
tition are to be circulated for the
purpose of securing the requisite
number of signatures by land owners
and the said duplicates are to be at
tached together and treated as one
petition for the purpose of presenta
tion to the above entitled court.
Wherefore, your petitioners pray
that all of said lands Included with
in the limits of the proposed boun
daries as described aforesaid and ex
cluding the exceptions mentioned
herein, be organized Into an Irriga
tion district to be known as the West
Extension Irrigation District, under
the provisions of the Chapter 357 of
the General Laws of Oregon for
Dated this 12th day of March,
Adolf Skoubo, O. B. Olson, John ,
H. Hosfcle, E. K. Mulkey, Frank Cra
mer, C. C. CoyKendall, Thurston
Grim, Pyrom Towell, T. 71. Ricks, I
Nancy J. Kleks, Geo. Rand, L. M. Da
vis, J. E. McCo, J. W. Rrackenburg,
V. Loomls, L. B. Smith, C. W. Orlm.
H. C. Wolfe, M. F. Caldwell, C. W.
Caldwell, D. R. Bronnell, A. E. Mc-
Farland, Frank V. Carelle, M. C.
Burchett, C. H. Dlllabough, Chss. J.
Nlzer, L. II. Carpenter, S. II. Hoard
man, P. L. Brown, T. E. Ilemlrlck,
II. J. Cason, Thos. Brew, D. II. Ilron
nell, Efflo Bullaek, R. P. Pike, W.
A. Ford, J. 0. Camp, A. W. Cobb,
Leslie Packard, Claude White, W. O.
Cohoon, Ray L. Brown, J. W, Walk
er, C. II. Attebnrry, A. P. Ayers,
Jas. W. Long, Ernest Brown, Frank
Partlow, Glen Ilrown, John Ilrun
gard, J. C. Tlallenger, Jesse O. Low
er, Alia Howard, M. Marshall, It.
Wssmer, J. It. Johnwin, (Imi. K. Mef
ford, F. E. Burns, fl. Attelierry, Paul
Partlow, John S. Crooks, M. L. Will
iams, ("has. Ilungo, W. O. King, W.
N. Hatch, J. A. Lytic, Joe Currsn, II.
II. Weston, Frank Otto, Eugene
Cummlnx, C. E. Illn, John Mrllugh
H. C. Harrison, Harmon Montgom
ery, Hay L. Ilrown, M. K. FlWklng--r.
Royal Hands, Ingvard Kkniilm,
Ira A. Merger, Paul Smith, John
In the County Court, of the Ktity
of Oregon for Morrow Comity.
In the mt.tter of the orgsnlistlon
of West Extension Irrigation Dlstilrt
In Morrow and Umatilla Count l-s.
State of Oregon :
You are hereby notified tlml the
undersigned, petitioners In the shove
snd foregoing petition for the oigsn
Isatlon of sn Irrigation distrlrt to If
known and styled as West Kitennion
I Irrigation District, undr snd pursu
ant to Chapter 357 of the General
! Laws of the State of Oregon foi
, 1917, will present the above and
foregoing petition to the llnnorable
' County Court of Morrow Omnty, Or
i eron, at lb" rhainlietn of mid ''our
In th- roiirt lioi. of uld county at
Heppner. On-ron. on Mnrolny, th.
Vh da) i f Ma. 1'il't. at to" hour n
1 ' o'rl'H k of .,it ! , , II at lielni: 1
M"'inl meeting of il'l court called
for the purpose of hearing and con
sidering the said petition; and you
are further notified that the above
and foregoing petition together with
a plat showing generally the propos
ed boundary of the irrigation district
proposed to be formed in said peti
tion and the lands Included within
said boundary will be filed with the
County Clerk of Morrow County, at
Heppner, Oregon, on and after tha
1st day of April, 1919.
Dated this 12th day of March,
Adolf Skcubo, O. B. Olson, John
H. Hoskie, E. K. Mulkey, Frank;
Cramer, C. C. CoyKendall, Thurston
Grim, Geo. Rand, L. M. Davis, Py
rom Powell, Frank V. Carelle, J. E.
McCoy, J. W. Brackenburg, V. Loom
is, L. B. Smith, C. W. Grim, H. C.
Wolfe, M. F. Caldwell. C. N. Cald
well, F. H. Rieks, Nancy J. Rieks,
D. R. Bronneil, A. E. McFarland, M.
C. Burchett, C. H. Dlllabough, Chas.
J. Nizer, L. H. Carpenter, S. H.
Boardman, F. L. Brown, T. E. Hen
drick, H. J. Cason, Thos. Brew, I)
R. Bronnell, Elfie Bullaek, R. P.
Pike, W. A. Ford, J. G. Camp, A. W.
Cobb, Leslie Packard, Claude White,
Ray L. Brown, W. G. Cohoon, J. W.
Walker, C. H. Atteber-ry, Jas. W.
Long, Ernest Brown, Glen Brown,
Frank Partlow, John Brungard, J. C.
Bal.enger, Jesse 0. Lower, Alta How
ard, M. C. Marshall, A. P. Ayers,
Frank Otto, R. Wasmer, J. R. John
son, Geo. E. Mefford, F. E. Burns,
S. Atteberry, Paul Partlow, John S.
Crooks, M. L. Williams, Chas. Han
go, W. O. King, Ben Atteberry, W. N.
Hatch, J. A. Lytle, John Cnrran,
John McHugh, H. H. Weston, H. C.
Harrison, Harmon Montgomery, M.
K. Fleskinger, Ray E. Brown, Royal
Rands, Ingvard Skoubo, Ira C. Ber
ger, Paul Smith, Jdhn Brungard, C.
E. Hein.
Department of the Interior, V. S.
Land Office, at LaGrande, Oregon,
February 6th, 1919.
Notice is hereby given that Albert
C. Allison, of Echo, Oregon, who, on
Oct. 27, 1915, made Homestead En
try, No. 015344, for E NEU, SW
14 NE U, SE U, Sec. 14 and NW
NE , See. 23, Township 1 North,
Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of Intention toinake
three-year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
J. A. Waters, Clerk of County Court
of Morrow County, at his office at
Heppner, Oregon, on the7th day of
April, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses:
LeRoy D. Neill, Charles H. Barthol
omew, William W. Howard and Jas.
T. Ayers, all of Echo, .Oregon.
C. S. DUNN, Register
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned, Sara C. White, has been
duly appointed administratrix of mo
Estate of J. M. White, deceased, by
the County Court of Morrow County,
Oregon. All persons having clivms
against the said estate are notified
to present the same, properly rerl
f led,, to me at the office of Woodson
Sweek, my attorneys at Heppner.
Oregon, within six nvonths from the
date of first publication of this no
Dated and first published tills
18th day of February, 1919.
Administratrix of tho Estate of J. M.
White, DeceaBexl. 42-47
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Land Office, at LaGrande, Oregon,
Jan. 25th. 1919.
Notice is hereby given that Zett
Brosnan, whose post office addrvxs
Is Lena, Oregon, did on the 3rd diy
of June, 1918, file In this offlci
Sworn Statement and Application.
No. 019194, to purchase tho E V, NE
"4. SW 14 NE!4. nd SE'A NWfc,
Section 11, Township 4 south, Itange
2!) east, Willamette Meridian, and
the timber thereon, under the provis
ions of the Act of June!, 1 87K, snd
acts amendatory, known as tbo"Tlin
hvr and Stone Law," at such value
as might tin fixed by appraisement,
and that, pursusnt to such applica
tion, the hind and timber thereon
have been uppralsed, 1 4 40.00 the
limber estimated Mt 300.000 board
fwt at 11.00 per M, and the land
1140 (Mi; that said applliunt will of
fer llnal proof in suppoet of his ap
plication and sworn statement on th
12th dy of April. 1911, before C. C.
Pstteison,, l ulled state Commis
sioner, at his office at Heppner, Ore
Any person Is at liberty to prot't
this purchase before entry, or Ini
tiate a contest at any time befon
patent issues, by filing n corroborat
ed affidavit In this offhe. alleging
facta which would defeat entry.
C K. DUNN, Ueglati-r.
If you ran use any quantity of
dirt eirher for filling In or for Im
proving your lawn or garden com
quirk and take It away In any quan
tity, FllfK Kill TIIK IIAlI.INt;
from my lot on th corner of Mala
and May trts This offer la for
quick action.
DK.Mf4 MnNAMKE 4ttf
l;,STU4lf l
I-asl seen on Iilackhors Isst Jan
uary, one buck Poland China hour,
weight about J'.O pound and in
good rendition whin l.is seen
pl.o notify O P. f WAf'.GFH f.
Islington, '( con 4. 17